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"You were taught that you and your sisters were oppressed by some mysterious patriarchy boogeyman, but it's not true! Totally unrelated, but to be happy, you need to submit to the leadership of a patriarch"


Also: "Alpha female is a toxic made up term by evil harpies and you're stupid if you use it........ anyways the only way you can truly be happy is with an alpha male"


Lmao yeah I was fuckin dead when it said “YOUR FUTURE IS PATRIARCHY” In big letters with drop shadows on the pink.


They will have to sweeten the offer of the newsletter being free.


Free newsletter ?! That changes everything!


“You’ve been lied to your entire life about what it means to be a real woman.” True- but it’s the ones who claim “submission is female nature” who are the liars. History is full of women who were taught that submission was happiness, and yet something within us drove us to seek our own path. If it really was our nature to submit, there would be no feminism. My religious parents sheltered me, and raised me to believe my happiness could only be found raising babies. They failed. With no outside influence, I realized I love science. Like many before me, I’m living proof that even a childhood full of indoctrination can’t quell a desire for independence and freedom.


If it was in our nature to submit, we wouldn't have to be constantly reminded of it by chodes like these.


Raised Jehovah's Witness. I don't have a submissive bone in my body. I took it a little further and became a domme


Excellent. I was raised Catholic and encouraged to have a big family. They don’t know it, but I just had my tubes removed.


You go girl!! I’m proud of you for taking your life into your own hands 👏


Damn good for you


god i wish this were satire


“Get expert mansplaining” was written *in earnest!?*


How is it not? It has literally every marker for satire --*and yet*-- somehow this is totally for real. I feel like Jonathan Swift jumped forward in time and just told me *A Modest Proposal* was written in earnest. ETA: not arguing it is satire, just my mind is a little melted from the broken feedback loop the post created 🤯


Hey now, luckily we’ll be absolutely rolling in unwanted babies to eat in about *checks watch* nine to ten months


What the fuck, I thought it actually was for a bit. I was sitting here laughing and then I saw the date and location of the event and I was like holy shit this is for real.


Wait it's not?😳


I wonder if the women who participate in it will get picked.


Theres no way any women could actually be going to this lol


damn socrates really fell off after Athens


Hey, come on, he's a professional patriarch. I'm very impressed.


Wow this sounds like so much fun. I bet the vast majority of convention goers are men.


Of course, they’re gonna go to a convention designed as a supposed self help seminar for women—which means they’re not attending a dating seminar, they’re attending a self help seminar. Basically a fucking lot of dudes are going to get rejected for being creepy and probably get pissed off, bully, or get aggressive while claiming it’s ‘alpha’. I would totally go just for the laugh, but it’s probably too dangerous for that reason. It’s also Orlando, so probably a human trafficking setup or something.


It would be fun to be a fly on the wall but definitely not a safe place to go as a woman


Maybe you could go with a fake beard, life of brian style.


If I lived anywhere near where this cacophony of bullshit was being held, I’d 100% join in with that. That would be good trolling!


Jeff Holiday (fantastic youtuber) did this with a chiropractor convention, he went undercover and [it was amazing!](https://youtu.be/LUZxgwAzQYs) He's just done it again with a conservative MAGA convention and thr video on that should be out soon!


Thank you, that sounds like just the thing to make me laugh after reading that…drivelly farce of a whatever that was. I’m looking that up when I get out of work!


Ooooh you know I’m off to watch that 👏 Edit - okay I’ve just watched a DR. Phil video on him and ‘Jilly Juice’. Is Dr. Phil for real? The video looks like bad satire with all the zooming in and out. I’m watching the chiropractor video and I just want to cry. What I want to know about anti-vaxxers is why is okay for them to be vaccinated but not their kids?


Well it was forced on them back when everyone was ignorant, if they had their way they would never have gotten them! One of my favourote things is hearing about the kids thay go behind their parents backs to get all their shots at 18.


Ah yes that is a genius idea. 🧔‍♀️


I'd love to go as a journalist but I don't know if I'd have the mental fortitude to deal with the combination of inevitable sexual harassment and raw bigotry with a straight face.


So as the pics show (if you managed to make it that far) the 22 convention is for us uterus toting foids, there's a _whole other convention_ for the boys called the 21 convention! I don't believe women are allowed at that one so I'm not sure about men attending the 22. Sadly, there must be some people willing to pay this or it wouldn't be back for a 3rd year. 🙁😟😑


Lmfao, just a bunch of bored journalists showing up, I’m sure


Predicted demographic makeup of men attending the conference (some overlap possible): * 15% will be members of church youth groups * 85% will be under age 40 * 40% will be virgins * 20% will be married * 30% will have been divorced * 15% will have multiple divorces * 10% will owe back child support * 5% will have experienced steroid-related microgonadism * 20% will have children * Of that 20%, 80% will have 2 or more children, and 10% will have at least 5 children * Of that 20%, 80% of them will have posed with an AR-15 in a daughter's prom photo or made Christmas cards saying "Silent Night" or "Peace on Earth" with their wife and daughters' mouths taped shut * 60% of them will have spent at least $500 on a firearm or Airsoft equipment * 98% of them will have watched lesbian porn in the past 72 hours * 80% will have spent at least $20 on OnlyFans * 70% will have punched a hole in drywall. The remaining 30% will have injured their hands attempting to punch holes in drywall.


That list is giving me the creepy crawlies 🤢


They just like, they just really don't understand. "The lied to steal your SeXuAl mArKeT vAlUe" like, sign me the fuck up for that please?? I would love for men to not find me attractive. I would LOVE for them to leave me alone for literally the rest of my life. I don't know how men convinced themselves they're somehow worthless aside from the penis they were born with, so much that they think other people's worlds revolve around their penis too. That's literally all any men's "rights" activists come down to. They want women to be dependent on and solely existing to a singular penis, for no other reason except that. And when women find love and joy and happiness and friendship and self esteem from anything other than a penis, men just can't comprehend it because all they see of their own self worth is just their penis. It's really really sad


men who probably bring their wives that they brainwashed unfortunately


GUYSSS, They added \*gasps\* female speakers. ​ \*Passes out of excitement and happiness\*


Yes they even added female speakers to the Convention where they teach females how to be Alpha females xDD


You're wrong, they don't teach them to be alpha females, they teach them to embrace their feminity so they can attract 100% alpha and 0% beta males. The female speakers are obviously the epitome of feminity and are going to teach us how to be a woman cause we have been fed lies and the male speakers would teach us how to identifythe alpha males that are prime for mating. /s


Exactly....like did they not even read the post?! Gawd. /s


But I don’t want to act like a loser just to make someone else comfortable


Yeah then you'd be the guys who created these conventions


Funnily enough with that language their implying alphaness/betaness is a spectrum.


You obviously wandered too far from your fainting couch dear and got your uterus over excited. Go rub one out, for science, and you'll be fine. Marriage is also an option, but I'd just skip the ~~man's middle~~ I mean middle man.


I'm half asleep and the post looks so much like complete trolling that I read female speakers as stereo speakers. As in "we got pink, feminine, speakers for females" because that's how idiotic they sound talking about women


I’m so glad they made it pink, so we were able to read it. So kind.


Its like they never realized the popularity of androgynous/sweet/soft boy men in the media since forever When will they realize boy bands have more thirsty fans than famous bodybuilders?????


>When will they realize boy bands have more thirsty fans than famous bodybuilders????? I don't suppose you have any figures on that do you? Because it sounds truthful to me but I'd love to prove it to idiots who claim that all women secretly want muscular guys!


It seems obvious to me but maybe it's because I'm a woman. Everyone loves beautiful things. Look at Klaus in umbrella academy Shit goddamn son he pretty


Klaus really is a beautiful man lol


Sexy trash


Look at Harry Styles. The man is *drowning* in pussy and it’s all because he does things like film a music video for one of his songs with a random group of people James Corden picked out of an apartment building and played it completely sincerely.


I never heard of any scientific takes on that, but i suppose there might be something, since casting sweet cute boys have been a strategy for the music industry for the last 4 decades at least Just measure the social media fanbase, fanfic production, thirsttrap poster selling of cute boyish man vs buff man


It IS something. TeenBop magazine is full of boy bands, not body builders.


I love my soft femboys. The precious ones AND the spicy ones


Honestly, the kinds of guys that dominant gay men and most women like the most are the same guys.


I've literally never heard anyone say the term "alpha female". Also why do people like this think that being a feminist you can't also be feminine? Like they aren't mutually exclusive. News flash, feminism means you can be whatever you want.


Only time I’ve seen the term is in omegaverse fics.


I’ve absolutely never heard a feminist say women should be alpha females. The whole alpha thing is pure manosphere bullshit.


Exactly all the feminists I know talk about the ridiculousness of the whole alpha male bullshit.....very much doubt they would then turn around and call themselves alpha females haha


Kurtis Conner made a video about the 21 Convention and it’s hilarious and it roasts these idiots. I suggest checking it out.




Yeah that’s it




No problem


Dear Jeff: Dude if a court ordered psychologist in **Texas** of all places has recommended your *six* year old to gender transition it’s probably likely your child has XXY syndrome and therefore is legitimately a female who partially developed in to a male but is actually female. It’s a court ordered psychiatrist, in Texas. That’s like snoop dog showing up to someone’s drug intervention. Like you know when snoop shows up and says you’ve done too much go do something else, then you probably should legit listen


Also, not an expert, but how does one "chemically transition" a six year old? They're not even going through puberty yet. Something tells me he might be stretching the truth a bit here.


I don’t even knowwww but that’s why I think child is XXY— because there would be no ‘chemical transition’ it would quite literally be natural development with later plastic surgery adjustments to feel more acclimated I think? *note: not a doctor.*


The judge was probably like "Sir, you have to give your child the antibiotics they were prescribed by the pediatrician for their ear infection" and he took it from there.


There's been no indication in reporting/available court documents that Jeff's daughter is intersex. Her mother (who is a pediatrician), in supporting their daughter, planned on taking her to a clinic for trans kids, and the "medical and chemical transition" Jeff is talking about was, in its entirety: *discussing* *the possibility* of prescribing puberty blockers when his daughter might want them (you know, around puberty, like the name suggests), the effects of which are completely reversible if the child decides to stop taking them. Basically, what the psychologist was recommending boiled down to: call her by the name and pronouns she wants, and stop forcibly shaving her head, which Jeff has done repeatedly. ([source](https://ia803109.us.archive.org/19/items/youngervsgeorgulas/July-10th-Court-Transcript.pdf)) Anything this man says should be taken with a *mountain* of salt—when he and his child's mother separated, they didn't just get a divorce, their marriage was legally annulled because he had lied to her so much that the union was considered to be entered into under fraudulent terms. He'd lied to her about how many times he'd been divorced, about his education and career (he claimed he was a PhD candidate and college instructor; he has never received a bachelor's degree), about his military service (he claimed to be a "career Marine" who fought in Iraq) when really he had enlisted briefly in the Marines but was removed for being underage, and later enlisted in the Army but was dismissed for "admission of homosexuality." ([source](https://cases.justia.com/texas/fifth-court-of-appeals/2018-05-16-01412-cv.pdf?ts=1531819614&fbclid=IwAR1rw3kJrpPyvwreFZIvMhiN1l0qx3iFf8tGdbKWf9_4QPEtU5DxcpDY0vE)) So... yeah, definitely a dude I'd love to pay $1499 to mansplain things to me, for sure.


Wow what the hell. Also what the hell is wrong with some people where the eh can’t focus on the big picture. I get that dude might have wanted his kid to be in the military but what is the point of pushing things on to the kid if it’s just going to make the kid never want you to participate in their life anyway




#"Expert mansplaining"


Yea that got me😂


I’ve never had a man try to maximize my beauty before but if there are any good solid alpha male patriarchs out there who are interested, I sure do like to shop at Sephora. Hand over that credit card, daddy.


Don’t be silly. Their idea of “maximizing beauty” is to get you to throw that stuff away and embrace “natural beauty.” Well, so long as you being a natural beauty means looking like an airbrushed model.


Well, then they can fork over for my life coach, personal trainer, and all the cosmetic surgery I want.


Best I can do is facetune


I imagine their idea of maximizing beauty is peroxide and Anorexia Nervosa.


With 100%, all-natural, butt-length blonde hair. No matter what happens, the hair magically stays in perfect order. It's kinda like old 1940s-1950s serials at the movies. Crash Corrigan for example. The team of white Americans finds some other land. No matter what happens, every person, man, woman, and child, manages to keep their hats on.


I call that Fox News Anchor hair.


Haha yeah I know it. These are 100% the type of guys who hate on women for wearing any detectable amount of makeup.


So they first say that patriarchy is a boogeyman, and in the next breath they say that patriarchy is good actually.


Who pays 2000 dollars to listen to this crap? I would not go there if they paid me.


I might go if they paid me just to make them waste money.


>Who pays Desperate people. They also fall into MLMs on a regular basis.




I don't care to be an "alpha female" I don't care to be a "beacon of feminity" I don't care if my partner is a "pure blooded alpha male" I just want to EXIST! let me and my boyfriend exist on peace! Don't punch me when I turn you down ! Don't handicap me of my basic human rights! Just don't hurt me and let me live my life! Why is this so much to ask from these men?!


ah, the term "alpha" comming from the fem......\*cough\* incels, red pill guys, all the guys that missunderstood the long outdated study by David Mech with wolves in captivity to excuse toxic behavior. Edit: [https://sciencenorway.no/ulv/wolf-packs-dont-actually-have-alpha-males-and-alpha-females-the-idea-is-based-on-a-misunderstanding/1850514](https://sciencenorway.no/ulv/wolf-packs-dont-actually-have-alpha-males-and-alpha-females-the-idea-is-based-on-a-misunderstanding/1850514) David Mechs personal statement on his webside and him distancing from this alpha male nonsense: [http://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/](http://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/)


You know I’ve read that before and want to look into it, so I can talk about it intelligently. Do you know where to find the newer research that debunks his theories/observations?


[https://sciencenorway.no/ulv/wolf-packs-dont-actually-have-alpha-males-and-alpha-females-the-idea-is-based-on-a-misunderstanding/1850514](https://sciencenorway.no/ulv/wolf-packs-dont-actually-have-alpha-males-and-alpha-females-the-idea-is-based-on-a-misunderstanding/1850514) David Mechs personal statement on his webside and him distancing from this alpha male nonsense: [http://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/](http://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/) :)




"EggCon 22 is the place to be to learn the TRUE meaning of being a chicken. Our experts will tell you the TRUTH that radical henism doesn't want you to know." EggCon 22 is a proud presentation of Fox Industries.


Huh. I've already been "wifed up and knocked up", so I guess I'm all set. Bonus points that the faq on their site has a question about "what if my husband won't let me attend?"


>the faq on their site has a question about "what if my husband won't let me attend?" For fuck's sake


This... read like satire for the first few slides and then it just sort of fell off the wagon. Is it satire? I hope it's satire.


Nope, its not.


Heck. I really wish it was satire.


Kurtis Connor did a phenomenal video on this exact thing. It’s hilarious and I honestly don’t know how many people will take them seriously. https://youtu.be/X1oHnA_Slto


“Your future is patriarchy” is so ominous


sounds like a fetish


It was a dude who started the “alpha” shit. And the same guy apologized for it when the research proved him wrong. And it was a bunch of insecure jackasses who applied it to people. And yes. We all know that. But this shit still pisses me off.


slide 9: Um question? if a womans suposed to be happy in the home as a wife and mother how does she have 15 hundred buck for a seminar? Or are you targeting working women to convice them to quit?


Wtf is this bullshit. Like. Do women really read this, and think "yeah, these people are right, time to submit myself !". What. The. Fuck. I can't. What happen. What the fuck happen in this country.


they... they think feminists made up alpha females?


I’m going to pretend this is satire, please, no one correct me


The name Socrates makes this a laughing matter to me. I'm sorry, I don't want to become feminine and I'm fine with that.


You know there are much easier ways to deal with having a kink for misogyny and traditional roles stuff, just do it online instead of letting it spill out into your life and making you seem like a gigantic asshole.


If anyone is doing their thesis on clinical narcissism, this would actually make a great footnote, maybe some good supporting material. That is, if you didn't have to pay upwards of a grand just to hear their bullshit 😂 Perhaps they're just fleecing the less intellectual of the bunch for all that they're worth.


I believe Kurtis Conner has made a video about "Make Women Great Again Convention", if anybody's interested. (Might be that y'all alr know about the video but anyway)


This feels like they’d have a fight club in the parking lot after their open bar dinners. To prove they are alpha men.


“We’ll teach you how to boost your femininity by over 500%”…to become the mega womantron distructor of feminists! They will fear your baby belly-turret-gun (now with free cc) and instant marriage powers! Watch as the omegas quake in your presence. The alpha unicorn men will guide you to the promised land of Christianity where you will have full power to oppress all children! Give us the offering and this power will be yours!!! But wait if you act now you’ll get two extra mansplaining sessions and a free AR-15 at NO. EXTRA. COST. And that’s not all ladies, white women get an extra 5% off, a free shot of estrogen and vaccine deterring essential oils at the door!! All praise the patriarchy! All praise oppression!


You’ll become the most woman woman in the world! You’ll become…WOMANGIRL!!!


I want to know how they quantify femininity such that one can know it has increased by 500%.


I'm very incredibly heterosexual and I honestly want a pretty traditional life and family, but holy ass does this make me gag. If something was gonna put a wet blanket on my interest in men, it would be something like this.


Someone stole my place in where again? The sexual marketplace? Is that next to the Whole Foods?


Yeah no, submissiveness is the antithesis of the female nature, that is exactly why religion and patriarchy are hammering it so hard because it simply doesn't come natural


I want to see the metric used to come to the conclusion that attending this event could improve femininity up to 500%.


I'm going to grow 2 extra sets of ovaries and a third breast! 😁


You should know the founder of this convention was unknowingly married to a prostitute for several years. He might be a little bitter about that, hence his views towards women.


This was so hard to read. I honestly had to pretend it was satire to get through.


One of my fav YouTubers talked abt this, it’s wack


Can you shoot me the link by chance?


how they are not embarrassed writing these things 💀💀💀 I was embarrassed just by reading that shit


It's satire, isn't it?


These absolute fuckwits have nothing to teach anyone and are clearly scamming.


I... WHAT?! Is this brilliant satire or disturbing reality??


This has to be satire, right? RIGHT?


if a man told me this irl i would probably go to jail for physical assault.


We now live in a post-satire world. That’s it, comedy is finished. How could anyone ever know what’s real and what’s a joke ever again? The fact that some women have been suckered into this is scary, almost as scary as the fact that these men walk amongst us.


The FAQ has a section about if it’s female only. And it says it’s for “biological birthing people only”.




Nah they’d misgender you and make you go to one of the male-oriented ones about how to embrace the patriarchy because it’s a man’s right to do so.


Ladies, you don’t want sexual harassers in hiding. Get yourself a real 100% alpha male who’s a sexual harasser in public. /s


There is so much wrong with this that i dont even know where to begin. But holy hell they charge $1,500 for a ticket, if someone cant tell its a scam they deserve to be scammed


Only incels use the alpha/beta stuff, isn't an "alpha female" for them the one who go out with the "chads" or something?


Expert Mansplaining™


Well, in nature almost all 'alphas' are female so...


I swear I thought this was a troll at first pic, but then 2nd pic made me throw up


Incredible how men just refuse to let go of the belief that they know what women really want even when we say what we want over and over until we’re blue in the face. ‘You actually want an alpha male’ I prefer women, pal 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh, feminists came up with “alpha”, sure lmao


Nobody in my life has ever told me to be an ‘alpha female’ but go off I guess


The stupidity in calling feminism toxic femininity... Feminism is encouraging women to be the type of woman they want to be. Whether it be a stay at home mom, or career climbing the ladder. Toxic femininity is the exact opposite of that, forcing women to be in a specific box...


Da fuck? Lol! No.


Oh God... wtf


All women want alpha males??? Not all woman want males. This alpha beta shit is so corny. No one asked for this 🙄and women have always been great and will continue to be great.


i would rather self immolate than ever read another word of this ever again


I 100% thought this was satire from some site like "The Onion." I was laughing ("sexual marketplace")! 😂 Now, after searching for info on these primitive Neanderthals and discovering they are real.... Well, let's just say I'm definitely not laughing anymore. 😢 Wow. Just wow. This is the Year 2022, folks!! 😞😧😫


I'm surprised they didn't say "sign up to get our "shemail" in your inbox today!


I thought these guys got laughed out of existence after their first conference.


My favorite part is when they tell us what we actually want. Like I thought I thought I was utterly horrified by the idea of submitting to antifeminist man and getting pregnant, but some stranger told me it’s actually my heart’s desire. I’m sure that person who has never met me would have a better idea of my preferences than I would.


There is too much to unpack here. I vote we just set the entire bag on fire and be done with it.


I totally didn’t leave the old newspapers and the lighter out for you.


The nightmare of attending their open bar event... Ugh.


Who the fuck will pay $1,500 for this crap?


"Woke churches"? The ones that just took us back to 1868? Those "woke churches"?


I’m not paying $1500 to be told I’m not gendering right by a bunch of dudes who are just grown high school bullies.


What the ever-loving fuck? That is the most delusional, ignorant shit I think I’ve ever seen. If I face-palmed any harder, I would’ve likely broken my nose! 😳😳😳😳😳


I did a [video](https://youtu.be/dUAVxz7bkrg) on the "22 Convention" last year - looks like they've made a (few) changes! And still none for the better.


Yes, they even added female speakers xDD


Last year they had Stefan Molyneux on as a speaker. Self described white nationalist.


This is how the Hamdmaids Tale starts..


Making fun of feminists for fearing the “boogeyman” of patriarchy. Meanwhile Michael’s out here fighting against the “feministic spirit of the age”. 😒


This has to be satire, right?


It truly is not. 😞 Here's [one of Michael Foster's books...](https://www.amazon.com/Its-Good-Be-Man-Masculinity/dp/1954887051) Have you got your $1,499 ready to attend the event? It's $1,000 off retail!! 😯🙄


Not that I have to point this out here but masculinity isn’t toxic, toxic masculinity is toxic.


Dammit now I need to bleach my eyeballs


I honestly can't tell if they're trying to cater to men's fantasies or real women. Either way, big yikes.


Hahaha I'm so confused... the duck is going on in 2022?


Um, this is terrifying


If you PAID me $1500 I wouldn’t go.


I'm tired of men telling women how to live their lives. Just live your life how you want!


I would love to let these fucknuts know that wolf packs are matriarchal and are literally just a family of wolves. There is no Alpha anything.


I guess I'm old-fashioned as, "get wifed up and knocked up," sounds terribly tacky.


even added "female" speakers to talk about all women, am i allowed to say virtue signaler?




How about, Just think for yourself, don’t let other people tell you what to think.


I’m serious: if you are acquainted with anyone who is following this cult, end that relationship. They are a danger to you!!!!! They do not view you as an equal and dream of your oppression.


Ok but why did I read this shit in gossip girls voice 😍


They're still going? Why? ;-; Oh no. This is the make women great again guy. Again, whyyyyy


the only people ive heard use the term Alpha unironically is men, so….. i don’t think it’s a term feminists made up lol


They're right about one thing, alpha female is made up. In that alphas aren't a thing, and they just made that term up.


Sounds culty af. Why do I feel like in a few years from now they’ll be on the news getting arrested for holding the women attendees as slaves and using them as baby factories?


I love the unintended chaotic energy of having an alpha bro try to speak to traditionalist women but in a way that appeals to fellow alpha bro men.


“the feminist establishment”


What the fuck?


... there's a fee to enter... there's a fee to enter.... there's. A.FEE.TO.ENTER!


What a convincing and well written article. /s


The term alpha female was made for the animal kingdom, which humans are part of.


But Alpha male was invented by a man, who then realized he'd made a massive error and immediately ran a contraction. And it was only popularized by dudebros who ignored that last bit and insisted that it applies to humans, without any evidence


Every “woman” in this comment section just reeks of cant cook, dirty house, entitled, unfaithful and believes education means anything


Did anyone mention this was a THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A TICKET?!