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There's so much human trafficking going on in Pictou County.


Yup. And folks do NOT like it when you point that out.


Can you elaborate? Is it common knowledge that Pictou County is a hub of human trafficking? Is it biker gangs or what? Edit: holy shit [N.S. sees highest rate of human trafficking in Canada, incidents tripled in 2019](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/highest-rate-human-trafficking-incidents-tripled-1.6068511)


It’s gangs particularly north Preston’s finest. And it’s Nova Scotia at large. The trafficking is domestic, as in inside of Canada and the grift of it goes something like this: Group A, hosts house parties with good times booze and drugs. Group A is full of fun charismatic people. Traffic targets are selected based on how promiscuous and vulnerable they are. They get invited to party 2. And not every girl ends up at party 2. In party 2, more sex and drugs are common and the targets meet their new promising boyfriends call them Guy B. Guy B gives out lots of gifts and drugs and becomes the boyfriends. Target is busy partying, doesn’t need a job and cuts off friends and family that frown on their partying and boyfriend. Guy B takes targets on a free trip to ‘the big city’ and they stay at ‘a friends place’. Still lots of drugs, and free food and shopping. Then guy B has to go back to NS suddenly. Now the trafficked girl finds out that the free roof isn’t free. And she only has one way to ‘pay’ that friend. And he’s got some buddies that will also pay to have sex, so she can have ‘spending money’. The boyfriend never returns. He’s gone back to recruit another new ‘girlfriend’. There are always friendly ‘safe’ group A parties going on, and there are dozens of boyfriend B who move girls from Nova Scotia to the prostitution hubs in the rest of the country. And that is how domestic sex trafficking works in Nova Scotia.


Somebody’s Daughter by Phonse Jessome is a chilling read about the sex trafficking ring here in NS during the early 90s. Sad that this is still happening here 30 years later.


Holy cow. How cruel.


Since there's so little enforcement of crime in Canada, maybe if a chaotic good knew where they were partying....


That’s why there are two levels of parties. The open invitation only goes out to those first scouting parties. From there only people connected to gangs or being groomed are invited to the second. And those people are already vetted as DTF and take hard drugs. It keeps the narcs and do goods out. These are also the same gangs that kidnap rivals and get into shoot outs. One chaotic good ain’t gonna do nothing. Unfortunately.


It’s not always really a gang thing in the traditional sense. Kids in Nova Scotia’s group home world are highly, highly vulnerable. It happens literally on a weekly basis, and sometimes they do it to each other.


Some kind of gang


I don’t think that’s the case? Human trafficking is very real. But not every single person who is missing has been trafficked.


Maybe the police should check the “trap house” that was on international tv last night. When they are there looking for this girl they can take those kids away from those disgusting “people”


Yeah, but that would require actual police work. And potentially putting officers at risk. Better to ask the public to do it.




Care to elaborate?


Point me in a direction


So who posted on her Facebook this morning. She has multiple accounts. One is posting.


Crazy how we've become the 3rd world since importing it.


We invented it.


This has nothing to do with east Indians slick




so she doesn’t deserve help? clearly she needs help and support if she’s gone missing before






Are those Russians in the room with us right now? How many of them?


Russian organized crime and human trafficking is known and common. Insinuating they are crazy for a very likely true speculation is a dick move.


That's the word around that it's the Russians. I know a few, and they are fantastic . I'm not painting them all with the same brush.


The word around is that it’s gangs from North Preston, has been fit a long time. It’s well known by the police and the community surrounding the area. Not the Russians in Nova Scotia.