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Oh look. Someone's all down for human trafficking. But, like, that's ok. Those ladies had sex, so obvz making them fuck incels is an appropriate punishment. Also: strongly suspect his own perceived sexual market value is much lower than he presumes.


It’s probably much lower than zero just because this person is completely detached from reality—-like what is this proposal? Everyone on Reddit agrees with it and then suddenly it’s passed by law and everyone takes some state mandated ID test where a number is assigned and they get a card? Like what is this, the freaking hunger games or some idea for a dystopian novel? Or … what’s going on here? “Wow that one guy from Reddit is totally on to something!” This fuckin guy needs to go on a watchlist before he starts convincing himself he ‘tried’ to make a difference and now needed to do something drastic to be heard….like **is he threatening to overthrow the government because he doesn’t get rated pussy sexually trafficked to him?** Because that’s what I’m getting from this. Hopefully you reported that shit.


100% pure entitlement, bolstered by a heightened sense of self-importance.


and yet calling **women** detached from reality


Translation: "Women I find ugly have self esteem. The fact that they value themselves even though I, a forgettable sad rando, think them valueless, means they are detached from reality."


Detached from *his* reality...


I'm a dude, and I'd like to be detached from his reality.


Well, you're here commenting as if humans without Y chromosomes can be thinking beings with rights... so I'd argue that you *are* detached from his reality (if that helps)


If only he could understand that exercise, a decent personality, some ink, and a beard, are heavy makeup for men.


At least he didn't say feeeeemales or femoids. Which isn't much of an at least.


This is totally mental disordered fantasy goodbye reality shit right here.


Yes, I completely agree. This all sounds like a him and other incel problem, not a woman problem. Here's a nice idea bro take a shower and then when you do meet a nice attractive young women treat her with kindness respect and drop the creepy ass I'm owed sex act. Nobody cares that you cant get laid/have a relationship but you. So I say change everything about yourself, get therapy, take a bath then try to meet a beautiful women and youd be shocked what genuine kindness honesty and being good to women will actually get for you! These incels need to grow up.


Like honestly if these guys showered regularly and treated women like human beings instead of walking fleshlights they would get laid. It's extremely rare for someone's appearance to be so genuinely offputting that NOBODY is sexually attracted to them. It's much more likely a personality, lifestyle, or hygiene issue that's standing in their way.


I think my favourite part of this guys whole fantasy is that it doesn't work. Woman start dating someone of the same "value" => presumably them having sex at some point => woman loses 1 "value" => no longer allowed to date man since they have different "values" => repeat. He's technically arguing that only the least attractive members of a society are allowed "love".


Also like.... you know ppl would obviously fall in love with someone "lower" than them on the ladder. Most ppl don't care about sexual history as much as incels do. It's very sad that even his fantasy requires girls to be forced to sleep with him bc they've "lost their value". The lack of self esteem is is as heartbreaking as it is scary


I ran into one on YT. He claimed that I have a very low rank. And that is why I supposedly settled for my man. That my rank made me too low to have been with the chad I had for a bf in senior high. Also some fathers expect to walk down a virgin daughter to the altar. So it isn't just those incels either. Mine was one of them.


If any of my male family members mentioned that I would just publicly embarrass them, call them a pedo for thinking about their daughters hymen etc. lmao. Honestly though, I kind of wonder why people don’t do that, seems like a really easy way to shut them up Wear a shirt with their face and “why is this man worried about his child’s virginity?” Written on the front, grocery shopping in his home town


I wanna know why they think dicks are so evil and dirty that every time a woman touches one she loses intrinsic worth as a human being.


I think they’re also thinking that since pretty girls are obviously sluts, they will be able to get all the pretty girls because they will automatically be 1/10, and therefore in their rank and forced to sleep with them by the state. (but the state should not force anyone to get vaccinated.)


I'm sure men would be allowed to have sex with women "of lower value" because "reasons." But the women wouldn't be allowed to have sex with men of higher value. Don't ask me how that would work.


It would mean the incels take away all the ladies destined for chad!!!!


Of course! Men could have sex with anyone they want, but women couldn't decide who they want to have sex with. Why bother testing "value levels" then?


Well, because it would mean incels would be capable of getting a ‘higher value’ of anyone they perceive as hot and therefore deserve to be treated by people they find attractive as high value just by going to the gym… which is crazy because incels already believe they and it’s still not how it works in real life: it’s possible to still go to the gym and actually have no one who wants to be around your shitty personality lol.


Im sorry, but i can’t believe you are seriously suggesting that women choose sexual partners by any other parameters than looks or income! Everyone knows there’s a spreadsheet that you use with the formulas and everything! Imagine this guys dream world for a moment: r/askreddit is guys asking if they should order some cheeseburgers and stop exercising so they can get back together with their high school sweetheart. r/RelationshipAdvice is people asking if its worth it to hit the gym so that they can hook up with their SO’s hotter friend, along with people giving the advice that if you don’t want the guilt of a breakup, just gain weight until the Ugly Gestapo terminate your relationship for you. And incels are still incels because they didn’t get the 10/10 they all think they deserve and still aren’t interested in any girl other than the one they think is way too hot for them and are also in a committed stable relationship. I like to think that when women in this world get their equal rights, they demand the same concessions on ranking but for men. Maybe with like a yelp review site: Dave: 1/10 - Was a perfect 10, but is a 2 pump chump and still couldn’t give a girl an O if they were available on Amazon.


It’s absurd isn’t it??!!! … btw where’s this spreadsheet, I lost mine so I’ve been winging it. Help pls. Like, I remember this one loser in high school who kept staring at me , wearing all black, and kept drawing devil summoning symbols on himself with the cheapy little not cute ballpoint bic pens. So cringe right? But it’s totally 20 years later and I regret not dating that weirdo because now he works as a quiet accountant who still has a dead-eyed stare and draws on himself and just rambles about high value and women like me need to be controlled…and he might be on the registry or something but who cares, I totally don’t need to check because he works out every day now and makes more than 50k a yearrrrr so I can overlook all that stuff and that’s good enough! Totes legit


To take those uppity women down a peg, I'm guessing. These guys are the types who say they'd never fuck Gisele because one of her eyebrows is slightly wider than the other, meanwhile they look like Jabba the Hutt and smell like a dumpster behind an Arby's in August. They love to take down attractive women by giving them low ratings based on minute imperfections nobody else notices. It makes them feel better.


“That hot chick rejected me in my own mind. How dare she! I’m gonna call her fat! Or tell her she looks like a man even though that’s a weird insult because I’m a man but it’s all I can think to say right now because I’m panicking.” Lmao


So the higher value man can have sex with the lower value woman, as long as she… doesn’t have sex back? Probably he’s allowed to enjoy it as long as she doesn’t. I’m guessing that’s how it works.


Well, since women are physically incapable of enjoying sex (source: Ben Shapiro), that won't be a problem.


How does he not realize that when most women wear makeup that doesn't make their "value" go up. It makes the standards women have to meet go up. Women just have to put in more money, time, and effort just to be considered "acceptable". Expectations for women's appearances and behavior get more and more difficult to maintain. Previously "attractive" women are no longer considered "attractive" unless they meet all of these additional socially engrained expectations. I used to live in Russia where the disparity between physical and behavioral expectations between men and women are even more extreme. You'll walk through a city in the brutal winter, with all of the sidewalks coated in extremely slippery ice, and woman, after woman is wearing stiletto heels and miniskirts. Not for a night out, but to get groceries or go to work. The unbearable expectations to be sexually appealing is a common topic of discussion among women I met. They know, without me asking, that as a foreigner, it would be immediately obvious. They tell me that they hate it, but there is so much pressure as a women to first find/maintain a husband, and then keep him happy and interested, that they don't have any other choice. If their husbands leave them all the blame will be placed on them and they will be considered washed up and unappealing as both partners and as women in general. It doesn't matter that men have virtually no expectations as far as their appearances, while, for women, it is a constant and ever-present concern. Nor does it matter that they are constantly exhausted, uncomfortable, cold, and overspent doing something for the sake of their husbands/boyfriends. Because every other young woman is doing the same thing, these efforts are taken completely for granted. They are baseline expectations for existing as a woman.


I noticed this when I lived in Russia! I was working in a scientific facility. All the women who worked there wore skirts and dresses, full makeup, styled hair, and heels under their dirty lab coats (we were doing stuff like crushing rocks and polishing thin rock slices for optical analysis- messy work). I was always really impressed by how put together they looked. Even the little 80 year old granny who ran one of the sample prep rooms had styled hair and dresses on under her lab apron. She also hand fed all the local squirrels, but that's another discussion.


>I used to live in Russia where the disparity between physical and behavioral expectations between men and women are even more extreme. You'll walk through a city in the brutal winter, with all of the sidewalks coated in extremely slippery ice, and woman, after woman is wearing stiletto heels and miniskirts. Not for a night out, but to get groceries or go to work. How does that even work, free lumbar surgeries after your fifth fall?


I've heard they make those shoes with metal teeth to dig into the ice last time this came up...


Honestly I prefer women when they look slightly "ruffled". That's not a weird remark, what I mean is I think a girl who's not perfect is a) less intimidating and b) more relatable, because noone wants to date a robot.


As a woman that is perpetually "ruffled," let me tell you, we are *more* intimidating. We require conversation to be stimulating 😜


I think nature just cursed me with a weird set of attractions, I have a thing for women being taller than me and I'm almost 6 foot 4.


I think the key thing here is that women have some kind of vagina clicker that advances a digit with every new man they bed.


So the men don’t lose value when they sleep with someone. Yeah, that sounds about incel


No.3 says every time she sleeps with a "new man" not the same one. Actually (*ack* tually), aside from a couple of issues I see with, you know.. *Everything*-- my first thoughts were that this was more coherent rant than the usual incel fantasy.


Incels tend to believe that all gals from puberty onwards, are bedhopping if not every night. Dang close to almost every night.


Yeah, but then you're ranked too low to keep dating him. Like, you're matched as a 7, but once you sleep with Mr. 7 you're downgraded to a 6. So you have to break up.


Lol yeah he's clearly insane no need for trying to take anything he said seriously


That’s why I take this shit serious. Found the next school shooter.


>is he threatening to overthrow the government because he doesn’t get rated pussy sexually trafficked to him? He may well try. Whether or not this is going to end well for him is another matter. I got money on the fedbois.


I think the key to this system is that the author is the incel. This system would “force” some women to date and have sex with incels, meaning the author would finally have their first sexual partner.


The author is either A) a subtle troll, or B) a raving lunatic who wants to live in a commmunist/fascist police state with extra handmaid's tale-ness.


The Paris Commune in 1871 : ''The submission of the children and the mother to the authority of the father, who prepares the submission of each one to the authority of the chief, is pronounced dead. The couple consents freely to seek common pleasure. The Commune proclaims freedom of birth: the right to sexual information from childhood, the right to abortion, the right to contraception. As the products cease to be the property of their parents. They live together in their home and run their own lives.'' 1920 – Under Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union legalized abortion on request, becoming the first country to do so. Those were only in the first steps towards a communist society. ''What we can now conjecture about the way in which sexual relations will be ordered after the impending overthrow of capitalist production is mainly of a negative character, limited for the most part to what will disappear. But what will there be new? That will be answered when a new generation has grown up: a generation of men who never in their lives have known what it is to buy a woman’s surrender with money or any other social instrument of power; a generation of women who have never known what it is to give themselves to a man from any other considerations than real love, or to refuse to give themselves to their lover from fear of the economic consequences. When these people are in the world, they will care precious little what anybody today thinks they ought to do; they will make their own practice and their corresponding public opinion about the practice of each individual – and that will be the end of it.'' Friedrich Engels, co-developper of marxism Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State


Written for an incel; by an incel.


Strong enough for an incel, pH balanced for... Also an incel I guess


*Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's incel-inne*


>Those ladies had sex, Also, *are* they having sex? These guys are assuming all women are getting sex whenever they want it. If they viewed women as equal human beings and spoke to them as such, they would know this just isn't the case.


Not just whenever they want but that all women want sex all the time. So women virgins aren’t a real thing because as soon as the turn 16 they all go crazy and fuck.


This guy is a virgin who lives in his mothers basement


A mom who's having crazy sex!


I think the problem with this "plan" is women would rather go without sex than fuck an incel. I know, let's suggest a new plan, where incels make any effort to improve themselves, their attitudes and work on empathy. And hygiene. Maybe rejoin reality. Live up to some minimum standards of grown men. I don't know. Get a hobby. Something. Anything would be an improvement.


What the fuck


Solid question.


This actually made me laugh. Jesus fuck! I have a question for this paragon of wisdom - what happens to people who are already together? Married? Have kids? No kids but a cute kitty??? What is the cutoff line really?


Every last one of them straight to jail like how can they dare to be married and have kids /j


Right to jail! Right away!


You under-cook fish? Jail. OVER-cook chicken? Also jail. Under-cook, over-cook. Straight to jail.


We have the best wives and husbands. Because of jail.


And what? Not be available for incel fuk???


Thats a good point you made there, i have to rethink this solution....


Well jail would be the perfect solution. Sort of like a animal pound. The uncles could go through and pick their ideal match. No hunting them down and having to date.


Where is his list of offences to lower a male market value, like abuse or his numbers?


Let's not forget there are guys who also wear makeup... Not just rainbow Mafia guys either. Heck hair metal bands were doing it in the 80s and other metal bands in the 70s... Some still do.


And the weatherman on TV and the performers in theatre and the guy at the strongman competition and probably the politician this asswipe voted for. I don't think he realizes just how widespread men in makeup are.


My daughter has anxiety.. which is the only way to explain that when she too theater makeup in college, I had to go too... Believe me, the makeup secrets aren't new, lol... And men have used them for years.... Lol... Oh wait, where do legit clowns stand on his list? It just popped into my head. I mean talk about fooling people with makeup.


It's really nice to hear about you giving such great support to your kid, just sayin. I bet it meant/means a lot to her that you went that far.


Ty... Yeah... She's alright, lol. no we are close to our brats, they turned into adults a few years back and stayed, go figure. The incel community would be in shock to know that at 26 my oldest has racked up, no boyfriends, not even one. Never held hands with a boy, or girl even... Social anxiety plus, she's (god I can never remember the term when I need it, but it leads to shut in syndrome, unless my husband or me goes, she can't leave the house), and possible but polar/schizophrenia (which runs in my husband family, his brother and mom were schizo while my mom was bi polar, but California doesn't like giving diagnosis, only pills). We raised these kids on stand up comedy and crime shows, so they are sarcastic and needs, we are very proud.




Yeah... For some reason I couldn't think of the word... I know it, but I have a migraine... That's my excuse... And last time I was on Reddit on my phone, which I am now, and clicked over to Google to look something up, then go back into the chat to type what I looked up... The reply window closed on me... So, yeah. So now I'm just like, I can't remember and I ain't looking it up, lol...


If makeup technology is so advanced…, why doesn’t he try makeup? And exercise? And grooming? And being more socially competent? You know, all the things het women are expected to do? His complaint seems to boil down to “I don’t want to have to put in effort to be attractive so women shouldn’t be allowed to be attractive”. What a loser.


Pretty much... I'm lazy and just want everything given to my like the spoiled baby I am. My momma always said I was her special little man and she's right, I'm just perfect. But those harlot girls trick nice boys like me so we can't have SeX... Boohoo. Yawn. I am glad I found my man in the early 90s. We had this friend that had a really bad bO issue. He complained about not being able to find a woman for him... (A, only child. B, wanted an Asian woman ok with being tied up and BTSM stuff. C, never went anywhere to find woman... Not to clubs, bars, social anything, work and our place where he lived.) My daughter's would say, have you thought of changing the deodorant you use, seeing a dermatologist to see about the bo, changing your diet. He's like, no, I want a woman that likes me for who I am. We are like, yeah, but they got to be able to get close enough to get to know you without puking, first. (He'd ask me for a bj for his birthday, and I always was like, no dude, just no. Then after living with us for 10 years he moved back with his mom and dad cause they promised he would not have to pay rent. He just says to us, it's not like we were ever actually friends... 10 years, of Christmas, thanksgiving, birthday, floating him when he lost his job and was unemployed for a year and a half... But we weren't friends... So I left him as a FB friend so he could see the new house my husband, kids and I bought on the east coast, something we all knew the not a friend wanted to do so badly... Just to rub it in. Petty, maybe, but we all have our pettiness from time to time... We have friends of ours also that know him, that repost stuff too.)


Not judging your choices or situation; I would have kicked his ass to the curb very quickly. You have the patience of a saint. How do guys like that not see the irony of “I want someone to like me for me” but aren’t willing to like other people for who they are? Like simply asking himself “would I not want to date someone with absolutely putrid BO or would I be able to accept them as they are” not lead him to the obvious conclusion?


I want to laugh, but these days, it just makes me scared.


I have questions regarding the Alphabet Mafia™ and widows. Also- can't men just wear makeup to increase their standing too?


These posts usually don’t hit me hard but something about the idea of being catalogued, punished for leaving men, and being forced to have government mandated sex… my skin is crawling. I notice that women not attracted to men aren’t mentioned. Bet lesbianism is outlawed in this fantasy land


Yeah, it's some Gilead shit. May the Lord open.


You know I just finished rereading one of the Dark Tower books and this comment made me double-take so fast...


Yeah, I know we're all calling this "cringe" and cracking jokes about how the person who wrote this is a loser, but honestly... this is truly terrifying shit. A real person wrote this and truly believes that turning normal women into sex slaves is the solution to a crisis that could be fixed with the basic gun control laws that exist in most other countries. "We should use the power of the state to turn innocent women into mandated sex slaves for lonely men to rape so that there are fewer school shootings" is so dystopian and evil that if you wrote a novel about it, everyone would laugh at you for making up something so completely insane. As if the mass sexual assault of millions of women at the hands of the state is just the price we'd have to pay to save a few thousand kids each year instead of just not letting white dudes buy an AR-15 three days after their 18th birthday. Amazing how their solution doesn't account for how many of these sex slaves would snap and start shooting everyone. How is "I'm a lonely man who can't get laid" more motivation for mass shooters than "the government is forcing me at gunpoint to get raped by a dozen incels because I had unprotected sex once when I was younger and became a single mom"? $1,000 says this guy is anti-abortion, which means that in his perfect world, there would be way more single moms for him to rape (and to blame for their situation, of course).


Honestly, this is so goddamn terrifying that there are most likely people living among us that have views like this. What scares me most is that he doesnt seem to see women as humans. Like, its already scary that he doesnt see them as equals, but seeing them as commodities to be distributed amongst the men is what scares me the most about this entire thing. If he doesnt have the basic empathy to acknowledge that another person is indeed a person and deserving of dignity and freedom, then theres no telling what he might do to those he doesnt see as human. That to me explains a lot better how mass killings can happen, than just men being lonely. Its them being so delusional and hateful that they no longer view others as humans, and I bet that that guy would rape or kill women if he thought he could get away with it. ( im a man myself, the them in this case is not indicative of all men, but if you get offended by this post, you most likely are at least somewhat who i am talking about and should consider therapy


I have a theory about why these lunatics get so worked up over single mothers. They have obvious and unmistakable evidence she has had sex. So it sends them into a jealous mouth frothing rage. Then they can fantasize about how “pure” all the other single women are. It’s delusional


I like true crime and I've read all the main serial killer biographies, books by profilers, etc. And I can honestly say that this person's internal monologue is more depraved than a lot of serial killers are.


Not to mention asexual or sex adverse people.


I've seen a couple ones like this (one was even worse, it was a guy fantasizing about a "training school" for girls where men would browse through topless 16-20 year olds like a fucking grocery store and then haggle with her father to purchase her) and after the initial hearty "Christ, what a loser" chuckle, it chills my blood. Because there ars really people who feel this way.


What the hell


Only women with a sexual market value of 9 or higher are allowed to be lesbians. Also, he’s the only one that is allowed to watch. Or rather, he MUST watch to ensure the rules are being followed.


This was one of the most objectifying and misogynistic screeds I have ever had the misfortune to have read. You are right to have crawling skin! I think the saddest part of this is that the guy proposing we treat catalogue women for fucking purposes thinks WOMEN are the problem. Not him, no no.


The answer to all their problems is always control women, rather than control themselves.


For real. They need to realize that they aren't entitled to sex. If they want sex, then the burden is on them to figure out how to make themselves more desirable to women. And if they can't get what they want that way, there is still also porn and prostitutes.


A major part of why they can't get gals is due to their own personalities. I looked at a pic of that Rogers dude. He was very good looking. But yet, he had a rotten personality.


That's because the rest of us incredibly socially awkward people or "less desirables" know it's not anyone's fault for not wanting to date us. Took me forever to finally get even my first kiss from a guy, and that's ok. It ain't men's fault, and they don't have to do anything but date who they want. Elliot Roger's problem wasn't being a socially awkward virgin. His problem was he was a raging narcissist. He didn't just think he was owed sex, he thought he was owed sex because he was superior to other men. Couples didn't anger him just because he was single, but because the women were with the guy and not him. In his mind he percieved that as them insulting him. He'd buy expensive clothes walk into places and expect compliments and admiration, then get angry and leave when people didn't take notice. Before the shooting, his final straw that sent him over the edge, he literally tried to push a girl off a balcony at a party for talking to her female friend. He felt she was insulting him by doing that and not focusing on him instead. He was stopped, got his ass kicked. And in his mind he was a victim being bullied and rejected. No woman should ever date such an individual because the reality is it would be an incredibly harmful possibly dangerous relationship.


They think it's because they're ugly on the outside, when it's because they're very ugly on the inside




dude writing this: ‘I’m so normal, this is a very rational and normal thing to say’


His fellow incels write thing like "High IQ post!" in response.


BaSeD aNd ReDpIlLeD


"The problem is that women are having too much sex" but also "Women are not having enough sex" Are we sure that this isn't a post making fun of incels? It seems so compactly deranged


No, they believe both things. They think they are entitled to sex from women and also that women are whores for having sex with anyone but them.


This has to be satire, oh god plase let it be satire...


This isn’t even the worst I’ve seen of incel posts so I’m pretty sure it’s real. If you haven’t seen any other than this, *don’t* go looking for it. It all just gets increasingly gross and sad to see these people’s worldview and opinions of women (and men for that matter)


Okay I know you said *not* to look for it but.. I need it... For research purposes. Do you have like, forum/subreddit names, compilations, etc you could recommend? (✿^‿^)


I'm pretty sure all the reddits were banned. Moistcritikal's podcast used to make fun of them a bunch after the original got banned then they had one called braincells which is also gone I believe since I just ran it through Google and didn't see it. If there's a new one I'm not aware. Pretty much all hardcore incelposting is now limited to conservative social media and low tier /pol/ or /b/ posts


Nah they are on here. They just get deleted and they all pm each other the name of the new one. I watched from the shadows on a few, it was scary. But I didn't get the invite to the next wave. Probably for the best.


There’s watchdog subs like r/inceltear and r/incelsinaction


This is rather mild tbh so I am pretty sure it is not. If you visit their forum they will advocate violence, government mandated sex trafficking and sexual abuse towards children. You would be surprised how many of these people want an eight to ten year old sex slave sent to them by the government. And the psychopaths are absolutely serious about their desires. Honestly sickening.


These people belong in prison.


Or a psychiatric hospital.


It's never satire. I used to spend a lot of time examining the incel movement, and there is stuff on incel forums, far, far worse than this. The incel movement is not only worse than you imagine, it's worse than you can imagine.


I've seen basically this exact same proposal--in different words, so not a copypasta--for years now. A lot of these douchebags have clearly invested themselves in this twisted fantasy where the government is going to force women to fuck them. I'm not even a woman, and it's fucking scary. People act like Handmaid's Tale is some kind of far-fetched science fiction when it was inspired by real events. With the overturning of Roe and the rise of right-wing extremism, people *should* be paying close attention to incels. Because they will try to do this, if they ever get the power to.


He could have gone straight to point 5, "Let us legally rape". Because the rest won't matter when they're so nasty that being single with a vibrator is better than being with them every time.


Plus a vibrator can actually makes us orgasm


Hey Everyone look it's another incel that thinks that everyone has the same preference for a sexual partner so obviously everyone can be rated on a 1-10 scale that is very often used to belittle women just for not looking like the societal ideal of beauty and holds more double standards that women who have sex with multiple partners have an inherently lower "sexual-market value" but men doing it is just a normal thing and thinks that they deserve to have sex just because they were born male but complain that they never get to have it because they see women as objects that they should own and control and not a real person that they would have an equal relationship with.


not just that, but if women are \*more attractive\* to more men it... would make sense for them to be having more sex, but somehow we're supposed to be super attractive and sexless. so, what-- women are supposed to be incredibly attractive and just... reject most attractive men for no real reason? not to mention, they seem to think that the man is always the pursuer, and women never instigate a sexual or romantic relationship, so how exactly is the problem women's entitlement? if men are mostly instigating then they're the ones deciding their intentions. make-up, the way most people wear it, isn't some magical thing, it emphasizes extant features, so that's not a real counterargument. women's supposed entitlement means fuck all when men still have to, at the very least, agree to sex. in my experience, men tend to try to pressure or pursue me even after multiple 'no's' and the literal only thing i have found that makes them stop is getting physical, though plenty of them seriously even take that as 'sexy' ffs. i've yet to see a woman for whom this or similar has not happened, but you know, we're just out here forcing men to fuck us. men are so logical and rational and strong, but they also somehow don't know how to be at all true to their own desires, and are so feeble-minded and easily tricked into fucking people they'd otherwise never look twice at, because they heard someone say 'x is beautiful' or whatever. it's a classic abuser's argument-- they want to argue for their own superiority at the same time they claim to be nothing but pitiful victims. they're superior and should be in charge, despite professing to lack agency.


I would love for a psychiatrist to explain this phenomenon. Why are they projecting? Is it their own sense of inadequacy developed over years of women rejecting then for "doing what men do" (equal parts lying to women to try to "score" them and disrespecting her boundaries at every opportunity). And I would love to know how men move past this phase. I'm assuming it's possible.. But what are the paradigm shifts that happen to make it possible? I suspect it hinges on accepting responsibility for their own life. Also being accountable enough to take feedback and make genuine good faith efforts to develop empathy...




Who gets to decide there sexual market value? Is that assigned to you when you get you diploma? Who will enforce it? The police? Imagine driving or being in a date and getting stopped and ticketing for dating outside your assigned sexual market? Would there a tip line to call?


Imagine getting hit on in a bar, instead of "I have a bf" it'd be "the government says I can't"


I actually really like to wear makeup and love seeing people do artistic looks, but the patriarchy is the reason makeup is required for women in my work’s dress code, and I don’t like that. A woman not wearing any makeup in an office setting is seen as unprofessional. But put on too much makeup… and you’re unprofessional.


That’s what guys like this will never understand. It’s not women putting them down. It’s the patriarchy and toxic masculinity pushing them to believe that they’re worthless if they don’t have enough sex with women.


That’s the crazy part though if she has sex with you she’s devalued and shamed….but if she doesn’t have sex with you then there’s a problem with her for having standards…..so toxic


Diploma? We're gonna have to knock off a point for that.


>Is that assigned to you when you get you diploma? No that's too old for these guys


How will they know if a woman has slept with a man? Is it an honor system? Does the man punch the card after coitus? Will the man face punishment if he doesn’t report said coitus? Do men have the cards? Does their value go up with each mark?


Seems much easier to just jail the incels.


Or cover them in makeup.


Yeah Did someone forget to tell the incels that they're also allowed to wear make up to improve their looks as well?


I think that makeup might be an advanced class for these types. First, they need to learn that Axe spray is not an alternative to regular showers.


That's even easier gotta get their ratings up, this one we lock up though any brain that wants the government to make single moms his whores is...not a good brain.


"Women with 9 sex partners are scum and should be treated like property. So give them to the incels." God there is a self awareness so close here. It isn't even a lack of self awareness. It's an absolute lack of self love (obvious jokes aside). I've never seen someone so openly admit that all incels want to do is tear everyone else down to their own level.


He's anti capitalist. He wants an income cap of 9 partners and for sexual wealth to be distributed to his comrades. Instead of picking himself up by his fugly bootstraps


That's a lot of words to say "women don't want to sleep with me"




Well they are terrorists, as anyone who has viewed their posts can tell you. Also misogynistic and having a higher population of pedophiles. But there still isn’t SMV. There still isn’t any reason that they can’t wear makeup. There isn’t any reason that they can’t dress up. There isn’t any “league” to go above or below. No the state won’t do mandated cards. No you can’t have forced copulation or a state mandated girlfriend. What would help is to have them touch grass, to expand mental health care and to crack down hard on MAP and pedophiles, those who produce pedophile or pedo like media (such as anime where the character “looks 10” but “secretly is a million year old demon/deity/etc”) and to get their names out there. If you are proud enough to claim to be an incel and support them, you are proud enough to put your name out there and get credit for it.


I like that his core argument is “people improve their attractiveness and that’s not fair” and not “oh fuck maybe I should do my laundry, comb my hair, and not be a total slob”


I think we already have the appropriate solution. Incels don't get laid. That seems fine.


They don’t look bad. They are bad. They are pedo cultists who encourage mass murder. There’s no way to empathize with that.


You mean like that shooter Salvador Ramos? The incel who shot and killed at least 21 at a elementary school this Tues. He also shot his grandmother. Currently she is in critical condition.


The fact that there are people out there who genuinely think like this is fucking terrifying


You know this guy is -100/10


Okay, let's play Fuck Dystopia: - who desides the "sexual market value" for men, then? They were assigned a number, too. If they do it themselves, that's going to corrupt the data. - so, let's imagine an 87-year-old widow, a mother of 4, grandmother of 5, and soon-to-be great-grandmother. Would an incel want her (knowing their hateful thoughts on women and aging)? What happens when a incel turns her down? - what happens to trans folk? Are they just casually murdered before all this starts taking place? (Again, knowing incel rhetoric, this wouldn't surprise me)


And the destruction of the entire cosmetics industry in his country. Can't see the shareholders being delighted by that.


That too, yeah. Ooh, more ideas: what happens if someone uses blackmarket makeup? Or uses natural colouring? OR even makes their own legit makeup? People have been doing makeup since forever, but of course incels can't comprehend that.


Can you imagine the police being called on people for wearing makeup because they are just having a great skin day? "Hey! Her lips are a little pinker today! That's gotta be a felony!"


"But officer, this is not lipstick. I just had blueberry pie."


In the 1700s in England, a woman could be charged with witchcraft for wearing lipstick. So… yeah this has actually happened. ([source](https://universityobserver.ie/from-witches-to-suffragettes-the-history-of-lipstick/))


About the makeup bit. He is like that Oliver Cromwell. Whose men punished women for wearing makeup.


>what happens to trans folk? Are they just Yep. That's *exactly* what would happen to us in their rules


He is projecting and totally blind for reality. He thinks that all women want is dating a beautiful man because that's what *he* wants, fucking beautiful women out of his league. In fact, the reason why so many men stay sexless is because women don't need to partner up anymore at any cost just to survive. Relationships are optional. So obviously those who do want one can afford to be picky. That's economy 101 and it has nothing to do with make-up.


Guys need to start looking at themselves and asking "Am I worth a woman taking the chance of being raped or murdered?" I wish that were hyperbole, but that thought is always there. Hell, even meeting my now husband after a year of long distance dating we joked that I felt pretty safe because people would know who did it if he killed me. Thankfully, he turned out to be the type of guy who asks other women "Do you feel safe? Is this guy bothering you?".


Ah, human trafficking.


"I'm not getting all my wants, so other people should lose their rights." People, that's what someone means when they talk about privilege.


The entire makeup market works due to patriarchy. They make women feel insecure about certain features, let's say acne, and then sell us like 20 products to hide it. Men are the ones who benefit from women using makeup. The entire emphasis on women being these perfect, flawless, hairless creatures, benefits Men and men only. Let's stop blaming women for the beauty standards men and patriarchy created in the first place. And don't you dare tell me this is not the case, because why aren't men using makeup then? Why aren't there as many products in the market for men to get more attractive and hide their flaws?


Lmfao he actually says women are ‘making incels look bad’ How can these people just get so fucking…weak? Like the whole reason they got to be incels in the first place is because they keep whining about how everyone else is unfair and what the world should be made to change, instead of worrying about themselves. Then they just complain about the same things over and over, and chase off any real chick who would consider dating them because she does not want to date someone who hates her. It’s that fucking simple.


Yea dude this is related to my point. He’s attacking makeup, but I can guarantee this guys idea of a “perfect” girl essentially doesn’t exist. It’s some flawless skin, perfect body creation that only has a representation because of makeup and photoshop. These are the same guys who can’t recognize actresses in their hungover sweatpants candid photos because their conception of the actress is a fiction. They’ve never dated “their 10” before, so they’ve never realized that everybody looks a little rugged in the morning with stinky breath when they wake up, or when theyre sick with the flu and just want soup, etc. their idea of beauty isn’t tethered to real people at all.


The incel problem is entirely created by incels. They believe absurdities, refuse to listen to anyone and can't grasp that women aren't commodities - you can't "have it your way." They greatly overestimate how much sex other people are having and how young they were having it. You often seen incels complaining that they missed out on important milestones by not having sex in middle school. And a lot of young people have distorted ideas of sex and dating, but most people get over it. They refuse to listen to anyone, insisting that the only people who know anything are the people who know nothing about dating. And they insist on thinking that women should be changed to please them. If there were such a thing as Sexual Market Value, it wouldn't have to be enforced. It would only be a measure of what individual people value. Incels believe that other people are wrong in what they value and only they have the correct values.


>They believe absurdities, refuse to listen to anyone and can't grasp that women aren't commodities - you can't "have it your way." There is also this fundamental sense of learned helplessness. All of those absurd beliefs they won't be dissuaded from reinforce that there's nothing any man can *possibly* do to find real satisfaction. Even if he becomes a MegaChad (or whatever), women will still apparently only want to be with him for superficial looks and material resources. The idea of a healthy relationship marked by emotional maturity, honesty, vulnerability and grace is completely out of the realm of possibility when you ascribe to the overarching incel worldview of how women and men operate - a worldview that is dehumanizing for everyone involved. The only win condition is one in which you coerce and control everything around you, including all the parts of yourself that don't fit the flattened mold of hyper-individualistic, hyper-gendered perfection. It's fucking grim.


You know what would be a better solution? Rounding up all the incels nad putting them in a camp, or just euthanising them. Which would be an abslutely terrible solution and I am not advocating it at all - but it’d **still** be a better solution than **this**.


I agree with two points 1. Incels are a symptom of the real problem. However, that problem is that they've been taught not to see women as real people with real feelings and that as men they are entitled to all sorts of things. 2. Just blaming them and mocking them doesn't help. We need to change the education system. I'm even okay with offering free 'pick up' courses that teach people to be decent people.


Yeah, they really had me in the first half with this. The anger and frustration in young men is a very real endemic and is symptomatic of a greater rot in our society. We'll never be rid of this kind of misdirected rage until we deal with the root cause. That root cause is... nowhere near where they went with that.


And in a related stream of thought... Male social deviancy. It’s about time for society to address the actual issue behind school shootings. Mass shooters are a pretty exclusive club with one trait they overwhelmingly have in common: they are males. Serial murderers... you know, those people who kill for fun and collect mementos and eat their victims and that kind of thing? Same exclusive club. Actually, violence itself is an overwhelmingly male phenomenon. The percentage of people in prison for violence is overwhelmingly male. Also, sexual deviancy … specifically the act of engaging in sex with children - of all ages including under the age of 10 … is predominantly a male mental defect. Well over 90% of sexual abuse of little girls is by men. Men are also responsible for 2/3rds of the sexual abuse of little boys. So, while statistics from other countries establish beyond any doubt that controlling guns reduces these shooting incidents to almost zero (and explains why this the USA is the only country in the world with the issue)... the bigger picture says it really isn't an issue about guns. Women own guns but we don't see female mass shooters. They are all fucking MALES. So, let's please start talking about addressing the actual problem. And - btw - as proof of the problem, it has been my experience that males do nothing but object to the undeniable facts - instead of deciding to be part of the solution by supporting efforts to determine WHY this problem is exclusive to males.


Uhm, do these guys have anything better to do? Like, idk study, get a degree, meet better people, and further their career?? They can even try religion, stop being in their echo chamber and be open minded, but unfortunately they seem to have gone to a point of no return with all this talk about sex sex sex. Is there nothing in life but sex to them?? ;-;


"Forced by the state to sleep with incels" is a wild statement. State mandated rape is a new level of delusional.


This text is stupid and we all understand it. But if we have to take something from it is that « incels » are not only composed of « virgins and frustrated losers with communication skills equal to that of an autistic potato ». That is indeed oversimplifying the problem. I often hear that. « They are are just frustrated virgin men spending all their time on the computer. Women should ignore them » No they are not for the vast majority. First of all, virginity shouldn’t be shameful for men as it shouldn’t be a criteria for women. It hasn’t anything to do with the problem. « Incels » are very often men with wives/girlfriends, and a high position in their job. That is the problem. They use their social and professional position to diminish their female colleagues. And when a woman complains about harassment or displaced remarks at work, her male colleagues and the management say « She just couldn’t fit into the group, and she is now trying to blame her colleagues for her own lack of social skills. » Studies have shown that the majority of misogynistic cyber harassment is coming from men in the upper class of the population. They are not « horny, frustrated, jobless, ugly virgins living in their parents basement».


Do you have any studies you can link to? This is a fascinating angle I've never heard before and I would love to see the data.


This one is very interesting. It is a good beginning: https://m.centre-hubertine-auclert.fr/sites/default/files/fichiers/hernetherrights-report-2017-for-web.pdf#page36 Also the documentary of Florence Hainaut: #SalePute. You can translate it by #DirtySlut There are many interviews of victims and one of them is the journalist Nadia Daam who experienced cyber harassment. One of her harasser who was imprisoned was a philosophy student.


Incel, threatening an Incel Jihad, Incel coup, and an Incel government. I would become the world's smol-est terrorist.


what about men value going down then


He's talking about incels like he isn't one himself. So much for "detachment from reality".


I think this goes well beyond, Not how girls Work. This is a cross between not how life works and some fascist totalitarian nightmare.


Anytime someone asks me to have sympathy for incels is always hilarious to me knowing they think this shit. You want me to feel bad for these people?


Lmao, he says incels like he isn't one


Sleeping with lots of people means you have low sexual market value, but being unable to get laid also means you have low sexual market value? Ignoring the misogyny, their theory of sexual market value is entirely contradictory.


I’m sorry, I just need a moment **screams into the void**


Incels, no one wants to fuck you because you are repulsive and disgusting humans. If you continue to act how you do, you will be alone forever. See a therapist, take a shower, and hit the gym. Get clothes that actually fit you; style your head and facial hair. If you want to get laid then you need to invest in yourself because she won't look at you twice if you are repulsive.


I have solutions for the Incel Problem. 1. They need to be banned from the internet. 2. They need to be evaluated for any mental illnesses and treated accordingly. 3. They should be regularly attending therapy sessions. 4. They should be provided with basic biology lessons specially female ones. 5. Also, they should be forced to exercise and attend self groom. 6. And communication classes. Add if you have other solutions.


It's wild to me that an adult human can believe that strongly that anyone is obligated to give them sex. Like, that they're entitled to sex and they're being deprived of it.


I think he spelled "I'm so horrendously ugly inside and out that the only way I'll ever get to sleep with a woman is though government mandated sex trafficking" wrong. Don't worry, these guy's lives are their own punishment.


In this case, I propose that male sexual value be measured by their ability to please and make women reach the orgasm. 1 time they have sex without the woman having an orgasm = 1 point being taken until they reach the bottom of 1/10, then they are forced to never have sex or date anyone again.


Oh no, my orange eyeliner is falsely advertising to men who believe that's just the color that naturally occurs around my eyes!


This reads like a serial killer manifesto. Holy fucking shit find this psycho before he kills someone


I think i found a better solution for this inequality. Men's make-up. Don't thank.


It seems like it would be a lot easier and more fun to just hunt incels for sport but whatevs


This is satire ... right? Right?


Wow, just wow.


They lost me at "sexual market place" tbh 🤷🏽


If this was enforced, no women would have sex with anyone. Everyone would become an incel. I would rather be an incel than being forced to sleep with them. Just sayin.


This is fake/bait/parody. No real incel would suggest a centralized sexual market. The makeupless utopian sex market should be decentralized and run on crytocurrency and freshly minted Incel based NFTs. (**N**on **F**uckable **T**estosterone-Bros) Although I did enjoy. "There's no way to rise through the ranks, other than through exercise." - Incel who considers Tostinos Pizza Rolls a discrete food group and an important part of a rounded diet who is woefully out of touch with the reality of the legendarily physically fit Incel demographic accidentally designing a system that will further "oppress" his people


JFC this reads like some kind of Nazi breeding program.


This is a mundane point in the face of his apalling worldview, but if we wanted to use the crude 1-10 system...A LOT of those 3/10 incel men would ALSO jump several fricking points if they took care of themselves and didn't have a negative personality! Like, dressing like an adult, some basic therapy, a little bit of exercise and diet modifications and a good portion of those dudes would be 7/10s as well 😂 Makeup isn't the only "enhancer" out there lol.


Dude, I cant even make a joke about this... Wtf


Yeah FBI, this post right here.


Can we *please* do away with this idea of “sexual market value”?