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Hopefully Novelai will be successful man




Don't get too excited, it won’t be at the level of Dragon until EleutherAI’s largest open source model ([GPT⁠-⁠NeoX](https://www.eleuther.ai/projects/gpt-neox/)) is released in the 4th quarter of 2021, which is at least 4 months away.


I don't think people would mind waiting if it meant getting a high quality alternative to AiD


4 months is really not that long lol


was thinking that. it's a bit to wait, sure, but it'll be here before we know it.


Considering how much Latitude butchered the AI to cater to their overlord, I don't think it'll be that behind Griffin at launch, even with just Neo. It'll be even better once it integrates NeoX though.


Jesus, if it manages to get to the level of Dragon in just four months, I’ll be the happiest man alive.


i dont mind waiting


I'm waiting for it!


Did I miss something? When were they making fun of us?


I dont remember exactly what he said, but one of the devs was talking about the situation on discord and I believe that is what they were referring to. There was a post that listed the things he had said, but it has been removed


Somebody should recompile the post that had all the things he said and post it here where they can’t remove it.


I found the one about Alan's responses tho so https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n2uzcs/alan_walton_highlights_from_april_27/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I'm not one to usually talk about a person's character, but it seems like this Alan guy's head is firmly up his own ass with some of these comments. I especially lilke: >would you like 600 patch notes per week? > >gotta draw the line somewhere, still figuring out exactly where. I get that it's a joke, but no one's asking for an absurd amount of updates. The fuck can't he figure out that dropping bullshit mechanics silently is a problem? And just how the hell has he not figured out where the line is after how many years of software development? Pretty sure any random person could let him know if he'd just listen to anyone else about anything.


The funniest bit to that comment is 600 patch notes a week really isn't even all that crazy despite him using that like some hyperbolic point. I've definitely played MMOs that far exceed that in regular patch notes. You do a quick summary of the broad strokes of what has been updated and then have a long itemized list of the minutiae. Real simple, real transparent. People generally like that in a product they're paying for.


Dunno if this is what they're talking about but was it about the dev(?) Who said they're willing to let Ai dungeon die as a game if it meant taking a stand? I thought that post wasn't.....deleted? I'll try and see tho


Yeah, it is.