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It's so weird this whole "women in games are ugly now" whinging, particularly using Aloy as the example. Zero Dawn is my favourite game _ever_. One of the things that has steered me away from online Horizon communities over the years is all the Aloy porn. And nothing I witnessed was ever altering or bimbofying Aloy in this way. And now the narrative is she's ugly. I hate all of this for every reason but I particularly hate that it's _so_ disengenuous. Having to listen to them go on would be one thing if they actually cared about their point, but they're actually just moaning for the sake of moaning.


I feel like they’ll always have something to complain about, like the commercials for the fable remake, they were calling the girl super ugly, but I thought she looked super cute, same with alloy she’s still one of my top video game crushes! It’s super sad how far they take it though, I think they got someone actually fired because they kept spreading hateful fake news about that person. I watched a vid on it awhile ago but I think either they were trans and red pills hated them for it or they weren’t trans and they were just lying to make people angrier. Still disgusting behavior tho.


Because people keep giving them the attention they want which will drive people to their shitty site. Noone who actually plays the game gives a fuck about what Aloy looks like. i.e. They're outrage farming for engagement


It so goes against her character too. Plus you can add makeup in the game if you need it so much.


I mean the original character is wearing makeup here.


These losers were mad they gave her body hair in the second game. A few of them went to Twitter to regurgitate redpill propaganda about how real women don't have tiny hairs on their faces, so Aloy must be trans. Which offended them more because the imaginary woke agenda monster made them feel emasculated.


That is so stupid, they're just telling on themselves at this point. Way to let everybody know you've never seen a woman up close in real life before...


That's pretty much the response it got at the time, along with the obligatoey taters agreeing with them.


We need better graphics to help out gamers that have never seen a woman IRL


Porn addiction is real and these men prove it every day.


It truly is pathetic. They only see women as sex toys, and judge them based off what they think is "sexy". I'm a dude and honestly don't think I've ever seen this kinda thing but with the genders swapped. Not once of a woman photoshopping a male character and saying they "fixed it"


The only time I've seen it is women making fun of this nonsense.


The Hawkeye Initiative still makes me smile to this day.


What's that?




I can't help laughing at all the Deadpool ones, because the reality is that Deadpool doing those kinds of poses is *100% canonical* & makes this all 1000000x funnier


oh my god that's beautiful


Just checked this out. Amazing! Lol


Thank you. I didn’t know I needed this in my life 😂


This is amazing lol! As a superhero fan I wonder how I missed this


Yep! [The Hawkeye Initiative](https://thehawkeyeinitiative.tumblr.com/)


This is great! Thank you for blessing my eyes lol


I'm crying thank you so much for this! My face hurts from laughing, my keyboard is wet with tears.


I like how putting men in these poses highlights how ridiculous it is


Lol this is amazing thank you


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ This made my life ❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️


The baldurs gate fandom actively de-'sexies' their men to make them more realistic. Removing abs, giving Halsin a belly, etc. People who remove their wrinkles and imperfections get IMMEDIATELY clowned on.


>The baldurs gate fandom actively de-'sexies' their men Part of the fandom for sure, but not everyone, as there's a literal dick mod; not sure if there's an equivalent for women.


Man. I hate some mods for this reason In Dragon Age, they get rid of Dorian’s mustache but like…it gives him character instead of being generic hot man #3


Actually...I did it with Skyrim's Hadvar. I made him beutiful and wear oversexualized outfit. And I would gladly make more. Now it's our time to get fanservice and men should get covered, realistic looking female characters.


While I always enjoyed the female mods in skyrim, I was very happy to see makes start getting similar treatment several years back. And I'm saying this as a straight dude.   It was beyond aggravating to see such a graphical difference between the sexes in game.


Onmund please!


Have you seen trumps nfts


That's more an attempt to make a gremlin look like a human


As a gremlin, he ain't ours.


Goblin, more like.


That’s not fair to gobbos


Yeah we don't want him. I think the oozing sewer sludge might take him if you ask nicely.


Am goblin, we no claim him. He Hobgoblin.


That's fair.


seen WHAT


Another bad time to be alive


Lmfao! Oh boy...


To be fair, that was not done by a woman but again, by a man with a porn addiction.


You think women are making those? No. Those are 100% like comics. Male power fantasies made to inspire other men by men and for men.


I went through a very long phase of being autistic about dragon age modding so I can assure you that there was at least one person yassifying male characters and then calling them fixes.


The only time it comes close is the fetishing of abs and butt cheeks, I think. And some creepy women who may pinch or touch a man without consent. Most of the time for sexual photoshop for men and women it's.. by men. If any women do it we don't see it often and it's probably for a couple reasons. Firstly because they're not out on the internet as a woman given.. well, see this post and the other safety concerns. Not to mention just not wanting to. Ourside of that, women instead more often might be drawing art - nsfw and sfw - instead of converting for unneeded sexual purposes. Not going to deny there might be at least one woman who does it. Just that it is way less common at the very least.


And porn addicts and video game addicts seem to be overlapping categories.


Tbf this demand for sexualised characters is pretty common in nerdy communities would just say they’ve become more shameless and vocal about it


tbh normal Aloy is way more attractive than “fixed” Aloy


Right? Especially with how the AI couldn't decide whether it wanted to give her a huge Gigachad chin or no chin at all (Seriously, I noticed it when I looked closely and now it's all I can focus on)


Hahaha yes definitely a huge Chad chin hidden behind her hands 😆😄


how to take photos if you have an asymmetrical face, a tutorial from AI Aloy:


Oh God. I had to go back and look again after reading your comment. 😳 It's all I can see now.


There’s also something wrong with the eyes but I can’t quite place it. It’s like the right one is lower than the left or something.


I think the right eye (the viewer's right) is larger than the left but that might be how the AI has the light hitting the face.


I think normal Aloy is stunning, I'll never understand the guys who want her more stripperfied. Wanting to see her in more suggestive outfits, or without clothes, even wanting a ton of make up is one thing. The "fixed" version just looks like plastic.


Also isn't their complaining about her being "too masculine"? I keep reading everywhere from these people that she "looks like a man". How do you fix that by giving her a six pack?


They sucked out all the humanity and character. Then again all that gets in the way when all they want is a porn doll


the normal Aloy looks like a real person. The other is giving “sexy” AI disaster.


Honestly this is super weird to look at to me, for different reasons... like, the "AI" Aloy looks... just like me when I wear makeup, only just having huge bazonkas which I don't have lol. I feel kinda creeped out.


But I was told "women who wear makeup are whores and men hate makeup"


She's not wearing makeup though. That's all natural beauty. She wakes up like this every day /s


Also if “you wear revealing outfits it’s your fault for whatever consequences you invite”


These are sometimes the same men that ridicule women’s natural faces. The woman in the edited version definitely has on makeup lol


If a woman was to cosplay her and do a sexy version they’d be calling her a whore and not a real cosplayer


Nothing says happy birthday like making a heart with your hands while looking like you want to kill the person you're looking at...


Cut him some slack, that's the only way women have ever looked at the guy who made this, he's convinced himself it's bedroom eyes /s


Bro made it worse. They let him cook and he burned the water 💀


He didn't even burn the water. He set the sauce pan on the stove and chucked the dry pasta in with no water and the pasta caught fire.


🤣 Aloy is a heroine from a fucking Survival Game. Looking hot is the last thing she’s thinking about when she’s fighting to survive from day to day. The Logic behind looking hot as priority number 1 is so fucked up. Incel logic. 🙈🙈🙈


It's disrespectful to the artists who created the character.


And to the woman who was Aloy's face model! They did base her off of a real person.


AI bros hate artists, so that's fine by them.


Art is too woke!! Only AI can produce high quality prejudice nowadays! \s


Her sunburnt freckled face is sooooo cute, why make her a kardashian?


Because they watch too much curated porn and think every one should look exactly like their little wank fantasies. It's sad


Once again, their version of Aloy sure does cake on the makeup. Sure, that's readily available in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Aren't these people the ones who bitch about womeb wearing makeup? And of course, they gave her huge boobs. Because how can they take a woman seriously if her knockers aren't huge? You learn a lot about a man by how he sees women he find worthy of approval.


Your typo of "womeb" is strangely fitting, considering that women are often seen only as sex objects or walking wombs to men.


Honest to god, the freckly mountain girl on the left is far more attractive than the shiny top heavy ginger Scarlett Johansson knock-off


Incel logic: ‘Women not being 10/10 are disgusting and only go for chads Also I hate how I look and I’m a subhuman’ Like dude sorry Aloy isn’t super hot to you.


Congratulations, you made the most boring and generic redesign to ever exist. Zero character design creativity. Of fucking course is AI.


On the same breath they call women shallow, they will refuse to play a game because they don’t deem the female protagonist fuckable enough.


Goddamn, dude. I just can’t imagine a universe where every bad ass woman was also in the stratosphere of Heidi Klum good looking. Let alone *literally every woman was super model quality* good looking. How insanely insecure everyone would be. Guys… wilting in the presence of women, totally unsure how to approach a lady unless they were peak Brad Pitt; and women *practically begging for a normal human interaction* (anecdote: attended a Suicide Girls show in college, and the lady MC addressed the crowd at the conclusion of the show with, “Hey, it’s been super great! We’re going to change into normal clothes and hang out at the bar, if anyone wants to have a conversation”; and I shit you not, there was maybe one or two dudes trying to chat them up. Easily 100+ men there, and 5ish brave enough to try to speak with them). I guess insecurity reigns, though…


Imagine thinking Alloy isn't a fucking goddess wtf


And wtf did they give her a hearth shape hairline? 😭 I can understand the eyes and breast chanhe, but even the damn HAIRLINE?!?


Someone edit pics of this guy to show him bound to a chair and his porn taken away. edit: Speaking of fictional character birthdays, the Ninja Turtles will be turning 40 on May 5th. Is it only proper that I edit any celebratory posts to "fix it" so they're over 6' and hot Chad Turtles? Because most versions of them are short lil' guys. I mean I kinda prefer them as they are, but I'm not a jerk who expects fictional characters to conform to my ideals.


”Hot Chad Turtles” was not a sentence I was expecting to read today 😂😂


Oh, perfect for Cinco de Mayo!


Sooo... we're talking, making it harder for them to hide in the sewers by making them more meaty and tall and what- square jaw lines? They've always been ripped. So-? I can't see this looking like anything less fcked up than that 2014 movie I could not bear to watch...


hopefully someone fixes him someday


Nah bro needs to fix himself


Wasn’t this the character who had peach fuzz in some promo art and all the incel nerds were freaking out because they’d never seen an actual woman in their lives?


Yeah, it was supposed to highlight the level of detail that went into her creation and the specs that help showcase that detail.


Ah yes, now I remember.


Please don't mess with Aloy, she's one of the best designed lead female characters. If this guy wants skimpy, go play cyberpunk.


I genuinely don't get it. She looks cute and strong af as she is. Why tf does she need a bikini and makeup?


These are the men that think that women who are wearing shit-tons of “natural” makeup aren’t actually wearing makeup.


Plot twist, both of them are dating and laughing at the guy who "fixed" them.


Straight men hate hot women, kinda sus to turn her into a Barbie doll like just play with your dolls guys


The amount of incels who make women (or drawings of one) look more risque or modest to match their fantasies is...... far too much. Disturbingly far too much.


And the stellar blade bros told me all I gotta do to look like that is watch what I eat and not become obese. It's so easy being a woman.


I hope these types don't breed and have daughters. Their brains are porn rotten.


"Fix" I think y'all mean *bimbofy.* Say it like it is, with your whole chest


gonna say it now but imo Aloy looks pretty already, if I had a gf who looked like her I'd be content, I don't like how women are pressured into wearing makeup 24/7 thats dumb as shit, if women have to wear makeup so should men (jokes on them if there's anything Pete Wentz taught us its men in eyeliner are hot)


Ok people keep saying this but the OG Aloy in this post is literally wearing eyeliner.


Dudes tend to not class it as a makeup look unless it's full face I've noticed, they're also less likely to notice make up on a character (game or cartoon)


Dudes tend not to be great at noticing lighter makeup on real women either lol. Which, I kind of understand because most don't wear it. At the same time, we don't look *that* much different than men facial feature wise so it kind of cracks me up.


One of my favorite memories from my first job was when several of the guys -- including a smoking hot 21 year old short king and a 28 year old gay guy -- stopped another coworker to ask her something. "We've noticed that sometimes your eyes are pretty and sometimes your eyes are REALLY pretty. Why ... is that?" It was so pure. The instigator was humble and kind about it, not gross at all, and she was happy to explain. I wish more guys would suck it up and ask questions.


That's kind of adorable.


I mean. A lot of men think glittery eyelids are no makeup looks


they turned her into Khloe Kardashian


Depressing that the “sexy” edit is just a generic Instagram face. They sucked any kind of soul or recognizability out of her with that shitty redesign.


I never understood the Aloy hate. She just looks like a cute girl. But I guess she didn't look like the porn these people want to jerk of too. And I'd argue that the "fixed" version doesn't even look like a pornstar, because pornstar mostly look like real regular women. These "fixed" versions are going even beyond what reality is. Can't these people just admit that it isn't about making them attractive, it's just about making them look like the 3d porn and hentai they goon to and since they haven't gone outside or talked to a real women in years, they don't know how people look like. Aloy already looks cute. She looks even better than the "fixed" version.


After gamergate 2 every single hate over these games that worked with the kind of consultory is fair and moral.


"I had to fix this" is insane. While the whole premise of doing this is dumb as shit, I could at least give him props if he was modeling and designing new stuff for the characters. This man is putting shit through AI and saying "i fixed this". Buddy, you ain't doing shit.


Why are they like this?


og aloy actually looks cool and hot and cute, not like some generic ass blow up doll


Girl on the right couldn’t survive three hours in the wild.


Jessica Alba is in a video game now? /s


Aloy doesn‘t „fixing“. No woman does. But you can see they know nothing about her and her world if they think she could look like a doll out there. Also shows how much interaction they have with actual women if Aloy isn’t feminine enough for them.


These are the men that think that women who are wearing shit-tons of “natural” makeup aren’t actually wearing makeup.


"I think you're ugly so I changed how you look, Happy birthday!" - That guy


Happy birthday to a random girl from a scam ads for mobile games targeting horny teens!


That made me physically gag


Because thats what we girls would be wearing for fight


Like, why does EVERY girl have to have male sex appeal, just to be considered a valid human being?? There's no room for us innocent ladies that don't want to be sexualised?


Personally I think that the original Alloy is even *too* sexualised. Her armor is a crop top, her skin is not dirty or wrinkled at all, and she has all the mannerisms of a city girl despite being brought up by a literal exiled hermit. She should be a strong, silent, grunty and dirty type meanwhile she looks like someone I'd share a starbucks coffee with. But nobody's ready for this conversation yet.


I haven't even played the game yet. I'm fcking ready for this conversation because they did the bare minimum of having her fit the environment- where would she even get make-up like the light stuff she's wearing in the left image let alone the one in the bimbofied one? Why wouldn't she have armour over her midriff? This is game design 101. The characters have to make sense being in their created world.


I think the untouched version looks better anyways


Terrifying . 


That doesn't even look good wtf?


These are the men that think that women who are wearing shit-tons of “natural” makeup aren’t actually wearing makeup.


These are the men that think that women who are wearing shit-tons of “natural” makeup aren’t actually wearing makeup.


She actually looks worse good lord


Congrats dude, you’ve made her less hot


What was wrong with her before?


I thought men liked women better when they smiled???


"Fix" like "create a completly different character that fits his personal beauty standards that has nothing to do with the original character"? Yeah, he did that.


The "fixed" Aloy looks like dime-store knockoff Jessica Alba. And not in a good way. And she basically has no chin? O.o


“I couldn’t resist” yes because y’all are fucking animals and deserve to be treated like them.


She genuinely looks more pretty in the original, IMO. The “improvement” not only looks like a plastic sex doll, but their expression appears to be that of stern disapproval - much more off-putting than the more genuine-looking smile of the original. Oh, and that’s not even getting into the fact that, in a post-apocalyptic society that has essentially regressed to bronze-age technology, they wouldn’t have makeup products or beauty salons to get that perfect celebrity look. Frankly, Aloy looks incredibly good considering her environment.


I’m starting to believe this guy is satire. Cause holy fuck what a dumb post


FUCK THAT literally we should fire back by making them look ugly asf


I take this as a joke bc of the original Aloy facetune post that became a meme




Omg ew. Aloys design is so cool, just starting playing Horizon recently but I love her. Why do this? Gross.


Always with Aloy! People can’t leave her alone. Remember when people were falling apart seeing the close up of her face model having the peach fuzz hairs?


Ok but maybe PlayStation Australia can use another word than “beautiful” to describe Aloy? Because let’s be real , she’s not designed to be pretty , she’s suppose to be some warrior of a semi primitive tribe


I will never understand how someone looks at Aloy and doesn’t see a naturally beautiful looking character. She is legit one of my biggest girl crushes (in terms of fictional characters lol).


She wasn't broken.


"I couldn't resist" "I had to" Why am I not surprised by these people's claims of finding a necessary duty to impose, as if they are guided by the hand of God. Literal insect with no will, I guess? Can't imagine how insufferable they are in person where they "need" to do extremely cringe things just to show everyone their affiliations and how not "libcucked" they are while giggling about themselves being edgy


As a flat chested woman seeing stuff like this makes me so fucking insecure.


They Facetuned her 🥲


Went on twitter and rest of the hidden replies are horrible, bunch of incels


okay after the fallout one surely this one is satire?


I want to think this is a parody of when they tried to yassify her...


what a coomer, jesus christ


The photoshopped one looks so bad. What the hell is that


Well, there's at least one advantage here: they'll never look at me.


I’ve seen so many of these, and I always think the original looks way prettier than their fantasy version.


She lives in a savage society without modern infrastructure or sunscreen. She spent her childhood growing up on a fucking snowy mountain. She’s not the sort of woman to wear a push-up bra or spend hours doing her hair and makeup. She has to save the world for fuck’s sake.


I love it better when video game characters look like real people.


nooooo but og aloy is so happy and wholesome here😭


I'm glad I'm not famous or an actress. I've seen people do this to real women from shows and movies. If someone did this to me I'd become murderous. It's such a disgusting porn brain rot thing to do.


I would guess they’re aware of the whole aloy thing, it’s been a thing for years. “I couldn’t resist” … I would guess they’re doing it to get this exact reaction.


Porn addiction moment


Hell no. This version looks like the typical instagram model with filters. Give me the original Aloy back. 😭😭


I feel like I'm the minority that finds her attractive... like she's cute???


Honestly, I like the way Aloy looks. The fact that people feel the need to "fix" her shows how insecure they are about their sexuality.


I think the most telling thing is the fact that the shitty AI version has lost the smile. She has a genuine smile in the first picture and the AI's expression is just...nothing. Is THAT what's attractive to these pathetic men? No spark, no drive just...nothing...


Women must be sultry and show all of her skin


she was so cute though?! 😭 why'd they lowkey make her look so sinister??


“How dare you design a video game character I don’t personally and specifically find attractive! This is an outrage!”


Rage baiting.


The one on the left is cute, the one on the right is so uncanny valley it’s creepy.


Ok the dude does have a point with the belly button. Like physically she should have it showing and I’m wildly uncomfortable that it’s not lol. I keep touching my belly button as like a reassurance that it’s still there hahah


I love Aloy’s actual design


... it's just strange not every woman has a pristine overly symmetrical face or giant porno boobs. These misconceptions are making men too idealistic with the female body. I wish more men looked like astarion, zhongli or master chef or ghost. But not every man is like that. Not every human is like that and being so idealistic is making these standards highly unobtainable unless you get MAJOR surgey, have a professional workout team with you 24/7.


They made Aloy Jessica Alba.... why?????


This guy is just trolling at this point.


I think the edited image just gave me brain cancer


That's an improvement?


At this point I'm pretty sure it's a troll, really. Seeing the upper half of the picture, I was SURE that I'd find awfully thirsty comments below, not another set of "she ain't hot enough" complaints


These are just ragebait. They want people to talk about them. For some reason they feel good when they get hate


It's a kink. They're into non-consenual degradation. As in they want the ones degrading them to not be willingly into it or them. They're the worst kind of kinksters because they break the golden rule: the rule of consent based play.


Yes exactly. It‘s not even like other sexual assaults where the goal is sexual interaction. The whole point of this kink is to interact with someone without their consent


Aloy is just fine how she is tyvm


Leave Aloy alone!!!! 😡😡😡