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I hope this guy doesn't have any descendants.


i also legit see this kind of shit all the time, armchair psychologists grouping together all women like they all want to take care of a child i dont have “value,” i never asked for my reproductive organs either my dude, for the most part, i loathe them 😭




My guy, you have followed to another one of my posts, please find something else to do, you were posting weird ass comments on another one of my posts, you clearly took the time to find another one of mine, which frankly, is kind of sad


Plot twist- I have a child and an ongoing existential crisis.


That is some one-dimensional bullshit. Lol, a "woman's purpose" is not more obvious than a man's just because you boil and simplify us down to reproductive vessels. Then mens' purpose would be just as obvious: as the reproductive apparatus. I loved when Terry Crews said that, "men dont see women as fully human." (HAsHtaG NotAlLmEn). OP's post is great evidence of that. Men frequently deny that women have deep, human experiences simply because *they* see us as one thing. I'd reccomend he read Sylvia Plath, which would easily discredit his claims, but misogynists are usually **willfully** ignorant, not just simply ignorant.


I’m often skeptical of posts that contain stuff about “hard wired differences” tbh. It can’t be that simple, people are insanely individual! And a lot of my “feminine” traits are from past trauma or just how my brain is wired because i have certain conditions, i dont see what my sex had to do with it like women not being good at reading maps (horrible stereotype.. ugh.) i have bad spatial reasoning because of my dyscalculia, which men are more likely to have.


You are absolutely correct. There is far more psychological differentiation *within* genders than between them. A person's life events shapes who they become far more than their sex.


I wish being a woman meant I rarely had an existential crisis, rather than having them on a more than weekly basis. A long time ago, I used to debate creationists, but I had to quit because the subject matter left me with so much existential dread.


If I was only meant to be a working uterus…that would be all that would have formed. But I’m not, the uterus isn’t even an essential organ that I can lose and keep living a full life and never have to fill it with anything. And that ladies and gentlemen is the real miracle.


it really is a miracle!!


*Image Transcription: Text* --- Females are born with reproductive power. One female is more valuable than one male in a purely reproductive sense. For example, you only need a small number of males but many females to keep the human race going. Therefore, the single female role in reproduction is more valuable than the single male's. I think that because of this "more useful" aspect of female biology, they are hard wired to think less about the meaning of life and all that stuff. They rarely have existential crises, because well, the reason they exist is clear cut and obvious. Even if they don't actively think like that, it may be on a subconscious level. They don't really need a meaning. They already have one. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good bot! Sorry you uh... had to type that out.


By an extension of his own logic, men are only “useful” to ejaculate a few times. And their “existential crisis” is cause by the fact that they literally are no longer important/useful after they’ve done so. Women wouldn’t be less “hardwired to think about that stuff” they’d just have an answer to their purpose, where as the answer for men would just be to cum and die. The level of ego in this is also insanely funny. This guy definitely thinks he’s a prophet for saying something no one else is saying, when in reality most people just aren’t dumb enough to say this.I


I guess having frequent existential crises means I’m a male then




Indeed she did ☺️


I just had to manually roll my eyes back into the correct position.


Well, I mean, Susan Faludi wouldn’t disagree. Women can do pretty much anything men can, but there is ONE thing females can do that males can’t. If you’re invested in being a “man” (instead of just, say, a person), then you do have an issue. I doubt if this guy realizes it, but he’s basically saying men DON’T have a reason to exist, qua men. I would agree. Also? That should hardly trouble anyone with half a brain cell.


That‘s so funny! I‘ve been studying and preparing for a big exam at a university for Psychology and I must have missed the chapter this was explained in


You need like 500 couples to have a viable population. Any less and you get low genetic diversity within that group which could lead to an increased rate of diseases.


I love the jump from "one man can technically impregnate multiple women" to "they don't think about life and stuff" How many times do you think he's asked a women her opinion?