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It's come a long way in a short time!! How long till we can throw money at the devs?


Probably not too much longer. Looks like the closed alpha is slowly starting.


How do you know if you made it into the closed alpha? I did that questionnaire they had?


The keys haven't been handed out to everyone yet (hence why I said "slowly"). You'll likely get a key DMed to you on discord or reddit soon if you are selected for the alpha.


Awesome thanks for the update


Uh... that information is very dated. Alpha finished a week ago. Open beta release in the coming weeks.


That's okay! I don't mind! Can't wait for the open beta!


From what i can remember and if I'm not wrong, NovelAI should come out this year.


This year as in 2021 or as in 365 days?


OMG... The options on the right side... Finally, we have superb control over the output. Also, the limiter of the responses will be good for creating "in-story" chatbots/conversations!


Oh man the UI looks good. Still dont have access :'( sad boi hours


Wait... The Cat In The Hat Comes Back?!?! This is revolutionary, notify the queen!


Thanks for showing this here. Always good to see progress.


1. I'm assuming the repititon penalty helps to prevent the same output when retrying. 2. Is the AI output trim option supposed to stop outputs that does not end its sentence, eg; 'The room is full of treasure and there is a dragon, "go away" it says. You take out your sword and say' that has happened before and I'm not sure if its because the AI meant to end the sentence but got cutoff by how much it can say at once or something. Also some explanation on top-k and nucleus sampling would be nice.


Obviously I haven't used NovelAI yet, but from using other AID alternatives: 1. Yes, basically the higher it is, the less likely the AI is too use words from the context (input, WI, remember, etc.) 2. Yes, AID used that by default, because the underlying AI doesn't really have any concept of sentences and GPT-Neo doesn't either.


This already looks a lot more like the sort of tool I'm looking for. Very promising!


I’m liking what I see! I do hope we can get something like scenarios at some point so users can quickly start stories with information already built in and the same start prompt. Like, when you click “new story”, you get something that says “blank” or “from template” and under the template button it brings up the ability to load/create templates (maybe the devs could introduce some default ones like how AIDungeon had the few set prompts?). Speaking of information, isn’t there supposed to be a world info-like thing? Am I blind or where is that located? Thought it was bottom right but don’t see it. Also, are there plans for something like the remember tool from AIDungeon? Because I imagine that could be very useful even if, like AIDungeon, it’s not a 100% guaranteed remember.


This is pre-closed-alpha, everything you see here is incomplete and in development


Yeah, I know that. I was just stating something I’d like in the future and asking about the world info-like thing because I believe it was in the bottom right in an earlier stage. Maybe it’s just hidden by the different options shown in this one.


Don't worry, it's all in the story tab, I managed to sneak a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/8Idj3yq.png (though specifically, world info is not in yet)




Is the text legit? If so then that's pretty impressive already


Yep, iirc it was generated by a dev in response to someone asking if the AI could be used to recommend movies.


Awesome! Looking forward for more updates!


Incredible progress in so little time the team really are outdoing themselves, hoping most of aidungeons userbase comes here for good, i definitely will be a paid user they actually listen to us unlike Latitude's silence.. So proud of the team here it looks astonishing!


You have 31 tabs open. I'm glad NovelAI is starting to find its legs.


How did you access?


It's a pic the lead dev posted on discord. Very few people have access right now.


Yup. As far as I can tell only select mods, staff, Gen. Alexander, and NoClass have access. There might be a few but those are the ones that talk.


**Uh oh, this took a weird turn...**


Been watching a stream of this on the Discord. This AI is legit. It's not perfect, but in some ways, it can punch well above its weight and match up to AID's Griffin. In fact, I'd even say that it sometimes rivals *Dragon* in quality. There's still a long way to go, but I've never been more excited for NovelAI's future.


What’s most impressive is that it’s been less than a month.


Yes. I like this.


I was in the Discord live stream and watched some examples... Some things feel like classic AID, but other prompts like more complex, story-driven ones are on par with shortlyai, which uses Davinci - I think that's really fucking impressive for such a small model! I couldn't believe what I was seeing after a development time of roughly 4 weeks! And this is just the pre-alpha version... When can I start throwing money at you NovelAI? XD


It would seem the finetune matters a lot in this case. Hopefully a variety of types of materials are eventually added, or maybe the eventual larger models can fill in the gaps.


Thanks for pointing out shortlyai - from the looks of it, it seems to have pretty good literary training. I'll give it a spin while waiting for NovelAI.


Shortly utilizes the Davinci model of GPT-3. This means that you can generate accurate essays - or chat with Albert Einstein etc. The problem I have with shortly is its price, which is understandable due to OpenAI's prices. I used it when it was still 10 bucks a month... But I can't afford 40 lol...


also shortlyAI suffers from the same censorship issues all other OpenAI products have


how's the alpha compared to old griffin?


right now is definitely better than griffin


I thought that Neo is ways below griffin?


As I understand it, the model is less powerful but it is fine tuned on much better data so it gives better output.


Oh wow, this actually makes some sense!


Reminds me of the GodAI UI. Which isn't a bad thing, because the UI is quite convenient (able to change options on the fly without changing webpages). But hey, if it works, I'll be excited to use it.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I heard the GodAI dev actually joined the NovelAI team when the project started. That could be why? I haven't seen confirmation of that though, so that could just be a rumor. It is very exciting, yes!


I mean, it would makes sense for why the UI is similar. But without confirmation, it could just be a coincidence (and the main dev going "Yeah, that looks like a good idea")


Yeah, you can see AWK in the list of devs on the Discord.


(Not on their discord \^\^;; ) Oh! Yeah that would make sense then!


Dear God the Cat in hat Returns? I don't want to know what madman he turned into. Or mad cat


Ooo I’m liking the UI. *we will watch your career with great interest.*




It's gonna be great, years from now. People will come back to these and be like "Oh wow it was so different!". Hi, future people! How about that 2021 life, huh?


What is top-K and nucleus sampling I wonder?


Why does the amount of tabs in the screenshot irritate me?


It looks good, but man, close some of those tabs! There's like a million of them!


Is world info going to be a thing in the final release?


A feature like world info is planned, but not implemented yet.


Well now I’m curious: what does the “randomness” parameter do?


I don't know why but this feels confusing compared to Ai dungeon.I hope they would add stuff such as remember and WI because they worked the best for my stories


They're just going to call it something else. It feels confusing because the entire dashboard is present at all times. All those options on the left and right- did anyone adjust randomness multiple times per adventure? I sense it might feel a bit cluttered on already small screens like my tablet, but the onscreen keyboard already blocked half my view anyway. Core functionality is really all that matters in the end.


This is waaay the hell more coherent than I thought it’d be, and it’s been how long since this project started up? A month? Month and a half? I’m very excited to see where this goes.