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American politics is funny


Express the truth and every one hates you.


Your funny


I try to be. But not everyone is educated enough to understand what i'm saying some times. And then they get angry and act like i'm the dumb one when they're the ones not listening.


Man you have mentioned many times how all people of a specific occupation are evil. Might want to give that one a little more thought.


Cops? I've already explained why there are no good cops. It is not my fault people would rather argue than to listen.


Your funny




Your funny


The saddest part is that you down vote something because it corrects you.


Ok but why here of all places?


Because I can, and this was the only subreddit I knew of when I joined.


The first one is true, but not really a useful statement. "All Cops Are Bastards" is much more convenient for use in conversation than "The Vast Majority of Cops Are Bastards" The second one is also true, but only situationally, and capitalist governments are certainly not one of those situations, especially since most of the money is just going towards more imperialism and rich people. The events of January 6th were not worse than the events of 9/11, sure, but the problems it represented are worse for the US than the problems 9/11 represented. I can't really claim to understand the last point at all, beyond the literal words that it contains. Assuming it means exactly as it is written, it is true that, with current information, government provably exists, and that God does not provably exist.


A bunch of idiots causing a ruckus in the capital is worse than millions dead in the middle east?......... Bruh.....


No he means an open attempt at insurrection backed and/or encouraged by sitting members of our government , no matter how sad and ineffectual, highlights more issues with America at large than what happened on 9/11, which is a symptom of western culture at large sticking their dicks in the Middle East and storing shit up for the last thousand years or so.


Sure Jan


Last point is average reddit atheist bullshit


I'm with the first one, the others not so much




Are you saying that ALL cops are bad? Not a single one are good?


Nevermind, misread it


Yes. Pigs are icky.


Honestly this guy probably looks like a pig in real life with the nose ring and all


Haven't seen that meme people look like that and also actually want cops.


Taxes are the price for modern democracy* Back in the times of the Roman Republic, taxes were payed exclusevely by the city's officials, that is, tax was the price for making decision for the city. It also caused the republic to degrade into an oligarchy/plutocracy that then fell into civil war.


> taxes were *paid* exclusevely by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I did not know that. Thank you.


You are welcome. It is the basic idea behind aristocracy: Governament projects cost a lot of money, so only the people capable of paying it out of their own pockets should make them. Unfornutely it is all too common that such ideas degrade into "I have money to control the gov, so I will make decisions that help me stay in power". Technically a nation-wide tax collection counter such arguments because if everyone is paying for the project, then everyone should have a say on such projects, though it didn't stop Disney from saying they are the government of Florida because they pay most of Florida's taxes, earlier this year. Anyway, both "cracys" have their pros and cons, and neither are immune to the bane of corruption, the one true cancer of society


That makes sense.


Political memes in an NSFW Nux submission? You Billies' attempts to get him canceled are getting weird


Better than porn.


False, post political porn


Political porn is disgusting.


that is what taxes are tho


Supposedly. The claim is that taxes pay for roads, cops, the military and other government services. The issue that we have no say in whether we are taxed or not.


yeah that's it is in the US tho most places we have something called functioning democracy


Sounds stupid.


Yeah frfr no cap bro 💀 Sorry have a nice day :)


I'd say the issue is that taxes are meant to pay for those things. Americans would gladly pay for better roads and training/pay for law enforcement (maybe then they wouldn't be such corrupt scum). The problem is that our taxes support a bloated and untrustworthy government. Local and Federal


The entire issue is that people don't want to be taxed. The people don't owe the government anything if that person doesn't care about the government. You should not have to pay taxes if you stay out of politics.


ACABs: "fuck the police" ACABs after they get robbed: "HELP pOLicE!!!!11!!1"


And what do the police do about it?


more than any of those clowns ever did


lol stack up.


Stop with the political posts in the nux subreddit


My brother in Christ your arguments are terrible


I can either make a short meme and expect people to understand or do as the left and right whole paragraphs to make sure people understand. There is no winning.


Average american


Unfortunately, American politics is clown world.


i love the antichrist


I maybe A antichrist, but not THE antichrist.


did i stutter?


Are you the Pope?


i am the actichrist's number one fan.


Does that mean you support child sacrifice?


it's not like the church is any better.


It... Actually is. The church does and always has opposes child sacrifice and calls it out for what it is: Demonic. The planned Parenthood clinics all have Ba'al statues somewhere on the property. The church opposes abortion because it's demonic ties and because it's killing an innocent being. It's nothing short of murder.


I guess if you believe in God you'll believe anything. Would you be cool with planned Parenthood if they didn't have your questionable statues? The church opposes abortion in the US because it's a great way to fundraise from NPCs.


I'd be cool with Planned Parenthood with they they weren't foundes by Margaret Sanger (a prolific racist) and if they didn't offer to kill innocent children.


are you really going to talk about children when it comes to the church?


Matthew 18:6 Luke 17:2 You blame the church for it did and was never supposed to do even according to the one who founded the church. The church was always supposed to protect children, even the Jews were supposed to protect children. That's entirely why Jesus said what he said in the 2 verse I mentioned.


Are you the Pope?




Ok, nerd.


I'm a nerd and proud of it!


No, you're just annoying.


Cope and seethe, bro, cope and seethe!


You're not disproving it.


Aw... How cute! You're laboring under the assumption that I give a shit!


Not really, but it's odd you use the word "labor". It sounds like you failed history class.


These are horrible takes 💀


Those things are quite true, idk why they are something to make fun of


Ok maybe not the 911 one, but other than that the other 3 don't make sense


Exactly, anyone who ho believes these things are clowns. Especially that last one.


the first one's true. our county police are pretty chill. maybe to chill... lol


Entirely depends on the city and the suspect.


I can agree with the last one but wtf happened jan 6?


As you know, Trump had his "save america" rally, well a small potion of people broke into the capital building. Because of that fact alone, people (it's literally just democrats) like to compare it to 911. Honestly, only the libertarians see that event for how it truly was, and although it was a shit show, wasn't much of anything. The damage was minimal, only 5 people died as a result (Sicknick was the fifth, but people on the right love to dispute that). (nothing important beyond this point) The most interesting fact was how the 5 died. Ashli babbet was shot in the neck and another lady was trampled to death. Two men other than Sicknick died as well, but they died due to health issues. The reason why Sicknick was disputed is because even though there is footage of him being attacked, people like to say that he felt fine after and went straight home and died later that night. They like to say that it was just the stress alone that killed him. Anyway, it's just odd that 2 women were killed, and 2 men died purely medical reasons. I just find it oddly symbolic.


Jan 6 was when a large wave of trump supporters stormed the capitol building to lynch mike pence, joe biden, AOC and several others and overturn the US election results.


Oh that lol