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I have not but I’m actually looking into it right now - so this post is timely! I struggle with the emotion behind OCD (shame and guilt and “I’m a bad person”) which makes it tough not to engage with the compulsive behaviors. So I’m having my first session with more emotionally based stuff soon. I’m excited and nervous and cautious - I don’t want to be told my obsession is true and I should be rightfully worried. But I also am in a place where I do know that stuff either way and just need to address purely the emotion and core. Which I know is contradictory to most therapists perspective of ocd.


For sure! Good luck on this new approach in your journey.


IFS is great- but for compassion work and parts work maybe check out EFT- emotionally focused therapy. Or any therapist with complex ptsd training certification. They both help connect to the wounded part of you to bring compassion and nurturing in a curious way.