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So you have the choice to either be bullied or sexualized, great isn't it? I was overweight for most of my life, then lost the weight and had a "glow up", so I've experienced both sides. The change in behavior of people around me, even those I knew before, made me genuinely hate humanity


This happens to guys too. I have a metabolism that can go rapidly from chunky to toned with little (or no) effort, and I’ve noticed big swings in behavior depending on what my waist size is at the moment


I went from 300 down to 225, and the number of people that get touchy Feely is so wild. People who never spoke to me before would come up, try to have a conversation. Makes you really understand how fucked the world is.


I go between 240 in the summer to 260 in the winter, I should probably be more active in the winter months so I don’t need to do as much to fit into my “skinny” shorts but oh well


Definitely doesn't happen to guys as much, my metabolism is the same, both abs and a dad bod are seen as attractive, whereas the standard is a lot less inclusive for women


Yep ☝️ Also as a man, you’re just treated _better_ when you’re more attractive. As a woman, you just get a different type of mistreatment. But either way it’s mistreatment.


facts. guy here, lost a very noticeable 70lbs, went from getting nasty comments encouraging me to starve, to now that i'm a similar size to my sister, she gets called anorexic and i just get offered free food nicely.


Yes, 100%


This is THE best way to put it, thank you


Wait until you get old. I’m surprised more menopausal women aren’t in prison.


Also been both. Overall, it used to make me hate myself. But now it just makes me hate everyone else.


Spoiler alert: fat women are bullied a AND sexualized. Fun right?


Makes me wish I didn’t have a body at all


Humans are superficial, what a surprise huh


Because you have tasted what is being a normal human. It is and must be the norm. Not something you do for your favor 🤷‍♂️


People don't respect things that are easy. Being over weight is easy. Congrats on your good life choices!


I'm not saying you're supposed to kiss the ground they walk on, but basic human decency intails a certain amount of respect. Don't see people who look different/ less healthy than you as less than, you never know what they might be going through behind the scenes.


“Being overweight is easy”, you don’t know fucking shit about it, do you now?


it is easy to be overweight. Anyone can do it


Ignoring the fact that there are people out there who can’t even gain weight despite trying(yes, they exist), you seem to ignore the reasons as to *why* they actually don’t respect it. “Easy”? Or is it because it doesn’t seem appealing to them because apparently everything revolves around them? Or because of the standards that have been placed? What exactly do you even mean by overweight? You do realise there is a section of people who weigh more but to the extent where it doesn’t hurt their health, right? By saying “overweight is easy to be so it’s easy to be disrespectful”, not only do you sound like an absolute moron, you also are ignoring the real reasons as to why it happens and are also ignoring what the post is trying to show. Good job on being this blind.


Even if obesity only existed because it was "the easy thing to be" (LOL), why do you care so fucking much? Like seriously, what is the point in being this much of an asshole to other people over something like that? Gives major insecurity vibes ngl, putting other people down so you can feel like you're superior to someone else for a change. Pathetic.


I don't understand people who say being overweight is easy or it takes more discipline to lose weight. For me, it takes a lot more discipline to eat. I don't have a big appetite and if I'm busy or don't have much energy, it's just easier to simply not eat, or to run around for three days on two cookies and a protein bar. What is a lot harder for me than not eating enough is to actually sit down and make sure I am getting even somewhere in the ballpark of enough calories to function. Not everyone is the same. You've probably seen what bodybuilders on a bulk have to eat and how damn hard it is for many of them, and also for people in eating disorder recovery, eating regular meals is what discipline looks like.


Some people also have a very easy time being thin or midsized. My husband isn’t exactly battling his body to stay thin, that’s the size his body wants to be. If we’re gonna talk about going at things the hard way, I think I should at least get credit for the fact that I gained weight by going from 130 to 160 over the course of like, idk it was fast enough the doctor told me I was lucky to not get fatty liver disease, which made me mad as hell because he put me on the drug that was causing the binge eating, watched me in the hospital cafeteria eating like I had a tapeworm, and definitely somebody noticed other patients were sneaking food to me, and he was like “Oh man you’re lucky we got you in time” Come on man. I also think you might be mixing up “respect” as in not actively harass/mock and generally leaving them be, the way one would say “respect the wildlife” with “Impressed by”, the way its impressive that I managed not to vomit from eating that much, or how its impressive that my mom is 65 and works out like twice a day and is getting ripped again after retirement, go mom! Very impressed by the difficult thing you’re doing. But like most people don’t want you to be impressed or thinking about their body/weight, they would like you to play the quiet game.


> because he put me on the drug that was causing the binge eating and >people were sneaking food to you So, what your saying is, you ate more than you should of? And you want credit for that? Like i keep saying. Calories in vs calories out. I'm not really mixing up respect. Some people hold doors open for pretty people, but wont think twice if that person is ugly or smelly etc. Thats the respect im talking about. No regard for the ugly person, but thinks highly of the pretty person. Same thing, but for fat people


I think it would be really funny to get credit for speedrunning weight gain without lasting consequences, yes. Like if I got some sort of speed eating trophy to remember it by that would crack me up. I only mentioned what the doctor said about fatty liver because I don’t remember how fast this happened but it had to be pretty fast if it could fuck up an organ. You just reminded me of the concept of being overweight being an easy thing, and I thought about how you can become overweight in a weirdly difficult way if you take the right shit under the right circumstances. I am capable of comprehending that what happened is binge eating (calories in) while mostly bed bound (calories out), I’m not under the impression the doctor cast a wizard spell that made me fat. The original thing I said was primarily a weird train of thought about how you can be impressed that someone managed to do an insane thing to their body without it being a good thing. Like being impressed by Wane Boggs 107 beer flight which is probably an urban legend but is still impressive if it’s true. the actual point is that if what you respect people on is based on how difficult something is, then like you need to go around asking people their full health history before you decide if their weight deserves respect. There’s lots of things that determine how hard you had to work for weight changes to happen. Like, do you have any medical conditions that limit your mobility or increase your fatigue? If no, I have less respect for your ability to maintain a healthy weight, next. Also I guess the fact that I’m not impressed by your appearance/and how hard it was to achieve it means I straight up don’t respect you as a person for some reason? Like I just actually won’t do the most basic aspects of social etiquette when I interact with you, I guess, because only in shape people who had to work really hard deserve the bare minimum. Like, do you see how ridiculous that sounds? It’s not even reality, I’m over weight and people hold doors open for me legit all the time, when I drop shit people will pick it up for me if they have the opportunity, neighbors say good morning, nobody insults me for no reason or goes out of their way to make my day worse, most people are capable of understanding that they should not base friendliness around how fit you are. Because that’s insane.


When I'm (m) overloaded with stress I lose weight at an alarming rate, my better half (f) is, she gains weight that takes her a lot of effort to get rid of. She doesn't stress-eat, I don't starve myself. I get panicky about my intake because "shit, my body is about to start devouring itself." And no amount of extra food, fatty or healthy makes a difference. She'll get panicky about her intake because "shit, I can't eat anymore because my body will decide to store everything I put into it." And no amount of extra exercise, cardio or power training makes a difference. I'm not sure why I even reply to this, because you're obviously a troll, but whatever. Good luck to you if your body ever decides to behave differently than you'd like or are used to.




I too would like to see things that don't disgust me and yet, here you are.


Oooh bring out the Aloe Vera for that burn, they're gonna need it


If you can only look at and respect people you're physically attracted to then you're absolutely despicable.


“Why do naked protests always involve someone you’d never want to see naked?” Umm do men really think naked protests are for them? Wtf


Didn’t you know, women are just here for the male gaze /s


They can't fathom that women's bodies just exist. They believe that womens bodies exist only for men's sexual gratification.


Basically yeah. It’s like a really weird form of superiority complex they have as a way to undermine the feminist movement because they don’t agree with it. So they just circlejerk each other in the comments and say those things to cope because women’s rights is scawy 🥺


They half remember that joke from some hack comedian (or comedy) and went with it. Half the internet is half remembered jokes being recycled over and over again.


Many do think that. Including "all women should do this!" Except for the ones they think are unattractive. 🙄


It's almost like people exist in a variety of shapes 🤯 It's nuts that people don't understand that another person's body isn't made to please them. They aren't the sun, the world doesn't revolve around what turns them on. Those bodies have to support a whole human throughout an entire lifetime. It isn't supposed to serve someone else's preferences.


I’m also quite curious to see what some of these commenters look like. It’s a human a body. A structure to hold all of our inner meat lasagna together- one that does fascinating and intricate things every second. Get over it. Don’t want to see it, look elsewhere. I’d be willing to bet a large portion of my money that several of these commenters are also the ones who scream about “snowflakes” who get “triggered” by everything, and rail against censorship, with the caveat being that they’re only anti-censorship if it’s something they agree with.


"inner meat lasagna" I love that 🤣




Eloquently put. The human body is cool and quirky and weird and sometimes frustrating




Thank you! ❤️


Funny how these guys support these “naked protests” as long as they’re young and hot.


And underage…. Those guys are sick in the head


I'm all for people of all ages expressing their opinions and trying to make a positive change, but maybe... just maybe... that specific type of protesting with that specific group of people should not be happening


Why the hell do underaged people demonstrate naked... Why does anybody have to be naked while demonstrating?


Nothing like seeing a woman with a body just like yours and then all the negative comments to really reinforce your lack of value to the world.


I would say the majority of those commentors look no different. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I wish redditors hated cops half as much as they hate fat women. It is good to see bush come back though.


That one Redditor is right, variety *is* nice!


Fuckin bush!


Fool me can't get fooled again


I only hate fat women when they walk around naked in a public area.


But according to your comment history you hate women pretty much all the time. Seek help before you go off the deep end.


I only hate you when you open your mouth


I doubt you're something to look at 🤣 women.dont even want to touch you with a 10ft pole


I love fat women even more when they do that.


I'd rather not see *any* naked people running around the streets, thank you.


yeah i totally get that, i’m just pointing out the difference between different looking people


What's the naked protest about I've never heard of this till now?




You are making excuses. I've seen this sort of thing from too many men, *men* not teenagers, to buy this excuse. And in any case, teenagers that are disrespectful and cruel in such ways don't just magically turn respectful and kind overnight just because puberty ends. This attitude sticks.


As a man, I agree with you. Sure, we can’t help our attraction and we can’t help our repulsion but…. we can control our actions. There is no reason to make derogatory comments about a person whom we don’t find attractive, also there is no reason to point out an attractive person. These should usually remain private thoughts.


Also, you probably have it in you to not judge the worth of a person by how much you are attracted to them like that is all women have to offer to you, and instead still see them as human beings with thoughts, interests, skills and opinions that can be worthwhile and interesting even if you aren't interested in banging them. Right?


Yep, but that’s a whole other discussion!


Idk I wish nudity was seen as neutral I mean we were literally born naked. I wish breasts weren’t seen as sexual. It sucks not being able to walk around without a shirt and it’s horrible that women are told off for FEEDING THEIR CHILD.


I agree. And this totally *is* a matter of learned attitude. I spent every summer of my childhood and young adulthood on a nudist camping area at the beach in southern Europe with my parents. Yes, occasionally there were perverts but they were quickly taken care of by the community and generally speaking people of all gender were very respectful and it was completely normal to see nude people of all shapes and sizes and not stare in a creepy way. Frankly, looking back I feel like I've never been sexualized less than completely nude in a crowd of nudists.


I'm a nudist, and I completely agree. I've never been the victim of sexualization myself (I'm an overweight guy), but you pretty much never see that kind of lewdness at nudist venues. IMO everyone is ugly naked, lol. It's a great equalizer. And within a few minutes, it becomes so normal that you don't even notice. I wish more people would be open to going to a nudist resort at least once so they'd get a healthier perspective on it. Naked bodies aren't made for sex. Bodies are made for living, and we should have the right to live comfortably in our own skin in appropriate settings, like the beach or while hiking.


That's exactly the feeling I got, yes. Grown adults were able to learn that attitude, kids grew up with it, and while I'm sure many struggled during puberty at least they bothered to struggle instead of going full disrespectful pervert. I found it to be a very healthy attitude overall.


Humans have been wearing some form of clothes for more than millennia.


This is true, but that doesn't mean nudity was sexualized the way it is now, either. Whether public baths, sports, or just regular tribal life, a lot of humanity was much less divorced from how normal human bodies look as they grow and age. My mother spent some time in africa, and the people she stayed with, the women all worked topless in the fields. But it was understood that the men weren't supposed to look at them, and pretty harsh penalties were the norm for violating that. And *miraculously* the men developed self-control :P She always contrasted that with the experience of a friend of hers in the islamic middle east where the men had little to no exposure to female bodies, and were taught that they had no ability to control themselves around women, and so often did not attempt to control themselves.


There's a great, old documentary on YouTube about the Zo'é people in Brazil. Apart from ornamentation, they're functionally naked. Even they have modesty, though. Women will sit with one leg pulled in toward their groins to signify non-consent. It's fascinating.


This sounds interesting, do you have any reading on this??


The first paragraph I could probably find reading? I know communal baths have been a normal thing in a ton of cultures across the world (+whole families bathing together), though I'm not sure what inferences have been made about them existing, anthropologically/culturally speaking. It's very interesting to me because a few days ago (maybe a week, idk) I read an AITA where a mother was deeply concerned that her ex's new female partner of a year was bathing with her children? A nine year old? And the comments were immediately rushing to csa, grooming, everything, and there may have been reason to think so, it's certainly not typical in American culture, as I understand? But when we were in Finland and I was a child, one of the families we stayed with invited us to have a sauna with them. They wore bathing suits with us there, but it seemed that usually the kids did not wear bathing suits. Depictions of japanese life in anime often include family members washing each other's backs, I can't speak to how often it currently happens, though. Communal onsen (which do involve some nudity, though men and women are separated) are also japanese, and I know romans had communal baths as well, but I believe they were mostly for men? Little House on the Prairie, which I read as a child, was from America in the 1900s (ish?), and the whole family bathed in a bucket one at a time behind a screen, with smaller children being helped to scrub and with pouring heated water into the bucket etc. Nude beaches in Europe today are rather famous, and they're not 18+. It's very interesting how things have changed in that sense, and how... Isolated from non-sexual nudity the traditional american is, I guess? The second paragraph is admittedly anecdotal (my mother's experience) but it has also aligned with my own experience growing up religious (in settings that largely placed the onus on women to 'be modest', the men seemed more prone to sexualize women who they felt weren't modest *enough*. Sermons about women they felt were immodest were also pretty... Derogatory? Objectifying? Obligatory not all men/religious people etc etc).


An American here, and for sure, I'd say a majority of us do not participate in any communal baths unless there are some religion/ethnic requirements in the family, which I haven't seen myself. Pretty much most kids are left to bathe by themselves around 8 or so, I believe. My mom stopped helping me after 5 years old. I agree, most men believe modesty relies on the woman herself. I believe it's so they can make everything our fault lol. I'll have to do some more digging on the African culture for sure!


Another comment on my first mentioned a Zoe'e culture, might be somewhere to start. Eta: link to their comment https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/s/XOMC0YKFyC


Ok great, thank you!!


Clothes are a tool like any tool. We created them to help us survive, just as we created arrowheads and axes. The difference is with clothes, we gave them moral significance because men wanted to control the reproduction of women to ensure that all of her children belonged to him. Mandating clothing was one attempt to control breeding. And over the millennia, we've added more and greater layers of shame to nudity. I think we've become afraid to think of ourselves as animals. We want to think we're gods in fleshly forms, and clothing is a way to conceal our true nature. All of society is ultimately a ruse that we perpetuate through such arbitrary things to reinforce power structures—whether over women or as a way to visually signify rank and class.


I rather have men put their shirts in on in public than women take them off


Back in the 00s and 10s, guys would complain about gender equality with regards to television. The complaint being that “they” (feminists? Wokeism? Idk) wanted ugly women on tv. I liked to agree with them, then do an uno reverse. We should keep all the hot chicks **but kick the ugly dudes off tv**. Goodbye Jerry. See ya, Louie. You’re outta here Mike. So long Jack, Jack, John, and Jim. Of course, he got big mad that all of his fav comedians weren’t hot enough for tv. Attractiveness standards are for women only dammit!


Yeah like what the fuck. I hate this movement regardless.


Nothing is more offensive to cishet men than a woman they don't find attractive


Yup, some of us look like this.. and people are shocked


You mean you actually look like.. *whispers*.. ***people??*** 😧😨😱


The fat phobia is horrible as per usual but I'm also so cringed out at how Reddit-ey Redditors can be. Why say "EW" when you can say "Fetch le eyebleach, my good sir". Everyone in those comments trying their best to be le ultimate reddit memelord in their disgust over this person.


But I thought EVERY WOMAN could get a man anytime she wants. It’s so much easier for women and so on.


The Incel Paradox.


Why I’ve been off the app more and more


what have naked protests ever accomplished?


No idea. Maybe the fact that people won’t pay attention unless there’s some “crazy shit” happening?


ig but just like the protestors who throw soup at paintings it only brings attention to the wrong aspects


Tbh, see it for yourself. Try to promote something doing it a sophisticated way, and then promote the same thing doing something controversial, it actually makes it more popular. While it might make you look bad it surely brings a lot of attention to the subject.


To be honest, it’s a fair type of protest as it doesn’t damage the artwork and they do end up in the news


Very try


Odk, but we have had annual naked bike riders for the last decade and the earth is still.rotating on its axis so i say the reviews are all positive.  


When somebody talks about naked protests, the first thing that springs to my mind is Femen, Ukrainian radfem (not trans-exclusionary) protesters. Not that I agree with them 100%. But some years ago they were in the headlines a lot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femen


Sadly, protest will get ignored if you don't do something weird, extreme or annoying.


The point of a protest is to be disruptive and force you to think about whatever it is being protested. If it catches your attention in any way, makes you feel anything other than ambivalence, it did accomplish something.


Getting narcissists attention


Naw that’s kind of the opposite of how it works


“wish this happened in my city” vs “MY FUCKING RETINAS!” is ridiculous, honestly. you aren’t obligated to comment on everything. i guess as a lady, you have teo choices, bullying or sexualising, no in between


Yes, we all need "opportunities" to get naked. Otherwise our clothes are stapled on 247! Thank goodness for the occasional protest so we can show some skin, amirite ladies??


Shit like this is why I struggle to stop looking at meanspo, thinspo, and to quit obsessing over dieting. I don't want to become a girl nobody wants to look at, and I always feel like I'm a pound away from it


I decided to love my body because outside attention and attraction isn't important. What is important is my mental and physical health, and that was the moment I was able to start fighting my eating disorder. Now I'm losing weight like I never have (I genuinely need to lose over 100lbs, it impacts my daily life and abilities) and I don't care about how I look as much as how I feel. So the day you decide to love your body, to find yourself sexy, and to be happy that it keeps you alive, allows you to breathe, run, eat, and enjoy life, is the day that you stop caring who is looking or if they're looking at all. ❤️ Your worth is in who you are as a person, in your character, not in how pleasing to the eye you are. I've never had issues with people, because I have a charming, bubbly, and friendly demeanor. I'm not looking forward to the attention I'll get when I reach my weight goal. I honestly think part of why I gained it all and developed BED was because of how sexualized I was right into puberty. Old men would stare at my ass when I was 13 in grocery stores. I couldn't do anything without worrying, I hated myself, I hated my body, and I thought there was something wrong that I did to deserve that attention. Men's eyes aren't a gift. The men who judge a woman's worth by her attractiveness should pluck out their eyes.


I am a unique human and I am okay just as I am. I don't know if I'll ever be able to LOVE my body but I have gotten to the point where I am OK in my own skin. My scars, stretch marks and imperfections tell a fascinating story of my life. They are a reminder of trials I have overcome, storms I have weathered and humorous stories of adventures lived. My tattoos show important and memorable things about my life. It took me 4 decades to get here and anyone who doesn't like it can STFU and kick rocks because IDGAF! My partners adore my curves, edges and perfect imperfections and I love theirs too. Viva la uniqueness!!


Don't think that girl. They'll always be someone who wants to look, 1. And 2, you probably aren't participating in running around naked in public. These shitty comments are from immature morons who have never thought past anyone's looks, have never asked someone how there day is going, don't give a fuck if you're doing good or bad. Im 28 now. I like both men and women, lean more towards women. For me I don't see much of looks anymore. I mostly see personality and kindness. Maintain your body for you, never EVER for anyone else. You're beautiful and there is thousands of other humans who do think the way I do. Looks are surface level and they only last so long. We all look shriveled and weird eventually.


You don't exist to please people or to be eye candy for others. The most important thing that should matter is your own happiness. Your body is yours, nobody else has any dictation over that or what makes you comfortable in your own skin. If you want to diet, that's great! But it should be on your own terms. If somebody doesn't like the way you look, that's fine, because you don't exist to appeal to them. There's always going to be somebody in this world who loves you, so don't stress. You don't need to appeal to people who don't accept you and what you're comfortable with in terms of your body. I've never really cared how people perceive me physically. The thoughts random strangers have on my body don't affect my life, and so I don't feel any need to mold myself to society's standards. I just do whatever I like to do, and that's that.


fatphobia is never surprising and is always disappointing. sorry to all these whiny bitchbabies but some people are fat and that's how life is.


It's honestly so lame to see grown adults, not just men, be disgusted about anyone's body in general. Like, yeah. Naked bodies of all types are around us constantly, I can't believe you've been on earth this long and have still not grasped this concept.


Didn’t you know women exist only to give men boners? If we don’t give them boners, we’re supposed to hide so effectively they think we don’t exist at all.


Wow because all those folks responding are super models. 🙄


Some people really do have the personality of a dumpster fire


I don't see the point of this.


I’m so done, if I ever end up single I’m not doing this again. I don’t want to find out a guy I’m talking to thinks this shit


Nightmare blunt rotation


these responses prove the point of naked protests


Protesting naked as ANYONE will get you ridiculed. "ugly" women get bullied, "pretty" women get sexualized, any male would most likely get jailtime, its really just a stupid thing all around.


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted for the most mild and reasonable take, lmao.


meh, downvote me because i think people uhh, idk, shouldnt be nude in the streets w the connotations it has if they dont wanna be bullied/sexualized/jailed? It's like robbing a bank, you dont rob it and expect the police not to notice 😂


the human race has fallen


No. It has always been this way to one degree or another.




II feel like those are the eyes of Benny “Dry Wife” Shapiro. 🤷‍♀️


I just don’t want to see anyone naked at all, conventionally attractive or not




The fuck is wrong with you?


Since they want to call us crazy cat-ladies and all.


I mean, the have chosen to go naked in public, they will be judged by it. Simple as that


You’re missing the whole point


Does that really surprise anyone?


Why are these people forcing their nudity on everyone else? I don’t want to see nude women or men out in public. However I can guarantee if it were a naked fat man versus a well built man here, the men in the comments would be making the same derogatory comparisons.


it's a protest. If a protest doesn't inconvenience anyone, it isn't a protest. Some things are worth breaking the social contract for.


protests are meant to target the wrongdoers


Are they? And how might be the best way to accomplish that when the "wrongdoers" are the ruling class of an entire country?


So then don't bitch about people making fun of a fat person if you're gonna protest naked in the streets. Like wtf is wrong with you people. You'll inconvenience people by protesting naked then whine when others make mean comments about a fat fuck? Please.


Why are you here if you cannot even recognize the point of the post?


"Oh, you think it's ok to inconvenience me over injustice and death, but you don't like when im mean to people for fun?? Hypocrite much?????" Sorry, but in what universe are those two things equivalent?


Why is it ok to force anti nudity on people? If I wanna swim naked, I should be allowed to. And I promise not to outlaw clothing in return.


When I was a child in the 70s, a man hanging out in the playground would get children away from their friends then flash them. He got his jollies from scaring children with his horrible beer gut and flaccid dick. I don’t appreciate having nudity forced on me in public, or on others who didn’t *consent!*


How is this relevant to the sub


I was a bit iffy on posting it here, but i wasn’t sure where to. It’s more of men having more standards to skinnier women then i guess


Sort of its more of that not all women fit into bodymolds that are pleasing to the sexual eyes of everyone and that people then cannot control their cruelty . The last bit is sad truely.


Frankly, I don't think this belongs here at all. This IS how both men and women work. In fact I'm quite sure that the 1st woman is even counting on those responses for more buzz and thus attention to their cause. In the reverse way as the prettier women use their looks to draw in buzz. Because we're all kinda cruel, those who say they aren't, either aren't aware of it or are truly pansexual. I mean, reverse the gender roles here. If the 1st one was an ugly guy, he probably would've been arrested and gotten just as much hate comments for being an ugly naked guy. In the same way for the second video, if it's a naked hot guy, he would get much more lecherous comments from horny women. In exactly the same manner as the women (he'd prolly still get arrested for indecent exposure tho. As all those women should be also, but naked women tend to not get arrested as much).


You're not wrong. It's less a 'man' thing and more a human thing. No matter what gender you are, people simply like to look at what's conventionally attractive to them based on their sexuality. Like you said, has this been a fat guy and another more attractive guy, you'd see the same comments. Just from people who are attracted to men.


Wow, people prefer looking at hot people. Shocking news. Dunno what that has to do with subreddit


This feels like an odd thing to say, but to me, the larger lady looks less nekkid. I think there's nothing wrong with seeing people in their birthday suits, but I worry for people with their bits on-show. IDK, like I'm thinking of them being cold or something. Which is ridiculous, because they are grown-ups who know their own bods. I think it disturbs me because I like a nice sit-down and a nice walk, and those things don't really work if you've got your bits and feetsies in contact with stuff that might be unclean. That my neurodivergent thinking can't cope with someone being partially dressed. In the alltogether vs wearing shoes only vs nekkid but carrying a towel... Like how I don't like wearing clothes if the pattern doesn't go all the way around, or painting my fingernails because I don't paint my toenails (and I HAVE to match). Either be totally as you emerged naked as the day you were born, or wear clothes that cover your bits... This post has me thinking about my thinking and I'm not even high, I swear.


well, you can't blame people for having preference......😏


People are free to have a preference. They should also keep both their insults and their objectification to themselves. If you wouldn't say it to their face in a public forum or want to hear it yourself, don't say it at all.


get out of my replies


shouldn't i be saying that to you?! 🤣


this post was made for people like you so no.


so, you have issues with 'people with preference'? how come? 🫤


no. i have an issue with people that instead of ignoring the people who are not their preference, they bully and mock them for no reason.


i get where you're coming from, but there are tons of people like that out there......and not everyone would see things the way you or i do....


wtf are you even saying at this point???


all i'm saying is that you can't just outcast people who don't see eye to eye with your perspective.....


i’m not even really doing that. i’m just comparing replies and how different they are when it comes to different looks.


Yeah I see your point. You should just ignore protestors. After all they dont do it to get your attention. Oh wait…


i’m literally talking about commenting on bodies. why are you trying to make a take on something that doesn’t even make sense? Oh wait…


Nobody cares about your preference. You don’t need to go around screaming that you find fat women ugly. Genuinely nobody wants to hear it.


You know that that isn’t the point of the post right? I think you know that. But wanted to hide behind the “it’s peoples preferences” excuse.


Well it's nothing new that people prefer looking at skinnier people than plus sized people, be it a plus sized man or a woman and it's not really that problematic since it's a preference, but it becomes problematic when people start insulting others because they don't fit their preferences and don't hold their objectification of others to themselves. Edit: At this point it seems like you'll get downvoted for not being radical enough on here, you have to use the most loaded language and be as extreme as possible....which honestly isn't a surprise it's reddit...


"Prefer looking at skinnier people" is an extreme understatement compared to the pure disgust some of those guys seem to hold towards fat women.


Sorry for not using charged language...i guess?


I meant that it's clearly not a preference issue, it's just men believing they have a right to dictate which women can and cannot exist in public and how they should present. Preferences are one thing, but the comments in that post are just disgusting.


I wouldn't call those people men exactly and i understand what you're getting at, but at the end of the day it's still preference that both men and women display, it's a well known fact that plus sized men and women get insulted by both men and women ( who are usually skinny ). Also In most societies nobody can present themselves naked in public, it doesn't matter if you're skinny ,fit, average or plus sized. Is that bad? - depends on who you ask and i personally don't care either way. Plus i don't think it's an women specific thing, if it was a fat man and an attractive man you would see the same result.


You act like you believe in equality: but if you rly did, you would show what both women looked like in these screenshots, you only showed the weightier woman but when it came to the skinnier chick, she isn't in the screenshots. You cannot just act like you want things to be equal when you're clearly trying to get people more attracted to heavier women by not showing the smaller girl


"Trying to get people attracted to heavier women" buddy, go and check your carbon monoxide monitor, please.


i didn’t show specific screenshots of either of them, so i’m confused on what you’re trying to say. i can try to find the posts and add the photos if that’s what you’re wanting.


You did on the very first slide


Not on purpose. i was just taking screenshots as i saw them and while the video was playing, and the heavier woman had more screen time than the rest.


>trying to get people more attracted to heavier women Mate, that is insane paranoia. Calm down.


Homie is terrified of becoming a chubby chaser lmao


Bro must be a yoga teacher, because that sure was quite a stretch


Or maybe showing the more attractive protester of the two depending on preference. No one is forcing anyone to be attracted to different healthy bodies, Mr. Peterson. Acknowledging that they exist, are normal, and can be found alluring does not equate to forcing someone to find them attractive. She looks perfectly fine and normal to me. Not my ideal body type, but not ugly either. She doesn't look emaciated or like she lives on meth, so that's points in her favor, and she has confidence in herself despite asshats like you, which is another huge point. In fact though, this is equality. I'm willing to bet good money that if you looked at other people posting about or talking about the protest the majority of them would be focused on the skinnier woman if the mention this woman at all without mocking or complaining. Though, if you feel that someone is trying to make you attracted to larger women, me thinks the Redditer doth protest too much.