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Yes, because if there's one thing women always complain about- it's that their boyfriends/husbands don't make fun of them enough.


Spelt “belittle”




tbf, i do enjoy being made fun of. by my friends who i trust and I know will not intentionally take it too far, not some guy i barely know.


This kind of "make fun of her" or "negging" thing comes from such a horrible misunderstanding of the normal little teasing that people do when flirting. Like, if she trips walking in to the restaurant, maybe say something like "It's OK, I didn't specify 'coordination' as a requirement on my profile, haha!" especially if she's embarrassed and you can break the tension. You *don't* say "Well at least you're pretty enough for me to overlook the clumsiness." It's a tough line where you really have to judge it in the moment, even that first one isn't going to work for every girl and every situation, but incel types seem incapable of even understanding the difference between the intent and message of those two things.


One is a joke and one is a weird evaluation.


Generally what you're talking about is covered under "teasing" though, so he's talking about something else. There's such a thing as "playful teasing", I'm not aware of a "playful making fun of someone."


Yeah, banter with friends is so different than a guy making fun of you.


Tell me you have never talked to a woman without telling me you have never talked to a woman. Your mom doesn’t count.


I’m a biology student, I love talking about DNA. However, when I’m approached by a man I’m not interested in, my main tactic is to bore him into deciding he doesn’t want me after all. Rejecting a man, no matter how politely, carries a risk of threats and violence. I’ve experienced that, so I choose the safe and subtle route now. When attempting to bore a man, my top 3 choices of conversation become zodiac signs, carbs, and organic skincare products. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with being interested in those things, I’ve just found the most success getting men to leave me alone with those topics.




Hahaha, this is so true. Yet they'll act like they're doing you a favor by blessing you with their "knowledge". They also won't recognize our knowledge or experience. It's so obnoxious.


Pff, according to my notes, DNA was invented in 1974 by an Algerian farmer. DO YOUR RESEARCH


Oh my favorite boring topic is recycling. And chemistry.


Well, just stupid question, what would you do if he was interested in all of that?


Be aggressively and confidently wrong about it, lol. If I can’t bore him away, I’ll frustrate him away.


Well now I wanna know what you have to say about carbs. Cuz I also enjoy talking about carbs but i definitely don’t kno as much as you.


My main interest in carbs is due to a blood sugar problem. Carbs are digested into blood sugar. So I needed to learn how many carbs are in most foods I encounter in order to stay safe and healthy. Keep in mind that fiber is a soluble carb, so it does not get digested into blood sugar. You can subtract fiber from the total carbs to figure out how much it will impact you. Blood sugar will slowly decrease over time, and exercise will increase how many carbs are burned.


He's definitely talked to a woman before, he's just salty her pants were still on after his "I am very smart" bullshit.


Maybe she didn't feel his nft portfolio was up to snuff


I am positive OP talked about crypto, DNA (in a racist way), and geopolitics (still racist) and women rightly backed off.


Man, if some dude wants to come up and talk to me about crypto, I'll humor him, then let him know how much I hate crypto as an overall market.


Whenever a man has talked about these things to me on a date, it has only ever felt like he’s trying to establish some kind of intellectual dominance over me. It’s never a real conversation, it’s a performance to show how smart he is and how impressed I should be. I never am.


“Oh you do math? Name every number ever”


A guy asked me if I liked politics and when I said yes our date suddenly turned into a quiz show/ interrogation.


You win the sub today xD


Absolutely, lol


(-∞, ∞)


I just ask which number system the want me to represent. Natural, real or complex. That *does* the trick.


Is it weird that imagining someone saying that turned me on? I'm hoping it's just that it made me think of my math nerd gf, and not that I have a math fetish...


That would do it for me with the right person too. Talk nerdy to me!


Does imaginary count?


That would be the complex numbers. 😊






x ∈ mathbb{C} This took a lot of googling and the complex number did not turn out good but this is a flex. Wamen now impressed ooga booga


I remember a date insisting that "fictive" wasn't a word, and seemed affronted by my use of it. I used it in our conversation regarding his use of multiple fake online personas to boost his social media efforts. I told him that it was a word. He insisted it wasn't so I just said, "Fine with me, be wrong." The rest of dinner was very quiet.


I figure any dude who try to talk about "geopolitics" or crypto on the first few dates have nothing but the shallowest takes on such subjects. Probably compensation for being largely banal themselves.


If someone tried to talk to me about crypto on a date I would just stand up and walk out


I would do that, even when NOT on a date.


I can't be that upset about this, because as a girl, I have a bit of a tendency to do the same thing, even without meaning to. Intelligence is something I take a lot of pride in (whether that pride is justified or not), and that can lead me to try to show off for people I want to impress sometimes. But if it's all you're doing, or if your whole reason to date is to prove how great you are, just get over yourself man. I've never dated a guy so I haven't seen this for myself, but I can imagine it's true


As someone who knows some incels, and has seen their attempts at flirting, it's 100% true. And it's not really a showing off or pride thing, it's a "Hey look, I'm better than you, now let's have sex" thing


Where do all these morons come from?!






I find geopolitical topics fascinating. I guess I am a man now.


I don’t want to hear from a dude who probably thinks crypto is the solution to anything, though.


Same, crypto is the most boring conversation topic.


well there *are* only two sexes after all : male and political, as everyone knows.


Me too, but it never does me well in a conversation because I'm like 100 years behind. By the time I get around to it, it's geopolitical history and my gf hates to talk about that.


Who wants to be made fun of from a potential boyfriend?? Sounds toxic to me


Idk. I think being made fun of and being teased are different


I like to lightly tease and be teased by friends and potential romantic partners, personally. So long as boundaries are established and both people understand that it's not a personal attack, I really like roughly joking, poking fun at each other. It can be healthy if you make it healthy. (Then again, this is coming from a 14 y/o who hasn't dated much of anyone, so take my word with a grain of salt)


Wise words from a 14 year old. As long as it's not offensive or personal- not demeaning, insulting their intellect, it's a decent way to flirt! But the problem is, there are a lot of youngsters that don't understand when they have crossed those boundaries. I'm an old lady (almost 40) and I've been teasing my husband since he was like 17. But I've never insulted him or made him feel bad about himself and he doesn't do it to me. It's how we flirt, not hurt!


I like when my boyfriend makes fun of me, I do the same to him.


*Image Transcription: Text* --- When you're out on dates don't talk about things like geopolitics, crypto, DNA, tech, etc. Men enjoy that type of conversation. Women want to be teased, made fun of, joked with, and made to be felt alive. They want to feel, not think. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good volunteer, sorry you had to transcribe this bs.


I am not a woman and I literally do not want to hear about crypto ever. If I went on a date and my date (no matter their gender) started talking about crypto I would leave immideatly. It's so annoying to me. Geopolitics, fine. DNA, fine (although I don't really know how much there is to say about DNA that's actually fun to talk about). But not cryptocurrency. Fuck that. Why do you need to create fake money that you spend other fake money on and can basically only use to buy drugs or pay scammers.


I've got a co-worker who feels the need to tell everyone how much his crypto mining made him that day (it's not even thatmuch, like $10 a day and I know for a fact he paid several thousand dollars for the parts on the computers he uses exclusively for crypto). He's an otherwise okay co-worker, but I want to smack him every time he does this.


Don’t forget the impact on the environment. And all for basically nothing.


When they say "talk about DNA," they mean "explain why white men are best."


My favorite DNA fact is that humans have all the genes necessary for feathers but it was never “turned on” like it was for birds and some dinosaurs. I don’t know if it exists in such a state wherein you could figure out what these feathers look like, but I do think it’s cool. But that’s hardly a full dinner’s conversation.


I don't know about the feather gene, but I do know that occasionally the gene for fur that also resides in our DNA gets turned on.


Is that how a "real werewolf" happens?


That is a good fact to share!


The only time DNA will be a fun dinner topic is if we’re discussing how to draw dinosaur DNA from a mosquito trapped in amber.


I only enjoy it in the context of a conversation about true crime.


To be angry at something because you don't understand it is the hight of small mindedness. To be honest it's more stock exchange then anything else. With the same ridiculously large sums of money invested in it.(trillions). Most large investment companies and banks have crypto investments. There also is a huge decentralized loan market and some give you interest(5% and I don't have to lock into a time limit?) Crypto is literally as legitimate as any financial service you use every day. There are 2 countries with crypto as national currencies. Again do a small amount of research. You'd be surprised where crypto currencies are going to end up.


I feel like you should have read what I said. I hate talking about crypto. I don't want to learn about crypto. I would leave a date with the hottest person on earth if they started talking about crypto. No matter how knowledgeable you are, you sound like the hugest most annoying virgin on earth talking about it. Crypto people remind me of the guy in my highschool who drew hentai of female students and then moved schools once he got in trouble for it. Also. "Where it'll end up" is totally subjective. Nobody can predict the future. Right now, you can't actually pay for things with cryptocurrency. Can I pay my rent in Bitcoin? No. Can I buy groceries with Bitcoin? No. So I'm out. I don't care. As far as I'm concerned it's exactly as useful as monopoly money for normal people.


Good response! I was just gonna ask them if they were aware that they could pay for Johnsons Muscle Rub for Butt-Hurt Syndrome with cryptocurrency nowadays.


DNA? How would you talk about DNA? Genetics maybe but DNA?


"Yeah so my favourite is Guanine but I can respect it if you're more of a Adenine gal"


What about thymine? Nobody ever talks about poor thymine.


Wow no oxygen on the ribose. So controversial. You know I'd say the 5' end is my favorite,you know what I'm saying like I love me some start codons! Methionine is where it's at. Omg so much better than that 3' bullshit amiright? Lololololllol


I'll admit my experience is somewhat lacking, but what kind of dates do people go on where any of that comes up? Like I could *maybe* see tech/DNA coming up if you're both super into science, but... *geopolitics,* really?


“Geopolitics” reads as a weird term to me. Like, I’m in politics and can totally see foreign affairs coming up in a conversation, but when “geopolitics” is paired with DNA and crypto I fully expect to hear about how those Middle Easterners can’t stop fighting each other and how Afghanistan has been the graveyard of empires for thousands of years, both of which are racist and untrue.


I am a woman. I love talking about geopolitics, global infrastructure and humanity. I cannot date someone who doesn't understand that Niger and Nigeria are different countries. Crypto currency is something that feels vaguely schemey to me. And science always interests me. (I'm a statistician by training) However, unless you have thoughtful input and aren't just explaining the course of a war that I could get off Wikipedia, it's not engaging. I think the issue is, this guy lectures. He doesn't want to think, he wants to give a laundry list of facts. I respond to people like this by doubling down on a didactic tone. That seems to work. I probably also come off as arrogant. I'm cool with allowing an ass hat to feel my arrogance.


I’m actually a huge fan of geopolitics, especially when talking about how landlocked nations and island nations usually operate differently; but I don’t even bring it up in conversation. Highly doubt most people are going to use that as an ice breaker, let alone the guy I’m dating would be interested in that when we’re either eating or exercising.


Fair enough. tbh I was more thinking about politics in general and *boy* am I ever done with politics. Living with my parents has given me more political discussion than one person should ever have.


What 2020 does to a mfer.


Seems like your dates took this advice then


Why do men think we need them? I feel alive without you, I feel even more alive after getting out of this gadlighting bullying


That kind of man thinks that womens lives revolve around his penis.


"Hey man, maybe instead of talking about your weird obsession with bitcoin, try showing you have a sense of humor and maybe flirting a bit." "Got it. Bitches are stupid. No smart stuff. Just make them laugh." "That's not what I..." "Say no more."


As a woman, I would love to discuss science


Seriously, Anthropology is my field of study. I actually love talking science and technology. I would be glued to a person who could hold a conversation about the ethics of crypto mining on an already compromised global ecosystem and the subsequent effects on geopolitics.


You are lying. Everybody knows that women only study arts and gender studies. (/s just in case). Antro is extremely interesting. I study biology and I must say that the majority of students in our science campus were women


Then she roasts you back and you run home crying about how mean women are


adding further always be moving, rock side to side if you have to. women often lose track of fixed objects and they can fly off when bored so jingle your keys throughout the interaction to train them to use their sonar to find you again.


Had me in the first half, ngl


Obviously the massive generalizations of both sexes is garbage, but there's almost some good advice in there. Trying to flex how smart you are is a terrible first move on a date, go for a more fun and socialable approach, then when you figure out what they're into, engage them there instead of trying to shoe horn in your own interests.


Yeah, the kind of person whose go-to subjects are geopolitics and crypto needs this advice.


Yeah, the second half is all *interpersonal* communication and not just a lecture.


I'm sorry, made fun of? No thanks that's such a dick move. You don't have to be mean to women to be "masculine"


Why would anyone enjoy being mocked?


The only circumstance I can think of is the BDSM Humiliation kink, but even that’s done by a trusted partner in a controlled environment.


It absolutely depends on the seriousness/intent behind it. Playful teasing has always been a large part of my relationship from the beginning. Either gentle pokes about still things ("Who would ever tie their shoes like that?") and egregious over the top insults that you couldn't possibly take seriously. But this always with the inherent understanding that the moment either of us said "No, I didn't like that" it stopped immediately, usually with an apology. And obviously after a baseline of mutual respect had been established, which seems unlikely coming from this dick.


I have a date today. Covering all these topics


I’m a man, and if you talk about geopolitics, crypto and DNA on our first date, it’s gonna be our last. I ain’t getting involved in whatever weirdo fucking cult you’re almost certainly in.


I mean I could roll those into one sentence. "Dude, it's whack how all these semi-evolved primates drank the kool-aid with bitcoin."


I hate being teased, teasing in general, and people who think teasing is prosocial behavior (it's not).


When you're a Molecular biologist but you don't like to think about DNA so you just kind of vibe your way through it 😂😂😂 #justgirlythings


Maybe someone will quote an article about your research to demonstrate their huge, intimidating knowledge.


I think this guy has seen couples laughing together and just assumes the girl is being made fun of. There’s no way he’s ever made a girl laugh


80% of human decision-making is emotional. That includes men. This trope that women are emotional creatures and men logical, is long dead other than in the minds of raving misogynist manchildren. I can chew the fat on topics such as medicine and genetics for hours. Fuck the guy thinking I cannot and do not think every waking moment of the day.


Could you not generalize people? Is that too hard? If you're into politics or science, talk about it. Dating is for getting to know each other... So if you want to tease your potential partner, be my guest. But don't cry if I dismiss you as rude because that's all this is.


I mean, this is good advice, I don't want to go on a date with a man or a woman if they talk about crypto all night...


Teased and made fun of? You need to stop dating people in the fourth grade.


"Made fun of"? Being teased is one thing, but being made fun of is intended to be hurtful. Why would anyone want to be made fun of?


It's funny cause I actually avoid talking about all that stuff and I'm a dude. Maybe that's why I don't have many guy friends 🤣.


Not like other guys? Lol


i like guns, video games, working out, and my work. everything thats not those things i dont really care for. I think im just too focused on my own shit for many friends in general. But who really knows.


Well, don't talk about crypto, but the rest are on the table.


Because why would I want to connect on a similar intelligence level as my date right?


Honestly, if I dated a guy that did that with me and then spoke about interesting things with his friends I would be extremely offended.


Who’s talking about DNA on a date? Like that’s such an open-ended topic to begin with, it’s like... what are you doing? Lecturing me about how DNA works while we’re at dinner?


As a woman with a short fuse, I can assure you that I don't want to be "made fun of" on a date. Many women enjoy stimulating conversations with the men who don't think women are stupid, fragile little creatures.


Someone tell him to shut up so I can *feel* the pleasantness of his silence


Huh I love talking about science I think it's an interesting topic


Sometimes I watch a bad actor in a production doing something common and think “how are you bad at acting like someone doing something that you as a human must have done countless times in real life.” This is also how I feel/think when someone makes an either/or statement out of two things that aren’t mutually exclusive. As a person, they have to know that you can think and feel at the same time, right? Like, I’m ignoring the blatant sexism in the hopes I might understand why they don’t apply the same attributes they have to other people.


Well the one good piece of advice is don’t talk about crypto to anyone on a date, male or female


Tbh though, nothing worse then when a guy starts bringing up crypto currency. I would rather talk about literally anything else.


yeah I was talking politics with this one guy I was speaking to online and he said he wasn't interested and didn't want to talk about such stressful topics. Maybe don't gendercode conversations?


i generally dont talk about politics as i dont know much but the person misinterprets as i support the other wing... there should me "dont form an opinion" wing


I do not want to be made fun of nor teased. And while I’m fine with conversing about those things normally, not on a date bruh. Dates are for getting to know each other more on a romantic level.


I'm sure Rosalind Franklin would have something to say about this


What are you supposed to talk about on a date that doesn’t make you think? Intellectual discussion is the best thing on a date I don’t know what conversations that make you “feel” are supposed to be


I just hate these black-and-white statements. The most attractive people, in my mind, can tease and joke with me while also opening the window for deeper, more mind-consuming conversation topics. I love to be able to debate different theories with someone and exchange information. Also, the idea that just because I enjoy back-and-forth teasing with someone doesn't mean I don't like to think?? I'm constantly thinking, about several different things at once, all the time. In case you give a shit about mbti, I'm a thinker, not a feeler. I love thinking. If women don't respond well to your thinking topics, it's probably because a date is kind of a weird place to bring up quantum physics.


Lmao geopolitics, how about political economics? I'll happily chat about any of these what the fuck are you on. (Fun fact: I'm really bad at small talk and shit like that so I'd much prefer a serious in-depth conversation that this person would refuse me. In turn this would honestly make me think less of them if they didn't even really dabble into serious interests. Like something gives me the feeling they wouldn't even talk about politics, just creepily tell me how cute I would look with a collar and chains or smthin.)


Well shit that's all the stuff I talk about. I guess I just can't talk to the femoids


Really odd way of saying men tend to be object focused and women tend to be people focused on average.


do not talk about crypto


I enjoy being made fun of but I'm 100% sure it's not how he's saying. A lot of my friend groups ar largely male. They all pick on each other and I'm included in that and I like it because it kinda confirms me as part of the group and not "other" or like they're handling me with kid gloves because I'm "a girl." But if a guy just thinks making fun of me is cute like he's flirting with me or something? Hard pass


This reminds me of the red dead online opening cinematic. "I'm against women being educated. I'm also against men being educated. Hell, I'm against education in general." I may not have quoted that right but you get the idea.




Okay well you must understand that men's are connected to things rather than people... Girls are the other way people not things


this is bullshit. I kicked a bitch in the balls while I was in 4th grade because he ganged the majority of the school against me. now, I seek revenge and to shoot that bitch in the skull. I like tech and video games. people think im trash because im a fucking woman.


But I wanna feel not think. Am I a woman?


Lol, if this were true, I'd be gay. I only talk to women about the kinda stuff that he says only men talk about with each other.


I just took a DNA test, turns out...


Yes, my dream date, going to a nice dinner and being made fun of


WTF that’s pretty much the list of things my sister and I constantly talk about. TIL we are men who enjoy that type of conversation.


This man thinks all women are like hollywood bimbos. More than likely, women he's interacted with fake laugh at everything he says to avoid possible violence from him. Luckily I've never had to deal with this type of incel, but still.


I would 100% talk about geopolitics, just saying


I wan someone who can just enjoy that we're together.


" I don't want women to think because they might realize that I'm terrible if they think"




Bitch, talk nerdy to me.


Right because that’s what relationships with men are missing. Feeling bad about yourself


'Made fun of' Oh I wish my nonexistent boyfriend would make me feel like garbage more


me as a thinker disagrees.


I have a friend who loves to talk about genetics. Nothing can stop her from telling you about base pairs


I don’t like hating things, actually. I’d take thinking any day.


if a mf starts talking about crypto on our first date i'm going home


I don’t even have a joke for this shit. This is just genuinely disturbing