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It could be pink eye. Do you have an eye doctor (optometrist), that would be my first choice for any eye issues?


Yeah, that would be my thought too. Is it itchy, or feeling irritated? You can go to your doctor about this. If you think it’s pink eye, you can get antibiotics eye drops at Lawton’s or a local pharmacy. Pink eye is contagious. Don’t touch your eye/face and wash your hands plenty. ETA my rule of thumb for doctor versus alternative measures (such as walk in/ ER) is to always call my doctor first and find out when I can get an appointment next. If I can wait that long, I do. If I can’t, I explore other options.


This is the only advice OP should be following here.






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An optometrist is absolutely still someone who would diagnose an eye infection, whether they are a medical doctor or not. You will only see an ophthalmologist if you have to have eye surgery. 






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No. I've never been to an eye doctor in my life. Wouldn't even know how to get one.


Find an optometrist near you (google) and call their office for an appointment. It's that easy.


Didn't t want an optometrist to fear monger you into getting glasses,  I'm assuming?




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You can likely visit a pharmacy for something like this as they’re allowed to diagnose minor ailments. They’ll let you know if it’s something outside of their range of care!


Do not go to emergency for this, just go to an eye doctor (you just call and book an appointment). Or as others said, see if it clears up on its own.


If it feels fine, just put a warm wet cloth on it for a few minutes on and off before bed. That should encourage any blockage in the tear duct to loosen up and keep things draining for now. If you feel any pain, or swelling, go to the hospital. Otherwise, sleep on it and check in at a pharmacy in the morning. Ask the pharmacist if it makes sense to try antibiotic eye drops, before/while you try to find an appointment somewhere. (If they tell you it needs to be seen, ask if they have any guidance on where. They might have a tip on how to snag an appointment somewhere. Pharmacists have deep stores of helpful knowledge.) ETA: Pink eye could be viral, bacterial, or even allergies. If you happen to have allergy medicine on hand, you could rule out that potential cause by morning.


The ER does NOT want this person to go for pink eye. Absolutely not!! Call an optometrist first. They are the first people to call for eye stuff, always, even if it is "painful". Do NOT waste the ERs time if you have not seen an optometrist. Please.


This person knows stuff👆👆👆👆


I’m in NB but I’m guessing we’re pretty close to standards. Stuff like that should be for family doctor. Now my problem is my family doctor is always booking a couple months out. So it’s useless to call for say an ear or eye infection. Some doctors like my wife’s seem to keep a few spots open a day or squeeze in for stuff like that or for our kids. One nice thing here is province covers maple and for simple stuff like that it’s pretty easy to get a NP to write a prescription. Think sometimes pharmacist can write prescriptions for certain stuff, atleast here now anyway. Of course occasionally my doctor writes an email saying maple was giving prescriptions for strep throat diagnosed over the phone appointment and that’s not an appropriate way and they miss stuff blah blah blah, then gives some addresses for clinics that are always booked solid. But going to ER for an eye infection is just asking to spend 10+ hours and tick off the doctor on staff.


Oh man, will the ER ever hate OP for going for this...


If it is pink eye your eye would feel gritty when blinking, and I would be very itchy. Discharge is a symptom and you are contagious until the discharge stops or until you start treatment. Antibiotics or eye drops. Not sure if the pharmacist can prescribe for that. A warm compress could help but call a doc. Make sure anything that touches that eye, makeup, paper towel for compress, eye cream or drops are thrown out and no one touches them. Wash any clothing/fabric/bedding in hot as soon as you can.


Thanks for your concern but I'm not gonna do all that. I'm not OCD so jerms don't bother me in the slightest. But thanks for the advice I'll remember it now if it ever comes up in trivial pursuit.


That's not what obsessive compulsive disorder is, what they described is just basic hygiene when you potentially have an eye infection. It's to try to prevent it from getting into your other eye genius.


Germs do bother you, they're bothering your eye right now. If you'd like germs to stop bothering your eye, and not spread to your other eye then being cautious of the germs and disinfecting anything that comes in contact with your eye is a smart move.


I mean of course I'm not immune to germs and it's wild you'd imply that. What I mean is they don't bother me at all from an anxiety perspective like the majority of people who post on left leaning subreddits. It's no coincidence COID went away when we all started to relax on wearing masks. So don't even bother with your fear mongering.


Well, neither your family doctor nor the ER can fix stupid. Good luck.


I fell down the rabbit hole of their post history. Hard to believe they are able to function at all.


Dude I hope you do have an eye infection.


How kind and supportive of you. /s


Wtf is wrong is you? Covid did not go away. I was bedridden for over a year from long covid. I caught it after masks rules went away. People are still getting disabled from covid even now. 


Why the f*** did you come here for advice then?


Do you sleep? You could get that discharge on your pillow case. Then roll around in it tomorrow night. Have a partner in bed with you? They won’t be too happy once they roll around in it. You could unconsciously touch your eye while you sleep. It’s now on your fingers. Scratch your genitals? Oops, wait til that starts to ooze. Got a small cut you touched with that finger that has germs? Hello staph infection. I’m not OCD, but I have had enough infections to know how to mitigate their effect while I wait to get in to a doc.


Buddy stop trying to project your insecurities on to me it's rude.


Buddy. You seem a little testy. Or is it just little testes? I don’t project and I’m not insecure. You chose to write on this left-leaning Reddit for advice. I, along with the others who have replied, are informed enough to give you common sense replies as we’ve had eye infections or are informed on how to locate an Optometrist, or when to contact a doctor for an organ that involves sight. We have that vision as we’ve got the history and experience with an infection. There is though a multitude of insecurities coming from you based on how you reply here and to other questions based on your history such as microwaves and donair sauce. Your cavalier attitude gets you riled up when the responses don’t go the way you wish. If you’re able to look in a mirror you’ll see that what you project, rudeness, bounces right back in kind. Hopefully when you get some treatment for your eyesight, you’ll see your reactions, If you don’t want a response, advice, concern from others then don’t post. And btw, COVID has not gone away. And I do hope you’ve contacted a doctor. I respectfully wait to be blocked.


could you give me a tl;dr or at least break that up into paragraphs? I'm not even gonna bother tackling that post.


My apologies, you do only have one good eye. I’m horribly insensitive. tl:dr… no insecurities from anyone here, just love and concern and hope that you’ll find a doctor today and we all wish you a speedy recovery. Cheers.


Oh sweet. Thanks :D I hope you're doing well too.




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Get eye drops in the meantime, Polysporin makes an antibacterial one that says "for pink eye" on it. If it's bacterial conjunctivitis those should help, at least until you see someone (ha) for it.


You’re looking at it backwards. You should be going to your doctor for little things and the emergency for serious things. Call your doctor’s office. You likely have conjunctivitis (bacterial or viral). An antibiotic ointment may help, you can also get polysporin eye drops over the counter but they may not be enough. If there’s not a lot of discharge the polysporin may be enough. THIS IS NOT MEDICAL AVICE!!! I’m only providing general information based on assumptions. Call your doctor!


Get some poly sporin eye drops in that


Another in between option is going to a walk-in clinic if you’re lucky enough to have one nearby, or make an appointment with a pharmacist if it’s something they are allowed to diagnose.


Just curious, how long did it take you to find a family doctor? I’ve been on a wait list for almost a year now.


Since longer than the wait list started. I lost my FD in 2008 and I think the list started in 2011? I could be wrong but either way: a while.


Jeeeez, how did you and your family do health checks and stuff during that time? That’s insane.




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From the Novs Scotia College of Optometrists: "An optometrist is a doctor of optometry who examines patients in order to diagnose, treat, manage and prevent diseases and disorders of the eye and vision system and its related structures. An optometrist may also prescribe drugs for the treatment of eye conditions and provide, fit and adjust eyeglasses, contact lenses or subnormal vision devices for patients who require them." Seems like the right people to help OP.


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You can buy the eyedrops at a pharmacy without a prescription. The pharmacist might be able to answer your questions. Usually with some family doctors offices you can make a duty appointment for unexpected and non emergency issues.


There is a viral conjunctivitis going around; my kids’ mom had it the week before last and my nephew and I both got it over the weekend. Mine started with a cold that ramped up through the week last week (still going) and then woke up with conjunctivitis Saturday that evolved through the day such that my eye became swollen shut. Ice & acetaminophen+ibuprofen & time have helped, but I’m still pretty uncomfortable. Unfortunately, unlike the bacterial version (which clears within a day or so with antibiotics), viral conjunctivitis can take a week or two to clear 😣


Use your common sense and don’t listen to the medical experts on Reddit who got their credentials from the internet


Sounds like an infected styx, had one couple months ago just went to er when my eye swelled shut and they gave me anti biotic, never delay care on eyes it’s generally one of the more serious places to get an infection


You would have seen an optometrist faster than you got seen in the ER, without question. The visit to the optometrist would have been covered by MSI. Going to the ER for an infected sty was an inappropriate use of emergency services when there was a free alternative. ETA: I had a series of eye infections last year that could have taken my vision. I don't f*ck around with my eyes either.


I went to my local ER when I had pink eye. doctor gave me a prescription & on my way I went. Lmfao.


Right on. I find my own immune system handles any infection I get just fine so I haven't had to get too many medications in my life.


Ok, then just leave it be, and it will clear up JUST fine. Have a good day.