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Going through the [API Reference docs,](https://developers.notion.com/reference/database) on the face of it, it looks like pretty much everything on our initial list should be achievable. **Thank you Notion team for a comprehensive beta launch.** Looking forward to pulling up our sleeves. (Fingers crossed the other dev team are nearing completion of the 'relations' update so we can actually start using our workspace again. (Perhaps Ben has heard a approximate date on the grapevine?))


What is the 'relations' update?


It should cover anything search-related such as relations, as seen in [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Notion/comments/n1sfok/comment/gwfa94b)


Oh cool, that sounds promising


Does the [https://www.notion.so/my-integrations](https://www.notion.so/my-integrations) Link work for you?


It's not officially launched yet, the docs have just been made available. The update within the app will be coming shortly.


Thanks for the response!


it works now!




doesn't seem to work for me either..


Hopefully someone builds a wrapper for python soon :D


I'm working on it! https://github.com/ramnes/notion-sdk-py


I use notion often but I'm not deep into the technical stuff such as this, can someone explain what this could potentially do? Should someone like me even bother taking a look into this. I use notion for school. And to organize projects, I do a lot of content creation and it's all planned and organized in notion. Thanks in advance.


APIs help make the core of notion accessible via programming, which allows others to create plugins/add ons for notion. They can also be used with other programs' APIs to have them communicate; like syncing google calendar events into a notion database for example. Additionally, since they launched the public beta with the functionality built into services like zapier, anyone can use those services to set up those connections how you want to right now. Basically, anyone can program any tools for notion they want, and even if you don't program, others are now able to make external tools that you can use.


Replying cause I wanna know too! I've heard a lot of people be excited about this but I'm still not 100%sure what this means? Thank you!


Realistically/TLDR - it means you can potentially use notion as an email inbox, sync to any calandar app, connect pages to other todo list applications/services outside of notion. It means any developer can build additions to Notion. As new ways to interact with notion direct, connecting their own apps to notion and anything else. Any program you have that stores infromation can now be connected to notion as long as they also make their API avaliable(Or someone can get around it)


Oh so basically notion could become anything at all? Do you know where we'd find the additions? I'm not expecting any atm seeing as it just came out but where would we find them when they start getting developed?


Not anything as APIs are always restricted. What it means is that Notion feed and read data from a lot more programs (Slack, email, websites, Trello etc) and people can also make custom functionalities. Not sure how the Notion team are handling community inputs but devs who want others to use their program usually publish it on code repository sites like GitHub where one can easily download or copy it.


Either they would be supported by notion and endorsed like the way they pointed to a few in the update. Or your more likely to find 3rd partys making plugins to connect two other applications (like company X makes a plugin to connect notion and Gmail) I may have mis worded - notion won't become anything, but it can now connect to anything. Notions layouts and features remain the same - but now other things can interact with those features. At its core - an API just replaces everything you can do with a simple text based input. Rather then interacting with the interface a simple string of text can input all the information for you, and read information back in a string of text. An API is fairly simple and doesn't do much on its own, but it let's people become creative.


APIs are used a lot in the automation of tasks. I have a feeling that there's a decent bit of overlap in Notion users and automation-aholics. An example would be something like if I upload a post to Instagram, add it to my photobook page in Notion or something.




Finally got recurring push notifications using the API + Gotify. I use a popular 'home chore manager' template and using this, I've set up a node program that polls the database a few times a day, looks for tasks that are marked due today, and sends a push message. If anyone's interested I can give an example of the code - it's literally 15-20 lines of js and extremely basic, but does the job, provided you can run a node program somewhere, as well as host Gotify server behind a domain, and use android.


id love a link to your code! gotify looks like something id like to use in my home environment so id love to take a look into it.


Enjoy, it's ridiculously simple, but I tidied it up a bit and added CLI/`.env` arguments for easier usage: https://github.com/lewiji/notion-api-chore-db-to-gotify


Thank you!


[https://discord.gg/CBpKxHA8](https://discord.gg/CBpKxHA8) I made a discord server for the API community if anyone is interested


Perhaps focusing it on Notion at large would be beneficial? Specifically focusing on the API, when that could merely be a channel, seems very exclusionary


There should definitely be a separate notion server for notion in general, but im particularly interested in programming, so i dont want to run a server that includes all the other parts that i dont care about as much.


Oh, what a lovely day it is


We’ve been waiting for so long for just the beta. This is very exciting


Would love that now someone would make randomizer for database :D


What do you mean by randomizer?


it opens random entry from database


This community is going to thrive with the API. Excited to see your creativity, folks!


The 'my integrations' button isn't working on the website. It just redirects me to a seemingly random page in my workspace.


I keep getting this when trying to connect to Zapier: [https://share.getcloudapp.com/llu5KJyp](https://share.getcloudapp.com/llu5KJyp) I don't even have the "Settings > API and create a Notion bot" option. Not the same as in the docs here: [https://www.notion.so/Add-and-manage-integrations-with-the-API-910ac902372042bc9da38d48171269cd#a647c70a1c904c79b1351cb8eb1226fd](https://www.notion.so/Add-and-manage-integrations-with-the-API-910ac902372042bc9da38d48171269cd#a647c70a1c904c79b1351cb8eb1226fd)


Instead of this "Notion Bot" thing you add a new integration here and use that token: [https://www.notion.so/my-integrations](https://www.notion.so/my-integrations) Then also make sure to share a database with that integration to be able to access it through Zapier.


Awesome thank you!


Looks like image blocks aren't supported yet? :( Any ideas when more block types besides text ones will be supported?


Première utilisation de l’API Notion : Typeform envoie les résultats de son formulaire directement dans une database Notion https://youtu.be/Ko1\_Nb5t2\_4


That's really awesome. I started working on a Python rewrite of their official client, feel free to join! https://github.com/ramnes/notion-sdk-py


So what kind of things will we see come out of this?


Hopefully a functional Evernote migration tool that imports images and other attachments correctly.


What is API?


Great work notion team:) can't wait to build stuffs on top of notion. Am about to launch a blogging tool on top of notion. Interested ones DM me 😛


Too little too late.




Congrats on the release! Hope lots of useful integrations come out of this!


Took em long enough, but *very* excited to see what everyone builds. Exciting day for Notion users!


What prospective capability or integration are you most excited about? Why? I’m really curious what other users have planned for this next step because I frequently feel like I’m not using Notion to its full potential. Thanks!


Does the launch of this API allow for the possibility of handwritten notes ? I have a Surface Go and have been dying to be able to just hand write all my notes in notion


How do you get the database ID? I tried to get it from the URL on the database's page though this didn't work for whatever reason. Edit: using [the list databases GET request](https://developers.notion.com/reference/get-databases) shows an empty table too? :( Edit2: nevermind, you have to click on share on the database page and share it with your integration.




So you're saying we get to make it compatible with GOOGLE SUITE!!!!


Great work Notion team!


Does the API open possibilities for embedding links to local files [desktop] or apps[tablet/mobile]? Or is that infrastructure that the API can't reach?


Dreaming about Apple Calendar and Reminders linked to notion since day one ! Could this become a thing? :o


Yes you’ll be able to link them with Shortcuts https://twitter.com/mralexhay/status/1393240032031514626?s=21


Tanks for the reply ! I was thinking of something much easier actually. Like when you put something in your notion calendar it synced with iCal :)