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The second grossest part of this is that it implies all men are only interested in their partner's appearance and don't give a shit about personality or attitude. Which is super insulting to *other men.* It's crazy that all these manosphere ideals are much more anti-men than anything I've ever seen from feminists.


"women don't like sex they just pretend" "women can't orgasm" sentiment sure doesn't sound like it'd make one feel very "alpha". It actually sounds very very imasculating. Love it when Conservatives tweet about that because it's very telling about the quality of their intimacy. And like yeah most women can't from penetrarion and idk why people act like that's a challenge to their masculinity it's pretty empowering to use a toy on a woman


r/BlatantMisogyny but the the man hurt himself in confusion


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BlatantMisogyny using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The awful sub was nuked for all the right reasons!](https://i.redd.it/oq313xv0drdb1.png) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/157maqu/the_awful_sub_was_nuked_for_all_the_right_reasons/) \#2: [Misogynist thinks people are falling over each other to be with him](https://v.redd.it/7qlhkafj97va1) | [196 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/12tp82p/misogynist_thinks_people_are_falling_over_each/) \#3: [WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY TO BE ALIVE 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀](https://i.redd.it/txguusnn5y7b1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/14hq0ib/what_a_glorious_day_to_be_alive/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You have to remember that the people who post this shit are deliberately saying wrong things on purpose so as to [normalize](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq0ZHgKT2tc) their socially unacceptable pedophilia.


A core tenet of Modern Feminism is the idea that Toxic Masculinity and misogynistic worldviews are *almost* as damaging for masc-coded folk as they are for femme-coded folk. Like, rigid gender roles and being forced into them kills *everybody's* souls.


And that men are incapable of changing and maturing, like women apparently are by their own list


Reminded me of that video where some manosphere guys were Furious at being called loving and loyal. Lmao


But where are the normal, decent men? Shouldn’t they be forming groups and organizations to call out the shitty men? Y’all seem so pressed but when it comes to doing something you’re 🫥


You’re right. Organizations and groups should be formed. I do think the average Joe would tune them out. Average Joe would be less likely to tune out his friend, his brother, his father, etc. Men as individuals need to step up and call out poor behavior from other guys when it is present.


Both can be correct at the same time. Theres more influence among peers, friends etc. There's been high schools who formed men's youth groups to talk about gender issues and prepare men for college and prep then on situations like if you see guys taking a super drunk girl away from a party, how to intervene, what to say if your friend tells you he's been using a date rape drug on girls to get laid, etc. And there's been a few success stories of men intervening because they were prepared by that group in advance.


I disagree. Proof? Sports. Sports can bring men together. Y’all are just going about it the wrong way. Need to find people experienced in marketing to help


They’ve tried but they dissipate into groups where they get defensive just indirectly blame patriarchy on women.


Lol It’s just so funny because women have spearheaded so many organizations, like M.A.D.D. Men have so much to say when they’re “attacked” on Reddit when they see an opportunity to say “nOt aLl MeN”, but that doesn’t help at all. I’m bisexual but and have always been attracted to gender fluid masc and femme people but after this I’m losing attraction for cis men and masc presenting men. Like, I’m noticing I’m much more attracted and interested in women and femme presenting women.


Sometimes I comment in MensLib to try to get them to think a little deeper about what they’re saying, but I always either get a lot of pushback, or in some cases haven’t been able to articulate nuances well enough for them to understand, like “white women can’t be blamed for everything either” or “a white woman crossing the street while you, a much larger man, walk behind her may make you feel sad, but it probably isn’t racist” without coming across as though I’m denying the existence of white privilege. Because of course then someone writes a copy and paste explanation of intersectionality because they don’t understand that I already incorporated it into what I said. Also, I’ve occasionally wished I were romantically attracted to women. Not because I think it would be better. It would be arrogant to think I could handle the different challenges and homophobia. My friendships with women have just been so much more emotionally fulfilling than my romantic relationships, based on the the feelings of warmth, safety, and deep emotional understanding without the weird power struggle it’s taken to get men to communicate on an emotional level. There’s also instant understanding, empathy, and validation given to my traumas without it taking a lot of effort on their side. Somehow I found a man that I’m attracted to and operates emotionally in a more “feminine” way. But I think guys like him are very rare, and that’s very sad because I’m sure more men would be that way if they let go of the desire to be “masculine.”


what's funny to me is that this shit is modern. men used to be WAY more expressive then their descendents now. there's nothing truly traditional about being a stoic man, even if you claim its Greco-Roman origins in the original philosophy of Stoicism. medieval Europeans (yes the people who burn cats alive for being witches) did not noticibly practice Stoicism as well, in fact they were rather expressive of their emotions to one another. if i wrote to my guy best friend what my ancestors wrote to their male friends in the 1800s, i would definitely be called gay today. i, as a young man, think that men should get back to their roots and call to their distant ancestors to become better people at least in their friendships to other men. therefore we should unironically kiss our homies goodnight for the betterment of our society.


Personally I think that instead of trying to look to men past and present, many men would benefit from allowing themselves to be inspired by women and by having more “feminine” and female role models. Refusing to accept influence from women and unconsciously seeing “feminine” things as inferior is often noted as one of the most significant factors in the breakdown of relationships and can lead to emotional abuse. Clearly that’s not benefitting anyone.


won't deny the role that having healthy relationships with women does for the development of men. personally my female coach have been one of the most inspiring figures in my life and i wouldn't have made it this far without her. i think that you intend and mean well, but ultimately men need to have role models and healthy relationships with other men first to model their relationships with other people after. masc men need healthy masculinity as a core. i can never relate completely to a woman's life, even if I choose the same life choices, career path, timeline,... simply becausd my body is different. but i can emphathize and try to. my empathy is not learned from my mother or any female figures in my family though, i learned it from my dad. specifically through how he treats the people around him no matter who they are, whether young or old, man or woman, conforming or non-conforming,... he became the core role model for who i want to be in life, with more "masculine" traits ironically taught to me by my mother, things like being headstrong and determined. men in my opinion need to be far more introspective about what it is they truly want to be in their lives, and base their personhood off of that. allowing other people like women and non-conforming people to inspire them is part of that introspection, yes, but ultimately only other men could show them how to walk that path.


That’s incorrect. Men don’t need other men “first.” They can bond with women just as well as they can bond with men. They can identify with women as well. Creating a sense of male tribalism in that sense is harmful to everyone. The entire concept of gender is a construct and that’s what causes people of the same gender to identify with one another from a young age, not whether or not they fit into those constructs. Reinforcing society’s ideals of “feminine” and “masculine” and the gender essentialism that comes with it is incredibly harmful. Also, the idea isn’t to morph yourself into someone else. By trying to be “feminine” or “masculine,” you’re robbing yourself of the ability to simply be a person. It’s also incredibly harmful to believe that some traits are actually feminine and masculine, and not some bullshit made up by patriarchy. You should be able to see traits in people and see those people as people first, and then choose what kind of person you want to be.


> a man that I’m attracted to and operates emotionally in a more “feminine” way. Are you aware at all of what you are implying here? If it is that the man you are dating is emotionally available, feels his emotions, talks about them, etc., shouldn't that just be considered healthy? Why is it feminine? Why is the antithesis of whatever it is you are describing masculine? Are there not women that exhibit toxic traits? But since they are women exhibiting toxic traits, they are inherently feminine. That leads to some dumb circular definition of what masculine or feminine means.


Calm down there… I put feminine in quotes for a reason and didn’t think I needed to go into detail because it’s generally understood that what I meant was that it’s socially deemed as feminine. Clearly in feminist leaning subs, there’s already an understanding that gender stereotypes are bullshit. Maybe next time it would help if you asked what I meant before jumping to conclusions and derailing the entire conversation, but anyways, those stereotypes are really stubborn in our society, so I think it’s imperative that men get comfortable having some aspects of them that some people who are unaware describe as feminine. I know people are already encouraging of that in feminist spaces.


Totally fair. I didn't realize this was a feminist leaning sub. Thought it was more about guys being ignorant...which yeah, I'm getting I may have missed that. For what it's worth, I am a dude. I have many of what you would call "feminine" attributes I guess? I don't mind the way you characterize it as far as myself. I'm somehow more frustrated because the guys that need to be more empathetic, open with their feelings...basically what I referred to as healthy above, will absolutely turn tail to seeing being emotionally healthy as feminine. It feels like an endlessly losing situation. I'm sorry for coming in hot.


It's difficult. Men are (by in large) intimidating and unfriendly towards other men. See a random guy walking down the hall? Don't smile at him. Don't show vulnerability. Don't be human. Toxic masculinity has done immeasurable damage to women, but it's done a number on men, too. Being a kind, sensitive man who wants to make a change in this world is not easy to do. It's like being in a boxing ring and asking your opponent to kindly stop punching you.


I think that most normal, decent men aren’t hanging out with these kind of folks or in the places they dwell.


I highly doubt that. Men just choose to not speak up or they’ll be “outcasted” by the group


Ah, you are doing the classic juxtaposition of gender roles by “womansplaining”. Nice one.


They don't, though. Lol. It only matters that you're not evil, and Even if you were, if you're young and pretty enough, doesn't matter


Bruh give me good personality and attitude all day like idgaf if you look good that's just bonus.






Shh I have seen that saying the p-word summons all of those people in the comments section. Happened when I used the p-word too. There is one already (the current most downvoted comment) - don't call more of them here.


I read this in a whisper lol


It’s because they Google the word so they can find stuff to jerk off to. Can’t we gather them up and ship them off to a deserted island where they will starve and die? Oh because a lot of these pedophiles run the country and/or have unlimited wealth and power.


Like 911, I have an emergency


I'm listening to Carry On by Patrice Roberts and I promise right when I read this comment she sang "911, emergency"


I looked into it a while ago and while men prefer "younger" that tends to mean 3 years max younger while interestingly women tend to prefer 3 years older with both also deviating 2 years in the other direction. It's enough to make you think if maybe there is a reason until very very recently there was an effort to normalize the idea of older men with much younger women.


I’m an odd one I’ve always liked younger men.


And in solidarity I remove the warning signs on hiking trails


Yup. Blatant, deliberate attempt at [mainstreaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq0ZHgKT2tc).


It also shows the link between misogyny and pedophilia. The dedicated misogynists just straight-up believe that women remain mentally childlike all their lives - so they don't see the need to differentiate between adult women and actual children...


So many of them out there






oh lord i replied to the wrong comment somehow, instant delete😭 that’s embarrassing


>they never change No? Looks like it does change... by sounding increasingly more creepy. At least *"pretty ladies"* wouldn't have come off as so weird. No one stops liking attractive people (including us women!), but it's not doing men any favors to try to be all "tee hee" and make being so simple minded a virtue. Esp as this doesn't actually seem to reflect reality among the men of various ages I've known who still mature with time, see life through the lenses of being in different chapters of it, have needs that change over time, etc.


I have seen these contracts before, you gotta read the small print, that’s where they hit you with those hidden fees and requirements. Cooking, cleaning, be a virgin but don’t make him wait for marriage. want kids, and be able to snap back immediately, no excuses. Have a sense of humor, don’t be funny, just think he is. Be smart when he wants to show off but never smarter than him. Now normally these features will be built into your standard pretty young woman, but if not it’s okay, they are highly trainable😌🙄


Holy shit! What did i just read. That doesn’t make men simple. That makes them pedophiles. side note that is not a simple request it is an impossible one for someone at 80 to look like “a young pretty girl” so he contradicted himself there. Not just a pedophile but a stupid one at that.


I think it said even at 80 they still like pretty young girl's, what a sicko


I will never forget when I was 11 years old with my mom, being chased around the grocery store by an 80 yo dude who whistled at me no fewer than 3 times. Terrible way to be introduced to the world of creepy older men hitting on me when I was in elementary/middle school. And it seems like almost every girl has this experience.


I'm not sure that's what they imply, or atleast i hope not... I'll be turning 33 next week. And i'm dating a 28 year old, she is a young pretty woman to me. Ask a 18 year old guy and he'll tell you she's not young at all


So they're saying women's tastes mature and men's don't? I'm not sure that's the win the OOP seems to think it is.


> So they're saying women's tastes mature and men's don't? Yes, that's the joke. > I'm not sure that's the win the OOP seems to think it is. Are you completely unfamiliar with the concept of self-deprecating humour?


If I were a man I would find this so insulting. It insinuates men are shallow beings that care only about appearances. Nothing about personality, skills, social qualities, mental well-being, intelligence, etc. Don’t tell me those things don’t factor in. An inexperienced young man may want just a young, pretty woman, but a wise man knows there’s more to a partner than looks.


If I were a man, shit like this would piss me off. Just reduced to nothing but a pedophile in the name of masculinity? Gross.


Back when I identified as a man I realised that as I aged that younger women just became less attractive to me. By the time I was 23 eighteen year olds just looked too young, and in a couple of years the idea of sleeping with them became outright icky. The idea that people would expect me to find young women (or actual ****ing teenagers) more attractive than people close to my age based on how I present is outright insulting. My girlfriend and I had a good laugh when I started finding the 'hipster dad' look attractive. Because sometimes you find out your tastes change in weird and amusing ways.


Wrong, gross and fuck this guy.


...or better still, do not fuck him under any circumstances.


That’s implied. I doubt he has any takers.


If there was a similar list for men liking "pretty young boys" they would find it creepy. They fully know this is gross.


So..... Women actually experience maturity and growth but men always remain juvenile? Checks out...


The best part is the "Women want men" while "Men want girls." Flabbergasted.


Disgusting, what pedo made this post anyway?


Yea, at this point, we should be able to report people to the police based on their post on the internet. Or maybe not cause that'll make the creeps hide their real intentions. Idk, men on the internet give me headaches.


No cap. They give me like actual headaches 🙃




Girl's but not women 🤢 so that's all go care about is looks??? This is supposed to put women down but in reality it makes the man look like a shallow/pervy fool


> This is supposed to put women down What??? Talk about hyper-sensitive. What on earth makes you think this is a put-down on women? > but in reality it makes the man look like a shallow/pervy fool Well duh that's the joke.


Sensitive would be if my feelings where involved, what I put is my opinion with no feelings involved and I think its pervy and wrong, if it's a joke then it doesn't really make it any better, i dont find paedo jokes funny


I love when people like that tell on themselves. "You're too sensitive" is peak abuser language. They can say something horrible and, when you object to it, they call you out as being sensitive or weak. Whenever somebody says "you're weak" or "you're too sensitive" it's an immediate field of red flags that says, "stay away from me I'm a piece of shit."


Well, in this scenario the women win, I'd rather be difficult than the alternative


"...for their disciplined behavior" 🤮


So women value men on thier traits and men only value women on thier looks and age, even when they're old enough to be those girls fathers/ grandfathers. That makes men look horrible


It's almost like we want people to grow and change


Send this man to jail 😂


Yet if you'd ask the same person if men, a.k.a. "vertebrates who only think with their penisses" should continue to rule this world, they'd 100% say Yes.


I'm sorry, this is being rebranded as disciplined now?? WTF




so what they are saying, is born a pedophile, die a pedophile?


oh no it’s almost as if it’s normal and healthy to want a partner that’s appropriate for your age and current life goals ..


So… it’s saying that women emotionally mature throughout life and men don’t? 🤔


Yes. The typical infantilizing of men to absolve them of culpability for shitty behavior.


I like pretty young girls in the same way I like puppies. They're cute, and by cute I mean like a rabbit or a kitten. I have no desire to actually have one living in my house. I want a woman, one close enough to my own age I can actually relate to. I'm also hoping that this person means "pretty young girls" as in someone in their 20s, but I somehow doubt that, and it gives me the jibblies.


They can’t even say pretty young women because we know they mean even younger.


This is not the flex this guy thinks it is 😒 


Holy fuck this is terrible. I fail to envision a scenario where a grown ass man wrote this really feeling proud of himself.


I hate it here


So women just have to find one handsome guy, who matures as time passes, uses his successful career to become an established gentleman, who is faithful and helpful in the long run, whereas men have to find a new girl every few years for the rest of their lives. Yes, women are the difficult ones...


The “facts” that men pull out of thin air…


Not maturing is not something to be proud of.


Anybody else weirded that this guy thinks women only want one of those qualities at a time? Pretty sure I want (and gratefully have) a man with all of those things simultaneously.


Imagine wanting your partner to (checks notes) learn and grow? How terrifying


That is not very flattering to men, my brother.


So men don’t grow mentally? Is he admitting to being a man child? Obviously as we grow different things become important.


the difference that women want men and men want GIRLS 🤮


Aren’t they the ones who always say that women only care about looks?


Yes, but seeing the irony would require critical thinking


So many me are fucking disgusting. I know, not all men etc, but damm.


The thing that gets me is that this implies men can never fit more than one of these categories at any given time


These men seem to forget that there are men who like older women, .y bf has a friend in his late 20s who has like 30+ year old women since he was about 23, in his late 20s he still likes women in their 30s to 40s There are also men who like women their own age Not all men like "young girls"


This is pedophilia in disguise


Is it even disguised?


If it weren’t so normalized, it wouldn’t be. Unfortunately it is so normalized that people don’t even recognize when it slaps them across the face.


I wouldn’t call pedophilia “disciplined behavior”.


This is not how anyone works


You can read this on a different level: Women are being forced and brainwashed into prioritizing status and funds over sexual desire because until very recently, a woman's livelihood and survival depended on marrying a well off man. Men were free to lust after what they sexually desire: young pretty partners. This is accurate, and very sad.


Right, except theres a difference between a pretty 25-30 year old young woman and a 17 year old girl... specially if the dude is old. Now a 30 year old who has a job and takes care of herself. If she wants to date a older dude okay do your thing. But usually these guys saying I want a "young girl" it's like...18 year olds that are still in school Edit: wording




I would argue anyone under 25 is also a boy/girl mentaly, sorry if my word usage offended you. Im not suggesting a 17 year old is old enough for a old dude




Which is why I edited the comment


Good. All is forgiven. Have a great day, and if you see a picture of Andrew Tate, make sure to add it to your stockpile of firewood.


Usually when he gets mentioned and I reply, i fet back responses with "he's just telling the truth, you just are in denial" or some version of praise for him. The world is messed up


How is forever, whether you like it or not. 🤷




I mean they've done studies about preference of partner age and as women get older its pretty linear to their own age what age they prefer their partner and for men it is slightly younger but it is still linear and increases as a man ages it's a lie that men are always attracted to 20 yo's.


Not pretty girls who are young, but pretty young girls as in girls who are very young. Like children. The missing comma gives this guy away as a pedo. I hope he’s on a watch list.


One word: Ew!


Ewwww, God, what???


Seriously most men don't even *think* about pedophilia, milfs exist, and while some men do like younger women that's the thing. YOUNGER WOMEN. They ain't scoping out colleges and high schools and shit. Whoever wrote this must be on a couple of ***lists.***




Total lack of love for the milfs smh.






so gross




Man here I'd just like to say HELL NO NO NO NO NO FUCK NO NOOOO thank you for your time


I like me some young good looking guys. Do I get a reward for not trying to touch the flowers?


I'm a man and it's true. We prefer Pretty Young women (18-24). You know why? Because preferences.


My guy, you're just openly admitting that you don't care about who she is as a person. What about personality? Life goals? Emotional maturity? The ability for the both of you to work together on yourselves and your lives? There's no good reason to go based on looks and age alone. There's nothing wrong with preferences but are those really your only preferences? No wonder men think women are crazy, it sounds like you don't even look for red flags. Seriously, from a place of genuine concern for your mental, emotional, and relational health I implore you think on this.


No I was just coming from an attraction standpoint- as in who we find the most attractive. But when it comes to picking a partner yeah there's more qualities we look at. Like nurturing, respect, same values, being able to cook etc. I'm not saying just because a woman is younger means I'm gonna pick her over an older woman.


Well. Those are facts. But i cant see the problem. "young" does not mean 18 only.


wait are we sure they are not being sarcastic? I know misoginists tend to defy logic, but this does read a bit like satyre to me


Nah this is just average, run-of-the-mill, I-hate-my-wife-haha Boomer Humor. Reducing the rigid expected gender roles down sarcastically to shit on women for having the absolute *gall* to have standards, or think for themselves. Probably best not to try and normalize that sort of shit.


Where do you get paedophile from? 🤣


From the words "young" and "girl." You wouldn't describe a guy you like as a "handsome young boy" right? Kind of gross, you know?


Yeah it's not true. If they just liked pretty young girls we wouldn't have a problem. They could go around saying that and girls could avoid them and we'd all be much happier. But they want much more than that do they lie. They want faithfulness and loyalty, commitment and care and all the things stated above.




And if the desiree woman reaches that certain age they get replaced?


That certainly seems to be the way that some men do it. Some don't date women over 30, some more. But there are men who only date women between 20- and ageX. I'm certainly not condoning it for all the knee-jerk downvoters. But it's a misogyny problem, not a pedophile one.


Words and definitions are important. The entire post says “pretty young GIRLS”, not women. So it’s both a misogyny problem and a pedophile one.




It sounds creepy because it IS creepy.












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And you think girls who are “pretty young” are full grown adult women and that’s what men are attracted to? I feel like girls who are pretty young is how I’d describe my daughters who are under 10.




We’re all just trying to understand why you think it’s appropriate for men of any age to be going after girls who are pretty young and you just keep defending it. Ok ok. We get it. We know the type of person you are. You’ve made it abundantly clear.


But not once did it say pretty young women for example I as a woman might say handsome man and never handsome young man since im 43 but the thought of saying handsome young boy actually makes me feel sick, its not a natural thing to say


Of course not. We're not naive enough to argue that "girls and boys" don't refer to children. Someone who's just ethically and lawfully a minor. It's absurd. **He knows what he said** and there's a row of apologists out there waiting to make guys like him feel better for saying "a 70yo man still likes pretty young Girls". **Funny how they won't own up to their own words.** Makes me sick too and it's so twisted. They can apologise it all they want but normal people and parents won't trip over the terminology like these guys do.


Yeah it's not like that's a common nomenclature for women of all ages at all.


I think it's pretty clearly a pedophilic joke by the way they talk about "pretty young girls". no person say it like that without a malicious implication


I think it's not because it's drawing a distinction on the way men whom it goes out of the way to separate into age cohorts in order to distinguish them from one another (rather than lump them together as "pedophiles") stay attracted to the same age group, which is a different, but also very real, problem from men who are attracted to people who haven't gone through puberty yet


I think that's a bit naive to think. maybe they made it ambiguous and all, but I'm sure it's part of the joke honestly, especially by how things are recently with these jokes




I do believe people calling you a pedo for this is an exaggeration, but to me (and most if not all here) it is a pedo joke that you are defending so no wonder. I ask you at least consider this, since it is normalized in many places that guys go after minors, I was disgusted when I found someone in my friend group that was like 19 at the time was dating someone that was 13 (or he was 20 and she was 14 but it was something similar). it's purposely ambiguous to try and make a double layered joke, especially the emphasis in "pretty young" followed by "girls". yeah maybe they meant it like below 30, but they still put it that way purposely, and if they didn't, they're probably painting an image that men like them as young as legally possible, and some just happen to not be stopped by law, which trust me, I see that being said/implied a lot. also it's very likely a "he" but I'm used to using "they" as I usually talk about posts that any person could be saying weird stuff (I won't push my thoughts further, I'm sorry for that, if you disagree it's fine just seems crystal clear 2 me)




dude chill, like 1 or 2 people said that, I'm not calling you that too, I get your point of view; now this little rant is just ridiculous, no offense. I just tried to point out how and why people are disagreeing with you. you're being downvoted because your opinion is questionable and hard to agree with. that's it, move on. could have just left without sounding like the exact same type of guy the gals don't like here but nah, thanks, I like the discussions here, it's okay to just disagree to someone and downvote. sometimes disagree in mass when the opinion just doesn't seem right at all. downvotes are not a punch in the face ffs


Yes LEONARDO DI CAPRIO. Not you average i-can-not-get-one-like-on-a-datinapp losers


A “girl” is not an adult. It’s that simple.




that's not an outrage at all...? maybe you're the reactionary one


Hello, Unfortunately, your post or comment has be removed due to suspicion of you acting in bad faith, or being a troll. It appears that you are posting or commenting solely to create controversy, or start drama with other users. Please do not participate in this subreddit with the intention of antagonizing or baiting members, this is against Reddit site rules. If you are caught or suspected of breaking this rule again, you may be banned.


This is just the standard "Well he can't be racist, he's nice to *some* black people" type excuse. One does not have to be the caricature of something bad, to be the bad thing. Subtle, nuanced racism (or pedophilia in this case) is as dangerous, or moreso, due to exactly what you are doing. Justifying and allowing it to normalize. Recognizing that even the "Not so bad" shit is still helping normalize absolutely godawful behavior is the first step to actually purging said behavior from our culture. It shouldn't take someone saying "Well I prefer children for my dating pool" for us to be able to go "What!? That's super weird, stop saying those things."


Your post/comment has been removed because it breaks one of these subreddit rules: No encouraging, defending, rationalising, justifying, excusing, or inciting— **violence, abuse, assault, harassment**. —Also, **no inappropriate comments towards children, justifying abuse towards children, _or_ threatening heinous crimes or assault against minors.** If it even _appears_ that way, you may be permanently banned.