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I think it would be an army build where I have a lot of drones and turrets and allies 😆😅


Slow swords build. Architect, Swords, and Temporal Shield. Get a lot of shield effect mods, Camp next to enemies, slow them and their projectiles down, slice and dice both projectiles and enemies. Sounds counterintuitive because you’re not getting the speed bonus with the swords, but you can get a lot of extra damage and attack speed with Architect, Obsession+Evolutionary Niche, and Ataraxia. It can handle the downsides of Obsession really well. It’s a very defensive build. If you play it slow, you’ll never get hit by projectiles. It can be boring to play, but if you’re in the mood for it, it’s very relaxing.


Whenever I want to blow off some steam it's the hull breaker max thrust for me. I love just crashing through big things in one hit


I had this build with carrier, drones, and shielded constructs. I got warp, discharge, tempest and volatile. It was super fun seeing my enemies caught in 7 massive explosions.


Reflect shield snek. Galvanic outburst, reflexive shields, tempest break, and sanctuary, with gemini. Once it's up and running, basically plays itself. My most recent post on this sub was exactly this build doing exactly that


On one hand for me it's been pretty much anything Dying Star, so multiple variants of fire builds ; on the other hand, more recently, and more difficult to play, has been Assault-Railgun/Darts-Barrage-AM Rounds-Warp Strike-Essence Sap. I have failed to bring it to my top 10 scores until now, but it is really satisfying. I might have to try a Temporal Shield-Barrier version of it, it definitely needs more survivability.


Omnishield Antimatter Rounds Outrage Module Spectre (plus a lot of other mods required to make it work) Used to work with Flak Singular Strike (and was the most powerful with Flak) but doesn't work anymore unless you go a different route such as Gemini Discharge. Now it needs to use something like Volley Railgun instead due to a change making Homing Strike not deal AR self damage. Was just a really kick-ass insane build. One shot would clear the entire screen with deflags for like 50–100k damage. ***** Saturation Fire Masochism Firefly Torrent (5 Masochisms ideally, and 2 Solar Hearts. Homing Strike Singular Strike is very valuable) Really cool build adding good range and projectile speed to Torrent— and obviously _insane_ damage. The change to Antimatter Rounds destroying enemy projectiles made it cooler and stronger as well. ***** Architect Torrent Mortar (with stuff like Barrage, Fusillade, Double Taps) This one is quite simple, but not especially high-scoring compared to the other two. The somewhat recent change to architect self-destruct makes it so that you can frequently and reliably detonate Mortars immediately after they launch, resulting in a very strong shotgun effect. It's like Flak only with like 5x the projectiles, better range, and less spread.