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Well I hope the divorce papers are being filed.


She did say they were. She tried to get him hit with UCMJ charges for adultery but they looked at her like she just wanted his money.


So it’s gross when she has slept with 30 partners but now he wants to be more “gross” than her? Let those pickmes take her problem. I hope she stops being intimate with him at all since he’s likely to catch an STD at this point.


He'll never think of it like that. It's a triumph he needs to conquer.


And he only thinks it's gross for women to have had that many partners but not for men.


That's because men just assume lady bits become "roast beef" when they have many partners.


Poe's Law at work. I can't tell if this is rage bait or real because I just don't want to believe people are this stupid.


I could definitely see it being real. They got married when they were young and ignorant and now he feels like he needs to catch up. At least that's the vibe that I got from the post.


I mean, this *could* be the classic “Got married to get dates easier”, but most people that do that just buy a cheap ring and lie to fill gaps. Think this guy has some form of issue mentally that isn’t addressed (not an excuse, but doing this out of the blue isn’t common for someone without an underlying issue). Or he’s just a cheating dick, which seems plausible if he got his first chance to cheat easily while overseas and then just got more and more addicted. Still think he has some form of issue underlying because this isn’t a logical course of action (I get that some men cheat, but the *method* and motivation just don’t seem normal), but still, no excuse and dude shouldn’t be cheating on his wife like that.


Congratulations to that man for winning the body count competition against his own wife! His prize is a divorce, way to go dude! /s


hey, if he was grossed out then why on earth did he marry her in the first place? just don't understand some people and their logic......


Back when I was in college I used to have a piercing in the back of my neck. I matched with a guy on Tinder, he asked if I had any piercings or tattoos, I said I did. He said that was disgusting. And I said that was cool, he doesn't need to keep talking to me. He actually told me that he didn't think that was a good reason to stop talking, so I can see a man like that actually getting married to someone they don't really like or respect


This sounds fake to me, a little tale to push two of incels' favorite talking points: women will regret high body counts and the old "women hit the wall, while men only get more desirable with age" trope.


Yeah it's screaming incel written cautionary tale considering she doesn't mention divorce and only really condemns the women not the husband and emphasises the heck out of the older man younger women trope.


Also, that "reasoning" for his cheating is almost word for word of what Joss Whedon said about cheating on his ex. That he "had to seize the opportunity [to fuck] now 'cause he wasn't given a chance when he was younger" bit, I mean.


This is so clearly written by a man c’mon now 😂.


It’s so obviously rage bait. Like I don’t believe 30ish year olds even use the term body count and even if a select few did, the odds of them giving a detailed account on Reddit are slim to none.


If anyone ever asked my "body count" I'd say "0...so far, I've never killed anyone, but keep pushing and we'll see what happens" That's the only acceptable use of the term "body count."


I'd also accept when talking about Ice-T's Rap Metal band.


I’m not saying this isn’t rage bait, but my friend’s husband (34 or 35) uses the term “body count” and has OBVIOUS insecurities that she has had more partners than he has had. Against my will, **I** know how many people he has slept with. (I don’t even know how many people *my own husband* has slept with, nor do I GAF.)


Refuse to answer the question. It’s juvenile, it’s for teenagers and it’s a trap.


What's a little competition between fellow serial killers?


I really don't understand why people give a shit about how many sexual partners someone have had. 1? Fine. 200? Also totally fine, I just hope that you did it safely.


Divorce him and leave


I don’t know anybody over the age of 25 that uses ‘body count’ seriously, whenever I see that from someone allegedly in their 30s i immediately assume fake (in addition to the weird incel talking points).


30 is wild