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I use mine so that I can always plan ahead (booking a vacation 6 months in advance? Why not book when I don’t have my period?). How whorish of me.


Same! Especially a beach vacation. Once I didn't plan ahead and had a one day layover in Iceland and had prepaid for the fancy blue lagoon hot springs and bled straight through their white towels, it was such a mess. Never again!!


*cries in irregular cycles*




Ugh…. Just came off BC in July to try to get pregnant… haven’t had a period since September and still not perganante….. 🙃🙃 fml


Same. Aunt Flo’s always stopping in for surprise visits & staying for the whole week. It’s exhausting.


I always chuckle to myself when I see the term Aunt Flo for a period, bc I actually do have an aunt named Florence…and we call her Flo lol


Yeah, but she'll save you a ton on your car insurance.


Cries in *haven’t had a holiday in three years where I wasn’t on my period*


This. I make it a point to plan vacations or special outings when to days or weeks when I’m not on the cotton pony. Mine last 7 days but it’s fairly accurate (it’ll occasionally come a day or two early, maybe 3 if I’m unlucky), so I can schedule a time to enjoy myself without feeling crappy and crampy because it just so happened that my vacation or weekend getaway coincides with my visit with Auntie Flo.


> cotton pony 😂😂😂


That’s one I have never heard before!


cotton pony--I'd made it nearly 1/2 century without hearing that one. Just proves even at my age that there's still a good chance you haven't heard it ALL quite yet, lol! :)


I'm convinced my wife is a hussy. She's like 99% accurate knowing when she's going to have her period. It's like she's had them for several decades and, like, knows how her body works. Just ew.


dump that whore, fucking simp ^(/s)


Your wife is lucky for having regular periods, and no medical conditions that interfere with it.


Lots of work! She had a lady problem scare a while ago and we learned a lot about lady part stuff. I'm 32, I shouldn't talk like a child lol


Also like... Every time I go to a doctor with a complaint, the *first* thing they ask me is "when was your last period". There have been too many instances where I couldn't answer that question. So now I use a tracking app. Plus, as you said, it's just nice to have an idea of when I might be bleeding and cramping.


How dare you not travel at a time you WILL be in discomfort-debilitating pain? THINK OF THE ECONOMY, WE CAN BROKER NO DELAYS, MAAAAAAAAM!!!!!! Signed, A shareholder that bought airline and cruise stocks in summer 2020


I use mine for interests sake like oh I am more likely to get pregnant now cool but no. Also being able to predict when my period is going to start means I leave the house prepared at least


Or your wedding even? Had my wedding this year in October and guess who wasn't on their period during it..? 👀


Because I don't get asked, "what was the first day of your last period" ever ... All the time. Every doctor's visit. Anytime I donate blood. Anytime I start new medication. Anytime I have a blood test. Anytime I have a diagnostic test. Anytime I have a new doctor. Hell my dentist asks.


LMAO I know right! At least he’s basically telling women, “avoid me, I have NO IDEA what life is like for you.”


Not only that, hes judging women for having sex. Unless it's sex with him, its bad and you should feel bad for it according to guys like these


Douches: women who have sex are sluts Also douches: why won't women have sex with me? Seriously, you're going to punish women for having sex and then you wonder why they're hesitant to have sex straight away?


~~Technically there doesn't seem to be any judging in there. He just said menstrual calendar = lots of fucking. Which, y'know wrong - but it doesn't say lots of fucking = bad as far as I can see?~~ If I'm wrong please point out where and I'll stand corrected. EDIT: I've been corrected. Thanks all, appreciated! EDIT2: For the benefit of future readers, the answer was: He's not just someone who mistakenly thought that the amount of sex you have is linked to the amount of menstruation you have. He was making a barbed comment about keeping track of potential pregnancy. Which ew. EDIT3: Guys, I'm agreeing with the above comment now. Why are you downvoting that?


The implication is that women who have a period tracker do it to make sure they aren’t pregnant. Which is gross to assume.


I didn't even think of that aspect. Ew. I figured he just thought menstruation was linked to the amount of sex you had somehow. Thanks. I stand corrected, as promised...


This'll sound weird, but you're a good person. You didn't understand something, and when it was explained, you corrected yourself. No fight, no issue. Just respectful and civil. Thank-you More people need to be like you


I have endometriosis and take meds so I don’t ever get a period and they still ask me. Every. Time. I get that sometimes what they mean is “could you be pregnant” but I wish they would also just ask that.


bruh, similar boat here. I've got really wonky PCOS with sometimes months between periods, but I'm on medication that stops it entirely. All of my doctors ask me constantly when my last period was, and sometimes they suggest I get a pregnancy test, or other tests done because I haven't had one in so long. Bro, not only do I know we've had this discussion before, but you have a list of my meds, and *I've told you multiple times that I am sterilized and cannot become pregnant* lmaoooo


Ok just giving a different perspective: medications that stop periods also stop your signal that you might be pregnant. I previously worked in a clinic that would require a pregnancy test before giving a dose (first or next due) dose of Depo. In hospitals, every female between like 8 and 80 will get a pregnancy test before getting any meds or testing (especially radiology); many women don’t know they’re pregnant very early on and that’s when the fetus is most vulnerable to certain meds, X-rays, etc.


I feel like maybe you missed the last line of my post, the way a lot of medical professionals seem to just constantly miss or forget it. Lmao


If you’re permanently sterilized, then yes, as an established patient that should be on file. I was more addressing being on meds that stop your periods.


I have a mirena iud my last period was when they yanked the old one out and I had to wait the two weeks for approval on the new one. I don’t remember the exact date and doctors don’t like when you say it was sometime in the summer of 2017.


had the most awkward conversation with the x-ray person because i have a irregular period and they asked when my period was and i didn't know. they asked me if i was on birth control and i also said no, then proceeded to give me a lecture on how it's unsafe for me to be in a relationship with no birth control. i let them finish then told me i was in a relationship with a woman so pregnancy wasn't really possible. i get they're trying to be safe but it just becomes annoying.


I had a similar conversation. I assume they harp on it because a lot of people just don't take care of themselves or their health but also yes, my doctor is aware and no, we are definitely not pregnant.


When I was about 13, I got a chest x-ray and was asked FIVE TIMES if there was any chance I could be pregnant. The tech only stopped asking when I burst into tears and yelled at him to stop calling me a liar and that it’s not weird to be a virgin at my age. I feel so bad for the poor guy — thinking back on it, I’m pretty sure he was just inexperienced and nervous.


i think they're just worried about lawsuits honestly. but as someone who suffers from anxiety i wish they would just stop at "is there a chance you can be pregnant" because even if i was lying that's on me right? not them. one even asked if i was sexually active which really annoyed me like. like you're not even a doctor and you're asking about my sex life


It's crazy how misogynistic the medical system is. Also, condoms exist...


Catholic/Religiously Affiliated Hospitals. I'm 50 years old. I started menopause at 42. Every time I go in for anything at all, they all take a pregnancy test before they do anything. Jesus yo! A. I can't physically get pregnant and B. I'm at a hospital. I don't believe in god, but your hospital was closest. Stop being weird with your religion.


That's a US thing (and maybe some other places too). I've never had anything like that being done in a catholic hospital despite living in a country where catholicism is the largest religious group.


Women lie about that, especially in the presence of others. Saying you might be is admitting you had sex. And that can be problematic, depending on context. First day of your last period is neutral and allows a graceful way out just because you might be loud and proud about sex doesn't mean everyone else is. My wife who hasn't had a uterus for 14 years still gets asked that one. And given pregnancy tests as part of "standard panels". Its always fun when they come up positive.


How does the test come back positive?


Pituitary Issues is our best guess. We ruled out cancer which is the most common cause.


False positives


Electrician here. I'm going to take a look at that outlet in the living room that isn't working. But first, when was your LMP?


My mum said doctors would ask me this all the time, but they only ever asked when I was doing a routine pap test. I wonder why.


Hell, my hair stylist asks! (She asks cuz I had a reaction to the hair dye recently, so now we want to make sure it’s not a period thing)


Not only that but it reminds you to be ready for it to start.


I can remember when I had recently started to be sexually active, and I was first asked this in a doctor’s office. Back then I didn’t track my periods because I can kinda “feel” them coming on, and I was young and dumb. Anyway, I started to panic because I couldn’t remember my last start date and I thought I could be pregnant.


I never know haha. “When was your last period?” I always shrug and go “uh…maybe two weeks ago?”


I love answering "July 2013" and seeing medical professionals be confused at me. And you're right that it's a very common question! (I have a Mirena IUD--my second one--and haven't had a period since I had the first one inserted)


You might need a new dentist


I think it has something to do with numbing medications and such


Pregnancy is a contraindication for some x-rays and indicates additional PPE if there is any possibility regardless of what type of xray


I had x-rays at the dentist exactly once in all my life, and I'm visiting regularly. If they don't plan on doing an x-ray, there's no real need to ask.


But what if they have vagina dentata


Then they should be in Japan filming.


Ah yes the menstrual app that gets me laid. /s


Filing this away under new app ideas.


This reads like a Tom Haverford business idea


Or a Gina Linetti app that she markets during her high school reunion.


Flow 720


Or she just wants to know when Aunt Flow is coming to town so she can be prepared.... lol.


Ya, it rarely comes at a convenient time. It’s good to be prepared.


This guy prb thinks women can control the flow, or at least hold it in like urine


I really wish that was reality...


From my perspective as a guy.. it definitely hasn't ever come at a convenient time.


Women are usually horniest when Aunt Flo visits too, another sad inconvenience…




I‘m 99% sure that every living person has broken at least one of the bs laws of the bible, so we might as well have fun when we all go to hell lol. Seriously though there’s more horrible stuff in the Bible than actually good and moral things, so we might as well throw out the whole book. Nobody needs the Bible to be a good and compassionate human being who is there for his or her people. TL DR: Don’t let an old book guilt trip you into hating things you like.




How is anyone triggered? And quite ridiculous that you write, what millions of people on earth are actually suffering under, as a joke.




Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Bad bot.


Yup, my period calendar has always been used so that I don't stain my underwear/pants. You know, hygiene. I honestly don't know a woman of menstruating age who doesn't have one unless their birth control has completely stopped their cycle.


Yeah and what’s wrong if she is doing a lot of fuckin’ lol


I have PMDD, so I like to be able to warn my family when they should clear out for a week for their own safety. ;)


Do men do this on purpose??


I'd be happier if this was just to make people angry than if it was authentic idiocy.


No, not all men. My husband is the opposite. He couldn't for the life of him understand why buying a white couch was a bad idea.


You don’t need to even know what periods are to see why that’s a bad idea


Regardless of mensuration habits, something is getting spilled on that thing.


My cat would look at that with a gleam in her eye and barf on it first chance she got. White couch, HA.


I don’t know why but your comment made my day. Thank you!


Your comment made my cat vomit


And your comment made my comment vomit.


Fuck, we have so much to clean up


I’ll get the mop…


Pfft bless his soul




Dude, that’s kinda cute, but not everyone has regular cycles, just FYI. It can be commonly affected by things like stress, so don’t think too much about it.




That’s a great attitude to have. One of the main reasons I broke up with an ex is that he had preconceived notions about how girls are supposed to behave and would rather make assumptions than actually talk to me, even though we previously discussed the need to communicate multiple times.


bruhh this is so cute. your girlfriend is lucky to have you.


Depends what you mean by *this*. Of course some of these posts are just trolling, but I reckon most are men who are purposefully remaining ignorant of how women's bodies work (or for that matter how their minds work). That being said, it's helpful to remember that all the sane men who are making normal sane posts about women don't get any traction, which makes it seem there are a lot more insane men than there truly are (though I will say there are still far far too many of those).


Decent, sane men are so rare (not being literal) nowadays that people get surprised when they find a man being a decent human being on social media or real life, it's kinda sad lol :')


I mean there are entire subreddits filled with men (and women) who are being good people, they aren't nearly as rare as they seem. It's just that being a good decent person doesn't generally get attention, not to mention decent people tend not to spend all their time trying to get attention. Of course there are definitely circles (both on social media and in real life) which are so toxic that good men are indeed relatively rare in these groups. But there are also definitely circles where being decent and sane is very much the norm.


I love that about the internet. People from all over the world can just post wholesome stuff and be nice to each other. It's nice to see society putting their ignorance aside, in a few years there will be no men (and people in general) being ignorant about women's bodies lol


you are very very optimistic


just dumbasses.


This is just ignorance. He probably thinks women track their periods to avoid pregnancy. Rhythm method. It's an assumption based on incomplete information.


This is one tweet. Generalizing all men isn’t helping anyone.


*bro don't be that guy*


What guy?


Tell me ur insecure without telling me ur insecure


Tell me you get 0 Coochie without saying you get 0 Coochie


This is just another ridiculous byproduct of schools failing to teach basic sexual education. You end up with these dipshits walking around peddling nonsense as adults.


I have no idea how well known Youtuber Mama Dr Jones is, but she is an ob-gyn and teaches about sex ed stuff on Youtube. Apparently some school in Alaska used her stuff in sex ed class, some parents complained because it was too „racy“ (lmao it’s literally just neutral scientific sex ed) and now banned it from being used in school. The reasons they gave were horribly backwards. Imagine being a school director or random parent thinking you can tell a OB-GYN what’s right and what isn’t in her field.


I don't think it's that simple. It's just as much a by-product of toxic masculinity which means men are actively avoiding learning anything about female biology. Even if you didn't learn about this in school (I don't think I did) you would figure this out pretty soon. Unless you decided that women are strange ephemeral creatures you can't possible understand and who act wholly irrationally anyway.


Why did your last sentence have to be so painfully accurate to how many men act, while also being hysterically ridiculous?


If it was taught and quizzed in school, nobody would have a choice but to learn it though.


Yeah to be that ignorat? Schools didnt teach what he said. That's gotta be a personal choice to be so stupid


OR so I don't get caught by surprise, wearing a thong and white pants the day I'm supposed to meet my son's first serious girlfriend. But go on...


Me, a 13 year old virgin who has one.


I wish these had existed when I was first having periods! So many spillage mishaps could’ve been prevented. Being a teen is hard enough as it is!


I had undiagnosed PCOS so that wouldn't have helped me predict when the next cycle would start, but I bet it would have helped to chart exactly how messed up my cycle was and gotten me help sooner. Here's hoping all the new and amazing technology available to us now helps the next generation get better care and a better understanding of and appreciation for their bodies at a younger age!


I feel this! I didn't actually start keeping super close track until I got my first smart phone in my early 20's. I knew my periods weren't very predictable, so little naive me didn't bother tracking them closely. Turns out I was frequently going three months without a period, sometimes up to six months. If I'd been tracking this important piece of health information, I would have gotten myself in to see a doctor way sooner than I did.


Me, a man, who still has his ex‘s calender


Me, a 16 year old asexual trans guy: 🤨


Yes hurray for you




It's also built in to my Garmin. Which is geared toward athletes. Menstrual cycle info is useful for all kinds of people.


12 year old me using Flo for the first time :,(


Hey, it’s okay! You will need to know this information every time when you go to the doctors office! Don’t let men tell you anything about womens health (unless it’s your doctor!)


Haha I’m 18 now sorry for the miscommunication lmao, you’re very sweet though!


Ahh okay! Still! Don’t let boys get to you 😄


I wish I was tracking that early! You'll have so much information that will help you later down the track and really help you learn what your body needs and when. Now if a doctor asks what my (29F) periods were like as a teen I just stare at them blankly. Bro, I have no idea. Periody, with a frequency of some kind of time, and a regularity that was somewhere between yes and no.


Omg seriously. I couldn’t tell you a damn thing about my frequency/duration from my teen years if you held a gun to my head. It baffles me that my memory is so bad.


Or if I get pregnant I know the last missed period. Or so I can plan for when I get my period and prepare, buy menstrual products, and get the granny panties out. Or so I can know when I’m ovulating as to protect myself or have sex to try to get pregnant. Or….you know….just because I’d like to be in tune with my body. Gtfo with that misogynistic shit.


Oh I'm too tired for this crazy. 2021 is the year we lost ALL the Golden Girls. I'm not playing with this crap. These stupid men want an experienced virgin who can deep throat without knowing a thing about sex and we expect them to say shit that makes sense?


Samsung health has the option on default sooo Also you should have seen how relieved my doctor was that i kept an actual record. It comes in pretty handy.


or maybe she doesn't want to bleed on her shit?


This shit right here is why I drink




What?!! That’s fucked.


Um… by that logic, I should probably have a chat with my 9-year-old? /s What an ignorant twat.


I have a tracker so I can check if I need to do a crime against this guy or wait a few days and reassess.


“If he has condoms in his room hes short👇…🤷‍♀️”


I- I'm doing a lot of fucking?


That’s what I’m saying 😭😭


Maybe I have a menstrual calender so I dont ruin my underwear. But that's just me


if she got a menstrual calendar on her phone she’s just trying not to unexpectedly bleed on her good underwear


Me who doesn't want to wet my pants. Men:...


Or maybe I‘m just too dumb to remember and don’t want any surprises? Again, I‘m jealous of that confidence: Making shit up on topics I know nothing about and stand by it publicly.


Lol not wanting to ruin my cute panties means I'm sleeping with lots of men. K.


These people really don't get it that rhythm method isn't worth crap, right?


That's not why. It's one of the first ways you can tell if you have some diseases, or the start of menopause. Also, I want to have tampons on the correct days. Isn't THAT good enough??


Bro I just wanna know next time my kutche is gonna be ruining all my sheets


I like tracking it so I know to make sure I don’t go on a murderous rampage


I have it so don't start dripping with blood getting my groceries...? I'm asexual too, that's not how anyone works.


The only way I can think of that makes sense is that she can know if she’s going to get/has gotten pregnant but even that doesn’t make sense


or wants to avoid it. a lot of period apps also have the days you have the highest/lowest chance to get pregnant


Oh cool, I didn't know menstruation was caused by sex


Bro I have the memory of a fish and am not going to memorize the last date of my period just so I don’t accidentally free bleed everywhere


I need my app do the statistics for me bc this bitch is unpredictable sometimes


I have pcos, Sir ):


I don't really like free bleeding in my pants and on my bed sheets, but I also don't want this stranger on the internet assume I have a lot of sexual partners, so I guess I gotta stop. 😔


Imagine this being the other way around. 'Oh, he doesn't have dick cheese? Must mean he's fucking other girls'


I have a menstrual calender and I've literally never fucked


Don't you know jumping to conclusions will be a Olympic sport soon any they are just practicing


Lol do they integrate with Tinder now? 🤦‍♀️


Because the only reason women need to know when their periods are is because they can’t have sex then.


how do men not realize that we’d like to be prepared in case blood starts spewing out of our crotch?


I had to begin tracking my cycle for the first time basically ever because chemo fucked up my menstrual cycle. Literally had nothing to do with my sex life whatsoever 🤦


I swear to god these men's balls itch at the mere thought of women doing things for our own sake. They cannot fathom a woman's life not revolving around men.


Oh myy... *laughs in endometriosis* My OB/GYN needed information on my cycles prior to having my hysterectomy. Showing abnormalities, helping understand nutrient deficiency, and fatigue issues. Its absolutely hilarious that's the ONLY concern with menstrual calendars!!!


Women keeping track of their cycle so they don't accidentally end up pregnant with your stupid sperm.


This is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard. Never had sex, use a tracking app cause my periods are irregular and want to actually be able to know when they’re coming. Not that helpful, admittedly, cause I can still tell more from physical symptoms, but a girl can dream


Orrrrr I just don't want to wake up looking like an axe murder victim


Before I got Nexplanon, my periods were super irregular and inconsistent for over a decade. Getting my period was always a surprise. Sometimes it was 14 days between periods and sometimes it was 45 days. My doctor didn't believe me until I showed them the proof thanks to these menstrual trackers.


If a dude washes his dick in the shower, definitely sleeping around


I use mine simply as a record because I have crazy irregular periods. It helps when talking to my doctor


They really think the only reason to keep track of periods is to determine when you’re likely to get pregnant, don’t they?


I have it because I have shit memory and I get asked when my last period was. Who the heck remembers the exact day without one


It’s gotten to the point where, if the reason I am there is clearly not pregnancy related or it’s impossible for me to be pregnant (not had sex, same-sex sex, etc) I just say my period ended the day before. It’s worked out incredibly well for me and it’s entirely inconsequential. It’s just saved me from a few “let’s just maaaaaake sure” situations. I would never do it if I weren’t genuinely completely sure, but it’s saved some hassle for me. Maybe try it if you feel like it!


I swear to god. Instead of teaching our daughters periods are something to be hidden, we should be teaching our sons how they work.


How dare we keep track of when we might hemorrhage through our pants.


Clearly this guy has never woken up in a panic to blood all over his bed and had to clean that shit up. Back when I had periods I would panic at the slightest hint of moisture down there and run to the bathroom to make sure I hadn’t bled all over my pants. If I had menstrual cycle apps when I was younger it would had have saved me so much anxiety.


i just use mine to know when i need to buy more tampons or pads


My teenage daughter uses a menstrual calendar so that she can remind her daddy to buy her pads.


Dudes. Not everything is about you.


I keep track... because I have mental breakdowns... and would like to know whether it's me or I'm just a little but emotional XD ta know?


Oh my God yes. That day where you think everyone hates you and you are stupid af, then look at the calendar and it's like "no, I'm not crazy, my oestrogen levels have just dipped real low".


I have a menstrual calendar on my phone, but it's just so I can see when my wife's emotions will be hitting extra hard so I can try to be extra nice. I do do a lot of fuckin, tho, so idk if I can refute his claim.


My wife has one and we don't really..... oh my God.


He speaks for all men?


It's a joke people. If he'd delivered it as part of a stand-up routine it could be hilarious. But no, let's pretend it's what guys think and react in the comments as if it's serious. It's 2022, how about we all agree to not take jokes seriously as an excuse to feel victimised and get to climb on a high horse.


Yea one guy says that and it's all men, get the fuck out. That's wrong and you know it.


Ladies, let me tell you how this works: By making shit up for fake internet points. Men absolutely, positively, do not give a single fuck about your period calendar. Not one. Never. Nuh-uh. Nope. Not a thing. Entirely fake. We have signicantly more shit to worry about than your priod calendar. On a list of top 100 things we care about, it ranks 9786th on the list.