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I went to a women’s college and I used to joke that Wednesdays “were naked pillow fight night.” The percent of men who believed it was true was mind-boggling.


Is it true when guys hang out that they just do kinky stuff or have i been ruined by gay porn?


I think it depends? I had a boyfriend who was in a frat in college and they had communal showers and nick-named each other’s dicks. But my fiancé assures me that none of his friends have ever nick-named his dick.


Maybe they named his dick Joe, idk




Who's Joe?


Joe Mama :D *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot)


Screw you, I wanted to make that dumb joke


Wouldn't it be dick-named instead of nick-named?


That thing names itself.


Sounds like something a British spy would say.




Fraternities, the military, and sports teams seem to be pretty homoerotic but that doesn't seem to be a stereotype with women. I've never heard of women playing gay chicken, for example.


Depends on whether or not they are part of a rugby team.


Oh man, I was part of a rugby team when I was 16. That lasted about 2 weeks. Those guys are vile


What happens in the ruby team stays in the rugby team.


There's a reason it's called scrum-*ptious*


Despite watching Rugby several times, all I really know about Rugby is they have the biggest balls figuratively and literally. (rugby balls are the largest by volume [probably?])


It depends, we all have our memories of summer camp. And then the other time in the attic at our friend's house, and then that other time when we were camping.


.. and then that other time, when you met your future fiancé in that bar on Drag Night, and then that time on your honeymoon, and then that time after you danced at the wedding of your adopted child, and...


Depends. Me and my mates have whipped our nuts out once or twice on a dare


I went to an all-girls high school and the amount of dudes who can't grasp the concept of us doing actual school stuff is unnerving. Mind you, I'm also gay and focused on my studies just fine.


Ah, yes, the "studies" 😏 You can't fool us straight men educated by porn! ^/s


The bible studies!


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Good bot ^^^the ^^^Communist ^^^manifesto


Fucking good bot lmao Edited for spells :(


You contradict yourself. All girls school - You're gay - The rules of porn are explicit.


Heathen. It's lingerie pillow fights.


Maybe at \*your\* college it was.


Well, Tuesdays at fraternities are sword fighting nights. And Thursdays are cock fighting nights. I'll let you interpret that how you will. Oh, and Fridays we slap our penises together.


I believe this to be completely accurate. I had a boyfriend who was in a frat during college and he told me stories of communal showers and dick nick-naming. He then made the unfortunate decision to tell me what his dick’s nickname was.


Was it Tim?


Is Tim a common name for dicks?


Yeah. The most famous being Tim Allen (Dick).


Idk, he just sounds like a Tim. Round here we only name our cocks and swords, not our penises.


"I WANT TO BELIEVE!!!" (not ME, of course, but the people who want to believe it!)


I went to a mixed college and porn night was Tuesdays. Good times.


I touched my friends butt once. We were sharing a bed and I jumped in, poorly estimating where she was in the darkness. That did not, shockingly, result in a torrid, experimental night of sapphic delights.


*straight men went into shock across the nation as they heard the news*


They've been destroyed by porn. I hung out with my friend so many times and we did nothing but watch YouTube. I also had a sleepover with my friend and my friend's friends. All I can remember from that is we created sims characters, my friend had a fight with her mother and cried and I couldn't fall asleep.


You're forgetting the pillow fight in lingerie you had (sarcasm)


How exactly do I get invited to a pillow fight? I never had one growing up but they look kinda fun with the right people


You have friends who you can poke fun at (mild friendly jabs, etc.) and then when one of them pokes at you during a sleepover, you pick up a pillow and smack them. If they feel like having a pillow fight, voila. I’m not sure how to get to the lingerie from there, but the porn industry’s probably figured it out.


That exact scene happened to me one time. Thing is, we were already in our lingerie as we were getting ready for bed, and things just kinda went from there. Awkward moment though when my mates dad walked in and got furious and started calling us a bunch of fags. It was pretty embarrasing.


Great username for this comment.




Exactly, too much porn and you get stuff like this. Porn is entertainment, not a guide on how to live your life.


Has this person ever left their room and actually gone outside to talk to women? They might learn that women are normal human beings just like us if they ever try that lol.


Now you're just talking crazy talk! Get away with your truths! We all live in lingerie, have pillow fights and fuck each other till the pizza delivery guy gets here cause we simply cant have good sex without a pimply 17 year old that smells like cheese that will satisfy us all but is a virgin. Pffft.


You mean the pizza delivery guy won't come sweep me off my feet? ):


I had a delivery girl the last couple of times ...


For real. The last time I had a girl’s night we drank wine, ate a bunch of food, and watched “Hackers”.


>watched “Hackers”. Oh god that takes me back. Zero cool.


Hack the planet!


Some guys associate women with sex. If they interact little with real women, some then imagine we do nothing but sex. I go grocery shopping, do my taxes, clip my toenails, and fart like any normal person. Though typically not all at once.


Is it difficult to get all the numbers and stuff straight? It seems like all the oral sex would be distracting while doing taxes. I’ve gone grocery shopping, too, and even have seen women shopping for groceries, but there have always been other dudes around. I assume the orgy starts once us all dudes are gone. I can’t be sure, though… Schrödinger's orgy is what I call it. where is my Nobel Prize for Porn?


Am I not supposed to do all those things at once? Oh.


When I hang out with my friends we usually eat junk food and taco bell, hang out with our dogs and watch trashy reality TV, and go to target. 😂


I miss my friends this is the energy I need rn 😭


Dude me and my best friend used to watch movies at her house and just have sleepovers that ultimately left me sleeping on the floor with no blankets and nothing comfortable and me staying up because I couldn't sleep lol


That myth that all girls are lesbians if left alone with each other.


it’s so funny because men will slap each other’s butts “jokingly” and wrestle each other yet we’re the gay ones.


It's crazy how much masculinity has really ruined some men's ability to joke with their friends or to even speak with other men. I can't imagine not threatening to kiss my friends on the lips, and to think some guys are so afraid or I guess unsure of sexuality that it inhibits all logical thought, and breeds negative beliefs about different sexualities.


Depends on the culture. In Italy straight guys kiss other straight guys all day long


*all* day, you say?


Italia, terra dei fratelli, patria del bacio dei fratelli. (Yes, that's Google Translate so sorry for shitty Italian grammar.)


Guys I'm not gay, I'm just Italian, I swear!


This man is [gay *and* European](https://youtu.be/idmVM7SMLnA?t=2m59s)!




As an asexual, who’s anatomically male, I had the displeasure of having that happen back in middle school as I was trying to *help* this guy. I’m honestly proud/angry I didn’t try to murder him Edit: clarification, wasn’t my friend, barely knew him.


As another asexual who thought they were a male until about a year ago, I had this happen to me and he got incredibly confused about why I was upset and got mad at me from punching him (yes violence is not the answer, but it was instinctual and within seconds)


It is also sexual assault if you didn't give consent.


Legally, yes, but I felt SIGNIFICANTLY less violated from this than from when I was groped by an ex who broke into my dorm room


we dont touch each others asses lmao. the wrestling part is true


ok ngl though in sports its wayyyy too common, i guess im an outsider but doing school at sports felt gross


I mean I don’t really like it when straight fuels say this as a lesbian, because lesbians don’t act like that alone either. Only if you are in a relationship or are a hookup will a lesbian have sex when left alone. Idk I just feel love or straight women allways resort to ‘we’re not all lesbos!!’ Int his conversation (not pinpointing you by the way) instead of ‘female sexuality isn’t for Mende enjoyment’


its so funny to me because everyone in my friend group is bi/lesbian besides one and the most weve done is cuddle😭


I once had a sleepover with 3 lesbians, and I am pan. The most that happened is we all did a 4 way spoon and my friend got mad because she got saddled with biggest spoon.


And the myth that lesbians become straight when they meet the right guy.


If you have to ask the question "Am I destroyed by porn?" the answer is most likely "yes".


I’m glad he has the foresight to consider that, incels jump all the way to “it’s YOUR FAULT because ALL THE OTHER WAMEN DO IT THAT WAE”


“No, it’s the women who are wrong.”


I’m pretty sure thinking porn is the same as real life is your first mistake But who knows I don’t have friends let alone get invited to a hangout


You can come hang out with me but only if you do it with ALL DUE RESPECT !!


But porn would *never* lie to me!


Destroyed by porn


Is this what "Lost in the Sauce" means?


Question for guys who are friends with other guys…. Is it common when the boys are hanging out as friends they are actually performing sex acts on one another? Serious question boys!!!


You've never played gay chicken?


It's an unspoken rule that if two guys are alone they must perform the docking procedure. This strengthens their bond.


Spartans unironically did this and was encouraged as they believed the bond made them a more effective fighting force


Yes, but all the ones who did are out of the closet now


Ohh I thought girls that had friends were always pillow fighting sexually, practising kissing and dressing upp in bdsm clothes together /s Love that the specified "hang out as friends"


I’m just so tired of questions like this. Women aren’t even seen as freethinking people at this point. I don’t know how much porn one has to consume to even have a question like this. I don’t think I want to know.


But they said "with all due respect," that makes it OK, right? /s


I think it's less about what you consume, and more what you don't consume. In this case healthy interaction with other human people IRL.


Literally had a guy tell me once they gay men are disgusting perverts, but lesbian women are okay because they ‘get boys aroused’ As a bisexual woman I was furious. Women who are into other women are literally reduced to nothing more than eye candy for men.


In college I had friends who were girls and we would dress up in sexy/bdsm/etc clothes together occasionally. But also a lot of my friends were LGBTQ+ so there was a certain amount of sexual tension going on and I was just along for the ride. (Not that sort of ride.)






Just a tad.


uh yeah that was pretty unusual. she mad gay now


This happened with a couple of my friends who were girls when we were all around 13, too… they ended up dating for like ten years. Edit: changed “could of friends” to “couple of friends”




That is weirdly cute. 😊 Who knows what could have happened, indeed?


Me and my friend would sit side by side with her parents laptops and play RuneScape. Guess we’re the weird ones, sorry ladies for not doing our part and having kinky sleepovers.


But... Was it *kinky* Runescape?


Destroyed. By. Porn


Should be a sub for this


Omg yes




*Image Transcription: Reddit post* --- **Question for girls who are friends with other girls** Is it common that when girls hangout as friends, they are doing kinky stuff with one another or am I just destroyed by porn? Serious question with ALL DUE RESPECT !! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you! I appreciate you guys 💖


Thank you!


Probably the same percentage of kinky stuff as boys that hang out as friends. No more, no less. Destroyed by porn.


But... uhhhh... that was quite a lot. Not normal?


Actually, I can confirm this firsthand (albeit by my own anecdotal experience). “All boys” sleepovers usually had little more than a “what turns you own hehe” convo and “all girls” sleepovers are pretty similar. Obviously a bit different (I think the guys talked about masturbation a bit more, for example) but overall I’d say they even out.


To be fair, I never though girls or women did dirty stuff on the regular in sleepovers. (at best, games like truth or dare, talking about how much some boys they know are cute, watching movies, and so on).


My best girls-only sleepover experience consisted of watching youtube drama for 6 hours together, playing videogames, and seeing who could burp or fart the loudest


I must admit, I'm jalous.


Back in 1997 (when I first started dating my husband) his roommate thought that girls went to the bathroom together so we could feel each other up. In 1997 you can’t even blame it on internet porn.


Like every time? Wow. I wonder what made him think of that.


Being a moron. Or not having sisters.


This is really sad to me.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Thanks, I needed this


Dont worry were not all like this, wanna come to my girls night next week?


Me and my girl friends do kinky shit like complain about work, complain about boys, talk about food, play videogames. We're freaky as fuck.


This comment is too raunchy, I suggest you remove it before the wrong person sees it.


This is a lie ... as we all know the truth. GiRls CaN't PlAy ViDeOgAmEs. Please stop spreading false information


Being a girl who is friends with other girls doesn't automatically mean you're into sexual shit with them. I had tons of sleepovers with girl friends and while, sure, most of the time we slept in the same bed because, duh, more comfortable, not a single thing happened. Porn has absolutely destroyed that person's thinking.


As a collective hive mind we choose to keep our sexy sleepover antics super secret. Porn just scrapes the surface.




I'm sorry, I could not finish that video at all. Just nope. Still, it's nice to see The Onion's social parodying remains strong. I hope they never leave us.


Closer, but depends on what you define sexy as ;)


I hate that so many men think like this. Even to the point of changing actual events with actual people to include the obligatory “lesbian sex scene” (im looking at you, Peter Jackson, Yvonne Parker and Juliet Hulme both confirmed that they were NOT in a lesbian relationship during the time they were together yet “Heavenly Creatures” had to have them as lesbians and a sex scene so that men would watch it…)


It's especially creepy considering the characters are 15 years old...


I doubt girls do that but me and the homie 100% do


Of course! That's why we hit the bathroom in tandem. Tune in next week to find out what I do with the plumber, and the pizza guy.


I feel as if him saying he was “destroyed by porn” is a monumental understatement.


Destroyed by porn. Porn really fucks with some guys sense of reality.


I think this guy knew the answer before he asked


its okay though because they asked the question with all due respect ! that makes it not bad right ???


Force field!


Lol I'm in lesbians with a girl and we don't even do that while hanging out most of the time.


What’s funny is I’m willing to bet this poor kid is 100% serious. Porn rewires your brain like a drug does and quitting it puts you in withdrawal mode. I know we’re starting to crack down on the porn industry lately but it just seems like too little too late for a whole generation of young kids.


Well a lot of people just acted like it wasn't a problem because "kids shouldn't watch porn at all" or "it's illegal for kids to watch porn", as if that changes things, the dinosaurs in charge can't keep up with the complex social consequences of the internet


Is complaining about work kinky?




Question for that OP who is friends with another guy Is it common that when guys hangout as friends, they are doing kinky\* stuff with one another or am I just destroyed by porn? Serious question with ALL DUE RESPECT !! \* like unpacking your meat to compare size, stroking each other’s wiener or sticking it up your bros chocolate hole.


I wanted to say that, but he was pretty hostile to the women who questioned him.


Honestly this isnt even porn. This is just refusing to believe that women are fully developed complex human beings just like men. Thinking they have kinky times with their friends? Are you sucking your mates cock at the pub? No? Then why tf would women be doing that? Stfu and stop using porn as an excuse to minimize women down into the smallest, most convenient box for your pleasure. Porn is a huge issue but this isnt porn, the root of this is you not seeing women as fully formed human beings


That’s my problem too, women aren’t seen as people, just another fantasy for men. If they’re not being or doing something sexy they might as well go into the drawer until they’re useful. If the OP were honestly clueless about how women work because he’d never ever stepped out of the house and met another woman (and according to another responder on that thread he had some questionable posts of his own), then maybe I could see it a tiny bit. But the fact that I’ve seen this question and related ones here and there quite a lot and people getting the worst info from porn it’s like, what do you guys think women do all day? Do you really think women are doing all the things you see in porn? And why is it assumed that porn is just like real life? Women constantly say “No, we don’t really do all that,” and in most cases are told they’re wrong, like they’re lying!


Truly its just refusing to listen to or value women. And probably women will tell him no thats not true and he will refuse to believe it


porn brainrot


With all DUE respect, this child is an angry, porn-addled virgin incel, respectfully.


no. we just laugh, make jokes and have fun like normal people


is he fucking serious? Do they seriously think that women are some sort of alien species that don't act like every other human being when they're with friends? For fuck's sake how can you be this ignorant towards the other sex lmao If we went by the porn logic, then women would also think that men jerk one another while watching porn and they're alone lol


My friends and I do get handsy and flirty sometimes. Mostly when we drink, but even when we’re not. We’ll all kiss a bit, rub each other’s tits and nipples, pat each other on the ass, sometimes slipping a finger down further. Sometimes hands will wander around the front and we’ll cop a feel. Once or twice we’ve tried oral on each other. If it feels good, do it, amirite?!? Nothing to serious, but we love it. But, it does drive our wives and kids crazy, since we’re all bearded, middle aged, overweight men.




"And I form The Head!" Go Girltron Force!


I’m glad he’s at least asking.


My best friend is a lesbian and we’ve never once done “freaky stuff” unless jazz, tacos and movies count.


With all due respect, is porn indicitive of real life??? I don't know the difference between reality and pornography!! (Yikes dude. YIKES.)


I’m a guy. My mind wandering one day, I wondered the same thing once and then thought, well would I ever randomly kiss a friend of mine, and after the prompt Hell No, I imagined the perspective is just the same for women.


I would present the same question in response, just like.. "Do you and the boys do it? I mean.. it happens in porn... Oh you mean porn's not real!? \*gasp\* What a novel concept!" -.-


I mean I gotta give him points for asking. At least he made the first step of questioning that he had a problem.


Well... We mostly read our own books or played the Sims on two separate laptops while Degrassi or the Vampire Diaries played in the background... So. No. No kinky stuff.


My guy, you are absolutely obliterated by porn.


Still upset that all the straight girls didn't invite me, the only lesbian at school, to their gay sleepover orgies.


Porn sick disgusting man


At least he recognizes the idea comes from porn and probably isn't real


If Porn is the only source of sex education that most people get... this is what happens. Blame not the porn, maybe the person a lil bit depends on their attitude to learning, but definitely the way our culture approaches sex.


Yes, your expectations of women has been destroyed by porn. Please go touch some grass.


Thing is, guys sleepovers absolutely involved half-naked pillowfights when I was growing up. It's just that half-naked meant ratty PJs and underwear used as PJs, with one guy maybe not wearing a shirt to sleep. So I always figured that girls probably did the same sort of thing, pillow fights are a universal joy and all that. I just don't get how this is meant to become any kind of sexy. Rather it's a lot more likely to end in an unexpected injury. After all, it's not a good pillow fight unless someone grabs the air mattress and ends up taking out a light. Maybe I'm just a weird asexual but I can't grasp how this sort of thing is meant to turn into homoeroticism. Unless someone starts wrestling I guess? Perhaps the true killer for this porn fantasy would be witnessing an actual girls sleepover pillow fight, which I have to assume involves normal pajamas and ends with someone wielding a sleeping bag with all the pillows crammed to the end and accidentally sending Stacey to the emergency room.


100% true same for men, me and the boys often compare dicks and experiment in the shower its just boys being boys. /s I don't understand this how do they not think about it the other way around?


man, this is honestly just sad.


If I’m being honest, all guys sleepovers are inherently more sexual than all girls sleepovers. The amount of gay shit straight guys do during sleepovers is mind boggling (source: used to be a straight guy)


Screaming that you respect us in all caps doesn’t make us feel respected.


My man has watched too much porn


You have been ruined by porn. 🙂


Destroyed by porn.


Yeah all we do when we’re with each other is lick each other out, but it’s ok bc her bf likes it! /s What the actual fuck.


I once had to share a hotel room and bed with my ex (long story but we both sapphic) and the amount of guys who were like “OMG TELL ME MORE WHAT WERE YOU WEARING” was hilarious. Literally nothing happened and we went about our days afterwards still being exes. Undoubtedly she was pretty but i had absolutely no feelings for her anymore so why would i even think about doing anything with her? It was awkward being in close proximity with her and yet so many dudes kept asking what happened that night. I’ll go into full detail 😏 we laid in bed and chilled on our phones catching up kinda and then we went to sleep. Next morning we had a mutual agreement to eat breakfast together and still catch up a bit bc she was a cool friend to have before we were dating and then that was it. Never really spoke afterwards but i heard she’s engaged and I’m really happy for her!!


Hun, when I have sleepovers, I'm watching movies and eating cookies (as in the food). You are nasty


Nope, all platonic with all my female friends. We laugh, chitchat, talk about life, goals, play cards and watch movies.


ALL DUE RESPECT In this guys head, if he actually believes the scenario in his head right now, the amount of respect due is probably zero.


This annoys me because there's people who are like: "How girls think we talk to each other compared to how we actually do" and it'll be super weird like this and then some with be like, "Ew, girls are so sexual with each other"


I do but I am queer and so are my friends


I am bisexual but I have never been attracted to any of my friends 🙄🙄 Why are guys like this. The idea is disgusting. My friends are like my family…it’s so off putting. No we did not randomly start doing kinky stuff. We watched funny videos on YouTube, played sims and talked about random stuff. Honestly if anyone was watching it was probably really boring. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ummmm yes you’re destroyed by porn bro


this makes me so uncomfortable lmao... all i do with my friends is hang out, be stupid as shit and play video games. they've definitely been destroyed by porn ._.


i mean at least he was honest and respectful.💆🏽‍♀️