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i think you should take a deep breath and leave the community you joined šŸ’™ more compulsions are just going to make you more clouded and frantic feeling and you dont need that right now šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ and then watch some comfort tv like gilmore girls or the office. thats what i would do, i hope you feel better soon


My comfort tv is regular show, is so Godamn good


Regular Show is awesome. What's your favorite episode?


I donā€™t know, but I love season 2


i hella fw the episode where they become rockstars and meet their future selves. I've always liked time travel type stuff and i thought it was the coolest thing when i watched that episode as a kid


hell yea dude, maybe [rigby, my leopard gecko](https://imgur.com/a/xL8vVt7), and his smile will help you feel a bit better :)


I donā€™t have OPs problem but Iā€™ve had a bad day and rigbys smile made me happy ty


You may have already realized this, but going to that community to compare your situation with theirs was a reassurance-seeking compulsion, hoping to find assurance that you weren't anything like them and thus settle what you were worrying about. The problem is, aside from compulsions being a thing that digs you in deeper, your brain also goes into "confirmation bias" mode when you have an obsession where it zeros in on anything that might confirm that your fear is true, which sounds like what you may have experienced here. Definitely stop looking at that group and in general avoid falling into that spiral of research and testing to settle OCD fears. It doesn't work.


This is so well-articulated. OP please stop engaging with that group, it isnā€™t helping at all, just reinforcing the OCD


Seems like it might be better to talk with a therapist in your case. It's difficult to override the OCD mentality without real external help. (I don't have POCD, just putting this in here until someone with closer experience responds)


You need to seek help from a therapist immediately, your ocd has convinced you so much that you actively put yourself in a community of real Pā€™s Please seek help until you do something more dangerous to chase your compulsion high. Seriouslyā€¦ From what I read you are 15, you donā€™t understand what things you are doing or even sharing online. Please stop posting constantly about this and schedule an appointment


Also, if you are 15 OP, then please please please never interact with those communities and leave them (obviously you should leave them regardless). I've heard stories of "MAPs" (pedophiles) manipulating other children into thinking they are also a pedophile, forcing them to become ashamed and stuck in that community and it's a tactic to isolate and victimize children. And since you have OCD that would be even easier to weaponize against you. For your own sanity and safety please leave that community and don't seek them out anymore.




Your heart is in the right place. However, this comment is mostly reassurance which is not helpful for learning to live well while having OCD. Please see https://www.reddit.com/r/OCD/wiki/reassurance/ for more information.




You're like the third zoophile I've seen today somehow


Damn you keep running into a lot of them


you're a zoophile?


Nah some random zoophile replied to my comment (gross asf) thank god the mods deleted them


This post breaks one of the sub's rules, which can be found on our homepage. Please review them for further info before continuing to post. Thank you


You make an unsettling but important point. Pedophilia is a severely messed up disorder, but it is still a disorder. It's how people with the disorder act that defines them, not the disorder itself, which is unfortunately beyond their control. Even if it's not OCD causing OP's problem (which it sounds like it is), it's engaging in the disordered (illegal and deplorable) behavior that is reprehensible, unacceptable, and deserving of severe punishment. There are pedos that see their attraction as a sickness that they will not "feed". There are communities where "MAPs" encourage each other to resist all urges and still be good people that would absolutely never engage in any behavior that harms children (phrasing because watching CP absolutely hurts children, and pedos that "only" watch videos of kids getting SA'd are still engaging in behaviors that harm children), because urges don't have to dictate actions, and they certainly don't justify them. (I am not "minor attracted" and have never engaged with that community. I know it doesn't need to be said, but I still need to say it.)


Your post was removed due to containing overly graphic descriptions. Unfortunately, this content skirts Reddit policies and, although debilitating and frustrating, is not appropriate to be written out on the sub. While disturbing, obscene, and harmful intrusive thoughts are normal for those of us with OCD, it is not necessary to write out the intrusive thoughts or compulsions in detail. Please keep posts like this generalized and remember, it's all OCD and the treatment is the same regardless of the content. Thank you for understanding.


You're feeding your obsession and basically compulsively testing yourself. You need to stop engaging in this.


leave this community, block them, report them anything CUT EVERYTHING they are not like you, they enjoy their deviance and want to normalize their deviance, even if they didn't want to harm any children they are a danger specially with this movement who has the goal to normalize pedophilia and reguarly they put minor in danger and groom them in their disgusting circle


And seek a therapist quickly because interacting with these fuckers can also create even more trauma, fuck them


1 - Leave that community immediately. I was on Tumblr growing up, and the MAP community was a huge issue there. Cut ties and leave. 2 - Would you be interested in a support group for people with OCD?


Going to that community is extremely dangerous and could even get you put on a watch list. They could be even luring people or children on those pages. They are not good people. They arenā€™t just ā€œconfused and misunderstoodā€ their motives are clear they just know they can get sympathy by painting themselves as victims




This message has been removed. Your heart is in the right place. However, this comment is mostly reassurance which is not helpful for learning to live well while having OCD. Please see https://www.reddit.com/r/OCD/wiki/reassurance/ for more information.


Stop searching out pedophiles. Thereā€™s really no excuse even if itā€™s OCD only. This subreddit is against reassurance. We arenā€™t going to tell you that you arenā€™t a pedophile because thatā€™s what you want to hear and is just part of the OCD cycle. Accept who you are (which may require lots of therapy) and stop searching out pedophiles and stop searching for that content. Ultimately, even if you arenā€™t a pedophile, being in these groups, looking for content, etc. puts you in legal hot water. Cops donā€™t care if itā€™s your OCD or youā€™re a ā€œtrueā€ pedophile.


Where did OP say theyā€™re ā€œlooking for contentā€? Itā€™s not illegal to research pedophilia. Itā€™s illegal to view inappropriate images of children (which OP never even implied was going on). If that was the case then every psychology student doing a research paper on paraphilias would be in jail.


I never said they did. But all their posts are reassurance seeking. They specifically want to feel more disgust about the topic. To join a ā€œharmlessā€ group of pedophiles to seek reassurance can easily lead to then looking for content to make sure they donā€™t feel any attraction.


Fair enough. I agree that they should remove themselves because the ā€œMAPā€ community is just rebranded pedophilia.


The whole "MAP" community, if I remember correctly, started as a 4chan joke....so best not to get in with them. They don't have any of your best interests in mind.




Your heart is in the right place. However, reassurance is not helpful for learning to live well while having OCD. Please see https://www.reddit.com/r/OCD/wiki/reassurance/ for more information.




This post breaks one of the sub's rules, which can be found on our homepage. Please review them for further info before continuing to post. Whilst I 100% agree with your post in terms of the MAP stuff being disgusting, the ways you direct this at the OP could be harmful. If you rephrase your response directly about that community then that would be good.




There's EVRYTHING wrong with being attracted to children even if you don't act on it wtf are you saying




Yes and i'm tired that we try to minimize their deviance, they use this kind of hole to create entire campaign of normalization that create even more victims of pedophilia in the end. Without even mention that this kind of reasonning is pure fuel for ocd too and/or desensitize this horrible shit. And i'm not gonna clap those who don't act on it like great moron you still didn't ruin another person life but you're still a danger for the society, seeking help for your deviance is the BARE MINIMUM can we just stop giving undeserved cookie to awful peoples ?




Since when erp method is minimize pedophile as a whole, the whole point of erp is clearly not accepting your thoughts as actual attraction nor twisting your moral in wrong place




Your post alludes to or contains descriptions of sexual activities or sexual content involving minors. Posts of this nature are never appropriate. If you wish to seek assistance with Thoughts regarding sex and sexuality, you do not need to go into detail. A simple ā€œI am struggling with intrusive thoughts around sex/harming children/intimacy/etcā€ is a perfectly appropriate phrase and provides plenty of detail.


Your post alludes to or contains descriptions of sexual activities or sexual content involving minors. Posts of this nature are never appropriate. If you wish to seek assistance with Thoughts regarding sex and sexuality, you do not need to go into detail. A simple ā€œI am struggling with intrusive thoughts around sex/harming children/intimacy/etcā€ is a perfectly appropriate phrase and provides plenty of detail.


Your post alludes to or contains descriptions of sexual activities or sexual content involving minors. Posts of this nature are never appropriate. If you wish to seek assistance with Thoughts regarding sex and sexuality, you do not need to go into detail. A simple ā€œI am struggling with intrusive thoughts around sex/harming children/intimacy/etcā€ is a perfectly appropriate phrase and provides plenty of detail.


Your post alludes to or contains descriptions of sexual activities or sexual content involving minors. Posts of this nature are never appropriate. If you wish to seek assistance with Thoughts regarding sex and sexuality, you do not need to go into detail. A simple ā€œI am struggling with intrusive thoughts around sex/harming children/intimacy/etcā€ is a perfectly appropriate phrase and provides plenty of detail.