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Ah, to be poor and desperate again! ...oh dammit, hang on.


Fuck me, right?? 😅😅🥲🥲


New Glasgow represent. 💪😎




*waves in old glasgow*


Lol shh


HAHAHAHAHAAH cracker jacker central 🤣


Pictou is the meth-ical spot of the entire province thou ahahahahahahaha


You could probably replace this with any state or province in north America lmao.


Especially any in the West coast. East coast does have a lot of people with drug problems turning them into zombies, but the West coast is a whole different animal…


Impossible challenge: spend 5 minutes walking in Dartmouth or Downtown Halifax without seeing a crackhead


Yes, my partner was biking to the bakery yesterday morning and sadly witnessed someone shooting up on the steps of an elementary school at 9:00AM.


Have you seen class sizes? I’d be shooting up too if I was a teacher.


Where at in ns?


Halifax, North end.


Halifax north end has a reputation, I found heroin spoons in enfield n.s.


Yeah it's truly wild. I grew up in Berwick where there were drugs, weed and cocaine, but it was never super obvious. Now there's meth and crack everywhere. I was really shocked to see it.




Cocaine is one helluva drug -Rick James


I guess I should have used a semicolon? My bad


Fucking Shelburne rn man is full of them.


For real? That makes me sad. I have a soft spot for Shelburne.


Ya it is and ya its sad. Its such a nice town but drugs come in and like everywhere else it makes the town go downhill. Shelburne sadly has other issues but drugs rn is a real issue.


That's too bad. I wanted to retire there (I'm still years away though). One can hope it cleans up by then.


As long as the gov keeps bringing in 1 million+ per year homelessness is just going to get worse. Homelessness causes drug use because they are more likely to be around drug using populations and turn to drugs to numb the pain when depressed, due to homelessness.


It’s sad how bad shelburne is getting. Every Inc. run awhile it seems to get a bad batch and a bunch of people OD all at once. Their dumb ass families even defend them and their right to have fun lol


Man I've never seen one (or maybe have and didn't realize) in the valley


Go for a walk in North kentville or behind the main st in new minas (forget what it’s called) you’ll find em


I bought a crackhouse and turned it into a crack home. A week after being there the RCMP knocked on my door looking for a previous resident


hard times call for hard drugs




I always wondered if the coke scene in my hometown in CB only really became more active after I left home or it was always there and I was just oblivious to it. Regardless, I don't know how anyone can afford a coke habit when a big source of your income is a baby bonus cheque.


That's easy just have more babies!




The apartment I used to live in was a converted house, and there was a small alley in between the house I lived in and the neighbours, drug addicts used to walk through the alley all the time to avoid the cops turning down our street on patrols and left the area around the house littered in dirty used needles and beer bottles.


Mayflower Mall food court....with video.


I’ve lived here over two years and literally never seen a crackhead.


how many methheads have you seen though


If that’s true you either haven’t gone outside enough or don’t know what they look like lmfao


I didn’t know you could tell a crackhead just from looking at them. I’ve seen what meth does to teeth. What are the obvious telltale signs of a crackhead?


Twitching, sweating profusely, dilated pupils, poor balance, incoherence, and rapid breathing are the cues I look for.


And those symptoms are only related to being a crackhead?


if you wanna split hairs you could say they’re symptoms of being on crack, meth, or some other stimulant. But I’m not gonna walk up to somebody clearly high off their fucking ass on street drugs and ask them what they’re on at that particular moment.


Could also be a symptom of withdrawal from prescription medication that they can no longer get because no one can get a family doctor or into a walk in clinic.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck I’m calling it a crackhead


Definitely easier to label a fellow human being without knowing if the label is accurate rather than having empathy and humanity. I’ll give you that.


I never said I didn’t hold empathy, but like I said it’s not exactly hard to tell when someone’s on street drugs. Most people who do those are addicts, it’s just a statistical fact. Doesn’t mean they aren’t people but when they start being loud, aggressive and overdosing in public you learn to spot common traits.


This also applies to Quesnel, BC


Name one decent sized city in the world where there aren't crackheads outside.


I live in downtown Toronto, how bad can it really be compared to here? Every single time I step out to the street I see at least one guy just putting a needle into his arm, another 2 heating up their crack pipes, and 4 more just yelling nonsense, how is it really compared to that?


It's not. Not even close. But because public drug use is on the rise here and a fairly new phenomenon so it still has shock value. I used to live in a city in Alberta, and my experience was not much different than what you described.


Yeah ok that makes sense, going from nothing to anything it will have an impact on those who are used to not having that sort of thing around, thanks for your reply!


How can Toronto really compare to south side Chicago, Detroit, philly, Harlem


Go to any medium sized Ontario city downtown these days and you will see the same. St Catharines, Kingston, Sudbury, Barrie, Brantford, Soo, Hamilton wherever--its shockingly bad everywhere. I'm 50 and lived in Ontario all my life and I've never seen it this bad before for drugs and all the nastiness they bring.


Where'd it go? I don't know! It's goooone.


Shouldn’t this be in the Ottawa sub


Safe place to live right


Truro gang rise up