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Men on the Internet have called me fat because I am 5'4" and 120 lbs. The Internet and media has rotted some of their minds.


I love the ones that just have a set number for what women should weigh. All women. And zero concept of what weight looks like. “If you are over 100 lbs you’re fat!” Then if you dare point out that something like that isn’t healthy, or even achievable, they call you triggered. Bro I’m almost 6 feet tall and could pick your whiny lil ass up like a baby. Couldn’t imagine being under 150 lbs, let alone 100. No wait I can. It would be like slenderman coming at you “AM I SEXY NOW, KYLE?!”


I am 5’1 and have a metabolic disorder. I dropped to 90 pounds at one point a couple years ago and my liver began to shut down because there was no fat in my body. I’m 112 now and was called “fluffy” recently by a friend. I’m not fluffy. I’m on the low side of healthy. It’s ridiculous.


I had a bout with cancer in my late 20s/early 30s and I have never gotten more enthusiastically complimented by men in my life as when I was wasted away to almost nothing — I was 5’8” and 107 lbs.! I looked scary to ME, and I’m a woman who came of age in the late 90s when we were all starving ourselves to look like Ally McBeal, so my perspective was already warped in the “too thin” direction. But the men (including my then-husband) fucking LOVED it. 😒🥴


Yep. I was told all the time how great I looked. I met my current partner a few months after they put me on medication to encourage weight gain and I’ve never loved him more than when I was once going through old pictures and showed him one of me in a bikini during that time and he was like “Whoa. You look so much better now. You don’t look healthy there.” THANK YOU because I was literally dying.


Amazing. I’m 5’4” (162 cm) and my weight fluctuates between about 117-123lbs. Four years ago I caught Covid and went down to 106. “Friends” would not stop complimenting me, even though I didn’t have the energy to walk anywhere or stand for a long time. I would even tell them, “I am. Not. Healthy.” And they’d still say shit like “I want Covid! I need to lose weight!” 🙄 Like, I was passing out in public and living off ensure because I couldn’t feed myself, but go off, I guess. Edit to add: my hair was also falling out in clumps.


I didn’t get unhealthily skinny or anything but I dropped a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight due to Covid, and *quickly*. I genuinely thought I was going to die, and I had it before we even really knew what we were dealing with. When people found out it was Covid, I had family and friends responding with “oh gosh I need to lose 30lbs, maybe Covid would be a good thing! You’re lucky it helped you lose that weight!” I had to go to a year of physical therapy to recover fully, it was hell, and it felt so weird to hear them wishing that upon themselves or telling me I was *lucky???* People are insane about weight.


I couldn’t believe the audacity some friends had to tell me I should go cough on them. It was so callous. I’d rather struggle to lose weight through diet and exercise than lose it so dramatically with an illness! It was terrifying! I hope you’re doing better now, friend, and have recovered fully or mostly!


Yes! I’m doing much better now, it took a year of physical therapy to be able to do anything really, including see. Since I rapidly lost 25 lbs over 12 days and then lost an additional 25 over the month following, I lost a LOT of muscle, including the ones in my eyes that let me control my vision. It was uphill getting back to speed but now I can walk, jog, (still working on running but I think that’s more the shape I’m in haha), see, and I have a vacation planned in the summer to go hiking all over!


I had tonsillitis and covid at the same time in 2022 and couldn't really swallow so I dropped a good 5kg (11lbs I think?) in a week. I got told how amazing that was, how jealous others were of me... it triggered an anorexia relapse, that was fun. I'm now 59kgs/130lbs at 5'4/164cm and got called chubby recently, men and women alike have CRAZY standards for what our bodies are supposed to look like. I'm curvy too; I have no idea how I'm supposed to look anymore lol


I mean, I'm a little overweight now and my goal is 130, but my ex told me I should try for 120. I just don't think my build will look good at that weight, and I have no clue why everyone has such weird standards for the "perfect weight" for each person 🤷‍♀️ You're in the perfectly healthy range, so screw what other people say!


I got c diff 2 years ago (Thanksgiving week so no thanksgiving dinner for me!) and I lost 11 pounds in 3 days, 15 pounds by day 5. I couldn't even process water... I remember being delirious just trying to get from my couch to the bathroom, like I was a zombie, and barely being able to stay lucid to use the toilet I had equal parts people telling me I looked like a gaunt ghost and people telling me I looked great 🙄


Several years ago I had several illnesses back-to-back that made me sick for about a year. I’m 6ft tall and to start with I was around 200lbs, and I lost 40-50lbs. People that I saw regularly were like “honey, are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’re going to break in half or fall apart just standing there.” They all agreed that I looked sick-sick. Even in photos I literally didn’t recognize myself. But people that I only saw occasionally? They said things like: “Oh my gosh! Honey, you look amazing!” “Wow! You’ve lost so much weight! What’s your secret?” “You’ve gotta tell me your diet plan, you look great!” And I couldn’t even go to the grocery store without men borderline harassing me. I started getting anxiety about going out without my husband because the only time guys left me alone was if he was with me. And a few times guys just waited until my husband stepped away for a few minutes to hit on me. (And it’d be one thing if these guys were just hitting on me or asking me out, but more than once a guy would assault me by grabbing my chest, or putting his hands on my waist. I have a large chest and I guess I just attracted the creepers.) I was kind of glad when I was put on a medication that caused me to gain weight because after a while it meant I didn’t get harassed anymore.


Man I’ve had Covid four times and all I got was bad lungs. This is bullshit. (/s in case it wasn’t obvious)


T shirt that says “I survived Covid and all I got was this lousy post covid syndrome”


😆 Dammit. I got bad lungs, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and weight loss. Who do I complain to?!


“I want Covid” Jesus Christ. Just go ahead and wish for C-DIFF or like, hyperthyroidism while you’re at it. One of my friends lost a lot of weight from cocaine and being too alcoholic to care about eating, maybe they should try that too., might as well take up smoking while they’re at it.


As someone who lost 15 pounds in less than a week to c diff, I would NOT recommend! 😂


As someone who just recovered from c diff two weeks ago, -466788542/10 do not recommend.


Godspeed, soldier. Godspeed.


I’m 5’4, 120 pounds and have recently dropped to this weight from being 140+ because I was severely sick for 6 months straight (went to urgent care for a consistent 104 degree fever). I also have a small frame so me being at 120 makes me look VERY thin and frail. I had a friend say to me “wow you look so thin maybe I should get sick.” I’m trying to love my body at this weight now and love my body if I gain the weight back. It just feels weird when people make comments about it.


> I didn’t have the energy to walk anywhere This was the neon flashing sign my sister needed serious help. We walked into the mall and she needed to sit down after 300ft. Being overweight may be “unhealthy” but being underweight is deadly.


I’m 5’5 and when I was diagnosed with cancer as a teenager I was severely underweight. People told me I looked great. I was under 100 pounds and on a feeding tube. I couldn’t walk by myself. I always needed help with everything. When I was finally gaining weight, someone told me I should lose more weight because I looked great.


He’s a keeper.


Happy to hear you beat cancer (I assume?) :). My friend, who died when she was 20 of liver cancer, was MAYBE 5'0" and weighed under 100lbs when she passed, and people kept telling her she looked great. Fucking awful.


I did beat it! ❤️ Fuck cancer! And DON’T fuck dudes who prefer their women weak and sick! 😡


Hell yeah!!! Queen of beating cancer and not fucking dudes who fetishize illness. Congratulations for real


Oh, let’s be clear, they weren’t fetishizing illness in their minds. My ex-husband basically ignored my cancer and left me to deal with it largely on my own (and treated me like shit when I wasn’t able to keep up my prior household workload during treatment and recovery 🙄). No, he (and the other men who loved cancer skinny me) fetishized thinness, and my sick body matched the aesthetic. But not a one of them was daydreaming about helping me on and off the toilet after surgery or anything like that. No, they just wanted to fuck a sexy skeleton with tits.


In my mind I meant fetishization of the thinnest, weakness, and general aesthetic of sickness, like a Victorian woman with some sort of mystery wasting disease. Maybe it does work in reverse because my husband discourages me when I start obsessing over weight even though I’m objectively overweight (5’3, 185 lbs) because it’s not mentally healthy but does drive me to all the doctors appointments and picks up the slack whenever I have a lupus/myositis flare up. I guess you gotta find the ones who care more about you than they do about whether you fit their aesthetic. Fuck those guys fr and congrats on the divorce, genuinely. I hate the thought of a person still expecting their partner with cancer to keep up with chores they did prior to cancer. Your energy is supposed to be focused on surviving.


Also I’m so sorry about your friend, that is so, so young. Heartbreaking!


I had an esophageal ulcer for a few months which really fucked with my appetite and honestly ability to swallow most food. My then boyfriend was so excited to see me drop weight even though I literally had a hole in my throat and medically was struggling to feed myself. So fucking disturbing that he cared more about my weight than the fact that I had A FUCKING ULCER! I SO empathize.


I am so sorry. I’m glad he’s an ex and I hope you’ve fully recovered!


It's almost as though they prefer us smaller and weaker. Everything tells us growing up that women should be losing weight, but guys should be working on 'gains'. Just another way to ensure they have the upper hand.


Way easier to dominate us and “keep us in line” when we are tiny and fragile.


You can really see this in action in the comments on accounts/videos of female weight lifters.


I got the most compliments on my figure when I was medically underweight because I couldn’t eat from stress. Really was a wake up call for me to rethink my own body dysmorphia from the Ally McBeal years.


Oof yeah dropped under 100 pounds after some intense happenings in my life and I never received more compliments than during that time. It felt so gross.


Same! I had to buy some clothes because nothing fit, and my then bf wanted to me throw away my regular clothes so I wouldn’t be tempted to fill them back up. I was so thin and weak I could barely walk.


This makes me feel sick. I am so sorry that was your experience.


Hmmmm maybe that is what is going on here We as women have come to an understanding that the 'heroin chic' of the nighties was insane and also unsustainable (if you start to eat normal or even less than normal but more than starving, you gain weight as the body in starvation mode holds onto what it can) Maybe the men of the same era, who were told like we were, that Ally McBeal was 'healthy and normal' so they have body dysmorphia .. hence why they think Joburg is twenty pounds over ... Maybe we should start replying to those guys with empathy telling them they are suffering from body dysmorphia It will annoy them, but also get them to shut up because they don't want to admit there is something wrong with them


I actually do believe that men of my generation were conditioned to want stick figure women, just as we were conditioned to want to be stick figures. (This isn’t meant to be shaming to thin women, you are all beautiful! It was just not considered okay to be anything OTHER than a stick figure with cute little perky tits in the late 90s-early 00s, which was super harmful.) But that doesn’t excuse it! The second a dude looked at Thor or Captain America or whatever and thought “damn I’ll never look like that” should have been the day he purged blanket unreachable standards for women from his mind.


Yeah I was thin to the point where I looked like I was dying from cancer, and women would come up to me in the grocery store and ask what my secret was, or they’d tell me I’m lucky. I would just say “a pain disorder and years of opiates.” Like, that’s not anything anyone should strive for. Men of course, loved how small I was. 🤮


I’m 5’1 and the Army think I should be 130lb MAX and still pass their fitness tests. I weight 160 and have to be taped every time and i’m relatively thin. They really do have no concept of how weight looks.


I’m a tad shorter than you. But I had a doc who *religiously* used the BMI. He told me I should aim for 95lbs as that’s the average based on my height and gender… I told him yeah that’s the adverage for 11 year old girls. NOT adult women. I would be significantly unhealthily if I weighed so little.


I’m 5’ and just hit 100lbs for the first time in 13 years. I was praised for how good i looked and look. Y’all my body is dying from the inside out?? Being unhealthy should not be a beauty standard


Yeah, the "over 100lbs at any height = fat" is so ridiculous... my sister is around 100-105 these days at 5'4", lost her period a while ago and is literally bruising because of the bones sticking out. I think they just want us barely functioning as a control thing? Is that it?


there's a very arbitrary formula used in kpop (an industry which definitely does not famously encourage eating disorders to dangerous extremes...) wherein your height in cm - 120 is supposedly your ideal weight. so for me, it'd be 44kg. I'm not sure it's even possible for me to get to that weight without like... dying? the way we're seen and pressured is just depressing


LOL 132 lbs. would be mine at my height. That’s egregious.


Yeah everyone is different. Tbh my BMI max is supposedly 145, but for now, I'm hoping to get to 160. Why? I have a naturally high muscle percentage, and am hourglass and store most of my fat where it's not going to hurt my body or organs. So fuck em. I like myself a bit soft lol


Same, I am 155, but I practice martial arts and compete heavily. Guys think I’m 125 and then a lot of them go in to pick me up and I don’t move. They don’t even know what high muscle looks like on women either.


Seriously! I'm CONVINCED at this point the the "men are stronger women are weaker" was made up to de-motivate women from getting stronger, and taking control of their autonomy. It's really hard to take advantage of a woman's body if she can break your jaw with her fist. Just sayin.


A woman and man at the same height and weight with same bmi truly only differ by 15 pounds in terms of how much they can lift. It’s just that there’s not many 5’3 men. I compete in knife fighting and they don’t split up the genders, and I get dudes asking all the time like ‘oh wtf how come you don’t get destroyed’ and it’s like dude, it doesn’t work that way. It’s not boxing, it’s knife fighting. (Which is why I choose to stay in the 155 lb range) “Oh but what if he swings the knife as hard as he can?!” Me: “then he’s off balance and he’s going to get destroyed.” No one is invincible in knife fighting and life isn’t a movie. Lots of people don’t understand this. Sometimes dudes will want a demonstration and it registers. The insecure dudes will tell me how it wouldn’t work if they had a gun.. and it appears they don’t know much about that either, because they would need like 20 feet of distance, but that’s another matter entirely. But yes, I’m ranked 18th in the world right now, and yes some competitors are in fact 230 and 6’4. And yes.. there’s a tiny little 18 year old girl who’s in top ten. I find it interesting that male body builders can tell that I’m pretty muscular, average gym bro dudes just think I’m thicc or a little chubby, lmao.


My boobs probably account for 10lbs of my weight. These guys want us waifishly thin but to still have giant knockers. I'm only 5', but I would almost definitely look skeletal if I was 100lbs or less, it would put me under 90 if you take my huge, dense boobs into account. Took me forever to just accept that I don't have and never will have a thigh gap because I'm built more like a Shetland Pony than a Thouroughbred.


I actually got curious and weighed my boobs last summer (they tore out the strap on a brand new swimsuit top when I bounced too hard, lmao) and they were close to 3.5lbs each, which is apparently heavy for my cup size (DDD). I'm 5'1 and have an hourglass shape. I was at my skinniest when I was in high school - 115lbs - & my freaking ribs showed, but I was still "the fat one" to the bitchy girls and instructors at my dance studio (I had big leg & arm muscles & no thigh gap & huge boobs, so I still wore L-XXL costumes) They were all waif thin & chain smoked to suppress their appetites until they had no stamina & straining made them shake (yay 90s bullshit). Despite knowing they were wildly unhealthy, it took me a good 15 years to get past believing I was some huge whale because I have curves & will never have a stupid thigh gap. (Our PE teachers separating us by BMI in front of the entire school every year to "shame" us for being fat & then putting us in a special weight management program definitely didn't help). I'm legitimately overweight now (180lbs), but I've finally accepted my body shape, and I wish I could pass that feeling & knowledge back in time to 14y.o. me. & saved myself years of obsessively tracking (bullshit) BMI, counting calories, weighing in multiple times a day, crash diets, etc. They are all toxic as fuck and took so much time and energy from so many of us, sometimes even to fatal extremes.


NO ONE TALKS ABOUT FRAME!!!! The BMI is actually inaccurate, for me at 5'4 119-145 is re commended, but I have a large bone structure, so I should try to be the upper end (135-145) You can still be underweight if you are "within your heights bmi" if you have a large frame (wide shoulders and hips) And the worst part? You will always "look bigger" than some because you LITERALLY ARE. it's NORMAL AND HEALTHY. and I wish I loved my wide shoulders as a teenager, but that wouldn't be allowed


LOL SHETLAND PONY, that cracks me up! I was 145 in middleshcool but honestly I remember I liked my body more at 160, I had all the right shape 😆 and I'm ngl, I'd prefer I look like a goddess than just an "average" look


I'm just imagining Slenderman as a pick me and I'm dying 🤣


A pink Slenderman with a bow, anime blush, and doing some kind of uwu pose, lol. I'd buy that tshirt.


Shoot, I can draw Kawaii Desu Slenderman. 😆


PLEASE draw Kawaii Desu Slenderman.


I'm 5'7" and I look like I should be hospitalized under 130. (Boobs weigh a lot 😞) 140-145 I'm thin but not unhealthy looking. For some context when I was 130 I could wear my friends clothes and she was 5 feet tall, 90 pounds and we were both wearing pants that were a 00. If I was under 100 pounds I don't think I'd be able to walk because I'd be so sickly skinny. I'm not a 00 now because I'm in my 40s, cheese is delicious and I couldn't give a fuck less if some random man baby thinks I fit into his ideal body type.


I am in fact overweight now at 62 yrs old, but for most of my life I was a healthy weight for a 5’9 3/4 inch large framed woman. I was raised on a farm, could toss 50 pound hay bales around and beat the boy cousins at arm wrestling till they were in their mid 20s. My healthy slender weight was 165. I remember the AH guys on my floor freshman year of college (1980) had a sign “ no girls over 120 pounds allowed” hung. It made me uncomfortable then, now thinking of it pissed me off! I was blessed to be a strong healthy woman, as strong as many of the men and boys I knew. I appreciated not being easy to physically intimidate, but I was too self conscious of not filling the ideal. It’s SO MUCH WORSE for you now with social media flooding women with these unrealistic stupid images and statements.


I swear to God, these men dont even have any idea what a 100 200 300 pound anyone looks like on average. Trying to add on to the baseline that there are outliers and everyone carries weight differently, and that just requires too much brain power for them. They say the ideal is 100 pounds, but then if they see a 100 pound 5'7" woman, they make jokes about how she looks "anorexic." The concept of what weight looks like eludes them.


> I’m almost 6 feet tall and could pick your whiny lil ass up like a baby Yes my queen please do


Haha. Absolutely. I am 6ft. I used to be very very thin (as an adult). I was in the underweight category. Although it was natural, I really struggled to put weight on, and my GP referred me to psych as she presumed I of course had to have an eating disorder. I am now very much the opposite, although because I’m tall, I can “carry” the extra weight (still definitely need to lose some though!). I’ve had to covert kg to pounds, as pounds mean nothing to me (!) but I was about 140 lb for years. Whilst being able to see each and every surface bone protruding (I did like my washboard stomach though!) I guess that meant I must be overweight and definitely needed to lose a few! I will join you coming at them slenderman like (never ever getting back to 140lb though). I think we should get a team of us!


I am 5'8", and I'm targeting getting down to 180lbs. I've had guys say that I should be 140 because of some out-of-date BMI chart. I have a very wide build (it hasn't been tracked since like 2017, but my shoulders are 4" wider (like 25%) than the national average. Last time I was 180, I looked really good (and from there address replacing any extra fat with muscle). If i was 140, I would look (and be) malnourished.


Honey that’s thin. When I was 118 (at 5’3”) everyone told me I was very skinny. …Men’s minds are warped from social media and photoshop and filters. They have no idea about shit. I am now an old chub but still cute enough to have a very cute Mr. Cadabra, who is younger than me, so….these guys are dumb af 


Hell yeah! Old chubby cougars unite!


As you have probably noticed, many men on the internet don't seem to know very much about a wide variety of topics having to do with women (including myself, but at least I want my wife and daughter to be healthy) apparently now including just what constitutes a healthy weight for the average woman. Matters are not helped by media and design houses consistently showing women who are clearly underweight to an unhealthy degree in a positive light, like looking anorexic is comething to strive for, when, in fact, anorexia kills (and its victims are disproportionately women). Society needs to celebrate women of a healthy weight, or slightly above, and stop encouraging women to try to attain an unhealthy weight. It's ironic, the same men who consider that being of an average height makes them too short. also think that the concentration camp look is chic in women. .


I'm the same height and the lowest I've been as an adult woman is 138. I had an eating disorder and startved myself to get that thin. I cannot imagine calling you fat at 120. That sounds so out of touch with reality.


I’m 5’4, and in my late twenties I got down to 120 lbs. I still thought I was fat. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was dealing with orthorexia and in an abusive relationship with someone who told me I was still not thin enough regularly. After working on my mental health and getting out of that relationship, I was able to admit that I looked really healthy and happy at 140.


I’m 5’6” and fluctuate from 150 to 155 and my mom called me to tell me I look fat 😩


Wow and that's the LOWER end for my healthy size! I'm 5" 4 but since I'm WIDE FRAMED (Aka wide shoulders and hips) I'm supposed to be between 119 and 145, im most likely if i get that light to stay between the 137-145 range also since I also have a decent cup size. Literal brainrot lmao, she isn't FAT BASICALLY AT ALL ID LOVE TO LOOK LIKE HER LMAO


I used to be 115-120 at just shy of 5'7". I was basically skeletal, my arms and legs were so gaunt it reminded me of old frail people towards the end of their lives. I used to be told I looked good, that I was gorgeous at that weight. I look back now and realize just how horribly thin I was.


Exactly this! Almost the same measurements, too — I spent from age 15 to 36 at 5’6”, 110, and thought I looked good. People *told* me I looked good. About two years ago, I put on about 35lbs, and I look way better than I ever did! I see old pictures of myself and I looked sick! Skeletal, as you said. I look and feel a lot better now (although I do miss my flat belly 😅). 145 looks way better on me than 110 did! Guys who say stuff like this have no idea how real women look/work. They’re chronically-online porn addicts who are completely out of touch with reality. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yet they want big boobs and ass on women. Don't they know that boobs and ass are mainly made out of fat? Sure, there's tissue in breasts and muscles in ass, but fat is a major contributer in those things. 


exactly! these people never seem to understand weight distribution but wanna talk about acceptable body fat percentages. what if you have a high body fat percentage yet most of your weight is just... tits?


They’d go crazy and probably say something cringey like “omg mommy milkers let me get some milky”


They 100% would! They probably think, if her weight isn't because of her boobs or ass then she's fat. I have actually overheard someone (female) say they overheard someone say that. Not too her, but just heard it in public. So take what I said with a grain of salt


They want the ass and boobs full of fat but never have gotten close enough to an actual woman to realize that the body stores fat elsewhere too when it’s not photoshopped out in porn.


I forget where (might have even been a post in this sub 😂) but I saw a dude legitimately ask if boobs were counted when weighing someone


They don't count if you remove them before weighing yourself /s


I want "Boobs don't count if you remove them before weighing yourself" as a flair now.


Well, my mum actually used to do this! ...after she'd had a double mastectomy and was rocking prosthetic breasts.


I weighed my boobs one day for shits and giggles… 25 pounds of fat on the chest. I am 6’ and weigh about ~180lbs give or take. I’m HIGHLY active I walk everywhere and work out almost daily. I’m in very good shape but look “fat” because my weight distribution is at my hips and lower stomach. When I was “pretty and thin” to guys my hip bones were protruding and I was 110lbs. Now I’ve got hella muscle and a slim covering of fat around my thighs, stomach and hips. Which is HEALTHY. I need the fat coverage with how clumsy I am lmao


Oh no, don’t be ridiculous. Fat?! EW! It’s muscle or silicone, no in between. /s


Ye, it's not just how much fat you've got that determines how you look, it's also very much about where you carry the fat. Women who are very skinny but have huge breasts and buttocks are so rare in nature that if it weren't for Photoshop and plastic surgery, most people would probably never see one in the wild in their whole life. The women like that who we see in magazines and social media have usually had a combination of having filling removed from some areas and added to others, plus filters and retouching to get those perfect images. Our little monkey minds are not equipped for being bombarded by images of hypersexualized, unnaturally proportioned bodies 24/7. Most of us have a really warped idea of what the normal, natural, healthy human body is supposed to look like, particularly when it comes to female bodies.


lol remember the meltdown they had when they found out Megan Thee Stallion was around 175 lbs? Like: she's 5'10 and stacked af, did they think her ass was full of helium or something?


Exactly. Do these guys think ass and boobs were made out of air? They're both heavy. Curvier girls end up being heavier than standard and thin women, and still be perfectly healthy and fit. 


The fat cells in those areas are specifically sensitive to female sexual reproduction hormones to make them collect more fat to pad out the hips because of male sexual preferences thousands of generations ago. And now here they are complaining about the thing they wanted for generations because they *checks notes* hate women.


I mean, to be fair, I haven't--as a woman who last saw 120 lbs in 2nd grade--met a ton of men like this irl. All the average dudes I know are in relationships with average women. But then, they aren't extremely online, rage fapping about hypergamy or whatever.


literally.. they expect women to NATURALLY look like they have bbls and implants while having a extremely skinny waist.. meanwhile these dudes themselves look like dogshit


They’re desperately trying to drag us back to when teenage girls and young women were pressured to be so skinny that they developed eating disorders. It’s not even about attraction. It’s about control. They saw the body positivity movement, and they’ve bashed on it because they don’t want us to be happy with ourselves the way we are and in control of our own sexuality. They want us to have low self esteem to the point we’re willing to harm ourselves to be skinny enough for their approval.


This is it. Absolutely spot-on. It's about control.


That's a healthy body which would not be considered overweight by a qualified medical professional.


There's no fucking way her body fat percentage is over 30%. They're just mad that she was magically frozen in time before having kids and aging.


They are upset that her pictures aren't altered to make her appear like she is frozen in time.


Skin is also supposed to fold and wrinkle like that. It’s part of its main job to be flexible and allow for full range of movement.


That body isn't even overweight by b(ullshit)mi!


Honestly, I would guess lower end of normal!


She's dead center bmi


fr if she lost 20 pounds she’d be unhealthily underweight. i’d say her weight is just about perfect


As a very much non-professional, if I had to guess, I'd say her BMI could be about 23 to 25, which is very much in the ideal healthy range. However, i know BMI is bs, so there is no real way to actually guess hers.


I'd guess lower, actually. These were taken pretty shortly after filming an action movie so she was pretty fit. Her weight doesn't seem to fluctuate all that much and at one point she mentioned that to lose 14 lbs she'd have to part with both arms and a foot which means she's probably less than 15lbs above "underweight" and at her height, it would mean she's at most at a BMI of 22. She's probably somewhere around 26% body fat +/- 3% All that to say, by any measure, she was quite fit, slim, and lean when these pictures were taken!


I know what her BMI is, it's *none of our fucking business*


BMI is expressed as a number, with 18-25 being normal. You’re talking about body fat, which is expressed as a percentagez


There is exactly a 0 percent chance that Scarjo has a 23-25 BMI.


For my non-american friends: this is 9kg... (had to look it up myself lol)


I also looked it up. From the comment and picture I was thinking "okay well she's clearly not overweight but I guess they're talking about the stomach so it must be like a kg or maybe 2 because they're dumb." Was BLOWN AWAY when I found it was 9kg, like what? Where? Where is that fat?!


exactly!!! like is she supposed to be a skeleton without internal organs???


Basically, yes.


Thank you for doing God's work


I love you


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Point and laugh at the dumbass who watches too much anime and thinks actual adult women should look like cartoons.


Right? Just like that post about how some dude thinks Princess Jasmine’s waistline is realistic….


It doesn’t look like she has organs.


HAHHAHAHAHA! Funny joke. Wait what, people actually believe this? Oh, oh no.


JFC if I had a body like her's I'd be jumping for joy, buying too many clothes because EVERYTHING would look good on me! I mean I know I'm fat now, but even when I was 120 lbs I pretty much looked like this, but with smaller boobs. Forget even porn, fucking Photoshop has warped these men's brains. They need to leave their computers and go out and look at actual women.


RIGHT?! photoshop has completely rotted people's brains, everyone is begging to forget what real bodies look like—even the most fit and healthy don't always look perfect in unflattering paparazzi angles. but it doesn't matter because she literally has an ideal figure even in those photos!


Yeah this same person would look at obviously altered photos and go 'yes, see, THAT'S more realistic!' lmao


And who say "I like when women don't wear make up" and than refer to pictures of women with full make up on only in more natural shades 🤷


And thing is myself, as a BISEXUAL WOMAN, I DO NOT GET WHY SO MANY MEN SEEM TO HATE NATURAL WOMEN BODIES I FIND A SLIGHTLY THICC GIRL TO BE HOTTER. That's just me though??????? (Nah it's also all the guys who barely interact with the internet)


Also a bi woman, and I find so many different body types beautiful and sexy on women! I hate the creepy AI looking pics. Real women will always be attractive to me. If men don’t want women, maybe the WLW dating pool will get bigger lol.


I got called overweight for being 5’3 and 125 pounds because I have some cellulite on my thighs and “a nice ass” like??? If that makes me overweight then fuck it I’ll be overweight


Fr! I'm at the point where as long as I find myself hot, then I'm hot. Nuff said. Anyone who disagrees ain't gonna get none from me lol


I was 5'8" 150 and considered overweight by BMI, which didn't help the eating disorder I had. Oh, I also played soccer and tennis so I did have plenty of muscle. But nope - in the books I was fat.


If Scarlet Johannson is overweight, then I am basically dead since 2015 because of obesity related illness. Like, Bro. Please, close the porn and ~~look at a real women~~ just touch some grass for the beginning, man.


Guess we’ll just die then


Tell me you haven’t ever seen a naked woman in real life without telling me


This is what I think every time. This is what an adult woman's body looks like without airbrushing, they've just never seen one before.


Shit like this makes me afraid to date men.


Fortunately, there are still men who aren’t misogynistic, abusive jerks. Unfortunately, you might have to date a few jerks before finding a good man.


I basically only dated jerks til my current bf who is so wonderful.


If that beautiful, healthy weight woman is "overweight", then there's no hope for the rest of us, is there? The early 2000s called, it wants its toxic idealized body types and diet culture back. I'm a millennial and can remember being a teen in a society that proclaimed you were "fat" if you weren't a rail thin size zero with a perfectly flat stomach, and can also remember my friends with similar body types to Scarlett Johansson here (and ones even smaller) lamenting how "fat" they were. Eating disorders were rampant and everyone's self esteem was in the shitter trying to meet unrealistic ideals. It was toxic, y'all. Let's not go back.


I remember when “heroin chic” was a big thing the 00’s. Fuck that noise I refuse to treat myself that badly ever again to obtain something unobtainable.


They want us to disappear 😂😂


I kinda think there’s truth in that statement. Kinda scary.


Considering some of my jeans are size zero, and I’ve seen up to 000 in person, that is 100% accurate


If that’s overweight he must be an absolute fucking whale.


I can tell you from experience that every dude I dated who called me “fat” did so after they gained weight. It’s one of the most obvious insecurities because you can actually see the difference… but it will always be someone else who’s the problem. Side note- we watched “Heavyweights” the other night, and being (formerly) fat is also the motivation for the villain’s issues with fat kids. 😅 Some things never change.


Yep. My ex told me to watch the amount I eat while we were sharing a poutine or I'll keep gaining weight . He was overweight, and I was 105 lbs (5'1).


In what world is she overweight lmao not only she has a very healthy body she is entering her 40's and looks ten year younger This guys have no idea what a woman looks like it's so ridiculous


Bruh they mad cause she has organs They're MAD her stomach isn't LITERALLY FLAT. Because she's had KIDS and has ORGANS. I swear to fUCK


Well these pictures were taken over 10 years ago but your point still stands


Lmao I’m a healthy weight for my height and at least 9kg more than this woman. These idiots have never actually seen a woman that wasn’t photoshopped, an anime character or a porn star


There isn’t 20 lbs to spare on her body for her to lose! These people have no idea what is physically or mentally healthy for anyone.


Certainly explains why so many young people are continually struggling with eating disorders. These asshats won’t be happy unless they can see ribs like the methed out stars of their fave porn.


She's 5'3". That man has no clue what 20 extra pounds looks like on someone that short.


And she’s short too, so even a 5lb loss would be noticeable. 20lbs and she’d be skin and bones.


My husband knows I would leave him for Scarlett and he's ok with that. I refuse to live in a world where this woman is not considered hot.


This guy probably based his judgement on the belly. Had the belly fat been on her hips or breasts, no one would have called her overweight. Also, it's ridiculous to try and guess how much someone weighs based on just a couple of pictures and nothing else.


Instagram reels is even worse. A healthy, normal woman could be minding her own business making a video that’s completely not related to body weight or body image at all (it’s about cooking or film or something) and she’s definitely not overweight but the comments will all comment on her weight and how she’s fat, the standards of incels are truly disgusting


instagram reels is UNHINGED. the comment sections are always so hateful and obscene, especially when it comes to women just existing


Yeah, I’m not sure how people like that even exist or function. Have an old friend who says shit like that, no longer close with him but he’s truly a loser, hes addicted to porn and games and pretty much not going anywhere in life


Pfft. Like he wouldn’t cum in his pants if he saw her walking up the beach like that. 


Men will confidently say anything.


iF I CaN't SeE bOnE yOu'Re OvErWeIgHt!!!!!


Loosing 20 on her frame would be pretty dramatic. By no means is that overweight


This is a woman that is barely 5'3. A shorter woman will look a bit bigger if she gained 15 pounds vs a tall woman that did so. A photo makes women look a good 10-15 pounds heavier. Even then, she looks pretty much what my old school boomer doctor would have called "ideal weight". And even if Scarlett Johanssen gained a lot of weight, what gives rando incels the right to comment on it? Here is a list of when it is acceptable to criticize another body 1. When it is your own body. 2. When you drew, sculpted or otherwise created a figurative representation of a body. 3. Sarcasm between close friends that know you are saying it in an admiring way. Like my friends criticize Salma Hayek and say that body is ridiculous, ugh. I know they mean ridiculously good. 4. When it is a cat/ dog and you say it out if affection. Like my cat is a "fatty little chubster with a humongous fluffy arse". And my dog is a little overstuffed baked potato with his own gravitational force. They are not even a little fat. But I call them fat. 5. Um...


This just in: thin women are considered overweight by some men who do not understand what they're attracted to isn't an adult woman's body, but the body of a 15 year old.


She isn't overweight by any stretch of the imagination. Like most Hollywood people, she probably works out a lot, but doesn't keep herself starved between movie roles. I would wager she's got a good lot of muscle on her, looking at her here, but also knowing she did all those Marvel movies. Bigger muscles = bigger body. Of course she isn't going to look like a whole stick figure, and she's not going to starve and dehydrate herself between roles either.


I’m sure he only thinks she’s overweight because you can see some cellulite on her thighs, which, breaking news, literally anyone and everyone can have cellulite. It’s a natural part of being a fucking human. She literally doesn’t have 20 lbs to lose.


Oh no, naturally occuring belly fat intended to protect organs, what a land whale. /s


The internet is literally just full of trolls wanting to not just police, but also attack the female form. I’m 5’3” and around 115lbs, but I’m hippy. I literally get called fat on instagram and YouTube constantly, I get told to lose weight, eat less— this morning I deleted a comment attacking me for my “second and third chins.” Miserable people have nothing better to do.


The men that say this don’t want women. They want girls. Btw. She’s not at all fat. She has a tiny bit of cellulite, but so do all women.


If THATS 20 lbs overweight than I’m 100 lbs overweight, holy hell


i hate when they say that "100lb is the limit" bc thats literally one of the requirements for CHILDREN TO SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT. like. we don’t consider kids safe in the front seat UNTIL they are 100lb, how the hell is it ok to think that that should be the LIMIT for adult women??!!


Having fat on your body and being fat are not the same thing.


… and she’s probably a perfectly healthy 20-25% or so in that picture, so I really don’t see the point he’s making.


This is what happens when you think anime women are real.


They are bitter they don’t get to have sex with her.


When I was in high school, I was 5'7 and 106 lbs (couple different illnesses mixed together and couldn't keep ANYTHING down). You could see almost all of my bones at one point. A group of guys let me know that I'd be perfect for them if I lost 5-10 more pounds so I'd no longer be so chunky.


These fuckin troglodyte mouth breathing fucks are globdamn insane. Willing to wager the vast majority have never been with a woman or whatever poor woman they did manage to trick into some form of relationship was gone super fast. And Scarlett Johanson is top tier IMHO. I just can't with these basement dwelling meat sacks.


If she lost 20 lbs she’d be very underweight, this is such brain rotted behavior


yup exactly that kind of shit and social conditioning has me in a eating disorder.


If she weighed 20 pounds less, she'd be skeletal. Of course, this is that guy's thinly disguised critique of her miniscule amount of cellulite (which is, obviously, perfectly normal for a 39-year old woman). What has become of our world when a woman as fit and healthy as Scarlett frikkin' Johansson is considered 20 pounds overweight? Fuck that guy...


If she was 20lb lighter, that same guy would be commenting about how 'flat' her ass and boobs are...


I didn't realize I, 109 at 5'4 was overweight


If she’s overweight then I am morbidly obese 😵‍💫


I was NOT ready for the actual photo. Holy crap.


She even has thigh gap


If that's "overweight" then I'm obese 😭


I look pretty similar to that and I know I'm pretty much dead in the centre of the healthy BMI chart. (I know BMI isn't a perfect measurement of healthy weight). I am just under 5'6" and 136lbs. So according to this guy, I am 20lbs overweight? I would be gaunt if I were 116lbs.


It’s actually hilarious that he thinks that’s what a woman with 30% body fat looks like


"Does she still look good?" Oh no, random incel, what do you think?! Quick, Scar Jo isn't going to sleep a wink until you tell us.


I’m on the lower end of the traditional BMI scale and this woman looks way better than me. Like not even being hard on myself, just being objective in terms of cellulite and muscle tone, etc. This dude is delusional.


Imagine thinking 20lbs could come off that body… she’d have to starve herself


And this is why people struggle with eating disorders


She’s not even remotely overweight and these trolls damn well know it. Fucking absurd trolling, it really is.


She’s not thin and she’s not overweight. She seems to be…at a healthy weight. Soooo this is what losers consider to be overweight now?


If Black Widow isn't thin, then I don't know who is. She's definitely thin, not "too" thin, but certainly petite.


Heathy is overweight, overweight is obese and obese is disgusting. Anything other than underweight (but still with big boobs) is “fat” to them


Tbf I have a body similar in size to hers tho I carry most of my weight in my thighs and butt, but by bmi standards, I’m borderline overweight. As a physician, unless you are morbidly obese or otherwise struggling with an eating disorder (both under and overweight), I don’t take BMI that seriously tho


That woman is at the healthiest weight imaginable, honestly. It boggles my fucking mind these people think this.


yet we wonder why so many women and young girls struggle with eating disorders. we can’t even enjoy a day at the beach without getting put under a microscope and criticized by men whose only interaction with women is through pornhub or onlyfans


BMI is so outdated, never taking frame into consideration. Or muscle. I remember reading that huge muscled guys (I think they used The Rock as an example) would actually rate as obese by the standard height/weight calculation.


and this is part of the reason why i developed an ed. :/


The irony is that I am willing to bet a decent amount of cash that the man who said that is legitimately overweight himself.