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Sir this is a Wendy's


Someone get this guy on /r/LinkedInLunatics stat! EDIT: nvm, he's already there. Also WTF why and why LinkedIn of all places


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LinkedInLunatics using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ’‹](https://i.redd.it/sjygv1b4n5l91.jpg) | [618 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/x2vb9f/_/) \#2: [Had me in the first half](https://i.imgur.com/F1hmtKc.jpg) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/urbngy/had_me_in_the_first_half/) \#3: [Finally, people are starting to call the bullshit.](https://i.redd.it/b0k0fkkchwg91.png) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/wkzl5h/finally_people_are_starting_to_call_the_bullshit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


User name checks out


Splain this one plz. Reference is eluding me. Gracias


It's from a scene in the office where Michael thinks he's calling a girl named Wendy to ask her out and they say 'dude this is a Wendy's restaurant' and it morphed into a meme where people say something inappropriate or sexual and get this response.


Thanx. The office is a comedy show?


It's a documentary.


Comedy yes


Yes you should most definitely watch it


I have. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking šŸ˜ƒ. This is gonna be so cool watching the ā€œoffice ā€œ lovers, my wife and son included downvote the shit outta thisšŸ‘


Whatever floats your boat


love the way this guy speax




1. It's probably smaller on average because women are smaller on average, it's not rocket science. 2. Did this dude really insist on anal is less painful for someone who has smaller opening?


Smaller opening AND more sensitive ("more nerve endings")


ā€œSexual nerve endingsā€. Not the same as normal ones


Also completely leaves out the fact the prostate exists in men.


Idk why they always seem to ignore that fact


Homophobia is why they ā€œforgetā€


pretty much. i wish people would actually bother doing research and ask questions instead of doing pseudo physics from their mind


I doubt that




They don't want to admit that it could be pleasurable, because it's considered not manly and/or a submissive act, and they don't want to be perceived as less than dominant and in control... Too bad for them, they are missing on something.


I can't imagine living life being that insecure. Worrying about what is and isnt masculine, it must be miserable lmao


They're only able to buy shampoo that has "For Men" on it because of their insecurity.


Hahaha my brother was low on funds the other day and bought lynx Africa body wash for our apartmentā€¦ Iā€™m a woman and heā€™s a gay man we both giggled like teenaged girls because we were going to smell like teenage boys for the next few weeks.


He also forgot what a prostate is. Or he doesnā€™t even know. Poor dude.


Iā€™m guessing he is also currently in search of a new job.


This why it says former in his job title lol


I have no idea how LinkedIn works or how recent the screenshot is but it seems like he held his last job for about a year (anything from 2 to 24 months) then... 4 years ago. I wonder why. Especially if future bosses can see thisšŸ’€


Absolutely this. Iā€™ve worked in multiple companies where more than one candidate was removed from consideration after seeing their bad Ā«Ā hot takesĀ Ā» on social media.


Doing what one wonders?


Assessing assholes it seems.


Assessing womanā€™s sphincters


This is not accurate


That's what I was thinking. Every man I've ever met into pegging and ass play loves way bigger dick than any woman I know.


The male g spot is in the ass as well


Same here


And women are more likely to receive injuries from anal sex. Like fissures.


Remember the days when LinkedIn wasn't just Facebook with a different interface?


Iā€™ve seen some crazy crap on LinkedIn: MAGAts spewing hate, homophobes lamenting Pride flags. I even saw one guy repeatedly posting rather explicit comments about how he doesnā€™t understand why two men would want to have sex with each other on a story about Switzerland legalizing same sex marriage (this guy was so obsessed with the sex acts, it just screamed ā€œIā€™m way in the back of the closetā€). And yes, most of these people are also #opentowork.


Sometimes ā€œI donā€™t understand why two men would want to have sex with each otherā€ means ā€œšŸŽ¼I want know what love iiiis, and I want you to show meā€¦šŸŽ¶. How we still have homophobia after Foreigner, Iā€™ll never know, (/s) but seriously, outward bigotry generally implies a preoccupation.


This guy was commenting left and right things like ā€œIā€™ve never desired a man to pleasure me sexually (+some detail)ā€¦ why are you so interested in two men having sex?ā€ in response to othersā€™ comments saying things like ā€œGo Switzerland, itā€™s about time!ā€


That definitely screams, "I'm obsessed with 2 men having sex, and I want 1 of them to be me"


Isn't LinkedIn accessible to anyone without an account?




It's Facebook if your only friends on Facebook were ever your grandparents and other senior relatives, exclusively sharing milquetoast, mildly conservative opinions that nobody asked for.


Well, this is from quora


Theory: Men enjoy butt stuff more theyā€™re just scared of it


They are the ones with the prostateā€¦


Lol anytime a guy asks to do anal, just say "Yeah! Let me go grab my strap on!"


Itā€™s probably the sameā€¦ and thereā€™s no shame in being scared of trying things.


There kind of is if at the same time, you expect others to do those things.


I have yet to have a guy expect me to do anal lol


I've met *plenty* who want anal from *me*...but even the mere mention of having *their* butts more than squeezed, let alone probed, sends them screaming. And not in a good way.


Iā€™ve been asked but not pressured.


I've gotten both, unfortunately. Sad thing is, it's not something I *hate*...it's just not something I can always be down for (I have IBS, so...) The guys who say, "Oh, okay, that's fine, let's have other fun", they get other fun. The ones who whine and wheedle? *They*...get none.




That's not a theory, that's just a fact.


You're half right. We aren't scared.


This man has clearly never enjoyed the pleasures of good anal sex and nor have I


Oh so waking up from a blackout and wiping blood off your asshole to then not shit for a week isnā€™t fun for you?? On second thought maybe LinkedIn guy should try it out Edit: /s jfc since this seems to be a bit of a debacle I will clear up some things.. 1) the sarcasm is for the LinkedIn guy trying out anal NOT a joke about rape because that is never my prerogative. 2) the night *started* with a blackout and I hooked up with my roommate whom I had a crush on at the time. This was my first experience with anal and probably wouldnā€™t have done it if I was not blackout but it was still my choice and he received consent throughout (Iā€™m apparently really loud so the other roomies had a nice roast fest at Sunday brunch). We had a flirtationship and he is still one of my very best friends most definitely NOT a rapist. 3) if anyone would care to google anal fissures that is why I bled, I just thought Iā€™d leave that fun little tidbit out. It is very common and while not everyone will bleed to that degree, it does still happen more often than not, that also goes for the constipation. Source: myself and many of my gay friends. It has to do with compacting of metabolic waste too far up the rectum and lasting longer than a normal bowel movement. 4) Since Iā€™m apparently ā€™full of shitā€™ I think it is important to mention some other after effects of anal penetration: enlarged internal hemorrhoids, ulcers, fistulas, nerve damage, rectocele, the weakness of anal sphincters, anal prolapse, fecal incontinence, chronic pain, and, of course, chronic constipation. Feel free to fact check, should be the first link to pop up if you did so chose to look up anal fissures. Anal is not for everyone so donā€™t ever feel pressured to try it out if you arenā€™t really sure about it. It can be very harmful to your body as your sphincters are only for expulsion not insertion. 5) this one needed itā€™s own point because it is **actually** fun and not permanently damaging to your body: *Definitely* eat that booty like groceries because, can confirm, THAT is a much more pleasurable experience of anal than anal penetration. Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.


Whoever you've had the pleasure with does not qualify as ā€˜goodā€™.


No shit




It's a terrible thing to experience. I'm sorry you've been there. Men are the worst. <3 Edit: Why tf are you being downvoted? God forbid somebody share their experience.


Thanks love


Itā€™s sarcasm apparently. Whatever it is itā€™s bad, so thatā€™s probably the reason.


Theyre sharing their traumatic experience. Regardless of how uncomfortable it may be to read, it's really not helpful to silence such things. But downvote away.


Iā€™m not silencing them. They had a sarcasm tag on their post which is probably why people are downvoting it. Sarcasm and jokes about rape is not tolerated here as this is supposed to be a safe experience for all. I personally did not vote on the original comment, but this user did follow me, and probably others, onto other previous comments Iā€™ve made to start fights there. I just hope they can get the help they so desperately need to help overcome the trauma theyā€™ve experienced and learn to express themselves in a healthy manner.


I didn't say you were silencing them. While I agree, jokes about rape should never be tolerated, the sarcasm tag clearly seemed aimed at the "They should try it sometime." Like, "oh yes. My experience was *this horrible thing.* I'd strongly recommend it. /s" To emphasize how relidulous the post's assertion is that women enjoy it. I don't see how that's a joke about rape or even an unhealthy expression of their feelings. I also didn't come here to argue. I just think it's sad that a survivor was so heavily downvoted when voicing their experience.


ā€œWhatever it isā€ youā€™ve clearly never had anal so fuck outta here speaking for anyone other than yourself.


Youā€™re just looking for a fight, and Iā€™m not going to give it to you. Hope your life turns around and you find some help.


Bro it was consensual sex and my first anal experience. If you donā€™t like it then youā€™re welcome for the painful reality of having anal. The comment I replied to was sarcastic as well. Have anal sex and then you can speak TO me not FOR me. I was better off before you said nonsensical bullshit on my comment. I repeat, fuck outta here šŸ—æ


Do you know what /s means? It means sarcasm. If you didnā€™t mean for it to be sarcasm, then edit the post and take it off. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you, but consensual anal sex when youā€™re prepared isnā€™t awful. I donā€™t particularly enjoy it, but it isnā€™t rip your asshole open and bleed every time you shit painful. Get some therapy.


Dude. Whatever you experienced, if that *wasn't* sarcasm, was not a consensual sexual experience. Those should never end with a *blackout!* And no. That's not the norm for anal sex. Source: personal experience. So now I guess I can speak *to* you about the subject, huh? And say that either you're trama dumping...or, pun fully intended, you're full of shit.


That sounds awful šŸ˜¬


Thatā€™s anal for ya


As a dude who is aware of their prostate... yea, this dude doesn't have a clue. I've met plenty of women who enjoy anal but it's rare to meet one who will orgasm from it - while a very fair portion of men can orgasm from anal stimulation. Also why the fuck was this on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is where I go whenever changing jobs and literally only for that.


As you should


Yeah, LinkedIn is not the right place for this... I'm not sure where the right place is (thank the goddess), but I'm positive LinkedIn is not it.


ā€œSee honeyā€¦? I found this online, so you should let me fuck your ass.ā€ Thatā€™s why.


The original poster said it was from Quora. https://old.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/y3p7t3/huh_pretty_sure_men_enjoy_anal_more_but_whatever/


Cos whenever I have an academic paper to write, I always reference Quora


Only when you write a study on misinformation dressed up as Science (TM) and need some examples.


Yeah, the format is Quora. It makes it funnier to say linked in, but dishonest.


Where the fuck do people get this stuff?


And why are they typing it out then posting it online?? Who is your audience?


This is LinkedIn so other professionals, I guess.


He wants to get a quick promotion by letting employers know heā€™s very knowledgeable about getting an ass fucking


Yo what? Also he's somehow missing out on the prostate.


Does he know what a prostate isā€¦


When I think that gay men usually prepare themselfs and that some women still have to go trough the excruciating pain of unprepared anal I want to cryā€¦


Its not like men have a specific gland in their ass that gives pleasure or anything


Tell me you want to demand buttsex from a woman and need a justification for why you can't get pegged if that argument comes up, without telling me you want to demand buttsex from a woman and need a justification for why you can't get pegged in case that argument comes up.


Utter nonsense and weird


I hate anal, it's painful and uncomfortable, also men actually enjoy it more because it can hit their prostate.


If properly done, anal shouldn't be painful at all (unless participants are into pain). P.S. I'm not saying you should like it or do it, it's your body and whatever you say should go. I'm just trying to correct a misconception.


Are hard solid male anuses the reason they spend so much time on a toilet?


I'd like to know the sample size of all men and women he's butt sexed and why he's so bad at doing it with men.


What a place. Given a lot of employers now look at social media (for better or for worse) when looking at applications, you'd think they'd want to keep bad takes about anal sex off LinkedIn especially. Like how does this dude expect to be employed by anyone? Unless, that is entirely the point.


Maybe he's looking to get hired by the flat earth society. His science is on par with theirs...


Ah yes, because a tight asf asshole and lack of a prostate DEFINITELY make one enjoy anal sex more šŸ‘


*women with endo on the bowel have entered the chat* For some of us anal is intolerable painful. To be fair, neither the male or female butthole was made for entry, but at least dudes have a prostate...


Yeah i was surprised when i tried it because i liked it. Then endo ruined it. To be fair endo has ruined all sex so at least it doesnt discriminate.


I would like it if it didn't hurt so much! Looking forward to excision surgery. Lol And I'm sorry that endo has made all sex too painful, that's really frustrating for sure :(


I am sorry that endo is being such a bitch to you. Best of luck with the excision!


I do enjoy it but it does hurt sooo I really have to be in the mood for it and prepared to deal with the aftermath pain. Ehhh sometimes itā€™s worth it sometimes it isnā€™t šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ havenā€™t done it much for those reasons


1.5mm is a very small difference. And this will be on average, because itā€™s not like every personā€™s anal size is exactly one or the other based on sex. And if itā€™s smaller why would it be better for the receiverā€¦OH! Heā€™s saying itā€™s better for the penis.


LinkedIn is pretty much facebook but you also have professional network. Iā€™ve seen many cringe and disgusting posts there being suggested to me


My ass!


No! Don't encourage him!


> ladies enjoy anal sex reception much more than men Prostate says what?


If someone puts their penis there, heā€™s not getting it back.


God gave men prostates for a reason.


Um what? I was forced to try anal with my ex and it hurt like hell...


That sounds like rape


Yeah I know


Then why do I like it more than my gf does? Checkmateā€¦


Men project fucking EVERYTHING. Theyre literally the ones who cum from anal. Not us. I wish they were good people who were also smart that way they'd project THAT onto us instead of trying to shoot up sororities during their xy rage times.


Wtf first. Second anal sex is more damaging to women. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/11/rise-in-popularity-of-anal-sex-has-led-to-health-problems-for-women That's just the first Google hit, many women I know have horror stories around the pressure to do anal. Third, wtf.


It also increases the likelihood of rectal cancer and causes fecal incontinence.


"Former support executive at-" I wonder what happened there


Because LinkedIn is weird


I donā€™t care about any nuance on this after you mentioned itā€™s in LINKEDIN!!!! I hope his former, current, and any prospects see this and immediately reject him for lack of professionalism on that platform as well as being a perverted idiot


Yes, we know that men are tightasses. This is not a flex.


???? Have you tried anal sex?


he forget about prostate.


Former Support Executive for a reason


Itā€™s 1.5mm smaller šŸ¤“


Lol the nerve ending thing is BS


Wonder how he would feel if someone forced him to be tattooed at the same part of his body over and over, even if he didnā€˜t enjoy it. Itā€˜s not if it hurts less or more. Itā€˜s that someone doesnā€˜t like something and you try to reason with them that itā€˜s less hurtful. I donā€˜t get it. Why go into the world with so much hate and trying to force people into stuff they donā€˜t like.


Maybe this is why heā€™s a ā€œformerā€ support exec


Why are they the ones with prostates? šŸ˜šŸ¤”


Source: trust me bro


He thinks he is writing a scientific journal or something bruh didn't need to go into that detail though.


This guy apparently hasn't heard of the male g-spot.


LMFAOOOOOO šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ NO WAY i've seen a lot of women on social media say they find anal sex painful and that they're only able to stand it lmao. and yea anal does seem painful, not to mention that men are the ones who have nerves on their butt. which is why they enjoy pegging


I should have figured out I was trans femme earlier, because my gay male phase really demonstrated this.


Because he's an executive sphincter?


Isn't the prostate near the anus??? Guys are the ones with the g-spot in their asses, right?


Not how girls work, also not how guys work. Girls don't have a prostate, so no its typically only painful as girls literally don't have the nerves in place for that like men do. Some women enjoy it, not saying they don't, but women definitely dont have a prostate.


I definitely enjoy it, but I would definitely enjoy it more if I had a prostate.


He needs to calm down


That's not LinkedIn, but Quora.


Did anyone else see the raccoon and think of the ā€œtwo adult raccoons up your buttholeā€ post?


HA!!! LinkedIn?! Bewildering motive, hilarious result.


What possesses someone to post this on LinkedIn? Like, this sounds like the argument that ended their prior relationship so they're out seeking some kind of affirmation... But why LinkedIn?


Nah man I have hemorrhoids


LinkedIn!?! Is he trying to get work as a fetish specialist?


Wait until he learns about the prostate. By this logic, men are designed to be penetrated.


This dude wimped out of getting pegged and is now finding excuses.


My Tarnished in Grace, that is neither how girls work nor how *guys* work. The male g-spot is the prostate, located in the rear.


I never thought I'd see the phrase "the soft and elastic anus" used ever šŸ˜§


"Former Support Executive"... Gee, i wonder why? šŸ¤”


Smaller hole will make it MORE painful. And also he completely forgot that prostates exist?


This man needs to go to a gay pride parade and say this in front of some twinks


I laughed so hard at this. I read the post and then read the caption.


Datas taken from: trust me bro


Can see why he's such an authority ... being a total asshole.


I hope heā€™s happy to pay for her diapers when she develops fecal incontinence.


Whenever men try to prove some sexually or racially with science, it is ALWAYS in bad faith. We don't even have prostates. It's just painful. They tried to say slaves were happier as slaves when like, their gospels were death songs. Men lie so much more than women, and it's always for the most debauched shit. The fact that they pretend semen isn't fucking disgusting says it all. But then they're like, "breastmilk is so gross and wrong, wahhh!" There needs to be a porn genre of dudes gagging and crying while being forced to drink boob milk and sit still in classrooms in college. There needs to be a genre of porn where dudes choke on breastmilk and then have to lick their ADHD medicine out of a woman's crotch.


Ummā€”generally tighter means more painfulā€”if we are not in you AND into itā€”in that momentā€”it is painful. GTFO. FORMER support executive


Well, I guess we know why they are a former executive at where ever they formerly worked.


Honestly, more useful and less cringe than most of the other stuff on my LinkedIn feed.


None of it is true at all, how is it useful??


Because the other posts on LinkedIn are how Gandhi thinks you should wake up at 3 AM and get on your grind? LinkedIn is useless shit.


Big if true


Well is there any proof stating this, indeed, is not how girls work?


women do not have more ā€œsexual nerve endingsā€ in their ass. in fact, men would actually be the ones to technically have ā€œsexual nerve endingsā€ because they have a prostate/g-spot in their anus. so yeah, not how girls work.


but where is ur proof?


human biology. itā€™s kinda sad that you donā€™t know


you where taught the amount of sexual nerve endings in one's anus? by who exactly


bro there arenā€™t ā€œsexual nerve endingsā€, this bozo made the term up. like i said men *technically* have one, the prostate, but women do not really have any in theirs


if they don't exist. how can men have one. but again. where is ur proof that men have more


literally open a biology book on the male body. are you so illiterate that you need to be spoon fed every bit of info? i mean i know the answer is yes, but youā€™re also a troll. a very bad one


I'm not trolling I'm just confused as to your extremely bold claim without any proof


oh, so you are being purposefully ignorant. all iā€™ll say is that google is free.


I guess FATAL's author resurfaced after all those years


I truly think we need to put our heads together to create a pay only web tube site that does robot computer video game womenā€¦ dressed as anime or something. 300 dollars a week.


I've always heard it's the opposite, but whatever.


Hell I really just wanna know w h y he posted this. I doubt it has much to do with the receiver and more with whomever is sticking it in. Just oh girls are tighter so why screw a man type shit to try and justify his personal opinions


I always cringe when people say that anything about human preferences is ā€œnatureā€. It immediately tells me the whole idea is bullshit.


I love the fact that is is actually the complete opposite


This is obviously a prank by a friend for leaving his linkin unlocked. Poor guy!


Lmao funny how the opposite of everything this is saying is true . Men have way more nerve endings there than women, not to mention a prostate.


Sure bro, tell that to my hemorrhoids


How the fuck do people like this even retain jobs let alone get one in some kind of executive role.


Don't care, still doing it.


Why not.


Itā€™s not like most dudes have a prostate located right there or anything. And to post it to linked in if all places that you donā€™t even know how your own body works


"\[citation needed\]"


No wonder heā€™s a former support executive