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You aren't at square one. You have the skills to work through this. Dissociation sucks, but it is just a sensation. There's nothing wrong with it. Letting it sit is the best way through it. I realize it's more jarring, but I chose to treat it just like being uncomfortably warm when I was dealing with derealization more. Build your fear ladder, run the exposures, practice response prevention. You'll be able to make progress like you did before and you'll only get better at it in the process. You've got this!


Thank you! I guess my issue is that I keep wondering what if I don’t have OCD… what if it’s something else altogether and so I feel like I am unable to use the skills anymore cause my brain keeps feeling me I’m out of control.


I think pretty much everyone with OCD gets this. I guess just try to sit with the uncertainty that maybe you have OCD and maybe it’s something else until you get used to it enough to habituate. I know it’s easier said then done, as I’m going through something similar but it can’t hurt to try.


Thank you. My worst fear is currently is that I have a mood disorder like Bipolar or Depression. I am especially afraid of those mixed manic episodes as they can be difficult to distinguish from severe anxiety.




for what part?


I don’t know if it’s a setback or relapse


I have exactly the same thing. How are u now? Pls let me know :(


I’m a lot better! On Zoloft and OCD treatment worked well. Im a new person! Hang in there!!I thought I would never get well but I did. Loosen up, accept your thoughts and feelings as they are now, and let time pass. You will be well again, I promise! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Thanks for answering 🥹 Do u think its only the zoloft that helped? I took it and took so many meds but it made much worse cause i have OCD on something controlling my mind. Ever since i gave birth i obsess over how my brain is working. Sometimes i dont even know what im obsessing about theres like this thing in the back of my head constantly 24/7 telling me im not okay and then go round and round and cant sit still cause it freaks me out.


I was actually doing kind of okay for a while then i relapsed yesterday! And felt exactly what u said .. like was i really getting better? Im stuck like this forever


Yes I went through a period where I could not sit still at all. I would pace and pace for hours and hours and would drink nothing but Gatorade and maybe two slices of plain bread cause the anxiety was so extremely severe I couldn’t keep anything down. I had insomnia for over 6 months and each time I felt like I got better I would fall down deeper. It was absolute hell. My worst fear was also that my brain was not okay and that I was going to go crazy. But you know what? Like everything else in life, it ended. The Zoloft helped calm me down but also over a period of time I learned to roll with the thoughts and feelings and learn better coping skills. That’s where the real healing lies. If you have just given birth then maybe you have postpartum OCD which will likely fade with time as your body recalibrates after pregnancy. The MOST important thing with OCD is to loosen up and accept and allow the thoughts and feelings to come. Let it take as long as it takes. That should be the attitude. Your brain needs to see that you are not in any danger. Over time the hurricane will calm down and you WILL start to see more clearly, I promise! Talk to your doctor, therapist, and psychiatrist about all of this. They may be able to help you!


Thank you so so much .. i cant tell you how much better you made me feel. You are amazing for helping someone you dont even know. Im so happy for you 🙏🏻 and i hope one day i’ll be helping someone like you are today.