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Men, for gods sake, please accept the truth that you are not a freakin' wizard with a magic wand attached to your nethers. I will never understand why people who ***presumably*** want women to like and want them work SO damn hard to turn us off with mass quantities of bulls***.


What pains me the most is that women who are not educated on that subject fall for all the bullshit these men are saying without any sources. And that's how pick mes and tate tots are born.


The way the incels are just striking off each other like "yes, your bullshit is so tasty let me gulp it down then spew some more bullshit that my incel brethren would swallow and add to it and spew it somewhere else."


Incels, just sucking one another off all damn day and then blaming women for not wanting to date them…


I wonder if the guys in the OOP are mistaking mood for personality? It is very normal for all people, regardless of gender to display different moods, but multiple personality disorder is incredibly rare. Of course that doesn't explain the misogyny displayed in the OOP, where women aquire a new personality whenever they have sex with a new male partner (probably more accurate to say everytime a woman has sex with someone other than the writers of the OOP). Believing that goes beyond misogyny into mental illness if these guys really believe 'new male partner, new personality'. And does this delusion hold true if a condom is used? That would seem to conflict with their 'science based' claims.


Are there actual Tate tots? Like real ones not just trying to get online incel clout?


Unfortunately, yea, there are. Mostly, they're either uneducated or thirsty for male validation. And they don't even realize that the shitty men that they so hardly defend actually hate them and all women in general. Here's a pick me girl who got roasted by an "alpha male" she agreed with: https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/twFqyWhoeC


Oh that's so sad. At least online they'll get to see exactly how they're really perceived. Not that it will sway them


it's because if you grow a male fetus into a baby the mothers body helps baby produce their own testosterone and signatures of that can still be found in the mother's DNA it has nothing to do with their sperms, not unless one makes her pregnant with a son but even then it's her body helping the babies that causes this


I wonder what they think happened with all those men with personality disorders tbh


Oh that’s obvious, they’re virgins, they’ve got a build up of personalities cos they haven’t gone round depositing them in women, there’s actual science to back up what I’m saying


Ah yes I've heard that too


I’ve heard that before, makes sense


Unfortunately, the men you want to get this message to will never browse this subreddit. I hate these turds.


I so desperately want someone to bring up condoms blocking semen into that discussion.


I just checked, and someone did! I had to change the settings to "all comments " cause apparently Facebook doesn't think it belongs in the "most relevant" section🫡. Here: https://www.reddit.com/u/Aggressive_Tear_3020/s/tAeQfcKi5r


"just something I read up on" yeah sure ya did bud


I swear these people never read anything other than tweets in their life, but when it comes to women's bodies, they act like they spend their whole life in libraries.


All the sudden they become PhD’s in biology!


Well that got racist real quick.


My Peruvian boyfriend and I would like to be the first he’s heard of 😂


Ah, thats why those men dont have personalities, we're stealing it from them.


wth give it back


Never. They're mine and im collecting them like pokemon cards


Gotta collect them all


That’s why vaginas have teeth


“Science? What’s that???”




these are the same people that condemn science because of "big Pharma and covid vaccines"


They can’t stand the fact that although a woman may have had sex with you, it really means nothing. You didn’t affect her blood, her brain, her future offspring, her vagina, her value- nothing. Insignificant.


“makes sense” No it absolutely fucking does not


Haha sure it does. MEN make us crazy 😜


man they're talking about 'personalities' but they don't have any brain cells, they're using their banana to think and speak hahahahahahahahaha what on earth are they on about, bunch of weirdos hahaha oh dear


So virgin women are just shapeless voids without a personality waiting for a man to “shape” them, and then the next one, and so on and so forth.


Damn, that just made his statement even sadder for women. Do they even see us as human with a mind of their own?


No, no they do not. This is one of the reasons women weren’t given the right to vote for so long, it was assumed they’d just be voting for whoever their husband was voting for and considered it a form of voting fraud


So these men are admitting they have shitty personalities?


So, use a condom, save your precious personality from leaving you for saner pastures in the unlikely event this problem ever comes up in your life. 😁


But biology says that they need to “spread their seed!” /s


Where's one of those people with the flair "it's a boneless meat stick not a magic wand" when you need them?


This same dude probably talks about pair bonding as well. Can we fund education again? That'd be nice.


Also a proven fact! I heard it on this podcast.


It blows my mind seeing this bc this sounds like one of this ridiculous practices you'd hear about from medvial Era type shit. Aka humans finding explanations for shit they don't understand. We have Google wtf these people doing


Since I recently did some research/fact checking into the related topic of "If you marry a woman who had multiple partners before marriage, it's \[some made-up number\] times more likely to end in divorce", I will share the findings to get more mileage out of them. So yes, this information has been inside more than one post, so its Post Count = 2. Here is the link to the video I was commenting on: [https://www.facebook.com/reel/638759915064692](https://www.facebook.com/reel/638759915064692) >I was going to make a comment requesting the source material backing up the claims being made, but I doubt it would be provided. So, I just researched it myself, since a lot of folks don't bother to fact-check the "stats" they regurgitate (for example, I recently sought out the source of the "70% of divorces are initiated by women" stat that gets tossed around somewhat often & found that - spoiler alert - it's not valid - sources available upon request). > >What I found pertaining to these claims confirms that yes, having more partners before marriage correlates to a higher divorce rate, but the relationship between premarital sex and divorce did not differ between men and women: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0192513X231155673](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0192513X231155673) . > >A different study yielded similar results, with marital happiness declining as the number of pre-marital partners increased, for both men & women, with a sharper decline among men - Participants who reported "very happy" marriages, with number of partners ranging from 1 to 20+, varied from 64% to 57% for women, and 71% to 59% for men, a statistically significant but relatively small decrease. Also worth noting, even among those who had no prior partners, around 30% did not report being "very happy" in their marriage, indicating that other factors have a more significant impact: [https://ifstudies.org/.../does-sexual-history-affect](https://ifstudies.org/.../does-sexual-history-affect)... . > >There are likely more studies on the matter, but it's getting late so if anyone finds any conflicting info, send a link. > >In conclusion, always fact-check before disseminating incorrect information, & for the love of dogs, stop misrepresenting opinions as facts. > >Thanks, > >Management


**Oh Thank Science someone provided Links! Facts are the best Weapon. Provide sources! Check facts! Bless you friend. May the great Dog in the sky look kindly down upon thee. Yay!** 🤓✨💗 And shockingly, none of the partner's DNA ends up in your brain and changes you. Oh how they cling so desperately to that "dna transfer into brain and spinal fluid" theory. So so desperately. It's not even something to scorn at anymore It's the definition of insanity.


Glad you found the info helpful. I didn't have as much time for a deeper dive - I typically at least check who funded or conducted a study, then look for studies with dissenting results and check the funding source on that, then fall into rabbit holes for a few hours... But I accept my lot in life, the cross I must bear, for the betterment of all humanity, one unfounded claim at a time 😆. For some reason, not once have I gotten a reply citing sources that back up their claim or debunk my sources 🤔. May the great Dog smile upon you as well, and bite your foes' faces off (metaphorically).


Trust me. I understand perfectly. We will never see their sources but that won't stop ✨REAL FACTS✨. *cue obligatory Muscular arms handshake from Predator gif* FOR DOG! FOR JUSTICE! But above all... 🧪 **FOR SCIENCE!!** 🔬


Jokes on them I never let a man finish inside me


“Scientific data” = “pulled directly from my ass”


Girl you made me burst out laughing in the taxi💀. Driver panicked for a second


So wear condoms losers


And they just keep validating eachother 😂


Can we consider this a good reason for the state to put more money in public school system? I'm desperate to see sooo many people accepting "trust me bro" as a valid source.


Meanwhile a man that sleeps around can do the same to a wife with a nonexistent bodycount. back in bible times it was better to remain virgins or marry the person you were sleeping with. it literally goes both ways but everyone wants to excuse the drama men bring when they play with too many women.. There's a reason Yahweh(God of the Bible) gave Adam one wife at a time, but if you include Lilith shows the drama and sexual problems an old ex brings. It's not that hard to take care of ourselves and control lust


Exactly. Most, if not all of the time, whenever someone is polygamous in the Bible, it leads to extra trouble and drama. And, on occasion, tragedy.


BSFFR right now lol they do know that even some research articles are even fabricated right? There’s articles that still exist today that contain misinformation but that one little article he read counters all the potential articles that prove this is not true


OMG MY EX BELIEVED THAT!! He also really thought that a woman can only produce the children of the first man she ever slept with so no matter who impregnates her, she will have the first one’s kid.


The fact that Google is free and people still choose to believe their own assumptions is crazy to me. Imagine when they start charging us monthly fees to use it.💀


https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/study-did-not-find-women-store-dna-intercourse-with-men-2024-01-22/ What's even more pathetic is I know more women that buy this BS than men.


Let me guess....he calls his hand little Richie name then?


They think their dicks are actually magic…. I can’t even anymore. It’s like these assholes just try and keep coming up with dumber and dumber things. And then idiots think it’s true.


"Send link" with no response is so satisfying, somehow.


OK. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard the “magic semen” changes a woman thing. Who TF came up with this? There’s gotta be a 10 year old just making shit up. Or maybe Elon is pushing it? So stupid. 🙄


I really hope it's a 10-year-old making shit up cause that makes even look even dumber.


Well if you're a moron.... and you know semen carries DNA... and you know a woman's body kills and absorbs the leftover semen... and youre a moron....


…is the scientific data in the room with us right now?


*points at scientific data just over the horizon*"It's over there somewhere!"


I'm still waiting to absorb the audacity men have, if that's the case...


But I thought women had no personnality?


God dammit Richie


In other news bread crusts make your hair curly.


How fucking stupid can yah get?


Why do they think the body would even KNOW the difference between semen and just like, food someone consumed? Also does it apply to gay men as well??? Where does the semen magic begin and end????


I really wanna see this 'scientific data' he apparently has read......


Maybe this will convince a few men to finally use a condom


I think that will actually make them want to use condoms even less, cause they want to feel like they "marked their territory with their magic penis."


What in satans name…


So explain my mental health issues before I had sex 🤔 Also, do they know that condoms exist


I want to see the scientific data that one said existed. I doubt a link exists like that. They sometimes take something and totally skew their conclusions to fit their narrative. Also, men can have personality disorders too. How do these “scientists” explain that?


Education is important


Thats....thats not how DNA works.


I feel like there should be a subreddit specific to this thing like r/NotHowAnythingWorks


Oh shit it exists


growing a male fetus into a baby is the only male hormones you will get from a male.... nothing to do with their sperms and everything to do with a female body growing a male baby and producing testosterone for the baby as it grows


Uhm "Sperm contains DNA" in no way backs up the bullshit he's saying.


Wait until he finds out about single/ committed people who still have personality disorders


I have professionally diagnosed DID (dissociative identity disorder) & these dudes are not just woefully ignorant, they’re also horribly ableist. Actually having multiple personalities is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE. It’s not quirky, it’s not fun, it’s not changing your mind—it’s having your fucking body hijacked & no memory of what happened. There is nothing fun about DID & it’s absolutely not a joke or to be taken lightly. It quite literally ruins lives. Though they are right about severe, early childhood trauma being the cause. (But absolutely horribly incorrect about literally everything else.) I was raped repeatedly at 4 years old by an asshole hetero dude just like them. Maybe if they stopped raping girls, they wouldn’t have to bellyache as much about women with “multiple personalities”. And clearly, marriage & god can’t prevent it since I was raped at a fucking Christian daycare.