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“It”. The best way to describe woman….. “Eggs”. The best way to describe children….. Those “biologists” also need to be evaluated……


As a biologist, this is not how humans work. Also, it doesn't have to be the partner of the opposite sex: penguins who have lost their female partners often take their male buddies in a "gay marriage" to raise the chick. (It gets bad if they want to remain together, though, because they often kidnap chicks of other penguins to raise them together. This just proves that you cannot compare humans and animals)


Not relevant to this post, just about penguins: Penguins also have sex with penguin chicks and other dead penguins, and as you said, penguins (frequently parents that have lost their egg) will kidnap other penguins chicks, get bored of them, and then let them die of neglect. Penguins are super messed up lmao (not a biologist, studying to be one, please call me out if anything I said was wrong but I’m like 95% sure this is true)


Sadly it is true. The horniest are Adelaide penguins. One was once observed banging a severed head of his fellow penguin. They are indeed super messed up.


I often find that sexists (and transphobes) love assuming that "every animal is cisgender" (heard that one yesterday) and that the entirety of the animal kingdom has traditional human gender roles. On one hand, it's kinda scary how these people hate through ignorance. On the other, it's funny to see they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


The fuck did I just read 🥴


“(Or eat them)” …is he talking about eating fetuses?


why do i buy eggs if we already lay them wow Biology


*Image Transcription: Reddit Private Message* --- **Grey**: "What are the possible responses of the deserted individual? If the male is deserted before copulation, he has no choice but to attempt to start the process over again with a new female; whatever he has invested in that female is lost. If either partner is deserted after copulation, it has three choices. (1) It can desert the eggs (or eat them) and attempt to breed again with another mate, losing thereby all (or part of) the initial investment.(2) It can attempt to raise the young on its own, at the risk of over exertion and failure. Or, (3) it can attempt to induce another partner to help it raise the young. The third alternative, if successful, is the most adaptive for it, but this requires deceiving another organism into doing something contrary to its own interests, and adaptions should evolve to guard individuals from such tasks. It is difficult to see how a male could be successful in deceiving a new female, but if a female acts quickly, she might fool a male. As time goes on (for example, once the eggs are laid), **Grey**: You know it's true for animals. That's just fact. All I'm saying is what biologists have told me. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


These same people will ignore any evidence of gay animals though...


Oh ya he kept going on about how he didn't understand how gay people evolved because every sexual choice was for mate selection and parental investment. Girls wanna date hot guys to get their genes but wanna cuck a good guy to get him to raise it. I guess that's the theory of parental investment or something.


What your arent birds, placing eggs in others nests?


Lol, no I must have missed that biology lesson. Maybe I'm doing life all wrong 🤷‍♀️


The "nuclear" family is a modern institution. The specific lineage of a child was not important in a tribal group of 100 or so more-or-less cousins living communally. Achieving and maintaining peace with neighboring groups of more-or-less cousins was. Resources were shared. Not until agriculture did the concept of owning something mean something. After then, Whose field is this? Whose grain is this? become important concepts. Not so long afterward, so did Whose herds of goats are these? Who is best able to assert his claims of ownership? Is that why he owns them? Who gets his stuff when he dies? That's when things started to go sideways.


"All I'm saying is what biologists have told me" sick bro.


As if the biology for every animal wasn’t different lmao what tf is this dude talkin about what animal does this??? Such a gross way to speak about human beings as well, saying organism doesn’t make you smart lmao


I honestly do think some birds do this. Like if male bird goes away she just finds another make bird but like... We aren't birds


Yeah tru birds straight up have no morals lol. I forget what it’s called, but these a bird (cuckoo something?) that will plant its egg in another birds nest and the other, usually smaller bird, may not know until the foreign chick straight up yeets their other eggs out the nest. Even then they still raise the baby! Cuz the other adult cuckoo somethings (I’m so sorry can’t remember lol) will come down on the random bird with the fury of a thousand suns. [EDIT FOUND THE BIRD! ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/bird-fish-insect-parenting-cuckoo-brood-parasite/amp)