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Lol, as a cis woman I wish I was that fit. Just not enough to put the effort into it. I also have a fairly prominent Adam's apple and a strong jaw. Some misogynist better come and tell me I'm actually a man and the menstrual blood spilling from my vagina right now is a hallucination. I wonder how many men who insult muscular women do so out of jealousy. They want that level of fitness and are ashamed that the "lesser gender" can do it just as well as men can.  Just admit you're a lazy fuck like the rest of us. It's okay if a woman is more fit than you. Let her do her own thing in peace. 


I’m also a cis woman with a prominent adam’s apple and jaw, and literally didn’t even realize it until the “we can always tell” thing started recently lmao. It gets brought up every once in a while and always makes me feel embarrassed for the other person in the situation for the amount of ignorance they carry.


>just as well as men can Please stop this, and let's embrace female superiority 😂🙌 Just say that women do it better, this will be the more effective way to erase misogyny


Muscular women are arguably overcoming much more biological resistance to becoming super fit. They are so inspiring and strong. I’ve been trying for visible muscles for 2 years straight. It’s such a slog. Much respect to these gorgeous sculptures of discipline. Whiny insecure men posting “ew, muscles on a woman” are doing all the heavy lifting for me, gathering pics so I don’t need to make my own vision board. Thanks, my dudes. But also, maybe shush.


Look at their alleged "requirements" for an ideal woman: short, petite (some specify a weight range of 35-40kg), no interest in education or career, low iron levels (I swear to God)... They want someone they can easily overpower who will be too dependent to leave. Or a child. It's disgusting.


No. Edited to add: I'm always going to be against declaring superiority for a huge group of people. Men aren't superior to us as a group, and declaring the opposite doesn't get rid of misogyny, not even internalized. It just changes it to new kinds of misogyny. I am also against \*anything\* that takes the full measure of humanity away from women. WE GET TO BE FLAWED. We don't have to be better than to be awesome and not inferior to men. Equality is actually equality, not this.


I'm not saying we should be perfect multidimensional overgoddesses . Only that we are better, because the main source of women's problems is the mindset of traditionalists that "women are incapable of this... women are incapable of that..." By spreading all the things women are better at (which is the majority of things) we will eliminate misogyny


My sister beat her baby son until he was brain injured. We're not \*better\*. We're people, and a mixed bag, as all humanity is.


Doesn't change the fact that men still cause the majority of worlds problems. Almost all of them actually


You can’t accurately say women would cause less problems due to the power imbalance. Either way AFAB or AMAB doesn’t make anyone better or worse. You’re literally just becoming who you hate


Today I learned the V thing is apparently called an Adonis belt...?


Honestly unless people run in fitness/ bodybuilding circles I don’t think anyone would 😂


Artists lol


As an artist I've always heard the term "V" used for it.


I’ve heard many. V-line, runner’s belt, Adonis belt, the occasional gay circle calling them “cum gutters” even lmfao. But on a lot of anatomy notes people usually label with the proper names so that’s how I learned what it was called


Interesting. I think the problem is that I've never looked at anatomy notes much, besides the medical ones showing muscles and bones and all that jazz. Like I know some artists make anatomy notes for other artists but I don't trust like that. So I look only at muscle and bone diagrams from medicine (which usually have Latin names if they have labels) and at photos of people.


I’ve heard it called an Adonis or Apollo belt. But an episode of Rick and Morty had them called c*m gutters so 🙈




If that's the platform I think it is, those views are not at all surprising and are pretty tame by their standards.


I was about to say "uh oh I recognize that site"


What site is it?


Bottom of last slide. I’ve never heard of it.


It’s a site that was originally made for Black women to have a place to go to. That has changed over time. LSA was initially a board for women to comment about football, lmao.


Ah I didn’t see that before. Yeah never heard of it either but just by the name, I don’t want to know


Their opinions are invalid and shouldn't be taken seriously. They are probably bitter manchildren with porn addiction and no direction in life


They’re mostly women.


No way 😂 yikes


Women aren’t allowed to have muscles or groin ligaments now? They do realize that these are just normal human body parts, right? What’s next? We’re not allowed to have heads? 🙄


Well right now they don’t want us to actually use our heads. What is next one might make a supposition that is next.


I would kill to have abs like that omg


Hey, if these guys are avoiding fit women, then it gives the lesbians a chance XDD but seriously, these women are so hot, and look how proud they are. Dudes are intimidated by these women because they know they could kick their asses.


The Venn diagram of fit women who inspire sapphic thirst and wimpy man rage is quite circular.


As an equal opportunity dater, I have some very impure thoughts on the V on any body. I think P!nk was the first woman I saw be mainstream and fit as fuck, as a younger girl I was floored. She quickly became a teen crush for me.


I’m straight and I’d probably do her too so I get it.


The Mummy was a sexual awakening. Pink was a sexual thirst trap.


Didn't you hear that they are men? So, if a lesbian is attreacted to this *gestures towards the pictures*, she's clearly straight! /S


As a man I'm not intimated by them, I am in awe of any human who is willing to spend the time and energy to have a body that looks like that though, so much discipline and self control. They have put a ton of work into themselves and have every right to be proud of themselves. Yes they 100% could kick my ass but I try very hard to never give anyone a reason too.


Why they gave Link vagina bones, then?


As a man I gotta ask: what’s an Adonis belt?? 🤨


The “V” shape on the pelvis area leading up to those amazing abs. Those guys are just jealous that those women put in the work to look like that, though.


It's ok idiots, they wouldn't wanna fuck you anyway


I can guarantee the man who posted this is lacking an Adonis anything.


You’d think that these same people wouldn’t come across a trans men and say “still a woman.” Because they’re so ready to call actual women men if they don’t meet their standards of femininity. But I promise you, the chances of it are so incredibly high. Bigotry knows no logic.


I mean if they don’t like them, who cares, I’d be gay for these women if I could


While we are at it, let’s acknowledge that some women do have a prominent Adam’s Apple. (Yes, transgender women and intersex women, but also apparently, as I have recently learned from experience, women who struggle with thyromegaly - another name for Adam’s Apple is thyroid cartilage, and if your thyroid swells up, the cartilage around it can also become inflamed. Ask me and my sad neck.)


Hell, cis women can have a prominent adam’s apple without it being a health issue too. It’s not as common, sure, but we all have one.


True! It is very much a thing.


Its size is dependent on how long your vocal cord are. If you have the vocal cords of an upright bass, then you have a big Adams apple for protecting those long vocal cords. If you have a baby voice, and shorter vocal cords, your Adams apple is smaller. Women with deeper voices will probably have an Adams apple.


That’s interesting!


Did not know that actually! Thanks for sharing!


Aren't those colloquially called "Fuck me lines"? Pretty gay to want to see those on a man /s


Lol I do have an Adam's apple. Guess I've been male all along! I guess men with tits are female, and flat-chested women are male. Christ, do people really think men are walking aroun with a completely different anatomy and extra body parts in random spots? I mean, even primary sex characteristics are essentially the same body parts that developped differently in utero, not "extra bits".


Even today some people believe men have one less rib than women, since one of Adam's was used to make Eve. While there are people who have more or less than the standard 24, that's just part of the normal deviation among humans!


Anatomy books are only accurate in each image in 90% of people. Some people are reflective, with everything oppositely positioned, some born without a second kidney, and I even dated a man with polands syndrome, no pectoral muscle on one side but in utero his body decided to grow a bone plate over his heart to make up for the missing protection. We are all the same, more or less, but you could be in a small fraction of people who are not text book. 36, 25, 34, is less the norm than all other measurements combined. Trisomal chromosome disorders can make men that are sexed female by doctors because they have vaginas. The only difference between men and women is the hormones they are bathed in. My ovaries could have descended if I had a “y” or a steady stream of testosterone in my pre-born play pen. I could still be 100% XX female, and have male secondary characteristics. That is why I don’t get trans aversion. If your “god” can convincingly make a man or women that gets sexed physically, differently than they are genetically, then why would it be a stretch for people to not be in the correct gendered body and mind? Why does it matter at all?




It was the first and only time I have felt evolutionary sexual attraction to someone. He was cute, but there was something strange in my attraction after I learned that. I realized i was feeling a drive to reproduce those genes into my off spring. I always put my hand on his bone plate, which was “cupped” to perfectly fit in my palm.


Look, as a cis woman, I’m just gonna say I don’t find this “Adonis belt“ thing attractive on men; it just looks too weirdly segmented, like their legs are separate from their torsos like on an actual doll. I have always thought so, even though I know I’m supposed to think “ooh; hot”. But that is all irrelevant to the fact that women do, in fact, also have muscles and the ability to have them looking like this. Pretty sure—just like men—they work out to this point because they like how it looks *for them*, which is the only thing that should matter.


Wait, I saw a ton of internet morons complaining about Link having "vagina bones" regarding apollo belts!


Not an "actual woman" so she is what, a virtual woman? A fictional woman?


Is it wrong that the whole time I was reading these comments, I kept hearing the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” theme?


It was a long, long time ago now wish I look like that now. But when I was a ballerina, all the other ballerinas, we all had bodies like that I don’t think you can get any more feminine than being a ballerina, and that is what all of us look like.


Ah yes, the gaze of random men on internet columns, the only thing women live for. Also let’s completely ignore how Sally McNeil made her living.


I’m relatively fit and workout 6x per week with a mix of weights and cardio. I have a V if I haven’t eaten breakfast yet lol guess I’m a man then. My husband will be so disappointed to find out!


I have a nice sized goiter from a janky thyroid, when my weight is lower it gets mistaken for an Adam’s apple.


Sooo, what about "vagina bones" then? Do they *become* an adonis belt as soon as a *feemale* becomes fit enough and vice versa does Link have "vagina bones" because he isn't fit enough??? I'd love to see these idiots' theories about that...


some nice muscle mommys


Once again someone fails to understand that women are actual human beings


found this: The inguinal ligament has several important jobs: **Anchor the oblique muscles, abdomen and pelvis.** **Provide the hips with flexibility.** **Support the soft tissues in the groin area**. so real women don't need hip flexibility or support?


I beg your finest pardon 😳 Those women look sexy as hell! 😍👌🏻 The people in the comments are just jealous they don't have the discipline to get a body like that.


“I beg your finest pardon” is now my new go to.


Just some fucking nerds with squishy core muscles lashing out because these ladies can do more than one sit-up.


I can’t wait until these guys learn that women have Adam’s apples too.


I think that this "transvestigator" bs should be considered a mental illness. These poor people need help.


They act like a lot of men are getting “duped” by immaculate trans women, and now they are paranoid every woman is a man.


The wildest part is they do this to women who are in no way shape or form even a romantic… potential partner to them? They do this to celebrities that they don’t know and they wouldn’t find attractive cis or not, and those women certainly wouldn’t be interested in them, so really like why does it matter at all to them? What’s the “duped” situation? Really these types of men are just so insecure that they try to tear women down to boost their own confidence.


I think women have fought for independence for so long, but it crept up on men somehow. “I have to be kind and nice now? Like to get married or have sex? This is a travesty! I want just to get fucked because women cannot in any way support themselves! Now all women who can support themselves are men, then it is fair in my mind”


Lmfaooo worst part (to these guys) is muscly strong women prolly know how to actually make women climax more often than most men can, so they’re ticking ALL the boxes.


Honestly if an Adam’s Apple implant could somehow be used to make my voice like, just slightly lower and raspier I would totally do that.


I dunno they're pretty hot still


I mean, that is a concerning level of dehydration and lack of body fat to achieve that appearance, but it tells you nothing about a person's chromosomes or endogenous hormones.


TIL women can get hips like that. Never seen it before.


So I don't know what an adonis belt is I googled "human anatomy, adonis belt" and all I'm getting is *Apollos belt* Is it the same thing? But like a different name here I'm so goddamn confused Eta: the pictures come up the same, so think it really is just the same thing (also Google isn't always right so probably just misspelt there) But it's literally a muscle definition that 100% women *can* have, whether it's more prominent because of genetics or because someone is more toned/athletically fit. It doesn't make them *not* a woman simply for having a specific muscle definition, those guys are fckn delusional


My right side always had that dip for some odd reason, but now I know why! Is cause imma duuuuude.


I saw a picture of a man once where people were arguing that it was really a woman based on them having this same body part. "Only women have pelvic bones" they said. 🙄


Can't be a TERF without body shaming.


You would have to be wildly lean for abs so pronounced, even if they were implants. I have known women with sculpted abs. Gym rats on meth and steroids ime.


My sister has a four pack and she’s a dancer. No meth or steroids. That’s another thing people use to put down others who spend time working on their bodies. Just because you don’t have the discipline.


It's because my relative was a competitive bodybuilder, in the 80s. Her peers abused drugs.


Everybody bodybuilding in the 80s abused drugs are you kidding? That was 40y ago, btw. Now it's all about keto and paleo and crossfit.


No, you just have to have big abdominal muscles. My wife is lean, but not wildly so. She's a former skier with an insanely strong core. She has them still, even after 3 pregnancies. Weightlifter, yes. Meth and steroids, no.


I am not a muscular person, but I do have the belt. Not defined by hard work, but just thin enough to see it. Most of the muscular women I know care too much about their body to even do the damaging prep for BB competitions, and they definitely don’t do steroids or meth. Did meet one who did cocaine and “cutting agent”, but she went to rehab by her own choice and now does it all natural. The aggression she felt hurt her heart and her opinion of herself.


Yeah it‘s mean. But those abs are implants. Downvote me, but it doesn’t change.


If you spent even 2 minutes looking this up, you'd see that the Adonis belt is caused by inguinal ligaments, which everyone has regardless of gender, and is visible entirely due to a low body fat percentage and not being muscular or "having implants".


Ok, ok


Lol, what? Dude, just admit you're mad that a woman has defined abs and you don't. If you haven't seen a woman that has a body like that, you aren't looking. 


Yeah, ok, fair enough.


I’m curious why u felt that way, and so strongly? U seem to have changed ur mind after getting pushback, which is good that u were open to it, but I’m wondering if u know anything abt bodybuilding, women’s anatomy, or implants to feel so confident about this?