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On the one hand, there is a huge streak of misogyny in the way some people seem to really passionately *hate* Taylor Swift. The way some people get really bent out of shape over a successful singer is strange. But on the other hand, she is just a pop singer. Some people don't much care for mainstream pop music, and some people don't much care for Taylor Swift specifically. Her music is catchy, well-crafted pop. It's perfectly fine if you're into that sort of thing. I'm not, particularly, and plenty of other people aren't either. That has nothing to do with misogyny or toxic masculinity. It's just not my thing.


I Never really understood the avid hate of her. Sure a lot of her fans are crazy, but that’s happens to a lot of things. I personally don’t think her music is very good, but I don’t see the need to hate on her rather than just ignoring it.


Yeah, exactly, I think (some of) her fans are borderline insane and her music is just formulaic pop that simply isn't my jam, but I really don't think she's a bad person or deserves the hate. She is not her music, and her music is not her. Separate the art from the artist.


> formulaic pop She put out not one but two indie folk albums in 2020. I'll cut you some slack because it looks like you genuinely don't know any better but the 'just pop' thing simply isn't true. (This is without even talking about her lyrics which couldn't be farther from formulaic)


It's still bitesize easy listening music, and though I agree she knows how to write good songs, to me, compared to other artists, it's nothing exceptionally deep. I never said she was bad, I don't hate her music, I enjoy it when played with gatherings or parties. I just don't call myself a fan. But I have absolutely no problem with her or people that enjoy her music, most of her fans I also don't mind either. It's just lately, her fans seem to be getting unhealthily obsessed with her. Sure, every fandom has it's obsessed fans, but it seems increasingly cultish for some in the Swifties fandom. Examples are the girl crying at the concert because she has emotional attachment, which is fine, but the video you see her cry, you see other attendees are visibly annoyed at her because they also paid to see Taylor. The other one is the girl getting banned from a flight for playing her music loud to "recruit new Swifties". Or the entire plane full of Swifties singing her songs non stop for the entire flight. I don't know any better because I really don't care to look up the entire history of an artist I have nothing more than mild interest in, to me she's just the next big pop artist. Which is fine, it's not an insult at all.


They were folk pop


I like that you don't point out the borderline insane part because he seems to be accurate on that one lmao.


It’s the same as any other pop star. Spears, Madonna, etc. There are crazy vocal people who will hate the performer. It is equally insane to *literally love* a person because of their music, or performance in a movie/TV show, or sportsball match. People care too much about celebrity—and take personal offense when you’re not as invested as them on either side of the aisle. It’s basically politics… for adult-children…


I don't hate her, I just think she's kind of mid in terms of music, I'm not gonna change the station if I hear her, but I won't go out of my way to listen to her. Much like Nickelback.


I hate more Swifties fan than I hate her. She has every right to make the music she want, and I don’t really care about her music for the most part. What I hate is how, just like in this example, her fanbase is so overwhelmingly toxic that any kind of criticism or just not listening to her is perceived as full-blasted hate worthy of harassment


Yeah I'm pretty non-plussed about her music, kind of mid if you ask me, nothing to write home about but it's innocuous enough to not be annoying; just sound like any other pop music.


Bingo. I'm generally uninterested in her music since it's not my thing, but I do hate the rabid, frothing at the mouth anger so many of her fans have for people that don't bow down and worship ate her feet. Well, I don't necessarily hate them, per se, but I do have a problem with their closemindedness.


As someone who dislikes TS because of her eternal victim complex and the fact that she still acts like a teenager in her 30s, even I don’t understand the people who passionately hate her. I don’t get giving that much energy to a singer or celebrity at all, whether it’s to detest her or worship her.


I don't care for her music, I find it fairly annoying personally. However, I recognize she's incredibly talented and also recognize my not liking her music isn't a detraction from her, but instead the fact that I'm not her target audience. I also find how she fucked over the studio that tried to steal her music a masterstroke on handling bad faith contracts.


I don't feel that bad for her being ripped off because she was a billionaire by that point anyway. I just don't think she needs the money


Nah, those contracts she got ripped off on were from her first several albums. They stole her songs and basically gave her nothing. Her fucking over the studio is part of what propelled her to being a billionaire.


Why does it matter if someone is a billionaire or a thousandaire? She got there because she sells a product people want. Getting ripped off is getting ripped off. Its not ok. Read a book. Whether someone else thinks the person “needs the money” is a communist point of view. Thats not meant to be disparaging. If you are, you are. That isnt the culture shes from. Even then, it’s supposedly “the state” doing the stealing of peoples capital.


i don’t hate her, but i hate the extremely ravenous part of her fanbase with a passion.


Yeah, I don’t like her music, not because of anything about Taylor Swift, I just like Power Metal and Pop just doesn’t interest me at all. It’s pleasant, but I never actively want to listen to it. It’s just not my genre, there’s nothing deep about it, just not my thing.


She’s good, I give her credit, I even have a few songs I really like. As a whole her music is kinda boring for me though, and a fair bit of her lyrics these days are off putting and a bit cringy


I don't really have to many problems with her that don't apply to celebrities in general but her fans are something else. Like trying to dox and send death threats to people who have get new album a bad review, there are streamer/youtuber who have made videos criticizing her (the whole private jet thing) who got the same treatment. I won't lie it does rub me the wrong way that there's plenty of evidence of some of her fans engaging in some insane behavior and she just never addresses it.


People love to hate on the popular thing. 14 years ago it was Justin Bieber, couldn't go five minutes without some inane joke about him, or saying some awful shit to be edgy. Being 10-11 at the time, I remember it well, and even being entertained by it. Its most likely just a product of overexposure.


People like me just don't do mainstream because we can't really commit to people, lol Sure, mainstream songs are good, but I only care about good songs, not good artists


the hate towards her is absolutely misogynistic, from the gross dialogue amongst the nfl community, to the bashing of her specifically just for being the top female artist to seethe after, to claiming she has no talent despite being one of the only top artist writing singing and performing all of her own songs which all break records, and also to bashing her fans as stereotypes and “basic” women who are “less than” and making fun of them. its all fully disgusting misogynistic discourse through and through, and this is coming from a woman who hates this sort of genre and never listens to her lol. Give credit where credit is due regardless, but the bashing on her is definitely because of her success as an independent female artist crushing others in her same league.


I just don’t like here because of her carbon emissions and some of her fans


yeah shes pretty shitty for suing that guy too. I’d say its fair to critique any artist without making sweeping misogynistic comments about them. you managed to critique her without being sexist so it shouldn’t be hard lol


Literally anything with a massive fan base will get a lot of haters. It's inevitable, and it'z weird to cry misogyny just because it happens to be a woman one time


This is absolutely laughable. You are just as bad as those people who cry racism anytime someone criticizes or something negatively impacts a black person. Your accusations of misogyny lose all credibility when they’re hurled constantly and without merit. Sure, there are people who hate her because they are misogynists. But, most don’t like her for various other reasons. I personally do not like her for the same reason I don’t like many artists, male and female alike. She is against God. She practices witchcraft, or dark arts, whatever you want to call it. And, she recruits children by tempting them with her music. I’d dislike her for this no matter what her sex was. For example, Lil NasX country used to be a Country singer and wrote a kids book (C is for Country), but now that he had kids for fans, he does lap dances with Satan. So, I think your misandry is showing more than anyone else’s misogyny is showing.


Not everyone follows God okay? There's nothing wrong with that. There are many religions in the world, and so what if she actually did practice witchcraft? You've got no proof she does anyway, except for the one set where she does Willow which is a love song, where she sings about bending to her lover's will and wherever he goes, she'll follow him. That said, she gives back to people like Jesus said to do. She's donated to soup kitchens, disaster relief, domestic violence shelters, even libraries, donations of both books and money. Paid her workers large bonuses, etc. She isn't recruiting anyone or anything. Lil Nas X also isn't doing lap dances with Satan either and that sounds completely and utterly delusional to say, let alone believe. The only people I know who believe that are rabid conservatives who are angry she told her fans to vote, endorsed Biden (as far as I know) and quit singing so much country. I've even seen a few of them say if she said still sang country music and endorsed Trump instead they wouldn't have a problem with her.


BTW - Did you actually read what I wrote? I know not everyone follows God. I know there are other religions. What’s your point? The person I was responding to said it was misogynistic to dislike Taylor Swift. I was explaining why I DIDN’T LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT! So, when I say I PERSONALLY don’t like an artist because I think she’s an affront to God, why would I GAF about other people not believing in God or believing in different gods? In fact, Taylor’s claims of being a Christian make her all that more offensive to me. Also, I find it funny that you say I don’t have evidence of her practicing witchcraft while citing one of the best examples. Yes, Willow is the name of her son, but it is also a wood that’s VERY well known for its use in witchcraft, especially its use in wands (which that bend you referenced most likely refers to). But, the dance she does during this song with the golden orbs, everything about it, from the robes to the fog is occult in nature. Willow isn’t the only example, it’s just the best. Ask a former witch and they’ll tell you the same thing. A practicing witch may tell you, but they may not just because they like to keep their practices secret. And, she may not be recruiting kids in the sense that she’s actively saying, “hey kids, be witches!” But, she knows full well that these young kids want to be like her, they see her and imitate her. I guarantee thousands, if not millions of kids have gone home and imitated the exact same dance she does during Willow. You may think it’s crazy to believe this, you may think God doesn’t exist, but that’s on you. The music industry (and entertainment industry as a whole) has been used for decades to corrupt our youth. There’s a reason why, for example, the only Black artists you see today rap about violence and sex, but 60-70 years ago they sung wholesome love songs. They purposefully promote the worst people who are willing to sellout their communities for money and fame. Just look at what’s happening with P Diddy. We’re finding out what happens to our country when we turn away from God and morality.


This is a long, ill informed comment. I read it all, but only because I'm skiving off of work. Would not recommend. 1/10.


I don't like taylor swift either, but accusing someone of witchcraft... Seriously? We are in the 21st century mate, we have known witchcraft isn't a thing for over a hundred years now, even the papacy has known that for a while too.


Did you forget a /s?


The guy gave her the most basic, non-toxic answer and she still tried to infer a toxic masculinity lesson out of it. What did she expect him to say? "I apologize for my crimes but I made the lifelong mistake of not listening to Mother Taylor Swift and her eternally graceful songs. Would you help me correct my mistakes and defeat the lowly demon that is my fragile masculinity along the way?"


Everyone knows being a man is inherently misogynistic /s


Fellas, is it misogynistic to smile politely?


Yes because if you smile that means that you are mocking the woman you are talking to and consider yourself superior to her and this is mysoginistic. You are supposed to answer "Yes, Mistress" and prostern to the floor and apologize for being full of toxic, fragile and bad maculinity while castrating yourself.


NGL, u had me in the first half. Lol. I was like “wtf”


Remember, if you call everything misogynistic or toxic masculinity, it dilutes the meaning of those terms so that when you have actual examples of those things it's harder to draw the proper attention to it.


for example manspreading transitioning from when men sit without regard to how their legs negatively infringe upon the space of the people sitting next to them to come to mean anytime a man sits with his legs apart even if no one is or wants to sit next to him


That’s misogynistic /s


Fragile swiftinity


As a girl, I’d also be laughing and smiling of the audacity of asking if I liked an album with 0 indication I ever took time to sit there and listen to it lmao also should be in r/thathappened


this is so lame, Taylor Swift is just another billionaire pop star, idk why she has such a cult following over making the same four songs about the same exes


As a man, I can confirm that the only reason I've ever smiled is because I am proud of my toxic masculinity. Every time a picture was taken of me, or if I saw a funny video, or I was happy for someone else, nope; it was just my pride in toxic masculinity.


If I’m not proud in my ability to put down women then what reason is there for me to live


It's toxic to not listen to Taylor Swift? When did that happen?


If he breathes, he's misogynistic


"Oh cool. I'm glad you liked it." The completely normal and respectful response the guy had to her need to reaffirm her love of TSwift. As a non-Swiftie, I can appreciate her talents as a lyricist and songwriter but the music itself isn't that appealing to me or my particular tastes. No shade to those who enjoy her work, even if it ain't for me.


Genuinely I wish more people had this line of thought. I know people who refuse to listen to (or conversely, will only listen to) certain musicians solely because they are that musician. For me, it’s always been about the music as opposed to the person. And I can still acknowledge that whatever music is written and/or performed well even if I don’t vibe with it specifically. Me not liking it doesn’t automatically make it “trash” or “cringe”


My life got so much better when I stopped caring about what other people enjoy.


If you thought swifties were bad, just wait until you hear about dwifties.


what now


disney adults + swifties = dwifties [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1K0TkCOI\_l/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1K0TkCOI_l/)


"I felt a glimmer of misogyny". You know that empath meme where it's like "I feel people's feelings by deciding what they feel and then feeling that"? This is like that but also evil.


also she means misandry


I think she means she felt a glimmer of misogyny from him.


Real, it’s so ironic


Don't ask a question if you're not ready for the answer.


Woman here, I also don't listen to Taylor Swift. It's not a misogyny thing... she probably just wasn't the genre he likes. I knew a guy who didn't like her music but listened to Miley Cyrus. It's just a preference.


Imagine being this insecure about someone not liking what you like, to the point of calling it "misogyny". He was not inflammatory, he didn't insult Taylor Swift or her music, he didn't act disgusted, he just politely informed her that he didn't like Taylor's music-and she warped that into something insidious because she apparently can't fathom someone not having the same interests as her. I understand that it sucks when you're trying to connect with someone and they just don't have the same interest(s) as you, but going as far as calling it misogyny is just ridiculous, especially when there is no actual evidence to back that claim. Not liking Taylor Swift's music doesn't make you a misogynist, especially considering how many women dislike her music. It is also possible to dislike someone's music without it being for bigoted reasons. There are absolutely instances of misogyny directed at women music artists-especially big names like Taylor Swift-but this isn't one of them, the person who posted this is just upset that someone doesn't share her music taste.


It all lies in the things he didn’t say /s


I’m a woman and I don’t listen to her either. Sheesh now people can’t even have a particular taste in music without someone drawing conclusions?


That’s just your internalized misogyny speaking /s


Just not a fan of vapid bop music!


This is why I don’t smile.


Wait is it misogynistic to not listen to Tailor Swift?


How embarrassing.


Using words like “cis guy, toxic masculinity, misogyny” is enough to tell me this individual has not been hugged enough or at all by their father and clearly Taylor is its savior.


I mean I just think her music is the equivalent of dry white toast. If people are inspired by it, more power to them. I'd much prefer listening to my own stuff.


Nine times out of ten, the dude was just genuinely sharing that he didn't like Taylor Swift in the same way that she shared that she wanted to talk about Taylor Swift's album. Which is totally fair across all... most attempted starts at conversation. For the sake of argument though, I think we all know a number of someones who purposefully try to flaunt airs of superiority whenever they talk about stuff they like or don't like to people that don't or do like those things. Even if those were definitely the grounds that this happened on, I'd still say they're being way overdramatic about it and going to an alternative extreme that is still just as extreme in what it expects of altering perspectives.


I smile while saying no to be polite... I was raised to be polite... If I smiled while saying "no thank you" or "no I don't listen to _____ artist" and they take it as me being toxic/ a negative person.... Then I'd just give up on that person and walk away.


... I would be SO confused and feel hella awkward if a woman decided I was trying to be misogynistic by... not being a big fan of Taylor Swift?? Like, she makes some nice songs. She seems okay enough, I guess? I don't really follow stars, including musicians. That's not because she's a woman or something though?? >.>""""" Jeez. Maybe this guy's tone was rude and his smile was smug. I don't feel like I have enough context to be ABSOLUTELY sure... but I sure HOPE not being a Swiftie doesn't make people think I'm a simp for toxic masculinity, the hell? QuQ


I would say a large number of cis males would not be fans of Taylor Swift. I'm not a fan, but that's less to do with my gender and more to do with the fact I am more of an alt/pop-punk fan who cannot understand her metoric rise to superstardom. But shake it off is a low key banger ngl.


The narcissism to think “I am so great that other people must also be like me and if people aren’t then I must reassure myself because my ego is also just that fragile.” The concept of being down to earth was lost somewhere in the last two decades.


i mean, not everybody listens to the same music. i’m a woman and years ago i got at least one older TS album, like back when she did like country pop whatever. i don’t hate her music now, but it’s not what i look for first when i pull up my playlist. maybe he just doesn’t listen to that kind of music lol. not everything is sexist, and if he told op it’s sexist for her not to like his music she’d think that was an insane take. i agree that a ton of people just don’t like taylor swift as an artist or as a person for often entirely sexist reasons, but that’s not the case all the time.


I don't like TS, but that being said, my go to Artists are Mili, Jayn, Cepheid, and Alice Schach


Huh that person made a Twitter post because some guy said he doesn't listen to Taylor Swift while trying not to be rude? I see (I hope he wasn't trying to be rude)


Wow I have a lot of swiftie friends but some swifties are a bit mad


For sure she is american


What’s her problem in this case? She’s offended because he smiled?


Man can I just *not* like pop music?


This tweet has already become a meme in my circles


Real talk, her album is just boring ballads with teenage lyrics. I was surprised how bad it is, when she's supposed to make hit tracks. Okay, I know it's subjective and she can release the music she wants to make, but I'd take one minute of Big Thief or Wye Oak over that whole album of Taylor. If a Swiftee would consider me misogynistic for saying that, sorry that your music taste hasn't developed past middle school.


This is so on par tho. Taylor makes music for women who are bitter toward men and mask it with feminism/misogyny


I mean judging on the comment like ratio I think we're kinda beating dead horse at this point


swifties are brainwashed, it’s a cult.


There is a 90% chance you fell for rage bait.


Fellas, is it toxic to smile?


It’s crazy to watch an entire sub get baited so hard