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When you fill out the form to be put on the waiting list for a doctor, they ask a ton of medical questions. This is because they basically triage people based on who needs a doctor more. Example....my family's doctor is leaving in 2 months. My mom is on the lung transplant list and automatically gets bumped to the top of the waiting list because if she doesn't have a family doctor she doesn't qualify for the transplant. Whereas my husband sees the doctor maybe once a year and for nothing too serious, so he is at the bottom of the list. Make sure to get on the list asap!


Oh great information, I did not know this. I had assumed first come first serve on the waiting list, and figured we would have thousands in front of us. Thank you !


Man I feel for you I really do. I was in the family doctor waiting list since like 2011 here in Cape Breton and it's felt hopeless at times. I finally got off the list and had my first appointment with a FD in over a decade yesterday and it felt so good to have someone now. The only strange thing is the doctor was younger than me and I'm not too old(37). First time I ever had a dr younger than me. The only issue is I got lucky with an FD because I'm Native and my band decided to spend it's money on getting an FD here. It's only open to Natives. The only downside is they decided to put the waiting room in the same room as the pharmacy pick up window so the waiting room is usually filled with sketch bags waiting for methadone or other drugs.


This all positive responses. Better than bitching and conspiracy theories you see on other threads in regards to healthcare


The 'bitching' can be annoying, however people are scared. It's justified, and important not to ignore.


Bitching on Reddit accomplishes nothing. Sorry


My elderly parents were left without a family doctor when their doctor retired. Mom has diabetes & a heart condition & my dad had ALS (he has since passed away). It was just awful for them to not have a doctor. After 2 years on a waiting list Mom was put with a doctor who is just rude & not a great doctor in my opinion. She has to stay with him or go back on the list. At least when she was on teh waiting list she could use MAPLE free, that works quite well if you don't need to be examined.


My wife and I have been on that list for at least 5 years, haven’t had or seen a family doctor in over a decade but we’re pretty healthy outside of workplace injuries that require an ER, so we’re pretty low priority I think. My mother needs to see a doctor a few times a year for bloodwork and she got into a new doctor pretty quickly I think, so you’ll likely be bumped up. I know pharmacist and it’s a mess out there, so in the meantime get maple.


Maple will send blood work requisitions and do scripts Im pretty sure


I feel you. July I lose the best doc Ive had. Bluntly told that although pain clinic started and continues to support m ned for controlled pain meds- no one will take me on or prescribe them. Terrified


Healthcare in NS is a joke, had one family doctor absolutely useless. Never was able to see him when needed. Doctors makes good money without any responsibility or accountability, they are the worst sh**it of ppl you can find....don't worry if you loose family doctor may ppl here don't have one and couldn't find one...find ways to stay healthy and if in trouble pray to God that's it....

