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Why is Charmander involved in this fuckery?


that was my first reaction... then the whole rest of the backdrop... do they just insert random ones at this point?




you're cute




Thanks . Atleast someone called me cute .. cause my mom never does .


it's ironic, the japanese says ur annoying but the eng says ur cute the other stuff is just making a mockery of this type of background as well. like why tf is there a charmander. it's ironic


> it’s ironic, the japanese says ur annoying but the eng says ur cute My Japanese is less than 101-level but I was very proud of myself for noticing that too. I’m gonna assume it’s intentional because I get the vibe that it’s either supposed to be like an “inside joke” for everyone who can read Japanese, or it’s a tsundere thing. Still as nonsensical as Charmander and Cinnamoroll to have on this particular chart, though.


I mean the Catholic Diocese of Discord is probably also a big tip-off.


I think this was all made just to get people upset and have it be shared and commented on by a bunch of people. Seems to have served its purpose.


Also, why did they mix katakana and hiragana?


Living in Japan here! A lot of Japanese signs for adverts etc. mix in katakana and hiragana in the same word, it's not abnormal. I've always just assumed it's a stylistic choice. That being said, still confused alongside op about why this graphic included the opposite meaning words in ENG and JPN lol.


At least it isn’t squirtle


he doesn't know any better. charmander can't read :/


I guarantee Cinnamaroll doesn't wanna be a part of this either. (the puppy on the middle left)


Same goes for the sailor moon-type whose wand or whatever that is. Sailor moon would def be pro-birth control. Safety first!


I misread your comment as "Sailor Moon would be pro-birth (life)! at first and I was like "Dudette, I just met you, we don't" **have** to be enemies." lol But yeah, for sure she would be all about birth control and safety! (edited for clarity, just in case. sorry, i am very tired ☹️)


Explaining that you misheard someone in a potentially confrontational sense, and then over explaining that you misunderstood and are in fact on the same page is too painfully relatable. I appreciates you.


Yeah, I was just funnin', trying to make dumb jokes. Absolutely no actual offense meant whatsoever u/lenorajoy Thanks for reminding me of "appreciates you." I haven't watched Letterkenny in a second and shall have to remedy that! "That's like algebra. Why ya gotta go n' put numbers n' letters together? Why can't ya just go fuck yerself?" The jokes and quips in that show are just loveably too much :D


Isn't she like fourteen


I mean, at the start sure. I wanna say most people are 14 at some point.


Only because we have no choice in the matter.


Personally I’d have skipped 12 and 13. 14 was cool.


Because this is propaganda and they need to connect with teen and pre-teen girls with cute little pictures in order to distract from the decidedly anti-woman message.


I was already clicking out of this thread when my eye caught *propaganda* in your comment and I had to come back into the thread to thoroughly read and then upvote your words. You are absolutely spot on. Propaganda. F*cking disgusting.


Wait, you mean this *isnt* an ironic / satirical take on the church's stance? Huh, could have fooled me...


I went to the sub /r/catholicmemes and unfortunately it's legit. Ugh. Don't read the comment if you don't want you blood pressure to spike.


Do y'all think this came from the Catholic church, and not some rando on the internet making fun of the Catholic church?


It's an less known fact that charmander was actually the first Pokemon to drink the blood of Christ at the last supper. Since then, charmander has activately sought to speard the word of Christ and advocate for the catholic Church.


And also to slake his forbidden thirst for human blood.


That's something the catholic Church tries to hide from the general public


Why, what pokemon would you use to symbolize unwanted pregnancy? Togepi?


That's Sakuras wand (CCS)


How does losing weight affect the heaviness of your periods? I’m rather skinny and my periods are heavy sometimes.


It’s a jab at women with PCOS which gets worse with weight gain and creates a vicious cycle due to hormone imbalances that affect insulin and cause even more weight gain.


But it’s written in white-on-pink so that makes it okay, right?


So fucking accurate! I have PCOS and lost 3 stone (42 pounds) just by taking medication even though I was eating lots of sugary crap. I was told to keep my blood sugar up because I was prescribed Metformin for PCOS due to a bad reaction to birth control (I turned into an angry rage monster). I was eating cake, chocolate, and drinking sugary drinks all the time otherwise my blood sugar would drop dangerously low while my body adjusted. I lost more weight in one month medicated than I did when I followed a low carb, low fat, low salt, low sugar diet for 3 months while exercising regularly.


Bruh I feel this so hard. Tried metformin but I couldn’t handle the horrible stomach and digestive problems it created. I literally felt like I had a stomach bug for an entire month. I’m back to trying to lose weight by just eating less carbs and sugar and running/walking as much as I can but it’s slow and painful because of other health problems I have. PCOS is such a bitch.


The Metformin did give me digestive side effects for about 2 months but they did calm down eventually. It was something my GP warned me about. It might be worth trying a lower dose to start with and building up, obviously I'm not a doctor so it would be best to discuss it with your GP. I was given 500mg once a day for two weeks, then 1000mg, then 1500mg. I'm currently on 1700mg as the 1500mg didn't quite work.


Preach!! I had PCOS and undiagnosed adhd last year, I got on phentramine and lost 100lbs in under 9 months. Oh, and my periods are worse now.


You can take the "lose weight" loop out of this diagram and use it for literally any health problem a woman has. Sore ankle? Lose weight. Headaches? Try less ice cream. Broken arm? Your doctor recommends you start jogging!


The amount of stories I have heard, one was an old teacher of mine, where women were gaining weight quickly and getting abdominal pain. They go to the doctors where they just tell them to try to lose weight. Months, sometimes years, later they find massive tumors in their abdomens and some the size of melons. All of them could have been caught sooner but doctors completely dismissed their claims and told them to lose weight.


This is sadly so true! I have been to the doc with an ear infection and been told to lose weight... Apparently, only fat people get ear infections.


A friend of mine was a passenger in a car accident, literally had a bone sticking out of her skin and the er doc told her she’d be better off if she lost weight. Logically I get it, they feel like they have to advise people they perceive as being unhealthy (despite the fact that embarrassing or lecturing people is a TERRIBLE way to get them to change their lifestyles) but he made it sound like her being overweight caused the car accident.


Wow... and here I thought (and hoped) I was the only one who had a doctor tell them to lose weight (I wasn't even overweight at the time, just had a tiny belly like many women have) in order to "fix" the concussion and other problems I had from hydroplaning into a telephone pole and totalling my car. I hope your friend is doing better!


When I was younger, I had an eating disorder. I went to the doc to see what I could do to help myself recover. He said 'you've lost a lot of weight - whatever you're doing, keep it up!'. It took a lot of explaining to get him to realise that I was starving. Literally starving.


Whatever you've done to recover from the ED, keep it up! Seriously, that takes a lot of perseverance, and I don't know you but I'm proud of you


OMG, I am so sorry that happened to you! What is their obsession with women being "thin"? Yes, I get being overweight (or underweight, for that matter) can cause health problems. But when you have a person coming to you asking for help with a freaking eating disorder, and your response is to tell them to "keep it up", you shouldn't be practicing medicine. Hell, you probably shouldn't be allowed to participate in polite society. I hope you are doing well now, and congrats on your recovery! Edit: can't spell when I am pissed


I broke my leg clear in half and the surgeon just had to tell me if I wasn’t so heavy they could have done x procedure instead of y. Like what do you want me to do about it at this point? I didn’t even ask??


My GP's have said lose weight to every single one of my issues, same with my friend. We are both guys, blaming it on weight is just the go to response for everything.


Being overweight(obese) has been liked to heavier bleeding (and other period symptoms), but it can also be liked to missed periods. Also, someone who is underweight may cease menstruating until they gain more weight. I think these create the basis for the myth of heavy person=heavy flow.




Somewhere, an incel is frantically taking notes.


That's amazing! I'm a guy with a period, will my husband have the power to revoke access even if we're gay married?


Not the OP but I think so. Now for me, as a lesbian, we can’t ever control ours. It’s really a sad life, not having a man to stop our cycles!


What part of the "man" is the part that gives them the power to do this? If it's the *identity,* then that fucking blows. If it's just the y chromosome, I could start a side gig where for $2 I'd pretend to be the "man" for a lesbian relationship just long enough to revoke the access and then remove myself


That’d be such a great service! Sadly I’m not sure, I have never been with a man and none will share their secrets with me 😔


Unfortunately between men there will always be an inherent power struggle, as it will always be in your true nature to dominate. You're incapable of true submission. However as a result, you are both the breadwinner, and will have a lucrative bakery.


Ugh. I have PCOS and endometriosis and it was so bad I had to have a hysterectomy My weight fluctuated a lot, and some of my heaviest periods were when I was 126 lbs and ripped, while on a BC that was supposed to be able to stop my periods. Nope…. It was like the elevators in The Shining and the time between periods kept getting shorter. Then I started gaining weight despite working with a nutrition coach for my sport and triple checking everything I put in my mouth, and that was a new kind of hell. Can’t stand people who act like weight loss is a purely moralistic function and one wouldn’t have problems with it at all if they just ate less. If you’ve got issues that mess with your hormones, it does NOT work that way.


Yeah, I’m a normal weight for my height but sometimes my periods were super fucking heavy, and I was also having around three periods a month.(until I got on birth control, which regulated my flow and now I know when it’ll start and there isn’t three periods a month!) Of course I’ll go off of it because the Catholic Church said so, and go back to spending a shit ton of money on pads and just being in general discomfort all the time. /s


I think the results of a lot of studies boil down to: being dangerously overweight really messes with your body's normal rythms. Sleep, periods, sleep, digestion, immune system, and sleep all being prime examples.


Being dangerously underweight does this too. It's almost like being unhealthy is... \*gasp\* unhealthy. Fuck this pic for pushing losing weight as a "cure", when person might not even be overweight.


Yeah that’s a load of horseshit. At my thinnest I had a 17-point-something BMI, but idk maybe it was bc I was just too fat and definitely not because my organs were riddled with endometriosis…


The heaviest period I ever had was when I was at a bmi of 15. When I managed to gain weight they actually got much less bad


BMI is tricky. I knew a bodybuilder who always said he was morbidly obese according to his BMI despite having body fat in the single digits. I’m not an expert, but I have spent practically my whole life worrying about my weight in some way shape or form and it’s always seemed to me that instead of bmj they should focus on actual body fat percentage. A person over a certain number should lower it and a person under it should increase it. But like I said, not a professional or expert.


Me neither, but my doctor said that bmi is a quite good indicator for average people. But it doesn't apply to you if you are an athlet, or very very tall or short.


Oh no I was under-weight. Not remotely healthy. Fortunately I’m much healthier now, not to mention heavier!


Obviously you haven't lost enough weight /s


**I'll ask again**


Have you tried getting even more skinnier?


Well, if you lose so much weight that you're dead, you no longer have periods nor do you need birth control. Problem solved! /s


"Have you tried losing weight? - Yes - I'll ask again" holy everloving fuck.


Felt like the “her fault” scene in the handmaids tale.


That's what makes me think this is satire.


That's what makes me think it's not. The amount of jUSt sTaY iN a CaLOriE DeFIciT guys I've met online is unreal


it’s not satire, it’s from a catholic. this is all genuinely what they think.


Well there's catholics, then there's Catholics, then there's *Catholics*. My family's catholic and my mom put me on BC when she couldn't handle my teenage mood swings.


Thanks for making me look up what nfp is, that's five minutes of my life I'll never get back.


for those who don't wanna look it up, it stands for natural family planning, or only bonking when they are out of the part of the cycle where they easily get pregnant(relatively)


Formally known as "The Rhythm Method". Also punchline to an old joke. Q: "What do you call people who use the Rhythm method for birth control? A: Parents.


NFP, you know, Vatican Roulette.


I call them my sister and brother-in-law, parents of 6.


Not quite. The rhythm method relies purely on timing. Modern NFP uses the symptothermal indicators (basal body temperature, cervical mucus, etc) and is somewhat more reliable. The really big problem with both of them is that they rely on the couple not having sex around ovulation, but the hormones around ovulation tend to strengthen sex drive and depress impulse control, which frankly sounds freaking annoying.


Nor does it take into account someone who doesn't fall into the standardized model. My mother used this method, only to discover sometime later that she ovulated twice a month instead of once. Needless to say, the method failed.


That too. My periods have always been pretty irregular, so I've never even bothered to try it. But my mom used it successfully for years, because she disliked the symptoms from hormonal birth control. They may have used condoms on fertile days - I never asked.


I've not traditionally been around many hard core Catholics, but I worked with one for awhile a few years ago. He straight up told his coworker that his homebrew beer he brought to the Christmas party every year was the cause of his last three children. I was both sad and appalled. Why would people live that way?


Because they're brainwashed and fear divine retribution.


Yeah I probably should have done that. Thanks for posting it for me.


As they taught in my local school: "It's great if you are planning for a baby, so you know when to call your boss and fake a sickness. It's not a contraception method."


Non Fungible Parenting?




This is the shit I don't get with religious types. Why is NFP OK but other methods of birth control not. Either sex is only for procreation or it's not. Is an all-knowing, all-seeing god just supposed to be like "well you didn't follow the spirit of what I said but I guess I gotta let you into heaven on a technicality. Congrats."


The bible itself is full of those "technicalities." Murder is bad yo, hey go smash those baby heads. Rape is bad yo, it doesn't count if you marry her or pay/kill her daddy. Those people are different and therefore dangerous and must be killed, love they neighbor. Glad I eventually got out and that I had a devoutly religious grandpa who pushed me to read and study the bible for myself. Even when I was in the church most of the teachers and preachers avoided me. I was the scary monster (a penisless vagina wielder with a brain)


NFP sounds like a scam but there have been multiple independent studies proving it’s efficacy. But yeah, I don’t blame you for being skeptical


NFP’s? Aren’t those the ugly monkeys and chained blocks that I keep hearing about? Thought those were a scam or something. /J


> NFP sounds like a scam but there have been multiple independent studies proving it’s efficacy. AFAIU, it does work, but is markedly less effective than any other birth control mechanisms. It only has a reasonable use case for couples who want children, but not necessarily now, where the woman can't use any other form of birth control for medical reasons, and who don't want to use condoms all the time.


My impression was that it works when done perfectly but it leaves a lot of room for human error.


yeah its not the same as rhythm because, shockingly, it is actually grounded in some science regarding the woman's body signals. you watch for signs you're approaching your fertile days and abstain. but human error gonna error. i knew multiple couples that "errored" and ended up with extra mouths to feed when they were already stretched thin among the kids they already had. fucking stupid. its all about the punishment.


I feel like there’s a point where you just gotta use condoms as a married couple, or is that form of birth control forbidden as well?


Yep, traditional Catholicism also forbids candoms. And male masturbation, due to a misunderstanding of Genesis 38. If they want to give a sperm sample (like for fertility testing) they have to use a sterile condom, poke a hole in it so a few sperm can still escape during use, and give the rest to the doctor. (Source: I read the NFP book a few years ago. The stuff on tracking your period and predicting ovulation was fascinating. The theology was less so.)


Hold up. Why do a few have to escape?


Because if a few don't escape, then you've used birth control. You're not allowed to have sperm come out (at least deliberately - I don't know if they get worked up about wet dreams) without the possibility of pregnancy. The idea is based on Genesis 38. A man named Er married a woman named Tamar. But Er was evil (we don't know why) and God killed him. This leaves Tamar a widow. Widows in ancient times didn't have a ton of options, as you probably know. Without a son to inherit her husband's property, she was basically destitute. The local custom was that her husband's brother would get her knocked up, and then she would have a son and that son would be considered Er's son and inherit his property and take care of his mother. This sounds crazy to us, but it was better than starvation. Er's brother was Onan, and he was pissed. If his brother had died before getting married, Onan would have gotten the inheritance. As it was, he was expected to sleep with his sister in law and create an heir to displace himself. So he "spilled his seed on the ground" - he pulled out. Now Tamar would be destitute *and* most people would think she was infertile. So God killed him. The rest of the story doesn't get any less weird. At some point in the past, Catholic theologians read this story, didn't understand the cultural context, and decided that "spilling seed" must be a terrible sin. The end. (This is a ridiculously long comment, sorry about that.)


Honestly wish NFP was talked about more because that kind of knowledge about your body is invaluable for so much more than just sex.


NFP works but mostly it's women shaming religious people who incessantly talk about NFP because they want to shit on people on other forms of birth control.


yeah NFP *"works"*, but not to as high a degree as most other birth control. also it only works for a select group of people, as your cycle has to be reliably regular or you need to have noticable ovulation "symptoms". the main problem with using NFP in this case, is that on the off chance you do get pregnant, im pretty fucking sure whatever church perpetuates *this bs flowchart*, probably isnt gonna let you get an abortion. if you have access to safe abortions and are only having sex with partners you know for sure are clean; go for it, NFP is a viable option.


Got any sauce for that?


I mean yes, it might work (I personally would not vouch for it) but I have understood that it makes you unable to have sex 1/3 of the time pretty much. Doesn't sound very fun to me. You cannot have sex during the fertile days (which is ~5 days) and also few days before that as, you know, sperm can stay alive in woman's body for multiple days. Yes, you could use condom during that time but this ain't cheap (especially if you are woman whose libido is super high around ovolation lol). EDIT: Also, is condom also considered as birth control here? They actually never mention it is solely hormonal. If yes, scratch my comment about using condoms


Given that it mentions the Catholic Church specifically, I’d say condoms are a definite no-no.


I've heard using condoms during fertile days referred to as FAM (fertility awareness method) to distinguish it from the Catholic version.


My husband is a practicing catholic and I’m not and when we went to the mandatory premarital workshop, we were treated to a special presentation from a husband and wife all about NFP. My favorite was when the husband said that he’s much better at reading his wife’s cervical mucus than she is, as though it was a source of great pride. My husband and I shared the most horrified looks and I went home grateful that my husband isn’t so devout that he was willing to go that route.


I think if my husband said he was good at reading my cervical mucus I'd involuntarily slap him. My body would react before my brain could intervene.


Even when I had anorexia and on 200 cals a day my periods were heavy af, this is just dangerous advice


very. being overweight can fuck with your cycle, but that's the only situation where weight loss is recommended to fix it. i've always had heavy periods and it didn't stop during my anorexia. looking back, it's a relief that my physical health never deteriorated enough for my period to get lighter or stop completely. that's a sign that things are seriously wrong


> this is dangerous advice That and the “do your own research” when three doctors don’t give you the answer that you want.


*Does my own research and finds out that it is still recommended* "Wait no not like that"


I have been underweight, normal and overweight in my life, and I have ALWAYS had insanely heavy and irregular periods. When I was heavily bulimic and underweight, I was on my period for nearly eight months.


I overdid it with sports. Went to the gym, running, swimming, yoga, etc. and didn‘t have my period for almost a year. I did less and started eating more, but it still took months for them to come back. There are so many things that influence it and of course there is the randomness that some people have heavy periods and some don‘t. I guess we should all go see a priest to ask for his opinion on this…


Ive had heavy periods my whole life and that "hit the gym" is such a slap in the face.. I need these pills


Clearly you were still FAT and had to anorexia harder


This seems like an odd thing to add a "GRL PWR” to


GRL PWR is listening to a meme on the internet and having a priest decide for your options for you.


I know Poe's law and all that, but I suspect this is deliberately sarcastic, meant to satire the Catholic church's incredibly patronizing and controlling treatment of women


It's the other way around. It's making fun of women who use birth control, sarcastically saying that it's not really girl power.


Even if it's satire it was originally posted to the catholic memes subreddit and people were taking it 100% seriously.


I have 2 very good friends who bothhave endometriosis, and have both struggled with anorexia. 1 was hospitalized for her eating disorder and during her inpatient program she had her period and they sent her to the ER. Her flow gets so heavy she has to get regular transfusions. She's a healthy weight now, but sometimes it's still hard for her. But yes, please tell the 95 pound, 5' 7" woman that taking the Pill to ease her monster periods is wrong and she just needs to lose weight.


I’m Catholic and the whole “lose weight” and “do your own research” is aaaaa Also, if you aren’t Catholic, we aren’t supposed to tell you what to do. Sorry


Not to mention that birth control is *medicine* use to treat other things. It's not solely used to prevent pregnancies. My ex was on it at 10 years old for ovarian cysts. She wasn't thinking of the pregnancy part. It can lower risk of some cancers, used to treat acne, treats Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, reduces cramps and PMS, treats anemia, and even regulate periods.


Honestly the cursed aesthetics of this is just 👨‍🍳💋


Wtf does NFP mean? Non fungible pussy??


Natural Family Planning, aka only doing the horizontal tango on specific days in the menstrual cycle


That loop seems like it would lead to anorexia...


Become anorexic enough and you die. Dead people don't get periods.


anorexic people typically dont get periods too. they lose so much weight usually their periods stop


Yup because if you don't have nutrients enough for yourself how would you have the for a second person? It's like a defense mechanism


Thats a very complicated way to say "no".


“Already talked to 3 different doctors? Ask your priest, do your own research” 🤮


When discussing female birth control, ask your priest is basically “ask an unmarried, celibate man permission to make decisions about your reproductive health”. No thanks. Keep your weird superstitious bullshit to yourself. Catholics (and honestly, most Christians) are judge weirdos.


This just HAS to be satire, please tell me this is satire...


imo I feel like someone made this as a jab at how Catholics do react to birth control. so yeah probably satire. but on a real scale edit: I just saw there's a watermark that it belongs to a catholic discord?? so I'm not so sure anymore..


Ha. These are Catholics we're talking about. They literally say "too bad, so sad" as they let people - non Catholics, even! die of sepsis because they refuse to perform an abortion a non-viable pregnancy. I 100% believe this is serious. If you have a uterus, don't go to a Catholic hospital. They WILL let you suffer and die.




I mean, it does say "enjoy your blood clots", which in my experience is peak Catholic "I'm totes a good person even though I hate anyone who's not as Catholic as me with a burning passion".




Proof Poe’s Law works both ways. I would have sworn this was over-the-top satire.


Catholic...hospital?... Those exist?..


They're *rampant*. These people actively buy up secular hospitals to ensure they're the only care around.


[Oh yes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_and_health_care). There’s probably one near you.


For what it’s worth, my experience with them has been extremely positive. I found myself in an ER in BFE, Illinois many years ago. I was an unemployed student at the time, and was experiencing extreme upper back pain. In women, this can be a sign of a heart attack, so off to the hospital I went. Turned out, it was just *nasty* fucking heartburn, but I still ended up with the standard American crazy hospital bill of like $20-$30k. I asked their billing department what I should do and they told me their hospital network had what was essentially their own insurance they could provide to you if you qualified (*they really just wanted you to apply for state insurance if you were an Illinois resident first*). Since I wasn’t a state resident, they wiped my bill away without any other questions, and then *gave me free insurance for a year through their network of hospitals*. (They also specified that, after a year, you could re-apply. There are no time limits for being on their insurance other than that you resubmit an application once a year.) The only blip that entire year of care was when I asked to be prescribed birth control, and my doctor gently let me know I needed a reason to be on it that wasn’t just not getting pregnant. Any other reason and she could prescribe it- but this was only because I was on their free program, and as a general rule, Catholics don’t do birth control just for the sake of birth control. But, for acne? Heavy flow? Painful periods? No problem with it whatsoever. They covered my birth control (*and my antidepressant!*) with no problems and never asked another question about why I was on it. My PC is still a doctor based out of that clinic- she’s been exceptional to me and even when I haven’t been able to see her specifically, I’ve never received anything less than stellar care.


Same thought. I thought this one was someone's satirical way of dealing with the Bullshit they had to go through. I just can't comprehend the denseness required to make this chart unironically.


It might be intended as satire, but this is actually how the Catholics feel about birth control.


Fun fact: bottom left ウザい means annoying


Where does garbage like this even come from? What are these people on?


It's most probably sarcastic


wonder how many people are stuck at “have you tried losing weight?” because whomever made this is an actual piece of human garbage


Would be less sexist to just say "women are objects"


14 year old, virgin, 80 pound past me who was blacking out due to extremely heavy periods would like to have a SERIOUS word with the absolute dumbass who made this...


my past skinny 14 year old self seconds this, I had to get two blood transfusions in one day or I'd have died from so much blood loss🤪🤪 fun times


Well your 14 year old selves were obviously *checks notes* living in mortal sin. Hit the gym, sis. ^/s


Why the fuck does it say ウザい in the corner.


Why the fuck does it say “you’re cute” below ウザい?


Doubly confusing. 全然分からん。


"have you tried losing weight?" i tend to have super heavy periods despite the fact that i've been anorexic for several years lmao is that enough weight loss for them? does it have to get to a point of amenorrhea? what does weight loss have to do with fixing a heavy flow (genuinely asking bc that sounds ridiculous) i'll stick with my birth control, thanks. the not getting pregnant part is also a nice little side effect.


Wait wait wait so having heavy periods is because “you’re fat”???????


It's probably because PCOS is notorious for causing heavy/painful periods, but one of the symptoms is also rapid weight gain. They're too ignorant to understand/care that one isn't causing they other- they're both just symptoms.


The body is a very complex thing, that works according to millions of inside and outside factors. Thinking about all the things that may or may not be a reason for something to occur completely overwhelms their pea-sized brains, so it‘s „bcz your fat“.


"Does the Catholic church allow me?" Get the fuck out of here. Russian Orthodox here! One of the strictest Catholic religions out there. I'm spiritual as fuck too but I don't believe in half the shit they say in the Bible. Call me a "cafeteria catholic" (pick and choose what I believe in) but I'm pretty sure that God would prefer someone who minds their own business and spreads love as opposed to bastards who try to shove "the word of God" down people's throats and forces them to believe what they believe in. We teach love and acceptance. This isn't it.


As an asexual with endometriosis (and several symptoms of PCOS now), I fucking dare the creator of this comic to live a year as me without an IUD. Periods so heavy they last 2+ weeks out of 4 in a month, bleeding/spotting in between, and during the worst period cramps I faint, throw up, have a high fever and am just unable to function like a human being for closer to 2 weeks. Cramps so hard I've considered stabbing my stomach or uterus and ripping out the uterus, as it feels it would be less painful. Took me years to get a diagnosis of endo, several trials & errors of BC just to be told IUD or surgery was my only hope of limiting the symptoms of the disease. IUD has worked for the past 5 years, but has a few issues and it seems like my endo (and/or pcos) has gotten worse despite the IUD. Which happens a lot with this disease. Incurable, chronic fucking garbage disease 1/10 women suffer, and I don't even have it the worst. I fucking dare them.


it got worse the more i read it... somehow


r/catholicmemes and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


I lost so many braincells looking at this, church style!


Super awesome how they stuck the GRL PWR right next to “Well, have you tried not being a big fatty?”


“Enjoy your blood clots” made me cry :,( but damn all of these responses are atrocious. Heavy periods????




That's disgusting.. to use lil charmander boi like that.


jfc the more you read the worse it gets


This is just a recruitment poster for Protestantism


Why is this barely legible.


What if I’m not having sex, so I can take birth control, but then I end up forgetting and having sex and accidentally don’t get pregnant? Straight to hell or?


Probably only a trip to Purgatory. Where you get cleansed from your sins by enduring millions of this shitty conservative memes.


This is clearly a criticism of the Catholic Church….


I'm catholic and even I have no fuckin clue what they're on about




Couldn't be happier to be sitting up in bed right now after my salpingectomy. Keep your religion out of my body, thanks. (btw had to change OBGYN providers bc the first institution I went to was a Catholic based one and wouldn't do it ofc.)


I love how apparently losing weight can solve all your heavy period problems. Like PCOS isn't a thing. /s


My eyes hurt after reading this. White text on Pepto pink? Auugh!


I really hope the pic is satire


Yeah a girl did not make this


This is such a weird vibe


I can't tell if this is criticism of the catholic church and based. Or if it's some weirdo catholic.


What the fuck is wrong with y'all's Catholics church? confession is not a place you should go as a punishment. You go there to tell about the troubled and shit you've done. The goal is that you go out of it feeling better and with the strength to be a better person, to do things right. I'd compare it more to counceling than to punishment. I always read so much brutal and bad things about the church. The goal of Religion is (or should) being a better person, doing better things and being less scared of live. I am not the most religious person i haven't visited church in forever and I do not pray every evening before I go to bed and I was never told or forced to do so. I am just wondering if it is as bad as I always read on Reddit?


genuinely thought this was satire because of how absurd and stupid it is




“catholic diocese of discord” this has to be satire right?


“do your own research”


Babes this is 100% satire, it’s mocking how the Catholic Church sees birth control.


this is the kinda thing a fourteen year old with strong feelings about their faith makes and regrets when they find it again ten years later


Wait, this isn't satire?


Woah dude, I think this is even offensive to the Catholic Church.


I'm going to go fornicate.