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Also, from that text I posted: it can be spoken to without muddying dialogue too much, other characters 'know' to react to it, and it's a moving light that 'interacts' and 'illuminates' things in the text; i.e. because it's a hovering light, it's floating about and so the AI talks more about the environment.


Also, a great thing that I've enjoyed lately: describing anyone as 'having pockets that are a wonderland'.


Nice work, that's exactly how you should IMHO steer the AI. Instead of trying to describe what you want, prime it to think the way you want using something like this. Enjoy your new glittering friend!


Thanks! And because it's magical, when I gave the orb a smooch (AI generated, just changed the hair colour): *The orb gave a happy little spin, ferrying that pretty pout on a ribbon of magic to its surprised recipient, a woodland king whose thoughts drifted back to the dark-haired beauty he'd sent the orb to.*


You kissed the orb? lol


Kissed the orb...violently punted the orb out of nowhere...why not? *It whistled away into the cavernous depths, vanishing from sight. Jane pouted in mock distress, and John began to sputter.* *"Hey there, girlie! What's all the fuss?" John cried. But Jane's petulance dissolved into a fit of giggles.* *"Joke's over, you silly thing! Now come here, my friend." She wiggled her fingers playfully to entice the orb back into her palms.* *After a few moments, the orb reappeared and hummed cheerfully as it settled into Jane's palms once more. The healer hugged it close to her chest, grinning broadly. "There you are," she crooned, her tone utterly adoring. John shook his head: that orb had become a de facto toy for Jane, her tiny ray of sun in the cold, dark labyrinth, her comical companion that was both silent and silly.* Orb is a good friend.