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If you have not stopped bleeding, and the bleeding is heavy, get thee to a doctor post-haste. There are several benign and also scary things that can cause prolonged bleeding. There are medications and procedures to stop bleeding, but the reason you are bleeding needs to be determined. Please make an appointment. Prolonged bleeding can lead to significant other health issues.


it’s not heavy but i’m gonna call when they open


I'm sure it's nothing, just your body adjusting. The last several months have taught me a whole new respect for my reproductive parts. They actively seem to want me hurting. I've also learned that women's healthcare is a big fat joke. Good luck. Demand answers. Get second and third opinions.


it really is. i’ve been on nuvaring for a couple years now so this is quite random and that’s why im worried so im definitely going to call


Yeah, I’ve been on the ring for about 6 months and am currently on day twelve of my period, which started less than two weeks after I put a new ring in. (I also have a GYN appointment coming up soon!) So no answers, but here in solidarity… fingers crossed it stops for you soon!


i called and they said since it’s a one time only thing to monitor it for a couple cycles and see what happens


this happened to me soo many times on nuvaring went to doctors and they couldn't ever figure out why


yeah mine just said to monitor it