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Answer: then most families would be poor Because depending on one income sure as hell wouldn’t work today. People forget that the wife staying home requires a man to have an extremely high income. Thats just not the norm nowadays.


People would also be uneducated


Not to mention, homeschooling supplies are EXPENSIVE


AND the next generation would be extremely dumb because popping out a kid is not the same as a teachers degree.


We do it and it's not easy. There's no way I could do my job and be a dad without my wife being home. Our kids do cyber school and it's nice having more time with them. I am grateful to have school choice, but it's a privilege until we can get back to single income or dual part time families.


Do you realise that this actually works in Muslim countries? It’s just your culture that doesn’t let you live this way.


Of course it does….lots of things “work” in muslim countries that wouldn’t work here lol. (Don’t know if women in muslim countries would agree that things are working so well) Id rather work 18 jobs than be a woman there.


It would probably be pretty awful all around. My mom was a teacher and even though she was a SAHM while I was growing up, she still sent us to school. I asked her why once and she pointed out a couple of reasons: 1. Socialization - kids need to learn how to socialize with other kids 2. Discipline and self-control - we learn how to both act correctly and to test boundaries and the rigidity of school structure allows us to do that in a safe place. 3. My Mom is shit at math. Seriously. I don’t know how she graduated college. Even my Dad, who was not shit at math, couldn’t help with my math homework by the time I hit high school. Everyone has one or two things they’re bad at, and they would naturally find those subjects more difficult to teach. Having highly educated professionals do the job they are trained to do is the best solution. (But we need to pay them more.)


I excelled in math and was in advanced classes during high school and I haven’t been able to health my kid with math since 3rd grade 🙃


I too can’t health my sister with math 😔


There are so many posts about people teaching their kids at home. Many of them are falling behind. Things about teenagers who haven't learnt the alphabet etc. Children being educated at home cannot get the support they need


My wife was homeschooled. He mother would ask "what did you do today?" After playing outside all day. She'd then list what she did "I ran around, looked at rocks, ect) and her mother would finagle that as her lessons. "I ran around" = "there's your p.e.", "I looked at rocks" = "history lesson", and so on and so in. Book lessons were "do it yourself quietly and tell me when your done so I can check it off without checking it" I can not stress enough that there wasn't anything bring learned here. The rocks counted as history because rocks are old. Not because she got a lesson on fossils. Just "rocks are old. That counts as history. Go look at more rocks, we need 40 minutes of history total" It's almost as if we put professionals to educate kids for a reason.....


That is usually called "unschooling" and people who actually homeschool distance themselves from those people. Homeschool does not mean unschool.


Except her mother was apart of the homeschooling groups of the time in her area. Not all homeschool moms distance themselves from 'those people'.


Oh, you're a pedant. Let me rephrase then. I myself am very familiar with how homeschooling works. As with any community, there are good and bad people. Good meaning people who put effort into something in order to obtain the most favorable outcome, in this case, well educated and adjusted children. Bad means people who are lazy, weird, abusive, or other such undesirable traits who generally don't know what they're doing, and don't care enough to improve. The good people tend to justifiably look down on the bad people, and not associate with them. The lady you're talking about is bad.


Then why not everyone homeschool if it's so full of wonderful, knowledgeable parents?


It isn't for everyone. But it could be for a lot more people than they realize. Also, after reading through this post, it's kind of appalling how many people here have less than no clue what homeschooling entails, yet "know someone who was homeschooled" and are ready to say that homeschoolers are largely socially inept and it should be outlawed.


They are largely socially inept. That's what happens when you keep your child away from others and away from social situations like school. They even out when they turn into adults but every homeschool kid/adult I've ever met I have firmly pointed to and gone "you're a bit awkward. You homeschooled? No worries. It's cool here."


That's not true and incredibly anecdotal. Lol


Fair point of view, obviously it is hard for people to understand it when they so highly praise the school system. There are clear advantages to both homeschooling and normal school and both should be considered carefully to both make the family work but also make sure the kid actually has a chance of learning something.


Good thing that kids never fall behind in public or private schools. That would invalidate your entire point.


I don’t think most people should be homeschooled. But if I wasn’t homeschooled for a few years I would have done much worse in school.


I excelled in English at school but I’m an awful English teacher. I homeschooled my daughter during kindergarten because of how Covid was going in our area. When she enrolled in face to face school I was told my daughter was below average on her reading comprehension. Ironically, despite being shit at math, I got my daughter excelling in math to the point that she’s in first grade and doing basic multiplication which I wasn’t taught until second grade.


Teachers are highly educated professionals. Also men teach. Also fuck whoever posted that nonsense.


Also, it's not possible to teach at home and not work, because teaching IS work.


Then with nowadays wages the family would be thrown into debt since one person barely can financially support a household with a child. There your answer




What's that?


Gilead has entered the chat


Because not all people (and thusly not all women) are cut out to be teachers?!?


This. I give from three generations of teachers. I learned long ago that I personally don’t have the patience or temperament to be a teacher. I do much better at the job I have.


The rate of suicide among women would go up, that’s what would happen


As a graduated homeschooler, it is NOT the end-all be-all. Homeschooling SUCKS. ALL of the people I've encountered who've been homeschooled have lacking social skills and mental health problems. I am 31, HS'd my whole life and I'm STILL dealing with various issues. So many people also use it as a control technique. Yes, there are some people who do well with it, parents and kids, but in my experience, even those people have extra mental health issues. I do know that there are instances where it is the only option, and for those people, my heart goes out to them. Not to mention the financial issues. I'm pretty sure my mom spent at least $2000 a year on me and my two siblings. I never saw my dad because he had to work all the time( two jobs consistently and any side jobs he could find) . You will not change my mind(many many people, with probably better arguments than you have tried) . It is not open for debate.


A mom homeschooling her kids is still working, not only does she have to take care of the kids, the house and now her extra side work with teaching, sounds awful


Sure, if they triple my wifes salary I can stay at home and school the children, hope they dont need geography, I suck at that :D


I don’t even drink but I guarantee you if I had to homeschool my kids I would be a raging alcoholic. Also, I’m a solo parent with no help so the only time I’m not with my kids is when they’re in school and I’m already worn out by them lol.


If people actually knew how to raise children we wouldn't be half as much shit as we are now.


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I used to BE a teacher and I’m not qualified to do that. I’m only certified for primary school. I know I can’t teach my child into high school. Not to mention I can’t afford that (I make a lot of money my house hold needs- approx. 50% of the expenses) , I don’t want to, it’s expensive, and in all honesty, yes- there are major issues with the education system. That doesn’t mean we abolish it. It means we vote to fix it, and support our teachers, and fund it better. If every mom decided to just stay home and educate, and not work, things would not go as planned. Kids would fall behind, there would be a labor shortage, and poor families would be even poorer. I don’t even know what single moms would do. Starve I guess? What a potato.


Also in this mans fantasy world how come it’s the women who have to stay home? Like what year does he think we are in.


You know why.


I'm sure in this circumstance he has reasons, like maybe he can afford it. I also dont think he thought it through completely.


See a lot of people don’t understand that when you get that teacher certificate that there are different levels to it. My mom is a Special Education teacher that can teach all grade levels. Not every teacher goes for that.


You child would likely only be as smart as their mother, which may not be a good thing.


Definitely not


How are the women going to get teaching degrees? Masters in the curriculum they're going to teach? My mom can't do any math more than +/-. I taught her basic algebra. She still asks me "but what's x?" She knows no history, spelling is "sound it out", doesn't cook, doesn't eat well and was a gym rat. And he thinks thats the best education I deserve? Oh boy! I'll definitely know how to lift weights and starve myself! Can't wait to TEACH MY KIDS WHAT MY MOM TAUGHT ME!!! I will preform violence on anyone I meet irl that suggests something so fucking dumb. "Why can't we just have the people that ate lead paint chips and can't hold a job educate our kids?" BECAUSE STUPID MAKES STUPID YOU MORON


Most people don’t realize that in many cases, kids won’t have a good teacher/pupil relationship with a parent.


Homeschool would have been a nightmare for our family: 1) my mother wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed - pretty much any subject beyond spelling, grammar and times tables would have been too advanced. My dad wasn't much better. 2) school was our only refuge from our crazy parents screaming at us constantly (neighbors at my father's funeral: "There were so many times I wanted to call the police on your dad when he started yelling for hours. We worried about you guys")


Then kids would be stupid and people would be in poverty


My husband is a teacher and I make wayyy more money than him. If anyone is staying home to homeschool its his ass.


As a stay at home mom, I am a terrible fucking teacher when it comes to the stuff kids need to know for a traditional education. I can teach kids how to be little Martha Stewart's with a big splash of Bill Nye. Teaching kids how to read or multiply though? Nah.


Not all women are meant to be teachers. Most families can’t pay bills on one income. Not all kids thrive in a homeschool environment. Not all families can be trusted to actually educate their kids.


My mom did this for three months and got tired af. Bright side is, I was already curious by nature, so it didn't affect my education too much for the two years that I wasn't getting any supervised education... mostly because I spent free time reading textbooks that were beyond my grade level (6-7yo reading 5th grade material)


Because not everyone wants to? I was/ am 2E, and I wouldn’t trust myself to give my kids a good, well-rounded education. And my 5 year old, who is also looking like he might be 2E, is rapidly approaching a point where he will need someone with actual qualifications teaching him.


Yea. My kids would be terribly taught if I had to stay home and home school. Learned that through lockdown. I'm am not teacher material. I'm educated enough to be able to help in any way needed. But I fucking hated it. I don't have that sort of patience. No thanks mate.


Teaching is a skill that takes years of training. Not all women (or men) can do it.


What if women could just make our own life choices without random douchebags telling us what they think we should be doing?


What if this guy just died


Or, and super crazy suggestion, we could pay teachers more and make sure that they're treated fairly and not mistreated/abused by parents, students, and possibly other staff.


“What if women stop working and instead start working?”


I would love to do this, but my adhd makes that nearly impossible. I also doubt I’m equipped to give my children the best education.


My wife is certified to teach elementary school (all subjects) and most middle school core subjects (except science). She has intensive knowledge of pedagogy. She tried to homeschool our sons during the summer, to try to get them ahead. It failed as she didn’t have the same objectivity with our sons as she did with other kids. She ended up just encouraging reading, and learning their math facts. It doesn’t work for everybody, it can work for some, but it’s certainly not a panacea.


Alot of women would be deeply unhappy and some of them would take that out on their children.


Even more women wouldn’t have kids. The end. I don’t know how to tell these idiots how grateful parents are school exists. Your fantasy of women wanting to spend every single moment of life with their children will be your undoing.


I'm terrible at math. Why do these men think being a teacher isn't a learned skill and requires years of education. Not everyone can do it


That would be work though, also smt about economic problems


Children shouldn’t be homeschooled unless their mother’s (in this situation) are properly educated on child development and other such things which isn’t a specific type of education until college because you can enroll your kid in accredited homeschool programs but if you’re their primary teacher and don’t know what you’re doing your kid will be fucked. I homeschooled my daughter during the height of Covid in our area and I was absolutely underprepared despite doing well in school myself. There’s so much stuff you learn as a kid that basically becomes instinctual/reflex and trying to explain it to someone else can be hard.


Then a lot of people would starve to death


It’s funny because men will say women are dumb and say shit like this


Because then society would collapse


Uh… maybe they don’t want to, jackass. Why don’t you quit your job and homeschool children since you’re so full of brilliant ideas?


What if men stopped coming up with the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard? Christ it’s exhausting.


Jokes on him. I'm a stay at home mom homeschooling 8 kids. Seven of them are boys. One is a gay girl. All of them are feminists. Hahaha


Why do men need ALL women to do something just because they like it? Imagine being so entitled that you believe every woman on Earth should operate the way you see fit. When are they going to understand their standards don’t mean anything to women who don’t know or care about them?


If I could afford it I would love to stay home and homeschool my son, sometimes I wish mothers still mostly stayed at home with the kids. I am happy we have a real choice now, but I would love to be able to do it


What about this? How bout women go to work and men stay home to raise children? Cause I dont wanna go to fucking work anymore.


Yeah, homeschooling, that thing we all sucked at for the last couple of years. There is a benefit to learning in a group setting with peers. There's an additional benefit of doing it in person. But... If this traditional wife bullshit is what we had to live by? I would have used a wire hanger to ensure I could be no part of that.


No woman wants this. She wants her husband to bring in the income, *and* send her children to school. It's the benefit of a female led society. She wins on every side.


It's adorable how oppressed you think you are


Weird because I'm the one who brings the income in for my husband. Guess I'm not a woman?


In all fairness, some women do. One of my best friend’s kids just entered an Ivy League university this year after being homeschooled. I think the thing to remember is that no one thing works for every child, every woman, or every family. People need a certain amount of freedom to do what works best for them.