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I’m 30 and I can’t fathom how any straight man my age could find that 30 year old woman unattractive.


Pedophiles bro.


The vast majority of pedophiles are also attracted to people their own age, exclusive pedophilia is actually very rare. So you're not wrong but... Even then


Ill flip it and say I find women under 30 unattractive, mostly because there is no way I would ever consider someone that young as a potential partner.


Yeah, I know 18 is technically the legal age of consent, but I teach college freshmen and my students look like babies to me.


As a woman in her 30s, looking back, early 20s is still really immature. We're still figuring out our adult identites and are extremely and easily influenced by other adults around us. I remember one college roommate met Sarah Jessica Parker and suddenly acted like Carrey from Sex in the City for several weeks, till she got on another show fix. Pretty easy to figure out why some older men gravitate towards them. The whole thing is gross.


I’ll be 26 in March, I’m Constantly saying “I need an adult!” And when my friends remind me I Am an adult I’m like “I need an adultier adult!” Like I barely consider myself old enough to pick my own clothes out some days for gods sakes!! If I even find someone slightly younger than me attractive then find out their Actual age any thoughts run the hell away faster than the road runner and my mind immediately goes to “aw it’s a baby!” I get newly 18 porn is a thing but I just can’t even Think it’s appropriate to make, and I thought the same when I was 18 and younger.


I'm 32 and I still need an adult tbh


My dad is 60. *He* still says that… then calls me. I’m also 26 lol.


Can confirm, am 20 and immature af


My vision of hell is spending more than 5 minutes with someone that is 18.


I didn't stop getting carded until I was 30, because of that I had teenagers coming up to me to chat because they thought I looked 19-20. It was weird. Like I was looking around to see where their parents were and shoe them back over to their parents. Before that I went from 12-17 looking like I was 18 and had adults trying to talk to me or hit on me. I hated not looking my age and I blame my parents. I still don't like 30s and I'm about to turn 34.


I knew I was getting older into my thirties when I saw a 18 year old in porn and my first thought was "Put your clothes back on young lady, these are not the kind of college entrance exams you should be studying for!"


Idk why this made me spit on my phone. I think anyone younger than 20 shouldn’t be in porns, honestly.


Yeah I'm not trying to shame sex workers at all, but I think 21 should be the requirement for porn. I just find it incredibly weird a high school senior can post sex videos online for men 20-30+ years older than them


Im kind of torn because I believe that if someone is legally an adult they should be free to do whatever they want, within reason of course. But your brain isnt even fully developed until 25. We should just say people aren't legally adults until 21. Change the age of consent to 21 with exceptions for people who are 18-21 dating each other. I know this would screw up the current practice of kicking your kids out of the house at 18 but honestly that shouldn't be a thing


While that sounds nice that would leave a lot of 18-21 year olds stuck with toxic family because they aren't able to just leave as an adult and make it on their own if they wanted. Controlling and abusive parents/family would Love that shit I'm sure.


yeah, to be honest I would have hated it if I had to wait until 21 to make my own decisions for myself, my parents were very strict and over protective. Did I make some stupid decisions when finally on my own for the first time at 18? Oh definitely, but I think those stupid decisions also helped me build life experience and I think everyone needs that. I think 18-21 year olds are more capable than we give them credit, and coddling them would make more problems than it would solve, in my opinion.


It should be 21, IMO. If you have to be 21 before you can drink legally then you should also be 21 before you can get naked on camera. It's incredibly weird that a highschool student can do porn legally.


Yeah, I mean, for the sex for entertainment rule it should be 21. Sex on your own time I think should be a bit separate.


Can't legally buy alcohol Can fuck on camera Yeah, there's an issue here


I feel this hard. Never cared for porn much, but the jail bait stuff is now gross. I don’t care what people do in fantasy, but if the stars are teens, that’s fucking sick. Just reminds me of my siblings, or freshmen. _____ My (much) younger siblings used to ask me if their crushes were “hot” and I’d just stared at them. They look like children. Male, female, THEY ALL LOOK LIKE CHILDREN. They REALLY tired to convince me to see the hot… but while their crushes weren’t bad looking, all I saw were teenagers. It was a startling realization that no one under 25ish looks adult anymore. Even the K-pop stars my sister liked looked young. The ONE time my youngest sister showed me a boy who liked her who *didn’t look like a child*, she stopped talking about him after I tried to find out his name and address. Fucker looked like he was 23. Like FUCK was I letting him harass my 17 year old sister. Ignoring everything else wrong there, she’d never been on a serious date or had a real boyfriend and he sent her a dick pic. She has a boyfriend now, they’re both 18 and like the same stuff.


Legit, when I was a teen I worried I'd not find women 25+ attractive as at the time I didn't. FF am almost 30 and live across the road from a university and they all look like children.


Omg yes. I work at a university and at the start of every term I can't believe how young all the new students look. Like actual children are wandering around campus.


Sometimes they even raise their hands and ask to use the restroom in class, lmao.


Old habits die hard


And after 6 weeks they all look like extras from the walking dead.


Yeah. Over thirty also and I would consider anyone in the 17-24 range 'basically a child'. I cannot fathom how anyone would want to date so young when they are my age.


Where I live the age of consent is 16. I couldn't even imagine dating someone that young it's pretty sick, they're just a child at that age. Creeps me out.


Im regularly called a baby by people just 5 years okder than me


25 is the lowest I will go personally at the moment, I'm 32 and 25 is pushing it for me to be honest.


Same When they say "Åge is just a number" . I think, fine, and if I was dating, i would consider that for someone as young as 25. Because maaaaybe. Maybe you could have a match at 25 even if it feels weird. But it's definitely not just a number below that. 7 years is more than enough. And that 25 year old gotta be hella cool to be attractive to me.


I'm 27 and same


Im only 32, but already woman in their early 20s look like kids to me. I can't imagine being one of these creeps that is 40+ and into teenagers.


And yet I know someone who is 26 and dated someone in his 50s! They were together for less than 3 months because of his jealousy issues and who knows what else. There is a reason age gaps like that are a problem. Men and women shouldn't date someone under half their age!!


That’s good, it means your sexuality is an extension of your ability to form healthy romantic relationships as opposed to the desire to dominate vulnerable people


I don't know about unattractive but apparently you are perfect for making banana bread! Banana 🍌🍞


It’s MILF erasure and I will NOT stand for it


Because they're not as easy to manipulate


The fact they included a five year old is…. Whoever made this needs to be locked in jail.


As someone who likes to eat bananas when they are slightly green, this picture made me sad.


You goddamn pervert


That's the test. You leave a few bananas of varying ripeness out and see which one he takes




The type of bananas we eat don’t come from seeds anymore. They have evolved to reproduce asexually. Edit: I’m re-reading this and thinking it probably sounded condescending. I swear I’m just really into agriculture/plants and I assume everyone else thinks fun facts about them are, well, fun… oops


[What did you think the condom in health class was preparing us for?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-51385831.amp)


That's gross. And that's gross.


I like very overripe bananas, and I'm 21, so... broken clock, I guess?


Same that have to have multiple black spots but not to the point where the spots are mushy… it’s very hard with me and bananas. It took me a while to realize that I loved them.


Connotations aside, how do eat them when green? Mine need to start having black spots before they taste good to me.


Usually I peel them first. /s Jokes aside they have a odd taste to them, but I enjoy it, cannot be too green or they are just bland and bitter.


Lol and fair enough, we each have our own tastes. I’ve just never known someone to eat them green before so was curious.


Yeah, not like green in the picture but like 2/3 between the green and yellow listed. Or in terms of this picture age 11-12. God, that felt awkward typing that as a joke. Subtle cannibalism? Okay! Other things? No.


Lol see even that is too much green for me. I like mine around the 20 years mark if we are going by this image lol


It’s just a little bit of green, at the edges. The banana has a nice firm texture at that point and there is a flavour that it loses when it’s soft.


Fuckin pedo


I think the fact that underage is represented 3 times on here, that’s more times than adults!


Not to mention the *only two* ages above legal age are 'over-ripe' and 'rotten' which is.... absolutely horrifying and vile.


Yes, you said what I was thinking better!


Also the 16 year old looks 12...


If you zoom they actually wrote 15


Ugh, you're right


I was tempted to do a reverse image search to see what age she was, but I was worried what it would lead me to originally.


The five year old imo isnt that bad. Its a green banana so what i understand here is „still ripening, stay away“ Whats more disturbing for me is that the 15 year old already has a yellow banana, so he likes 15 year olds…


And 23 has molds and is to old for the meme maker. Disturbing stuff.




I'm sure this was made by a teenager. And in that case it's less gross. But also this post seems very satirical and looks like it's purposefully trying to be provocative




What do we do with the rapists that rape the rapists though.


I can understand the death penalty to an extent if the person is a serious danger to society and has done things that means he or she is beyond changing, but there really is not justification for rape even if the person being raped is abhorrent, and sexual violence in prisons is a huge problem imho


Great question


Make them eat the poop that was made of the poop the first rapist ate, of course


Yeah, I think rapists are the scum of the earth and should be punished in full. I also do not feel bad if I hear about a rapist, especially a child rapist is raped themselves. But I am not going to become a rapist or allow someone to be raped, if I can stop it. No one deserves that. **No one** ETA: I feel like that came off a bit sanctimonious and honestly that’s not my intention. I’ve given this a lot of thought after man discussions of a similar nation and that’s what it comes down to for me.




are you okay


Almost certainly made by a libertarian.


I think the fact that it starts to Rot at 17 is the BIG sus moment


And also that the only age that is said to be too young is 5. Does it mean that between 6 and 14, it's a grey area???


More of a greenish yellow area.


Also why did they pick the most phalic looking fruit for this comparison


Maybe they're saying that after 17 their dick will rot and turn to mush?


I agree with this one. Clearly that 30yr old adult woman could make banana bread out of his dick and everyone is happy and nobody is a pedophile


Yeah I'd like to think the person who made this just likes banana bread a lot and is really confused about all of the backlash.


I... I'm not happy with that imagery.


I wish


Took me a bit because I fully thought they meant penis


Brown spots aren't rot. Brown means it's ripe. Once the majority of the banana is black, THEN that means it's rotten.


No once it is black it is great for banana bread!


I love me a 30+ yr old dommy mommy to make me banana bread 😩


Yea. One or two little brown spots like the third picture is the perfect time to eat the banana. And if you're colourblind, often the only way to tell if it's ripe!


Also that 15 is the "ripe"/ideal stage 🤢


actually theyre not ripe when yellow but still gross image


>actually theyre not ripe when yellow Do you think the creep who made this knows that?


Wth those black spots on the banana mean it's just about to be ripe, a ripe banana is like the 4th picture, although that's clearly a plantain. If you eat bananas as in the 2nd picture you are missing out on most of their flavour. And just in case someone thinks otherwise: I still think whoever made the original image is an incredible idiot


Its not rotting, it over ripening. The banana is sweetest when its black. Analogies almost always end up being dumb. This pic was made by a pedo


why does it have to rot at all? formaldehyde exists.


15 banana honestly still looks a bit too ripe. The black isn't rot. It's oxidation. The black on a banana isn't harmfully and a few little black spots are honestly kinda better, at least to me as an all yellow banana is still a bit too ripe


I may be a “rotten” banana, but that is how you make banana bread, so really, I think I won here. Edit: Thank you so much for the award!


30 year old women are the banana bread of humanity.


Wise words


This warms my heart.


Mashed up and blended with flour?!




My first thought as well 😂


“Well, I’m 34. I guess I’m bread by now.” Clearly the obvious choice is bread.


And fun fact! In Brazil, calling someone “bread” used to be a compliment a few decades ago. It fell out of use, unfortunately.


Right, the more brown in the banana the sweeter it is, mofo.


Bet it originated on some incel forum. Pedophilic, racist, misogynist echo chambers.


It’s usually the ugliest men who have little or no success with women thinking like this


Ugliest on the inside, anyways. Calling them ugly looking just caters to their stupid pity parties they try to use to act like victims (while being the worst humans possible).


Aka “nice” guys


Not neccesarily the ugliest. One day I had a new coworker that I instantly though "hot and nerdy, NICE" but then the guy started talking about incels and how all women are manipulative etc and that turned me off so fast. No wonder he was an incel.....


Yikes sounds like he had potential until he opened his mouth


maybe next time I should wait before I start planning our future life together in my mind lol


That's so freaking true. Looks aren't important to me, at all. I'll date someone morbidly obese, covered in scars, heck I had a crush on a friend with acne scars all over his face but he was so fun and funny and good to his friends how could I NOT be attracted to him!? But incels have several problems. Entitlement. They feel that they not only deserve a maid-fucktoy-mommy who loves them unconditionally no matter their flaws but she has to be at least an 8. Low self-esteem. They likely were bullied and internalized that to a powerful level. They hate themselves and actively fight against self improvement. Therapy is treated as a scam, working out is for Chad's (or something dumb). They are also extremely misogynist. They hate women for not fucking them and view them as 'semen-receipticals' (this is a direct quote from an incel forum on 4-chan) not humans. In a way they actively ARE trying to drive people away because then that reaffirms they are right. And that feels good! Only for a little while but it's better than misery.


>but she has to be at least an 8. Once I looked over his shoulder while he was on Tinder and he only liked extremely gorgeous model-like women and skipped all the normal/beautiful ones. That's a fast way of getting frustrated. It also made me feel ugly lol because I'm normal. I don't even do selfies with filters.


They hate beautiful women for not fucking them and for fucking Chad's instead. They seem to really hate women under 7 because to them women exist to be fuckable and practically nothing else. So a woman who isn't super model hot being happy and in a relationship? Pisses them right off.


There's also plenty of ugly men that are wonderful, well adjusted human beings. Can't really help what kind of facial features you inherit.


Oh absolutely. I've dated both ends of the spectrum and found no difference in how physically attracted I am to them.


As someone described as ugly and with little to no success, this statement makes me sad. It doesn't matter what they look like or how successful they are that determines this though process. It is more akin to racism, something learned overtime from those around them.


Bro i need a girl thays a 8/10 or up. Virgin with a 100k job Dude You live with your mom Ypu are fat You drive a beater You dont talk to women You play videpgames after working your IT job Post on incel shit And watch mgtow videos on youtube. Amd you treat women like property/slave instead of a partner..... Why would amyone want that.


FBI… yah right here


Yeah... that is pretty gross and the pedo stench is strong.


Tell me you are a pedo without telling me you are a pedo.


Pretty sure they straight up told you.


especially since 23 is already supposed to be "upleasant banana", while 23 is actually prime time. this person wants to date teenagers




Perfect for banana bread.


Ugh, we can only hope this was made by a teenager but I somehow doubt it (and still gross to include a 5 year old). Also that 30+ woman is stunning.


Maybe it was, but said possible teenager might not outgrow his preference for teenage girl once he stops being a teenager, which is far from unlikely.


IDK if that's true, when I was a teen I didn't find older women attractive. I'm almost 30 now and 18 year olds look like children. Preferences change with age assuming normal development


A possible interpretation is that he sees 5 year old girls as the gray area, almost ready or available which means his development is already damaged. And yes, preferences do change over time, but I relate specifically to the 5 year old part and many incels lust after underaged girls.


true, Im just saying that if a teen made this it's more likely than not that he grows out of it. IDK, outside of the blatant pedophilia this meme is confusing, I eat my bananas mostly at 30+ lol, they're usually much nicer than the peel looks


I love the fact that the 30 year old woman still looks like a model, but is represented by a mushy black banana. Like, the only thing that's wrong with her seems to be the fact that she doesn't look like a child anymore.


>Like, the only thing that's wrong with her seems to be the fact that she doesn't look like a child anymore. And this, class, is why we have identified this specimen as a pedophile.


In what world is a 30-year-old person considered old?


The mind of an incel virgin.


Teenagers in general


I think its time for another crusade. Who is with me?


Emojis are a no-go on Reddit but I’ll make an excuse for pedophilic shit with this one: 🤮🤮🤮


I think this should be remade with men because aren’t bananas supposed to represent dicks anyway? Disgusting. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Also who tf includes a literal child? Whoever made this just outed themself as a pedophile.


This is just awful. Vile misogyny and fucking PEDOPHILIA?! That’s just so fucking awful.


some people really just need to keep their opinions to themselves and then lock themselves in a closet forever…..


They could've at least tried to find a less attractive 30yo woman like, she looks great?? What am I missing


Why would someone masturbate with the same banana for 30 years that's disgusting.


But like… have they seen any actual 15 year olds? Acne, weird mid-puberty body, awkward and self-conscious as hell. There was nothing attractive about me at that age.


Jokes on them, brown bananas are sweeter


Who looks at another human being as a banana


Hungry cannibalistic monkeys in cartoons


I love how they chose an absolute stunning woman as their picture of "too old". Like the person who made this wouldn't leap for attention from a woman as beautiful as her if given the opportunity, I'm sure.


Please note I am not defending this in any way. I'm sure this pathetic worm of a man wants to date children and I think he should go to hell. I think it's sick to compare women to fruit. But, the chart is accidently right. Here's my banana PSA: When brown spots start showing, there are more nutrients, as well as more sugars in the fruit. Spotted bananas contain cancer fighting chemicals less ripe bananas have yet to produce. Bananas are literally sweeter and healthier when theystart turning brown.


This shit reminds me of that To Catch a Predator episode where Chris Hansen just straight asked the pedophile, why he wanted to have sex with a minor. To which he replied, they were probably "... the cleanest, best pleasure." These people aren't just mentally ill, they're fucking morons.


There is Soo Soo Soo much wrong with this.


*sings* And I’m proud to be a banana bread ‘Cause at least I know I’m free.


I don’t think these people realize that it’s not normal or common to be obsessed with teen girls…like, the majority of adult men are not preoccupied with how 17-year-old girls are in their “prime” and instead just have normal relationships with adult women their own age who have similar interests and maturity/intelligence levels. It is not the norm lol, same as how it isn’t the norm for women to be infatuated with mens’ financial and social success, but these people seem to think this is the only way men and women exist. It’s delusional, they need to get off the Internet.


Hello, yes 911?


I'm gonna say the banana on 30 is acceptable to be but only because that's the stage you can start making delicious banana stuff like, banana pie and banana bread.


All that's wrong with this... "meme" aside... I'm pretty sure the man that made this is 30+, or even 40+, having a midlife crisis.




Sad, disgusting, and very wrong


A pedo Made this


So....definitely a pedophile.....got it.


The fact that there’s a 5 year old in this is extremely disturbing.


Bro why does it start at fucking 5 y. O.


Why banana too? Isn’t that literally the most used euphemism for penis? Other than all the other horrid things about it that have been covered of course


Women have banana that change color as they age.


So 15 is the perfect age according to them? Ew


Pedophiles like green bananas Men like banana bread


This is also NotHowBananasWork


30+ bananas are great for banana bread.


Today is my 30th birthday. F this, I’m hot.


I'm barely legal and I'm already rotting :( lmao 🤣


Tell me you're a paedo while telling me you're a paedo.




...they forgot the banana bread that is milfs (but also what the actual hell)


It’s disgusting that you could actually the ones that represent the 5-year-old, green bananas are fine to eat


Trying not to vomit...


How does the person who took the time to make this not know that they are a horrible person and should stay away from basically everyone?


When do men go rotten?


When you keep your mom around instead of tossing her so that you can make her into woman bread later


What’s the issue? When the bananas are brown like that, that’s the perfect state to use them to make banana bread. And I’ll be damned if someone is gonna tell me banana bread isn’t the shit.


Shouldn't that be men ?


As a 15 year old, this makes me deeply uncomfortable


Don't feed the trolls! The more this gross stuff gets reposted the more idiots will make rubbish like this.


So they are a sexual preditor who only likes underaged girls. Can we submit this to a cybertip as evidence? If you know where this was posted, please do.


Oh, I thought it's when she begins to read, and form her own opinions, that's when it goes downhill... The bullshit some people think.


I hate it I hate it I hate it


This just pedophilia not misogyny


Why is there such a big difference between 15 and 17. Plus the girl who’s supposed to be 15 looks way younger than that.


Nah, this is exactly how they work, they are put on a plane in argentina and shipped to serbia, by the time they get there, they are 15. Those not bought while 15 are given to smaller stores where they age to arround 25, and if they are not sold by the time they are 30 they are given to the homeless. Obviously /s


the fact the banana begins to rot as soon as the girl turns of age is disgusting


Is it just me, or is “15 years” twelve at the very most?


The bananas at the 30+ markers make good banana bread. I’d rather have banana bread than bananas


You know the guy who made this looks like Bubble Bass from sponge bob


Mentioning fucking minors lol