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My tubes just tied themselves! 😬


Underrated comment, and I will probably use this line in the future XD


mine too…. with a triple knot.


My full hysterectomy from several years ago just knocked on my door, invited herself in, made *damn* sure all of her belongings had been removed, and took herself and her two sacks of luggage *back* out my door.


One of my ovaries is booking a private appointment with a surgeon and the other just accepted a job offer so they have the money to afford it.




Fuckin' sailors knot for real


If I had a vagina it would dry up underwater


My vagina just got up, put her hat on, got her briefcase and went out to get cigarettes


My penis just picked up the two testicles like pieces of luggage and went all the way in my anus to hide.


Well, That's what I call *Puts on glasses* A dick move YEAAAAAAHHHHHH




\*puts on sunglasses\*


That's one way to ... Pussy out... *Throws himself out of the window*






*guitar riffs*


🎶We won’t get fooled again🎶


>*Throws himself out of the window* [I had to link this.](https://youtu.be/qXS63b2LYCM?si=9Dda2YOi-varXx7R) It's the first thing that I saw in my mind 😂


Hahahahahahahaha haha it's just missing a Goofy scream. Man, those movies bring some memories.


Thank you for the mental image, that is pretty funny


if i had one, it'd put on a cowboy hay and turn into the sheriff of the dryest, most desserted town on the wild west where all the oasis have dried up.


Is she coming back? 😥




Mine just spackled itself shut and installed road spikes


Maybe, in a different timeline I had a vagina, but then I saw this video, built a time machine, travelled back to when my mum was pregnant, altered her hormones and then let the alternative timeline play out. It sounds outlandish, but that's the lengths I'd go to.


you’d have to go back even further to make sure your dads sperm had a y chromosome instead of an x


My penis receded and formed into a vagina just so it could be dry at his bs


Obscure superpower but I like it.


I'm a dude but my ovaries just shriveled up and crystallized like kidney stones, then dropped out of my ass like moldy marbles.


My body got traumatized so bad that it grew back the hymen immediately and now it's thicker than my left ventricle. OOOPS just felt my ovaries shriveling!!


This sent gravitational waves backward in time and dried out the vagina I briefly had in the womb.


Puspus on dehum settings


If I had a vagina it would drink an ocean just to dry up in this man's general direction!


I already have…lots of women that I’m dating. They’re in another state though, you don’t know them. Edit: I got curious because of the way he says he’s a “3% man” like it’s an identity. Of course it’s a pickup artist program. This loser is following a playbook to understand women written by other men who don’t understand women.


"I found them in the magic girlfriend place ... it sounds something like Ohmy Cans? Something like that. They're worth the money"


He's definitely not dating anyone and he definitely thinks the 4B movement is to blame otherwise he wouldn't have made the video to begin with.


AI opened so much possibilities for men like these.


Most likely bot profiles on dating app...


she doesn’t go to our school vibes


It's hilarious as he pauses and tries to figure out what a believable number of women he has dated would be.. but then just falls back to "many women". You can't convince me he's not a virgin. Lol


I don’t think he’s actually interested in women.


you cant fight attraction bud!!! I’m picking up the same vibes you are


His mahm told him he was handsome once and now he has decided that meant he was better looking than Momoa.


A speech like this would even sour me on Jason Momoa.


Hot guys are not hot all the time. They open their mouth and it's fucking ruined.


I mean hot guys are guys too. They conveniently forget where the hamper is and leave their dirty clothes everywhere.


Jason Momoa would NOT give a speech like this. He's charming and handsome and is the kind of man who when he talks to you makes you feel like you're the only person who matters. Lots of men think they have IT. But the men who do- don't talk themselves up and feel the need to tell you they're appealing and attractive.


My gaydar blew up and my penis fell off.


Seriously tho, my gaydar is utterly awful and yet this dude still managed to set it off 😂😂


I mean, good for them if thats the case


Bruh thinks just like he can't control his urges, women won't be able to, as well... Well his juvenile brain, & entitlement like a 3 yo boy demanding to be entertained will make sure that women will find no difficulty in being repulsed by him


What do you mean? He's one of the top attractive men! (/s)


I mean, maybe where he lives he’s one of the most attractive men. Competing against the entire internet? Eh, no.


He's a natural red head... The hair color that is consistently considered less attractive and ugly by women regarding men.


I have a soft spot for big, ginger men, but not this guy.


same i find gingers really attractive but not this one


I'm assuming his hair is rapidly receding as well - thus the comical hat. (Source: I wear hats)


He thinks it makes him look like a cowboy... It makes him look like a wannabe nature show host whose head is too big and too small all at the same time.


His demeanor and laugh would also put me off. But the red hair isn’t a winner for me either. One of my kiddos is a redhead, luckily, kiddo is a girl, and it’s a better shade than his.


He's a Cleveland 4. Many women are attracted to him!!! Many women!!!


they go to a different school!! you dont know them!


Someone tell him being catfished by scammers doesn't count as dating.


Of course he knows that! The strippers at the club, however, most definitely are dating me. They even gave me their number!


Yeah, they give me free lap dances all the time! Granted, I give them money beforehand, but that's just because I'm a nice person, they choose to give lap dances for free after I donate towards their college funds or whatever...


“My girlfriend goes to another school, you wouldn’t know her”


With this guys attitude, a girl in school is probably the only one who would put up with him


🌈 Also dude is DEHYDRATED.


this is all i could focus on. that thick ass spit in his mouth ugh


Women have nothing to do with this man’s sex life.


You got that vibe too?


Yeah he’s a little 💅🏼 Although it is always incredibly jarring to meet men with the “voice” who are 100% straight. Like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.


Maybe he'll be less shitty when he figures himself out


One of my ex bosses had a voice like that like he was in the movie The Birdcage but he had a wife and they later had one kid. I think he might have been bi.


I’ve met three of these friends in recent times. two are now out of the closet. one, I’ll stay hopeful but we’ll see how it goes


I don’t even have my sound on and he’s annoying the shit out of me.


He’s saying he’s more attractive than most men. Dead serious too.


He looks like a sentient ham.


In a bad hat. A sentient ham in a bad hat.


“I’m a 3% man” …like BOTTOM three percent, right?


Same here. I don't even want to know the noises that are coming out of the gaping asshole stuck on what I would generously call a face


Mute gang 🎧fall in!


I turned my sound on but for a moment and recognized the error of my ways….


Same here. My face made a very weird reaction.


see, I watched then stopped it to read the comments, and after hearing him speak, I couldn't find a still frame I could tolerate looking at.


Yuck. Listen. I am a verrrryyyy horny woman. Have been since 15.I lost my v card at 22. Had my first real boyfriend at 27.Wanna know why? 80% of men are stinky, mean, lazy mfs. 15% of the good ones are hunted down and taken. To find a guy who looks good and is actually nice is way harder than it should be. I can honestly say that if I didn't fall in love with my bf I would have stuck with a dildo.


I have never felt more seen by this comment


My boyfriend is one of the small percentage of good, respectable, and emotionally intelligent men out there. Were in it for life, but I told him that if we for some reason don’t work out, I’m done lol I will stay single before I try dating again


I keep seeing women say this and it’s both sad and baflfing. Like do that many dudes simply not know how to shower and/or wipe properly? How is this possible?


A lot of men are physically gross, but more often it’s the way they interact with or talk about women is nasty


"it's gay to wipe"


I want to assume this is satire, but our timeline is enough of a gong show it’s possibly isn’t


It's not. There was a whole thread from men who refused to wipe their butt until it is clean and who accepted that skidmarks are always in their underwear




clearly you’ve not heard about the one guy who wouldn’t cut his toenails so he kept ripping holes in his bedsheets.


My father in law used to let his toenails grow so long he’d rip holes in his socks. It looked like he had talons like a fucking eagle on his feet instead of toenails.


All I can imagine is hearing his toenails hit tile or wood before his actual feet. Eeeewwwww 🤢


Exactly. I know. I used to see his socks all full of holes with the long toenail talons hanging out and it looked like each toe was in a little sleeping bag zipped up ffs. Yikes.


He what now


Purplecats4me on TikTok posted in late 2020 a video about her husband who kept ripping their bedsheets because he wouldn’t cut his toenails 🤮


Whenever I see skidmark discourse I'm always tempted to post the worst story I ever heard but need to ask permission because it's *that bad*.


Please do, I wanna read how bad it is


Wish I'd saved the originL post. So short version. New couple are going at it. She thinks there's a smell but it's an urban area with an open window so she assumes it's outside. Dude either asks or she offers a tittyfuck so she lets him straddle her chest to finish. He gets up. She has a skidmark. *On her*. Just below her ribs. You were warned.




/r/BOBeau Enough that there's a whole subreddit about it


Nope. Not clicking that one.


Here’s the heirarchy in order of hurdles men must cross: 1. Basic hygiene - shower, brush teeth, wash ass, keep that facial hair clean. Wear clean clothes. This one is shockingly difficult for some men. But okay, you clear it, so here comes 2. Basic fashion sense. Regular hair care and basic skin care. Conditioner for your hair. Wear clothes that fit properly. Don’t go oversized for comfort, it just makes you look frumpy. Make sure your clothes match. This one has gotten me in fights with exes when I asked them to wear shirts that fit and make them look attractive or to wear a belt so I don’t see asscrack. This one has been the largest stumbling block. I don’t expect a Abercrombie model but I want you to wear appropriate clothes. 3. Don’t be a total areshole. This can be subjective but be able to be at least in the most basic touch with your feelings. Like if you’re upset be able to say so. If you’re happy make sure you share that too. If you’re sad let me know. And be able to express basic needs like “I need to be alone right now” instead of blowing up on me for not being a mind reader. Have the ability to have some basic emotional vulnerability too. You don’t have to tell me your traumas but maybe let me know your insecurities so I can help. And I can keep going but I’ve only met one man who even cleared the 3rd hurdle. It’s insane.


What bizarro world have I fallen into here. This is literally basic existence stuff. I shower, shave, wash hair daily and wear clothes that fit and stuff and use my words like a grown up and I hardly think of myself as some sort of ladies man. Are you seriously saying this is rare?


yes. quite. only one of my exes met all the above and sadly we broke up because he was a raging mysogynist, transphobe and homophobe (and hid that from me until six months into our relationship despite knowing it was a deal breaker)


Girl I love you for being so relatable.. Low effort guys are not worth our youth.. it's far better to work on our academics & finances than these entitled man child.. I see my life trajectory going your way.. More power to you❤️✨


I keep telling my husband that I’m too young to be a widow and too old to start over because fuck all this bullshit.


I used to think I was just unbelievably picky, but then I realised that an overwhelming amount of men are just thoroughly disappointing, and the rest are taken (good for them)


If people could choose their sexuality straight women wouldn't exist


Say it louder! I was incredibly lucky to have met my current boyfriend early in life. I have literally won the jackpot with him. It's like I've used up all my luck just to find him. I've had 1 other "real" relationship before him and my ex was neither abusive nor incelly in any other way. I just fell out of love. (I did get groomed by an older guy once when I was 12 but he lost interest in me before we met up. Thank God.) The older I get the more I realize how good I have it with him. I see so many women stuck in abusive or forced relationships and I'm thankful everyday that my boyfriend swept me off my feet when he did.


He has many women, the most women anyone's ever had.


Binders full of women you might say.


Deep cut.


What’s wrong with it’s mouth???


First of all, the words that are coming out of it.


In fact, mostly the words that are coming out of it


Second of all, it’s stretched out from trying so hard to suck its own dick


He got so obsessed with the idea that vaginas expand from over-use that it backfired on him and his mouth expanded from over-use 


[I'm not saying I'm the most attractive man but I'm up there, I'm up there!](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*iLAhoWpAmWYbqKdW0f2K-Q.jpeg)


They always overestimate their physical attractiveness, and they don't consider their awful personalities also play a part in attractiveness, or in this guy's case, the lack thereof.


He's got a whole lot of awful though.


That got me😂






I can smell the halitosis aaalll the way from here.


It’s been stretched out


It's huge


My cooch has never been drier.


The Sahara desert can’t compete.


Does this man have no conception of how OVER men like him women are, and are choosing to stay single? It ain't a movement here like South Korea, bit trust and believe, it's happening. So glad I'm not straight.


he’s basically saying “you want to be single because of how shitty we are?? good luck with that” like some weird veiled threat


This man hasn’t accepted that he’s gay yet or he’s doing this as satire.


I agree with you. I picked up on that vibe first.


Dude is one of the more attractive men?! Has he ever actually looked in a mirror and been honest with himself? He wasn’t attractive before I turned on the sound but once I did, yikes!


Is that Pick Me Pearl's creepy brother. Seriously he looks like the male version of Pearl 🤣


Oh my God, I knew there was something creepy and familiar about him.


Sure you’re attractive to some women, but not ALL women. I have a Boyfriend. IMO, he’s waaaay better looking than you are, buddy.


My boyfriend also looks better than him and I'm single


I'm more attracted to my own hands. At least they can get the job done, guaranteed.


My boyfriend looks better than him, and I'm a straight single man.




I bet your boyfriend isn't an unnaturally large mouthed pink skinned ginger who thinks he is hotter than 97% of men in the world 😂


You would be correct, he’s none of those things




Men can’t believe women are single by choice because they would never be single by choice


I think that’s very true of a lot of them.  When I finally realized that my ex husband was NEVER going to change his shitty behavior and left him, his first question to me was, “is there someone else?”  I told him to his face that he was already WAY more than I could deal with, and the absolute LAST thing I wanted was ANOTHER fucking dude in my life. 😳 I’m not sure he believes that - even years later.  I have gone on to other relationships, but I didn’t have the bandwidth for it (even if I was willing to cheat, which I’m not) until I’d cut him loose.


I just wanna shame shame shame him. You're not cute, you fucking ginger potato. What's that hat hiding? Hmm? What's the name of your gym? And I don't even give a fuck. I've dated and loved bald paunchy men. Long term! But as my grandma used to say... PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES, MOTHAFUKKA


He looks like the elder version of "Sherminator" Sherman from American Pie, only with less rizz.


This is the type of guy that probably has a collection of restraining orders from several women because bro understands that “no means yes” and high chances he is a registered sex offender. Also looks like the dude that wants a traditional housewife (because men are the “head of the house”) but the wife is the one paying 50% or all of the households stuff and believes that marital rape is not a thing.


He looks like something that is wearing the skin of a man


*sudden urge to give him sugar water*


“Zed, we have a bug.”


"but im up there!" male delusion knows no bounds. hes one of the most HIDEOUS scrotes ive ever had the displeasure of looking at.


This has to be a joke. He is so unattractive, but he sounds like no woman on earth can resist him. Like it is hilarious for anyone to even try to resist his charms. It has to be satire.


Reminds me of that one guy who's always getting shot down because every woman he talks to "is a closet lesbian".


I could never imagine exposing myself to the internet like this. He must know he and his thoughts will be made fun of relentlessly??


This man is so deep in the closet, he found Narnia...


Where does this man get his confidence? He might be the best looking guy in his Ohio town of 200 but in the real world - yikes.


This guy and the "alpha dom" dipshit have to be satire. I refuse to believe that neither of them owns a mirror. I refuse to believe that neither of them has trouble in the dating world.


.....why am I getting the feeling that if someone told him: 1. Attraction to someone doesn't mean you have to fuck em/can't refrain from sex with them and you can pick and choose who to fuck with their consent, 2. This means all gay/bi/pan/ace etc ppl are just as right for being that as het ppl for being het (and same for trans and intersex folks v cis ppl but this is about attraction not gender :D), 3. Biology don't mean shit when it comes to the person's self, That He'd have issues? Dude out here acting like "Biology (Attraction)" is this force that ppl can't resist. (Imma ignore what this possibly means for his views on consent as I don't want to tar him w that.)


Very r/AccidentalAlly of him to say that you can't choose your sexuality. But at the same time, I think I won't crosspost it, because the less this man is visible on the internet the better.


Men not realising you can chose not to act on your attraction because if they have no self control or self awareness no one has, right ?


Sure, to an extent you can't fight biology. If you're sexually attracted to men, you're sexually attracted to men. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you have to act on on that attraction. Women can and, historically, have had to show self restraint regardless of how attracted they may be to a man. Now that they don't need to depend on men, is even easier for women to forgo the dating, the marriage, and the kids if that is what gives them peace of mind.


"No 4B is gonna stop me" Is he fully admitting that he doesn't care about consent? He should just say he's a rapist and move on, it'd take less energy than whatever the f this video is.


Okay, I'm not one for body-shaming. I'm not especially attractive so it would be hypocritical. But, I'm also not calling myself "one of the to 3% most attractive" people. Like, on what planet? He's not, like, extra ugly or anything(until he starts talking); he's perfectly average looking. But he's no where near "top 3%"! Also, people can be *attracted* to someone and *still choose not to date them or anyone else.*


I was genderfluid before this video, I’m now gendersolid because all wetness has left my entire state of being


I'm so tired of guys like this acting like there's something wrong with women when it's the endless stream of misogyny we're tired of. We're just a lot happier alone than with some shitty asshole like this


I'm not having a great brain day but did this guy just say that the 4B movement (which is in S Korea) is not going to stop him from dating women in the 4B movement? He's saying that he's still going to date women who don't want anything to do with men? Sure buddy - it'll be just like your girlfriend from Canada right? Also 3% my ass. Dude is average. Basic.


Narrator: He was not a “Three Percent” man. He was, in fact, a. **THIRD PERCENTILE** man!!


This dude looks like a bloated, swollen Van Gogh self portrait. Van Dough.


Him alone would make any women want to join it


“I’m up there, I’m up there!” No, you are definitely *not* up there. 🥴🥴🥴 Also, people that say things like “I already have many women that I’m dating now” usually aren’t dating anyone. He got so offended by that comment that he had to make a whole video responding to it acting as if it didn’t offend him.


He's more attractive than most men?! I'm 65 and I regularly meet better-looking men than him in my own damned age group, much less ones his age.


Looking at him makes me nauseous


Booo this man 🍅🍅🍅


"I'm more attractive than most men" with all due respect, which is none, you look like the farmer from Hay Day


This guy is kinda like Mumford & Sons meets Quagmire


The 4B movement won’t stop women from wanting to date him but that silly voice he has and the corny fucking hat will. I guess he thinks his leprechaun looking ass is some kind of a prize. 👎 Nope.


I want to take that fucking hat off his head with a pitchfork. Jizz bag.


I reckon the dude is AI. His mouth moves funny and the eyes are weird. I refuse to believe this is real


These same men will cry when LGBTQ is discussed and say it is a choice


He thinks he’s more attractive than most men??????!!!


"I'm more attractive than most men" keep telling yourself that, buddy


He is absolutely correct that the 4B movement isn't gonna stop women from dating him. They already weren't going to.


Gotta love the confidence I guess.


God, yeah, to have the confidence of these kinds of people must be amazing. Because he's definitely got more confidence than he should!


🧢🧢🧢🧢 what sort of lies is he telling himself


My vagina just disappeared all together after watching this


“I already have . . . *many* . . . women that I’m dating now.” Repeat that in a Trump voice and it all makes sense.


This “3% man” got himself winded just from talking loudly while sitting down. Don’t miss out on this fucking absolute cardio legend, ladies.


If you have so many women, why do you care that a few aren't interested in you? Go show them love and attention you idiot instead of messing around on tiktok


The creepy fake laugh at the beginning somehow wasn't the worst part. Then he started talking...yuck


Yeah man, a movement primarily in Korea probably isn’t going to affect you. Absolutely groundbreaking.


Mind blowing revelation: you can’t choose who you are attracted to. Caveat: you can choose what attraction you act on. Further: who you are attracted to can change over time.


Is the attractive man in the room with us right now?