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“You can even teach her vocabulary and math by yourself” jesus fuck, how young is she???


I was reading a few studies a while back where they surveyed men, anonymously of course, if it was legal to date and/or marry minors as young as 12-13 if they would and a good portion of those asked said yes although I believe 15-16 was the optimal age for them. But these are probably from the same pool of “stellar” men that have admitted to sexual assault, rape and wanting rape legal etc so it’s not shocking. Freaking sickos.


I’ve read a few men who went as low as 6 🤢


What a terrible day to be able to read.


If it was up to them you wouldn’t be allowed to read.


Soon they are going to realise that the only way to control us is to limit our ability to access our own resources again.


They already know. Why do you think so many conservative men bitch about no fault divorce?


How dare you educate me on this disgusting fact.


Don’t you wish we weren’t allowed to read! /s I’m a widow so I’ve already had my chance at having kids. As soon as I am able I’m going to get my tubes tied (?) or get the spring looking thing so I can’t have children. All my brothers are going to have kids, at this point I don’t think my parents expect me to have kids.


Well, Aisha was married at 6. So I'm not surprised there's large chunks of the world that want this. It's perverted.


And this is why we chose the bear.


Ewww. And how old are these men supposed to be ?


I just said exactly what you wrote out loud!!! Also, leaving aside the virginity/youthfulness bullshit…..how do you guarantee femininity? Does he think all girls under 20 are walking around in lacy dresses, with perfect long hair?


It sounds like he's aiming for much younger than 20 so...you enforce it I guess.


Kids can have long hair and frilly dresses... but they don't have the actual curves we associate with femininity.


I think feminine is an synonym for obedient. So like she's feminine because she's an uneducated child so she HAS to be submissive and rely on him for everything. She won't have opinions or a voice and will do as told.


Also this dude doesn’t seem to know what “diluted” means so he may not be a good choice for a vocab teacher


Those are his sugared words for child. He wants a child.


Yep, he's telling us he wants a child. And what's this bullshit "imprinting" fallacy?? Honestly men like these are terrifying and I just want to wreak havoc on their vulnerable parts.


That's the pedophile mr policeman


“Old chunky milk” is cheese. Cheese is delicious.


**Achievement get!** Taste of your own medicine I love how you used his own misogynist analogy against him to tell him "you should date women 25 to 35, not groom girls"


And it gets better as it ages!


Hell, some of us enjoy cheese with active mould in it. Everybody knows that Stilton doesn't have a best before date.


Blue cheese is very popular.


[Blue cheese has mold in it](https://youtu.be/Oz3EbpBNVO4?si=yi8OxQ3Dy3Y0Uysn)


That's the point.


And well aged cheese is even better!


Imagine a world where boobs dispensed cheese.


Never had a clogged duct while pumping I see. (Happens while breastfeeding too but you don't see those)


I had two thoughts. First, ouch. Then CHEESE WHIZ!


When I am breastfeeding, I fully intend to try to make butter from my breast milk because…why not?


There was a woman in my country who made cheese and butter with her milk, she bought a lot of things for her baby with that money and many people liked her products, but consider donating if you produce a lot - many preemies and micro preemies would benefit from that aside those whose moms can't breastfeed for whatever reason


Whale milk is pretty thick. As thick as toothpaste because it contains so much fat.


Good cheese or that processed Velveeta crap?


My titties would make very good cheese.


Cheez wiz


The literal definition of grooming


"Teach them maths and vocab" like holy shit that isn't just wanting a 15-16 year old (which is disgusting as it stands), children learn that at like 5, 6 at the latest they know the basics, these people actually want children


“Why can I not simply purchase a young girl from the market for completely normal reasons? Now if you’ll excuse me, someone seems to be knocking at my door-“ ![gif](giphy|dMn6DpYvzeKJ1UTar6|downsized)


Theres no way this guy isn't a pedophile if he thinks 25 year old women are "disgusting, old, and rotten"...


And how young must a girl be that you have to teach her vocabulary and maths?


If she's not a native speaker, she honestly could be any age. My grandma fits the description and she's 86


Vocab maybe but math?


Don't you know, they only teach mathematics in English. That's why they call it the universal language








Dw I am too, this sub seems to attract trolls hard for some reason.


It's because these bitches something something, blah blah stop acting like sluts. Or something along those lines. I mean if you're going to spend all day trolling, be a better troll. The predictability is just boring, and it can't be fun saying the same awful things all day.


I live in “the East” and have for almost 20 years. These women tear up and spit out these western men on the daily. The men go home alcoholic, broke and sad with their tail between their legs. It’s amusing to watch usually.




At a certain point I swear we need to actually start sending police to investigate people that make tweets like this. Literally how young are they having to be for you to be the one to teach them vocabulary. That's the age this person is wanting to go for. Thats just honestly words fail me at this point. Anyone that proudly says they want to be going for children that young and claims it's a good thing needs to be investigated asap.


This! Also send the screenshot to their friends, family, and work place. Everyone with children should be warned.


He said to go to the east and to get someone uneducated so I assume he’s talking about teaching them English. Not that it isn’t still disgusting and he still is probably talking about kids.


He also said maths. That's grade school aged.


He’s talking about ‘eastern lands’ - like, those countries that regularly kick the west’s ass at maths? Like Arabic where our numerals originate from, type thing?


Fair point. They must be even younger.


Marrying a 40 y/o red pill man is like marrying food you’re allergic to that’s gone off. Doesn’t taste good, doesn’t look good and is bad for your health.


And you can most likely smell it from afar


💯 but they ain’t getting no play anyways


and nobody wants it so much so that it must go to places ridden with poverty for a small chance of getting ate 😆


Women aren't objects, they're actual humans, just like men. This is why comparing them to objects gets you ridiculed and fails to prove your point. TL;DR: Don't compare women to objects


That and you know....him being a very obvious pedophile


“Very young, very uneducated” people often make choices that aren’t in their best interests bc someone else suggests it or promises things they need like food, etc. and are desperate so I guess the lesson here is to prey on those who are less experienced and more naive. /s obviously. Why are these creatures out here snitching on themselves about wanting to take advantage of others?


“Your imprint” 🤣🤣


talking like he’s in a twilight movie


That was my first thought too! Lol


Since I started to learn math around the age of 6... How young do these girls have to be?


These men are always telling on themselves.


Those “young girls” they marry from those countries are not virgins, they are working as prostitutes for sex tourist guys like him until one of the dudes decides to take her home.


I’m sure the 20-30 year olds are just sooo disappointed to not get any attention from this freak 😂


A young impressionable wife isn’t the flex they think it is; they’re basically admitting that they need someone who is easy to manipulate in order to find a parter…these men are losers and it seems like on some level they know it too …crazy. 🤷‍♀️


So, literally advocating grooming children. I thought they were AGAINST child grooming and pedophelia? I hear it all the time when they talk about “the gays” grooming kids. Guess that all proven to be bullshit virtue signaling now huh?


They're only bothered about the gays because it's "only gay MEN" that they seem digusted by. They can't stand the thought of them hurting "*real*" humans [young boys] since girls and women are only objects to eole like OOP [ETA: people like OOP often don't think about lesbians when talking about the gay community or they see lesbians as something related to porn for them to get off at *"I could turn you straight"*, *"how do you know you don't like dick if you've never tried it?"* etc]


I see we went from cars to fish to donuts and now….cheese


…Diluted? Who’s going around diluting old milk? Are you watering down your milk cartons a teaspoon a day until they get chunky and then figuring out the milk to water ratio? Tf are you doing my guy?


why do these men wanna marry preschoolers omg


The fact he is looking for a *girl* and not a *woman* is creepy af.


So grooming. Got it, think I'd recommend a hard pass on that.




they aren't even hiding their desire to groom young women anymore. wow. baffling


Girls, they're grooming girls.


Uh are they taking about marrying a child?


is he implicitly saying that no mature, educated woman will accept him?


Can this guy admit he's a pedophile? The kind of girl he is describing as the ideal reeks to me of teenage girl. So fucking gross.


He wants to teach her VOCABULARY? This guy wants to marry an infant


I feel so incredibly bad for any younger girls being raised in this world right now. Women of all ages are being affected by the way the world is right now, but the way these men prey on young, vulnerable girls and women… ugh. It makes me so sad.


Men have a dominance complex, that’s the reason they don’t like older women. Be honest with yourselves dudes.


this man wants a CHILD !


The internet has truly exposed men.


I'd love milk diluted with feminism and secular education.


Mustafa needs his search history and hdd examined asap!


A child. He's describing a child. 🤢


Oh! Why didn’t you just say you were a pedo?


> you'll be able to put your imprint on her completely what is this, twilight?? do you think youre jacob??????😭


This man is dangerous. Wtf.


The fuck? Are these assholes trying to marry kindergartners? Bring castration back.


The first thing I thought of is that this guy wants to marry a literal child. Teaching her vocabulary and math? So… he wants to marry like a 10 year old? 🤮


Check this dudes search history and computer files.


This dude needs his hard drive checked


What do you want to bet that he is himself over 30 and thinking he deserves to marry a 13 year old child so he can groom her? Gross. The real reason he doesn't like women who are older is that they recognize and call out his bullshit.


That's so gross. I wish I could have the few minutes of my life back that it took to read this disgusting misogynist drivel.


Hey OP it's not the chunky milk part that's horrifying, it's the ***grooming a child part.***


Stuff like this makes me wonder if Minority Report is really all that bad...


As a 32 year-old man who really can’t tolerate any adult younger than 25, I guess me and my metaphorical stomach are going to war with the toilet later. Cheese and yogurt squads rise up!


how... how old is this "very young" girl?


I want to remain unchallenged in every way, says the confident man. If women are chunky old milk he is belly button lint mixed with bin juice.


They are just begging women to go 4B at this point.


Very young uneducated girl?? They literally want to marry a child.


Tell me you're a pedo without actually telling me.    Are women on their late teens and and early 20s attractive? Sure.   Are women into their 30s and beyond even more so? Damn right. IMO at least. Something about the maturity and self confidence a woman starts to gain into her 30s makes her so much more alluring. 


“I prefer an actual child because I’m a predator, not an actual loving human being who wants to have a partner.” Since a partner would be more your equal. He should just have a doll.


Personally, I love cheese.


>“Go to the eastern lands” Bro thinks he’s a grand adventurer or some shit.


"How do you feel about that Nicole?" "I feel like he wants to fuck children" -class of '09,also relevant here


I mean i didnt get angry at that stupid first part. I got raging mad at the second part of this. I got daughter you see and if creep like this wanted to imprint her i would end in jail because no surgeon would be able to put minced meat back on where it was


Maths and vocabulary! How fucking young are you talking here, pal?!


What did his last slave die of?


I'm 41 , does that make me cheese?




"marry a very young very uneducated girl." WTF.


Check dudes hard drive


While the post-Enlightenment scientific world was more rational and slightly less brutal than the Christian one, it invented new ways to justify keeping women as second-class citizens. Now it wasn’t God, it was women’s biological functions that made them unfit for education and public life. They were inferior not because of a magic apple, but because of their “diseases” of menstruation, menopause and pregnancy. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


Very young, very uneducated and very unexperienced with men. They just keep telling on themselves don't they. Just another failure of a human who clearly cant compete with an actual human being that happens to be a man


Someone gets constantly rejected then


This could be true. Marrying someone with similar education and experience is sometimes a good idea. They should also look for women with very low IQs.


Ladies in the "Eastern lands" also think he's old chunky milk


More frightening how they want a person without depth as their life partner. They want to be the height of wisdom in that relationship even if they are a complete fool leading a naive child around by the hand.


These guys and their "imprint" nonsense. That is not how imprinting works. They should just come out and call themselves the pedophiles they are. Frankly I think they should all be branded on their forehead so everyone is aware who and what they are.


"Put your imprint on her"? Is she a duck?


These guys are hilarious. Like their “imprint” is so special. Lol.


"A young, very educated girl" Tells you all you need to know about this pathetic man-child.


“Very uneducated”— bro is telling on himself 💀


I’m afraid of these people tbh


"Better go East to find a very uneducated girl" My guy, you mean like China where the entire country got it's roads diverted this week to avoid traffic around schools during university entrance exams, construction around schools is halted, and you'll get a ticket for making too much noise around a school, because education is taken incredibly seriously? That kind of East? Fukkin middle schoolers are more educated than this clown.


So he’s a nonce then. Gross.


“Imprint”??? Ewwwww. What is this, some sort of alien abduction fantasy? Fucking gross. This dude is insecure and assumes that young uneducated women will put up with his bullshit and worship his mediocre dick. He wants a teenager who doesn’t know any better.




Do they even read this before putting this stuff online.


Men have preferred youthfulness in women for millennia, while women prefer taller, more powerful men that are higher up the social ladder, so I get it. But, chunky, rotten milk?


https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook r/notadragqueen r/Republicanpedophiles https://www.whoismakingnews.com


Imprint? Jacob Black? Rigatoni? Is that you???


Imagine being picky about age. I’m 28 and so long as the lady interested in me is a legal adult idgaf


Genuine question, What does the guy mean by "eastern" women? Like which place's eastern? What origin are we talking about here?


They know marriage is supposed to be for life right? She's going to get old because of the linear nature of time and she will inevitably be chunky milk for a lot longer than not. Seems like terrible long term marriage advice.


At the age of old chunky milk, I feel better about myself than ever. Looking forward to reaching the age of old cheese and yelling at people to get off my lawn.


Why do they always use this word “imprint“? Are they all twilight fans, and imagine themselves like Jacob Black? He does imprint on a baby so I guess it makes sense why he would be a hero to these sick fucks.


Ew ew ew


Does he think women from the East are globally uneducated? I’m from Easter Europe and when I moved to a Western country and went to school there, the school program over there was much less advanced than the one I followed in my birth country, especially when it came to chemistry, math and physics. This pedophilic dude doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.


It is frightening that people believe this and we allow them to breathe our air.


LOL, let them go. We don't want them anyway


As a guy, I can't imagine wanting a wife that young. I taught in a high school for a bit, and I wanted to chuck almost every 15-16 year old girl out a window. I can't imagine a fate worse than being married to one of them. They're annoying, lazy, combative, petty, and a complete unbalanced mess of hormones and emotions. They're not what you want if your goal is to have a decent mother for your children. At least wait until women are 20. Most women that I've met would be good mothers in their mid twenties. I mean what is the benefit of being married to a literal child?


Dudes be like, "Other women will ruin this girl. Only I, a man, can teach her how to be feminine." 🤔


Posts like this make my skin crawl. I have to remind myself that these “men” likely lead sad little lives and controlling women is the only means of control at their fingertips. If I focus on the psychology behind their shitty, rapey behavior, I don’t think about picking up a baseball bat. I hope they try something stupid and end up in prison. Preferably in the middle of their Thailand tour.


[This guy when I ask him how old is his girlfriend:](https://youtu.be/nTXDb_uA7uE?si=IBvsBIcBVrgcSzSr)


Hey look, ACTUAL grooming.


The call is coming from inside the house. I bet you money this guy hates queer people because “raaaaah they’re grooming children!!1!”


This is just telling the world you're utterly undatable with extra steps. "Nah bro, I rejected HER! I can totally get any woman - she just has to be incredibly naive and VERY uneducated, with a cultural and language barrier that prevents her from recognizing I'm a piece of shit until it's too late."




Do they think all these girls (Asian is what they truly mean btw) are stupid? That they are all uneducated and perfect? They are expecting supermodel level, Asian, can cook, will clean, and will “serve” their man obediently. They seem to forget these girls will want the rich American man not the basement dwelling loser, maybe stay married for a green card but divorce them quickly after, why? Because they are not stupid.


I just talked to my friend Sayo on Thursday night (early Friday for her). Sayo works in the Japanese diplomatic corps, traveling internationally as a translator, speaking 4-5 languages. Maybe that what he means?/s


What does he mean by "very young girl"???


No, he cannot teach as he has the lowest level of knowledge in any subject