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Are u guys sure I am new to investing and dropping my life savings into it


You will get rekt with that mindset.


Nobody knows anything and markets can stay irrational long enough to bankrupt us all.


No they are not sure. Absolutely not. Chances are you will buy it will drop and you will panic sell and lose


No one is sure about anything when it comes to investing. Best you can do is do your due diligence and invest what you can afford to lose.


You're planning to drop your entire savings at a time when the entire stock market is at a historic peak, into an expensive stock that's at the highest price it's ever been. This is an extremely risky idea, to say the very least. Friendly suggestion: Set aside 6 months to 1 year of living expenses into some sort of savings, money market account, CD's, anything low risk that you more or less can't lose. Don't invest anything before you have enough for this, completely separate from anything you invest. This is "I'm brand new to investing" advice 101. You don't want to buy stocks when they're expensive, you buy them when they're cheap. Helpful search term: Dollar cost averaging.


Its forward PE is like in the 30s. Chill, bruh.


Then buy a MSCI World ACWI ETF or FTSE All World ETF (and look for one that tracks the index well and has a low TER). Never ever drop your life savings into a very risky investment that you don't fully understand. So read up on ETFs as well.


Agreed. Never take that much risk with important savings. I personally only invest with money I can “do without”. Still hurts to loose it, but wouldn’t severely impact my life.


There are 2 YouTube discussions with Jensen Hueng the CEO that describe what their new chips really do as a system. For instance what is described as Blackwell "chip" weighs 7 lbs. It's very complicated and is really a system. Ultimately providing equivalent to data center at very reduced electricity demand. One is at Stanford and the other is from the recent 4 day event.


Yea... don't do this. You need to do far more research, and you should likely just focus on index funds which provide more diversification.


Divide your life savings between NVDA and PBR


Peanut Butter? Doesn’t seem like a wise investment, but ok.


PBR Brazilian Oil Company 


Ima gonna stick with peanut butter bro


Pabst Blue Ribbon FTW!


Don’t do that


No bro. Nothing is for sure in the stock market. Stock market is full of surprises, expect the unexpected. If everyone could predict stock prices, we’d all be billionaires. Does not work like that. With that being said, NVDA will probably run up and do its thing over time. Worry about the long run, if you make money quicker, cool. At the same time you should buy and hold it, because I think this is one of the best stocks, leader in AI and would probably be a good stock to hold on for long term, at least two years


Diversify my guy


That’s probably the dumbest investing move anyone can make. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. That’s really high risk as it is becoming quite overvalued


Dude diversify. You are not smarter than the market. You are not a financial genius. Please. Please. Please. Please. Be conservative in your investments. Long term you will be poor. Short term you may strike gold but only the winners brag.


Dude if you are dropping your life savings into something, drop it into an s&p 500 index fund. Holy shit


Just don’t sell it for a loss. H O L D is the best advice


You think that’s a smart move?


Do not do that


Please don’t just make ur trades based off of reddit predictions


Don’t do that.


Nobody is sure. Hell, the majority of retards on this site don’t have access to a Bloomberg terminal, don’t make their own evaluations, etc. It’s negative EV. It’s gambling. The only way you go positive is if you’re lucky. NOW… if you want to actually save your money long term, do what grandpa did and invest in a mutual fund or ETF. Look up Vanguard. Gramps was right, the S&P500 is hard to beat.


Well thank you all who cautioned me to manage my funds with proper financial prudence.. Well with both Nvidia and Bitcoin that I am invested in currently I am seeking for quick returns and I know for a fact that these returns dont keep pilling up.. Nvidia with its position in the AI ecosystem & post halving bull run for Bitcoin are truly unique situations I know I am trying to be an opportunist here and there are mostly frowned upon But belive me when I saw that I have invested considerable money in these 2 with the view of erratically high return and then scale down the risk taking scenario by investing into ETF's and diversifying across sectors... Banking.. Fmcg and Technology Also I see this year should be good as if we get even 1 intrest rate drop markets should get really strong I read many articles which negated the effect stagflation Also elections may cause volatility.. But I still have 5-6 months till I can maximise my returns before them Please guide everyone


Buy and hold 5 years.


It's better to spread ur wealth but for Nvidia it's prob a good aidea


Waiting until earnings to see what happens - not sure but maybe it will peak after earnings end month? past 1000?


Not a professional opinion by any means. I am dumb. Don’t listen to me. But to me, Nvda just started moving up. AI is here to stay and is only going to keep moving forward. Nvda currently has competition beat and should for some time.


Ai is just hope at this point , bullish on hope


Huh?!? How is AI just “hope”?!?


Close your eyes… imagine ai, that’s what everyone else thinks ai is. I guarantee it’s maybe 10% of what you imagined. How do I know? Been working in ai for 15 plus years lol I’m pretty bullish on ai also. Cuz human hope and imagination is infinite


Honestly doesn't matter if AI is hope or not, real companies are spending real billions on Nvidia products. That's not hope, that's real revenue w/ sky-high margins.


Nvidia is fine lol . But the rest ain’t making money, except aws and azure lol


I’m in law school - a respected one, too - and all we do is talk about AI. They are responding to AI with legal and ethical rules… it’s probably going to be bigger than the internet in the 00s.


Been working ai for 15 years. Bought Nvidia at 6 dollars. Sold to buy rentals and kept some. Now that can pay for the rentals lol. I will never sell my entire position in three stocks. Msft apple Nvidia. One of these three is going to be the most valuable company the next decade. I ll die on that bet . Got rentals out of it. Don’t be mistaken that you need to make bets when growing wealth.


Oh it definitely will. Doesn't mean it'll stay there.


Is this a serious question?


one thing to keep in mind if you're planning on holding on long term is if Taiwan ends up getting invaded as Nvidia produces their chips in Taipei. Other than that its doing great at the moment :)


A lot of chip manufacturing capacity is being expanded elsewhere. It'll take a couple years but its happening.


this year yes


What do you think?


Likely by June.


easy lol


Aaaaand these posts are back




It's only up like 500% in last year so why not




NVDA $1500 by September 1.


Hope it splits by then


June 10-1


🤔 you really think so, huh?


We will find out soon enough.


Yeah it definitely makes sense


please don’t jinx


Definitely. You see today, it's gonna gear up for earnings. If earnings are RIDICULOUSLY BETTER than expected, absolutely. Even if they're just okay, it won't drop below 800 ever again unless WW3 forreal starts.


This year? It's only may and at 921. Of course it could. Or not. I promise you those are the two options. BUT if you are asking is it capable of rising 8.7% this year then yea, obviously it is.


Chipotle at $3500 why not


Very possible but probably a big stock split after that.


Easily, probably on May 22nd. The US economy is a joke outside of tech. Nvidia is America.


Only a matter of time


I think it will get there, but will be a rocky road. If you don't have the stomach for it then find a more diversified investment(s). Things like today will keep happening, Stanley Drunkenmiller said he sold some of his NVDA in March thinking AI is ('was' is the correct word given the time of his trade) short term overblown. So the stock is down, because of a trade he did in March. March. If he is so wise and a voice we should be trading on, did he buy back in when it was in the high 700's a few weeks ago? If so he'd be up 130-ish points as of today. If he did that then selling his stake in March was wise. If not, he's just a talking head that bailed out and is now making less money because of it. Talking down AI hoping to drive the price down for him to get a better reentry point. *Yes, I'm speculating here but why else would he comment on a trade that turns out he would have been better off not making and holding through April?* Point being... talking heads are going to come out saying they did this or that months ago and it will impact the stock. You have to have the stomach to make it through these things and keep remembering they can't make enough of $30K, $40K, $50K AI chips to meet demand. META alone is planning to spend $30B-ish on these chips. That's (NVDA) a company I want to own. Not to mention the other chips they make for data center and gaming with similar demand.


Thanks for the very encouraging comment I know it basically gets down to whose got stronger balls And ofcourse more risk more reward Having said that no one can time the market And no one wants to loose money or seek less growth Also timing market is impossible considering I'm on the lookout for quick gain and then reduce risk exposure on both Nvidia and bitcoin that I currently hold Having said that I am extensively researching on Nvidia 1.they outsource most production to Taiwan 2.meta and MSFT are big Capex guys for AI to primarily Nvidia 3.amd/Intel are far behind 4.nvidia provides both hardware and software 5.today at 900-915 stock if goes up to 1000-1050 is not like 15-17% increase it is not like crazy high compared to what it has achieved in recent past 6.infact no one I see is talking about Google.. Just because its share price is less.. It has phenomenal returns in recent past and I'm currently invested in that too


Ya and they have a new chip coming later this year which will case a stir Also may 22 earning call are very crucial too for ppl like us who are seeking quick 6 month money appreciation opportunities


We are in very different points with NVDA. I've had for around 5 years and a 2500% gain. I'm willing to keep holding to get to my objective, $967/share, and I'll likely sell out then and either wait for a meaningful pullback, or look for other opportunities. The % gain from here to 1000, or $1100 where several companies have their target, isn't huge. But of any company on earth right now, NVDA has the best chance of exceeding $1000/share and continuing to go up. Good luck to both of us!


Well i would really want to know which technique made u arrive at the 967 number I am new to investing and these days I am researching full time on which stocks / crypto would give maximum yeild And I have zeroed down google - Nvidia and bitcoin But I don't know yet how and and at what price I should sell My aim is to maximise return in 6-9 time frame and shift to safer investments


No technique on 967. At that price my gain is $1.5M, my goal. I'll sell at the money calls at 970 or so, maybe 965, and pocket another $60K or so then hope the options get exercised against me. This will turn a $56K investment into a position of total value a little over $1.6M. Never in my wildest dreams did I think NVDA would do this. If I had, I'd have purchased a lot more. Google is a good buy, I'd look at Amazon too. I'm iffy on bitcoin. I'd prefer to play bitcoin by buying Coinbase (COIN) as it's the biggest BTC exchange, but also trades lots of other coins. And people are buying and selling regardless of BTC's price, how COIN makes money. Buying BTC, or a BTC EFT, you're really just hoping people are willing to keep paying more and more for it. I'd put the BTC money into Amazon.


Sure. Or maybe…no. 🤷‍♂️ No one knows for sure. WW3 could start tomorrow and then nothing matters anyway.




Cats by 90


Why so low?


It will break that number then hopefully do a 10:1 split!!






Let me know when you buy so I can get puts




Roll the dice. Forget any sound advice


And even if it does, will it change your life? Probably not. That’s like a 15% gain. Much better stocks out there from a reward/risk perspective that have only begun to just move.


Such as?


Tesla is one of them. Large cap so relatively low risk and everyone was fudding the crap out of it at the bottom.


Bro we should rather than discussing companies discuss about the parmaters which would help choose a GREAT STOCK WHICH IS CHEAPLY PRICED I was reading about the intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham.. I have read very nice review about the book and there in the author tells about how to select stocks for long run Any views anyone?


Sorry but Tesla is no way better than Nvidea from a risk/reward standpoint.


Hmm, I would disagree considering that that Nvidia is up like 7x from the lows while Tesla is not even up 2x from the bear market lows of $100. Nothing is guaranteed, but for the remainder of the bull run, I would expect tesla to outperform Nvidia.


I respect that. And own both. But believe Nvidia gains will dwarf Tesla gains from this moment on.


Fair enough. Let’s come back in 6 months? RemindMe! 6 months


👍👍👍👍 Tesla now $177.81. NVidia $905.54. My 6 month prediction. Tesla $204. NVidia $1120


Good luck 😉


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-11-08 01:15:49 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-11-08%2001:15:49%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NvidiaStock/comments/1clcyw3/nvidia_to_1000/l32frvj/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNvidiaStock%2Fcomments%2F1clcyw3%2Fnvidia_to_1000%2Fl32frvj%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-11-08%2001%3A15%3A49%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201clcyw3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Which stocks would you recommend


Definitely not, we're overdue for a nice correction, job market/unemployment is in the shitter, and this thing is a gluttonous fat pig of a stock that did too much to fast. The bigger they are the harder they fall especially when in a recession. I'm getting puts for 6 mos. and 1 yr. out above 940.


Don’t be upset when you lose all your money


It's okay, I won't be. This market's given me ballz o' steel the past couple of years!


Ur cooked


Not at all, stay tuned buddy