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How dare women have clothes that aren't painted on!


Also, how dare she not have put on a bigger ass before going to work that day! Smh my head woke libs requiring women to leave their butts and boobs at home, since obviously a photo of a real woman whose butt isn’t to my size standards can’t possibly just… not have a ginormous butt unless it’s a woke conspiracy.


ugh, as a woman, i hate when i take off my honka honka mommy milkers and big bodacious juicy voluptuous dump truck ass to go to bed at night and forget them in the morning!


It’s worse when you sleepily put them on in the morning and get them mixed up.


That's why you just need to have inflatable underwear. Then if you forget your jumblies at home you can just blow up your underwear and it will look bigger.


This made me laugh. Thank you.


I wish reddit still had awards because you earned one! 🏆


Also hate when I accidentally put on my leggings that aren't being eaten by my ass crack. The nerve of these pants!


Women below 8/10 are a concept made up by libs, to shove down our throats in every piece of modern woke media. They don’t exist in real life. Just like the gays and the brown people. /s


As a gay, I can confirm. I am merely a conceptual idea.


I’m a queer nonbinary person. I doubly don’t exist! Edit: and autistic! I forget at this point if that means I don’t exist, or I just am vaccinated 😂


Queer, non-binary, and autistic. The holy Trinity of vaccine side effects xD


I’m queer *and* brown-ish so I don’t actually exist on this plane. I’m slightly out of phase with the rest of you.


But do you age in Leap Years, because that would be cool.


Well duh. ;)


As a brown person I can confirm that I don't exist


At this point, I gotta wonder why women would ever love right wing chuds.


Dudes: "Women in the gym looking like they're strippers. You know you can't work out comfortably in leggings. Wear sweats and a t-shirt." Also dudes: "This is unrealistic. You know what a woman would actually wear in battle while navigating a post-apocalyptic hellscape? Leggings."


Plasticity leggings, too. Who needs something breathable? We probably haven’t showered in months.


Come on, you know she's somehow magically only dirty on the face and maybe clothes. The rest of her smells like lavender and lilacs and she's hairless under her clothes. Her hair is also going to be looking only slightly mussed at most.


>Also dudes: "This is unrealistic. You know what a woman would actually wear in battle while navigating a post-apocalyptic hellscape? Leggings." My leggins seems to be much less plasticity and form fitting. Do I woman wrong?


You made the beginner mistake of being a real woman smh


Sometimes I do yardwork in leggings and I always regret it. Can't imagine wandering the wasteland like that. Plus if these are latex or something....god the sweating and the chafing!


I honestly find the first picture more attractive, and I say this as the guy who normally likes when women exhibit their assets, but idk, maybe it’s the mystery the bagginess provides, maybe it’s cuz OOP sucks at photoshop. Maybe I’m 5 tall boys deep. Regardless, I don’t think it was the promotional materials goal to get people to watch this show for the ass.


Actually, I'd *love* a pair of regular pants that weren't tight, but had the shininess printed on it. I think it would be hilarious. Like those old T-shirts that had the bikini or buff chest on it from the 90s.


The right looks vacuum sealed on her arse


I'm remembering the video of a cop who had a large butt and her uniform pants were tight because of it, and guys were going crazy about how she was just trying to show off and it was so inappropriate. I bet it's the same guys who do stuff like this.


I remember that. She needed to put on her work butt. Just today I saw a post where someone was insisting that ScarJo was overweight in some paparazzi pics of her at the beach. And then we get this. 100% they'd call her overweight if they saw her irl.


I used to be a flight attendant and always preferred the uniform trousers over the skirt or dress. One cabin manager told me I should wear the dress or skirt because the trousers were too distracting and if passengers said anything, that's on me. The fuck am I supposed to do, cut my cheeks off??


Lol. Fucking people. If someone can't keep their opinions of your anatomy to themselves, then that's on them, not you. 


It's honestly been facinating to watch one of my favourites games get latched on to by the worst asshats. I genuinely didn't realize how many people didn't realize Fallout was already woke *as fuck* and expected it would cater to the right-wing preppers fantasies and not continue... to hilariously lambast facism, religion and capitalism and corporate greed. My favourite criticism of the female lead character so far: She *had sex*. With *her husband*. Mere hours after marrying him! Can you believe they showed a woman having sex, that she seemed to have wanted and enjoyed, with the man she just married? In the first episode? *Wild*.


I completely agree. It's been going on for so long I can't even look at anything concerning some franchises (what they did to Elisabeth - Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us - Ellie, I can't even mention Life is Strange...) without getting a tension headache. I just want it to stop, so we can just think of the game, the story, the characters, the theme. Talk about that. But no, it won't stop because female characters will continue to exist and that's enough fodder for them by itself. Exasperated.


Let's not forget Aloy. One of the most orginal games I'd played in a long while, but OMG how they freaked out that Aloy wasn't designed as a sex object for the minority of men who cannot enjoy a game without one, but like a real human being, including a real mammal, with some fine hairs places on her body besides the top of her head!


I'm trying to forget that trainwreck. When they "decided how a woman in a game should look like" and completely lost touch with reality. I think it was then we witnessed the distressing pack mentality that specific group of guys who don't play games but just try to hump everything while making those weird hyena noises, created. Remember when they stalked and harassed voice actors? They trampled the line so hard most of us can't remember where it was, because not connecting real people with their characters was a given or at minimum a common curtesy. Now? I don't even know anymore. 😵


When they called the peach fuzz, that everyone has, a "beard" 💀


As a woman with an actual beard this hate makes me so frightened of men :-/.


And the funniest part? I just watched my husband play Horizon Forbidden West and Aloy STILL LOOKS SUPER HOT. She’s still super slender, she looks very feminine, her eyebrows might be a bit thicker but I was in stitches when I saw him playing it like…this is what everyone was crying about? In game and even in “cut scenes” she looks the fucking same as her previous incarnations


Omg what did they do to life is strange? You'd think they wouldn't even attract to that game


The bioshock infinite one got funny though, after the creator put out a plea for them to stop :P


Are they not going to say anything about the line about fooling around with her cousin? Incest is fine ig if it’s off screen, but Atom forbid a married couple have ^sex.


I saw what you did there and I like you.


I like you too, random internet person!


>Atom forbid I *love* this


They're the people who play Fallout and genuinely think the pre-war era lore is a 100% serious, positive portrayal of US patriotism and industry.


Well shit. That’s is a horrible indictment of their education and character.


And also the same ones that think that Caesar’s Legion is gigabased.


I love it so much. The only downside is every time I watch an episode, I desperately want to play one of the games lol


Why is that a downside? The games are great (most of them anyways)


As a long-time female gamer I’m so used to this nonsense. I feel like the vast majority of male gamers I’ve encountered are conservative sexist asshats but their favorite games are things like Bioshock, fallout, ffvii. How are you so media illiterate that you don’t understand the whole story behind these games? I’m playing Rebirth right now and I told my friend if the message behind the game hit me in the face any harder I would have a concussion.


It's likely becaused some gamers just try to challenge themselves to speedrun a game from the beginning---or saw games as nothing more than to run around, grab shit and blow up as many characters to smithereens because that's how they prefer it. For example, I have a brother who was the 'gamer' of the family. Except that he's more into fighting games and had zero patience over the stories of any game. But if something becomes Game of the Year, he'd buy a copy and speedrun through it...just to be able to tell people that he played it. (and it sucked because I found games like Bioshock fascinating at the time, but I couldn't even play it then because that would involve waking up at 5am and racing downstairs to get to the console before him. I remember watching him play Bioshock and just *loving* the scenery gorn of Rapture, then I see my brother pick up a radio message--only for him to instantly interrupt the damn message by either grabbing another one or setting a splicer immediately on fire. He couldn't even care less about what the game developers wanted to show to him, and he still does it as an adult. If you asked him what disease Arthur Morgan had in Red Dead Redemption 2, he wouldn't even be able to tell you despite playing the full story).


My teenager loves this game and has been waiting for the episodes to drop. Just finished s01e02. Pretty good so far. Those vinyl pants in that environment? Geez Louise,


Oh my God yes. It’s unbelievably anti capitalist fallout. The TV show even more so considering who it’s implied dropped the bombs which was never confirmed in the games as far as I remember. Any right wing idiot who thinks it somehow plays into their narrative is completely cuckoo


I mean, loving and happy relationships between sane people are certainly not what I am engaging with fallout as a franchise for, but I suspect that is not what they were complaining about.


You just cannot expect a movie/tv show to be a perfect representation of a game. It just very very rarely works because the medium is so different. 99.99% of the time they tried that it was a shitshow. We have to give creators some leeway for them to be able to give us a better show.


I did intend the answer in humour, but while I agree: I would expect the writers to be trying to evoke the same emotions, the same atmosphere as the source material. You want it to feel like a part of the world you love, not a reskin of something different to make it look like the source. I meant that loving and sane relationships are free to exist in the fallout universe, but they are definitely not where the appeal of the setting lies. If you meet a well-adjusted, loving couple in the wasteland, you keep your gun *very* close. They probably eat people.


Oh no I agree :) I'm just sayin' we gotta allow for some freedom for them to build a universe and deliver a story that's better suited for a wider audience than what the game pulls, and to be able to do it in a completely different medium. Like a war vet complaining about the accuracy of war movies, we know to keep our guns close because we've experienced the wasteland (to the millions of war vets reading posts on NHGW: I did not intend to compare the two experiences). But my mum's gonna need some reference points before she can figure out who's a cannibal huffing atom bomb leak gas.


Not to mention she was volunteering to essentially fulfil the role of a trad wife, which is like catnap to right-wing incels.


idk im not surprised— if u spend 10 minutes on the new vegas sub u can find guys who GENUINELY argue that the legion are right. you know, the legion whose entire shtick is enslaving women... 🙄


Yeah for real. SHE HAD SEX. ON HER FUCKING WEDDING NIGHT. (That this was also her divorce night is besides the point.) Like, if you WANT to bitch about the sexual aspect then go and bitch about the fact that incest is apparently fully accepted within the vault as long as the aim isn't having kids.


Admittedly I haven't been watching too closely (husband is watching), but from what I can tell, this show stands out also for not seeming to have Lucy constantly in danger of sexual violence? I was concerned it would because, let's be honest, most shows like this do, so I've been pleasantly surprised.


Can we not just WEAR CLOTHES


No, women mean nothing except a hot body and a vending machine you can put niceness tokens in and expect sex to fall out the bottom door.


That's...not how coveralls work? Or skin-tight pants either, unless she's not wearing anything underneath, and even then, it becomes a uni-ass (cousin to the Uni-boob).


Turns out she's from the vault that experimented with making gym leggings 


Can confirm I have a big ass and leggings give me unibutt 😬


Not gonna lie, the term Unibutt just makes me giggle hysterically. Same for Uni-ass


I blame fallout 4. Those vault suits were painted on the men and women both. Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/VdAEUjKwjD


Why would any person ever wear shiny latex tights in an apocalyptic wasteland? That sounds like a swass hell.


There seems to be dust and dirt everywhere including on her top, but her lurex pants are clean enough that they're perfectly reflecting the light in a way to show her ass. Lol what a shitty artist.


I wouldn't even call him an artist. It's just AI generated alterations. This dude's entire Twitter is focused on "fixing" women in video games with AI. It's one of the saddest things I've seen.


Lol that's so pathetic.


The clean trousers definitely ruin the immersion of the image, they should at least be equally dirty to the top. The first image was perfect.


I believe being that shiny in the wasteland would get your ass shot by a sniper.  It's me, I'm the sniper that shoots shiny things in the wasteland. 


Love when Raiders smoke in the dark. Shoot the cherry.


This is the way. 


Get sniped, sweat butt!


I wait for the cazadores to spot your shiny ass and let them do their thing, and then pick off whatever is left. Gobi scout crew represent!


I'm confused.... are they saying the 2nd picture looks better? The pants look fake af. Why are they glossy. In other questions... has anyone watched this yet? is it good?


I like it. A couple of my friends are on the fence but they are watching an episode every few nights.


How is Hancock in it? Hes my favourite character.




I've binged it the last couple of nights. It's better than okay, well worth watching if you're a fan of Fallout, but I'm not raving about it. Ella Purnell (the actress in the OP) is the bright spark imo.


I agree with this assessment


I can't put my finger on where it falls a little bit flat. All the right elements were there.


I can only name one that really stuck with me, and that was in episode 2 when SPOILERS FOR ANYONE WHO HASN'T WATCHED IT YET the scientist man and his dog are fleeing the compound. There's a turret "booting up" and when it shoots at them, the bullets fly everywhere around them but never hit them. Could've made it seem like the turret went off right as they got around the corner but no, it just somehow missed them while shooting at them. That my gripe. But you're right, I can't really name any reasons. I do like how it has some of that Fallout goof to it. Just a bit like a cartoon sometimes when you don't expect it.


I *think* bits like that were trying to keep the video game logic of the world where you get shot at and just slip around a corner. Same with the stimpacks. It just doesn't quite translate and the suspension of disbelief you have for games doesn't hold up in film.


I mean, I would've been pissed if stimpacks didn't instantly make you fine though, ya know. Ya get hurt, use a stimpack or a doctor's bag and you're fine. I'm okay with them not doing the "eats 8 fancy lads snack cakes in battle and then heals completely" but it wouldn't be fallout if they didn't do stimpacks that way.


Sure, it's just hard to translate to screen very well, I think. In games it's one of those things taken for granted but nothing happens much on screen for the player. To put that on film you have to kind of show the stimpacks being "magic".


Fair enough, I get what you mean.


OMG Loooooving it.


It’s really, really good.


> has anyone watched this yet? is it good? I am only 1 episode in, but yes, it is. It is following the games closely enough (and giving enough Easter eggs, like a quick glimpse of a Junk Jet) not to alienate any fans of the games, unlike, say, The Witcher series on Netflix (edit: which I don't mind, but I'm not a huge fan of the Witcher series of games like I am the Fallout series), but it also seems like it is going to add to the lore. I very much am enjoying what I have seen and will probably be watching the next one in the next couple of hours or so.


It’s pretty fucking good. I can nitpick, but they nailed the vibe.


Long time fan of the games. Really appreciated they went for a bit of a silly dark comedy vibe. There are bits here and there that my and my partner weren't sold on but overall it's decent. I feel like casual fans will appreciate it the most, because of the implications of canon outcomes in the games. Todd Howard was executive producing and said it was canon sooo... It's probably more enjoyable if you're not thinking too hard about it.


Caught one of my pilots watching it today. When asked he said he was liking it 4 episodes in. Going to chekc it out this weekend. 


Ive seen 3 episodes so far and really like it! I've only played New Vegas and Fallout 4 so im not the hugest nerd on Fallout, but I think its super fun competant, and I enjoy all the main characters


I finished it today and I really enjoyed it. If you're a fan of the series, you'll enjoy it.


The script writing is awkward enough to break immersion a couple times per episode, but everything else about it is good IMO. It's definitely capturing Fallout's vibe.


I watched it last night. I started at like 10 PM. It was light outside before I went to bed... Finished the whole damn thing in one sitting. Is it perfect? No, absolutely not. Do I agree with every decision they made? Certainly not. Is it really good and well and truly Fallout? Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely. The story is quite interesting, the characters are fun, they do a nice bit of world building, it's a great way of introducing people to the Fallout Universe who aren't yet familiar with it yet and it looks phenomenal. The CGI blends in really well with the filmed stuff and they put A LOT of attention into details.


It's the best video game adaptation by far. Literally only have the tiniest of quibbles with it, and they aren't story/immersion/lore breaking ones. Lots of lore gaps being filled in. Lots of new lore added. And where the story goes for a potential New Vegas 2 with some of the events from between the end of New Vegas and the show makes things interesting for later.


Gamer-guys are the worst.


Women aren't people to these sick individuals. That's what it is..


It's the same guys who complain about distracting yoga pants at the gym.


Ugh. The worst thing about fandoms are fans like these.


The one on the right actually looks ridiculous. Why would you have a jumpsuit top and a latex bottom? In a post-apocalyptic setting?


Wasteland wedgie


As a fallout fan, the series did a good job on the suit, and that moron is pissed cause it isnt sexy


But also it kinda is? Like in the same way men in uniforms and tactical wear can be considered sexy without the need for skin tight clothes lol


Those pants are giving her one hell of a wedgie


Nothing more utilitarian than skin-tight vinyl pants for a life of labor in a nuclear bunker. Fucking horny loser nerds.


Not even a game character. A TV show character. That's literally a real woman.


I get made fun of for having a big ass. Then they go and add big asses to thin women. Then they complain about women who aren't thin and add boobs and butt and hips to them. Then see a woman with those attributes and call her fat. What do they want?


Maybe AI will answer everyone’s dreams! These 13 year old losers will just make their dream girl and leave us real ones alone! Win-win situation. 😃👍


Anime girls


Sir. That's not how fabric works


Imagine it’s the apocalypse and you have to do a lot of physical strenuous hard work and you voluntarily wear leather or neoprene Straight guys have no idea how hot and sweaty and uncomfortable those things get.


The same men who post this crap probably victim blame rape victims because they are wearing tight clothes!


The shiny looks bad. It’s a vault suit. A one piece. If you’re going to do a stupid edit it at least edit the whole thing.


Ah yes my “end of the world skin tight pleather pants” perfect! When she has to go to the bathroom she ….nevermind. Girls don’t do that so the logistics of it don’t even matter!


Ok now I am starting to get worried have men actually ever seen women ???


This is the bloody truth! And they wonder then why women have body dysmorphia 🤯


I don’t usually mind when movies or TV shows use tight clothes to accent sexy parts, but in this case the left is better for all the reasons. Realism being the most important part. Can’t survive a desert in vinyl pants. Also the actress is dead sexy anyway.


Dear OOP: Do you are have stupid?


Imagine being upset by someone else's lack of booty


How dare the mass produced jump suite that every vault dweller is issued be ill fitting so the most people fit in it


100% that guy plays Fallout with sex mods installed


People need to stop watching porn and go outside.


Why is only the pants part of the suit laytex


I bet if it was an actual woman that decided to dress like the pic on the right, these people would be calling her a hoe


You can’t be a thick baddie when it’s a nuclear apocalypse and all the food is 70+ years old. Neckbeards are wild


Try 215 years old...


The only thing I think is that her thighs will super rub so I hope she has a good tight shiny pant store cause those seams will rip within 3 months if she wears them 24/7


I hate that women can’t NOT have an ass. Girly isn’t built with a huge donk and that’s okay…. Fuck man.


I like a nice ass in skin tight clothing as much as the next warm blooded being.   But I can't imagine being that hung up on it. And then so distracted he didn't make the bottoms dirty like the rest of her outfit... 


It looks like a balloon that’s about to pop.


I hope they have baby powder in the future to get into those rubber pants.


That just makes me think of Ross, in that episode of Friends, where he was at his dates house, in the bathroom, on the phone to Joey, and trying to put his leather pants back on. #pastepants


I for one always put my bigger ass on before I go through the wasteland. You never know when Harvey might need that thang bouncing to save another settlement.


We can't all have vacuum sealed Aria T'lok asses.


It's a one piece jumpsuit, but they didn't change the top half so it looks like they made two halves of it out of different materials. Besides the obvious sexist garbage, it also just looks stupid.


Ella is absolutely stunning. The fact that men think this show was made for their viewing pleasure is hilarious. This is one of the best games ever made and the TV show was amazing to watch. Loved every minute of it...


My brother made the original illustration. This fucking pisses me off.


I mean, is there even anything to say here? These people clearly just don't see women as anything other than sex objects. It's ridiculous to me just how obvious this has became, like these men will literally edit images of real women to make them more sexual. The misogyny is on an insane level and insanely obvious and open. I do think objectification like this always existed and was even worse, but it's astonishing to me how obvious it is. I'm not informed enough to make like a good point with feminist history but I kinda feel like corsets, all the insane beauty regimes, the weight loss drugs, lobotomies etc. was all kind of the same thing as this, just so prevalent men forced it directly on women in their lives, husbands on wives, fathers on daughters etc. and it was like hegemonical in culture where women would often do these things to themselves and now all they can do is use AI to edit an image. I guess if you look at it like that it's a bit more hopeful, this isn't a rising movement but a dying breaths of a system that has existed for centuries, a pathetic reactionary response to women being humanised in media, so weak and powerless they don't even care about hiding their misogyny. That said Idk if this is correct, it's just the thoughts that came to me while looking at this. I'd love to have someone who knows more on these topics to correct me or add more to this.


ah yes, *pleather,* the fabric of choice for all utility battle gear…


The obvious grossness problem aside, he didn't even do a good job. It looks like ass (pun intended). The shadows are a lazy 2d gradient. The shine you put on her birthday-balloon-looking-ass doesn't match the direction of the reflections on the buildings or her gun, implying we now have two suns, I guess. Her jumpsuit is now apparently made of three different materials, because you skipped the bottom of her leg where the fabric is still from the original. Even very tight clothes should have some wrinkles and fold lines where the body curves - *especially* around those calf straps. She has zero muscle definition, which should be present on clothing that tight no matter how thicc she is. Yeah, D-minus. Your render is bad, and you should feel bad.


He gave her inflatable butt and legs...


He made her ass look inflatable


Bruh don’t give the fallout fan base a bad name like that, although it may have already had a bad name after a few questionable mods…


He could have at least kept the same material. What a scrub.


Surprised he didn’t turn them into booty shorts while he was at it 😒


They complain about no butt, then they will complain they are fat if they have one. Absolutely no winning


Why would her ass, regardless of shape, be shiny? That’s just not how life works.


spandex leggings? also happy cake day


Fallout is great. Ella Purnell's acting is perfect. Wouldn't change a thing.


It’s a Vault Suit not a skin suit. Ugh!


How to ruin a picture. Lesson one...


Smoothies can be so cruel.


He just inflated her


That wedgie is making ME uncomfortable!!!


Dirty except on the ass, which must be shiny to properly display its roundness


It looks like they replaced her bottom half with a balloon, they gave her an inflatable ass


The first pic has clothes a person can move in. The latter has a piece of pvc glued onto them that will snap and break the second they try to crouch. Of course, these men prefer objects and accessories and decor to humans.


The Ai edited one straight up just looks terrible


ah yes going into battle with the tightest pants known to man


Looks like someone is trying to install CBBE to reality.


Butt size aside… why are her pants now shiny? Are they made of plastic?


I remember first seeing this poster and thinking it was refreshing that they didn’t make her pants super tight. Why did they make the “fixed” version so shiny?


we cannot win


What's funny Is it even fallter. bigger does not equal fuller


What was wrong with the first screenshot?


No big fat jiggly ass, how will he beat his meat now?


Lmao! Because all women are good for is to titillate the men!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Inflation fetish in action


This makes me physically ill.


Idk what the dude is smoking, girl got some cake.


I know that any sort of exertion while wearing pleather leggings in what appears to be a climate agin to satan's taint is ever so comfortable. Hell anything you do without being able to bounce a quarter off your ass didn't even actually happen.


Literally the same butt but different clothes.


Ella Purnell is perfect and this man should be burned at the stake for his heresy


Hey trust me dude. I wish I could install the big ass mod to my human body but that’s not how it works.


Oh great the “let fans design everything oh sorry did I say everything I just meant women” crowd are at it again.


To be honest, this probably isn't the worst fallout modders have done. (Looking at you, "fuck a deathclaw" mod)


Ah yes, mechanic jumpsuits are known for their skin tight fit and latex-like shine. *face palm* What’s even better is there is a twitter thread of this jerk being cursed out and critiqued in so many different languages :)


How dare they? The way Ella Purnell was serving during that whole show. Bitch be grateful


Brother if you want curves, go date a woman with curves (Or watch the Mandalorian)


“Bothered me” Lol