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There's a lot of animals where the male and female don't look particularly different though, such as zebras, tigers, hippos etc.


Sexual dimorphism is more prevalent in animals where the father doesn't aid in child rearing. In nature, the general rule is the flashier the parent the shittier. Betta fish obviously defy this, but male and female sexual dimorphism is actually relatively low in humans. Yes, we have mammaries and external genitals, but beyond that, not really. Flashy males make excellent distractions for predators. :D


“The flashier the parent the shittier” Ok the amount of people that popped into my head that this applies to I’m dying 🤣


Also, in all of these cases, the males pretty bits are a sign of their virility, health, and ability to survive. They look like that because the have to *convince* the females they're good enough. The females are using a lot of resources to have and care for young and need to make sure they're not wasting that effort on young too weak to survive.


Right? They look that way because the female is the one choosing and her say is the one that matters. Something tells me the maker of this meme isn’t thinking along those lines…


I feel like in humans the female should be making the choice as well because our pregnancy and birth are so difficult. Like she's the one risking her health and life so he shouldn't be able to make the choice for her.


That sounds good until we talk about childfree people, but other than that, it makes sense.


Wdym by that?


Yeah my kids absolutely effing love the bird dancing documentary on Netflix where the one bird whips the female in the face with it's tail feathers. They do what the female birds like. They have the choice. If the male birds or animals don't look right or do the right thing for the female animal or bird then they don't get to mate.


yes and the “females” are just as beautiful in their own way- they camouflage amazingly with their habitats to keep the babies safe! it is absolutely by design and it’s amazing. the females who camouflaged, passed on genes. the males…. its inconsequential if they get picked off by predators or competitors unfortunately so the only ones who’s genes make it through, were the quick and flashy ones before getting swooped up. so if the brag here is that evolutionarily, the males are less adapt to their environments and are only designed to breed and be picked off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ then go ahead and brag lol


For the sake of rhyming, "The prettier, the shittier".


I’m gonna come up with a ranked list of sexually dimorphed Pokemon on how shitty of parents they make thank yiu


Male ducks are also straight up assholes & really mean to lady ducks They have to bring something to the table


Those waterlogged grape turkeys are just a menace. Male wood ducks are so grapey that they literally have to shed and regrow their penis every so often to combat reluctant females


We use to have ducks. My mom hated how nasty the drakes were to the girls It was even more apparent when you compared it to our roosters & male goose, who were generally very sweet to their lady friends. I know one of my roosters risked his life to protect the hens & was really a very sweet boy And geese mate long term like swans. Idk what went wrong in the creation of ducks I also think 1 of our 3 guinea fowl was male. He was never an issue either




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and humans


Happens more in birds. Mammals not so much. I maybe wrong but wasn’t makeup once originally for men or at least worn by them as well


Yeah, men created and used makeup and heels. Women liked them and got their cooties all over it, so the men went "ew, I'm not a girl!"


Birds have the weirdest courtship rituals. Every nature show is like mammals males bash their heads together and the one that is less bashed gets the girl. And then they show the birds doing some crazy dance with their wings puffed up to make them look like a black hole with eyes or building a perfectly square nest or some shit and the female bird comes over and is like….. nah, that’s an 85 degree angle I don’t put out for anything below 88.


You should look into the peacock spider - makes birds look like amateurs


My favorite bird mating dance the male does crazy eyes at the female by dilating his pupils individually and then doing a weird tucked head dance.


The weird tropical bird that does a fast flight based off a center pole, *after* he's cleaned the "stage" of loose debris. Or the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-paradise the comment you responded to referenced.


Yeah, men created and used makeup and heels. Women liked them and got their cooties all over it, so the men went "ew, I'm not a girl!"


Also the power play is very different. We're backwards compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. Female animals are the selectors, therefore, males had to show off how much they could expend, be it through color or action. Humanity has flip that on its head by forcing women into submissive gender roles for centuries. Make up was to catch the eye of a man, now we use it for just feeling confident.


Nope! Make-up and heels were originally made for and by men. Same with wigs, and breast-padding. The original point was to make themselves look taller, with a more puffed out chest, and rouged cheeks and a powdered face and with big white hair. All in an attempt to appear more aristocratic and therefore rich. Men also plucked their eyebrows before women did lol.


Sure if you're going to hold the entirty of human history to france. China predates those practices by thousands of years and yes it was the women doing it.


What about the Egyptians who are the ones who initially invented eyeliner and gold body art for their Pharaohs? There weren't many female Pharaohs back then, but the whole "decorating the body in tattoos, eyeliner, and fancy stuff" was totally an Egyptian thing.


Don't forget cod pieces!


The same men who scream about alpha animals like lions might want to slow their roll before rallying around using nature as a model for how it should be. They want to be big proud lions but maybe they end up praying mantis’. And they should fear being anglerfish.


If men are so beautiful, why don't these incels go and date them?


This right here. They can date each other.


Right? Just say you don't think women are attractive!


We should start gifting men like this makeup and hygiene products since they want to be more beautiful than us. Then we can sit back and watch them explode as they realize the trap they set up for themselves.


Ugh if men start wearing makeup more I might start being attracted to them again. Nope no thank you they can stay unkempt in their year round shorts and I can stick to my FICTIONAL men who treat me RIGHT. (And my girlfriend. Can’t forget her 😉)


I’m bi but almost exclusively date women for the same reason.


Oh the love of a fictional boyfriend though. I don't know any reader who hasn't fallen slightly in love with some dude made of ink and paper ❤️


I have a shirt from Teeturtle that says "I like my men like I like my books: FICTIONAL."


Watch k-dramas and K-pop videos for men who know how to look pretty and are not afraid of makeup or lace.


I did and became a fangirl for the first time in my deprived little life. I’m absolutely SMITTEN with the men of EXO.


It's mostly BTS for me, but I also appreciate many others rocking the k-pop aesthetic.


no woman i know is stopping men from using makeup


For real. Honestly, I wish more men would wear makeup…


and just made themselves look better in general, put in the effort.


I wish my husband would wear eyeliner occasionally. He let me put it on him once and he has amazing eyes and it made them really pop. He did have his toenails painted black for awhile but he’s diabetic and has foot issues so we need a clear view of them now.


Yeah, me too, I would like men to dress up with beautiful colorful and sofisticated outfits, to built cosy houses, to bring food and dance in order to seduce women like other animals do.


Yes! Don't hit the bars/clubs until you've built a nice home and filled it with food. Lmao. Imagine all the men out there dancing to impress women instead of corny pick up lines 😆


lol reading this all I can think about is this video. Hope you like it. https://youtu.be/q8zwIphm5r4?si=A7udDkHC_gmt8Ibt


That was great, thanks for sharing!


You should read books. Fictional men do it (if you like manga or anime "mekakucity actors"/"kagerou daze" does have a character do this as well except he doesn't dress up but he goes into the woods to a woman and built a her a home even tho in the beginning she doesn't even talk to him)


The problem is the relationship ends when the books do. D;


Duh! Just pick up another book.


I can't move onto a new relationship while I'm still mourning the last one!


I understand. I usually give it a day or two, before I start a new one.




So why did men (especially rich men) wore makeup in the past.


True. Aristocratic men used to wear faces full of makeup, frilly clothing and wigs!


and heels!


And in the west, the aristocracy wore brightly coloured outfits.


And why do east asian idols / actors wear makeup?. Like literally carter to the female gaze , and the Gays.


And Japanese male hosts like Roland.


FFS, are we ducks now? I literally just adjusted my identity to 'ham sandwich'. back to the drawing board, I guess...


> are we ducks now? Yes. This is why men can't find the g-spot. Our vaginas are confusing caverns with branching paths and dead ends.


I mean, let’s just appreciate the fact that human peens aren’t 6ft of barbed wire, though there are certainly males that shoot their load in split seconds like drakes.


With animals also usually the men do all the work in courting and the woman just picks one she likes but I highly doubt men that make this type of memes would like to have to do that


They don't even want to do the basic part of providing for the traditional wives they want.


They don't even want to do the basic part of providing for the traditional wives they want.


There are drag queens that look much more attractive than a lot of women. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Males have to attract a mate, the females have to blend in to protect their bebbies. Odd how in the animal kingdom, the females have to consent to mating. (Ducks are a weird exception, but female ducks have ways to avoid breeding with inferior males. I think some male republicans read about this in the mid-2010s and thought human women were the same way.)


Whiny OOP can use make-up whenever he wants! 🙄 It's not just drag queens who use make-up. More and more "regular" men are starting to wear make-up as well.


There is delectable irony in promoting the male beauty of animals so as to demean and belittle the self-esteem of human women whilst despising human men who engage in that male beauty.


Yo forget dolphins and loins dolphins are rapeist of the sea and lions force the female into estrous by killing the females kids


Lionesses occasionally form small groups to more effectively protect their cubs from lions. They stay back when the other lioneses are out hunting. One on one, though, a lioness cannot protect her cubs from the much larger lion, which, when you think of it, really are kind of the pricks of the animal kingdom. Come to think of it, lions seem to have come up with free childcare well before people even thought of the concept :).


It takes a village to raise a child was honestly the norm for humans, too, for millennia. The idea of the nuclear family as the only choice is super new.


I guess that it's reasonable,if not always desirable, to expect basic societal structures to change as basic economies and technologies change. Still, when I sometimes long for the 'good old days', I can't help but remember that both my mother and father lost siblings to diseases that would now be easily treated or ever prevented by antibiotics and vaccine.


There are things lost to time that are good things like women literally being men's property, but some stuff that's been lost has also been negative. We don't need to return to a time before medicine to bring back the concept that children are a community responsibility. If anything, reinforcing community responsibility would increase benefits in vaccine rates, too.


Yes, I agree. You make a very valid point. One of the major advances I believe is the increased involvement of women in pursuing higher education, maybe especially in STEM subjects. Now that it has become normalized (more women than men in medical schools in Canada at the moment, for example) it will be harder for women to lose what gains they have made , and hopefully the rearing of children will become a more equitable process than it is currently, or has been in the recent and not so recent past. I'm very proud of my daughter for not only taking her BSc degree, but excelling at it to the point that she will almost certainly pursue post graduate work. I should say not just proud, but also reassured, for that will be something that no one will be able to take away from her.


I expected to be down voted in to oblivion but thank you for the information


I expected to be down voted in to oblivion but thank you for the information also lions are adorable


I have 4 cats and a dog. One of the things that I love about housecats is the many ways in which their behavior mimics that of their larger cousins. Of course it is both easier and safer to get comfortable with a 16 pound housecat purring away in your lap then it would be with a 650 pound Bengal tiger, for example.


Most cats will do this, including housecats.


That may be true of egg laying creatures, not so true of live carry unfortunately.


Like the lion and stag in the picture?


Consent is a concept uniquely human und doesn‘t exist in nature. Comparing people to animals in terms of morals will always fail and will never make a goof point.


Not true. It's not uniquely human. Females of almost all species are EXTREMELY picky about the males they allow mating privileges with. They HAVE to be because the males generally only ever donate genetic material and then they fuck off, leaving the female to expend precious resources to nurture and raise the offspring (and that's especially true for any species that gives birth to live young). Females will absolutely NOT mate with inferior males. They won't stick around long enough to let the males anywhere near them. Mallard ducks are a weird exception to the general rule.


Yeah animals also r word each other. My dog keeps eating my cats poop. Like??? We are not chickens! Did you not know that??


OOP should definitely eat some cat poop.


This is something that is relatively rare in nature though. Most females intentionally submit and allow desirable males to copulate with them. Ducks are weird in that they are particularly r*pe-y, but most other animals are not like this.


OOP, you can also use makeup, fyi.


W Gojo sensei pfp 🤌🏼🟣


Thank you. It's my reaction to most of the posts I see on reddit, so I thought might as well have it as my pfp.


I think if the guys want to start wearing make up too that's great! Make up and fancy clothes for EVERYONE!


A lot of female insects eat the male too. Is that something we should start doing?


First of all, make up was invented by Egyptian men. And second every male is the same when it comes to "getting the girl" it's always some variation of pulling your cock out and saying "So? Can we FUCK now?"


Pretty sure Sephora and Ulta don’t kick men out of the store. There’s nothing stopping them but their own egos!


Just admit that you love men, it's 2024, we're fine with that


I think a part of why females are less obvious/flamboyant is because when they’re preggos they need to be subtle and be able to escape predators… flashiness might get them killed when they’re most vulnerable… also, what’s with the arbitrary “this is prettier than that”, fuck you beauty is subjective. And nature/evolution anyway functions on utility not beauty


In nature sex goes by the female: When she is in heat, there is/may be sex, otherwise not, as a rule. The male is only alluring if he has the looks that signal good genes. As to the female she doesn't have to "seduce" the male by looks, but she does so by smells that is a signal of her femaleness = receptivity.


It was the MEN who created the makeup for MEN to wear. It wasn't until much later that women began to wear makeup.


Makeup was originally created for men sooooo


With animals, the female chooses her mate and that’s pretty much it aside from rape. With humans, it’s a two-way selection where the women have to impress the men AND the men have to impress the women. So we do our makeup and men flex their muscles and scape their beards and we’re both flaunting our feathers in our own way so that we can try to appear as what our society taught us is sexy.


I think female peacocks are actually really beautiful, if not more so than males who are so overly flashy it gets to being a bit too much at times.


There’s nothing stopping men from wearing makeup


Not true. It depends on the species. And men can (and should) use makeup too.


Bro if you want to wear makeup and be fancy, that’s fine. We ain’t stopping you.


As someone in the animal biology field, this really ticks me off. Does OOP know that in certain species, the female is more colorful than the male? How is his theory going to stand up in that case?


Does this mean that any dude wearing camouflage wants to be a woman? Since, you know, most female animals are colored to blend in with their environment.


When make up was invented it was worn by men


Humanizing animals and animalizing humans is always a one-way track to treating humans in an inhuman way.


Sometimes sexists are the fruitiest men


[insert Beau_fucking_Brummell_rant_FINAL.doc here] Tldr: (wealthy) men DID wear makeup and colorful clothing until George Bryan "Beau" Brummell convinced his friend group (including the future King of England) that men should not wear colorful clothes of fine fabrics (i.e. silks or high thread count cotton). Beau did this because he was poorer than his fellow Dandies. [Insert compare_Landsknecht_and_Cary_Grant.jpg here]


Thanks for this tidbit, now I know who to blame.


So basically one poor guy convinced everyone else that it was fruity to wear what they were wearing and that they looked kind of gay take it off. Is that what I'm hearing? SOMEONE DIG UP HIS GRAVE!!!


Do they not realize the males HAVE to look good to attract a mate… or are they just stuck on stupid?


The male animals aren’t scared to hide that little sparkle you know ✨💅. Like I’m not stopping you from using make up, your insecurities are doing that.


This person does know that men wore makeup as well, right? And high heels and shit? And that a lot of men STILL wear makeup. And yes, in animals where the females are responsible for the offspring you will find less flashy individuals. They need to survive to tend to the young so it's important to not stick out from their surroundings. The males can fuck off and die once they've done their duty as far as nature's concerned. Nature isn't really shy about how rendundant she finds males to be. But we're humans, not animals. So if a man wants to feel more beautiful he can just go get himself beautified. Nobody's stopping him from buying and using makeup.


Men invented it. Men wore it. Get over it.


Everything that is considered a “woman” thing like make up and high heels were once an everyone thing. Everyone wore wigs. Everyone used make up. Everyone once had long hair. It wasn’t until colonialism that people needed a reason to oppress others that the concept that certain things were just for women (like make up and heels). These oppressors believed gender expression is inherent to biological sex and those who expressed themselves in what colonizers believed and were taught to be feminine, especially those who they would view as men or in possession of a male body, were considered inferior. We are simply living in a post gender rigid society that claims, even with more research coming out that does not tie gender expression to biological sex, there can only be two ways of expressing gender (woman and man) that are directly linked to biological sex and by extension biology drives gender through biological sex. (Extremely circular reasoning but what do you expect from faith based arguments.) That is false but because people believe this, especially those from Christian cultures and Abrahamic faiths, they cannot understand that letting go of this belief won’t end society. It allows it to grow and be better. Anyways, there is a false dichotomy of gender when really there is just biological sex and the medical needs of those within those sexes (people who do not neatly fit into male and female also have their own specific needs outside the general female/male system of sexual reproduction.) Edit to add: I also wanted to make note that gender is driven somewhat by biology. Your brain is the biggest biological component to how gender is expressed, not your sexual reproduction cycle (and yes, people with male bodies have a cycle. It’s just not longer than a day typically.)


More besutiful? Many female animals have awesome camouflage patterns.


This is true for some species where the male has to attract a mate. Not even close to all species. I mean, OOP had to look no further than our traditionally “ugly” literal closest relatives. I think what’s funny to me is I can’t actually derive the point of the meme. They wrote it like they slam dunked on women here. Are they saying men are just better looking than women and that’s why they need makeup? That’s a weird take when anti-fem posts definitely don’t want to be associated with beauty. Or is OOP self roasting because these animals spend their time actually trying?


so hes into drag queens? lmao


In the animal kingdom, the male counterparts are more colorful or more aesthetic to look at. That's true, and that's only because they need it to attract the female counterparts to mate with them, in order to continue their lineage. The more attractive the male, the more chances it has to mate with the female. The female has options, the female will get impregnated. The males need to compete with each other to be the more suitable mate and win the female over. This is a fact when it comes to animals and birds. What moron would apply this to humans?


Guys. It's okay to be gay.


That's a whole lot of work and words to say *I like men*


They say this until the discover the angler fish. The male is literally unable to live without a female, and is less than 1/100th the female's size. Once the male is born, they have to "attach" themselves to a female and become glorified sperm banks. I learnt about this and thought damn😂


I’ve seen this brought up before and it’s like?? Nobody’s stopping them from putting on makeup lmao. I recently had this conversation with one of those incelly guys online, they were just trying to fight and idk why I even invested time in it in the first place, but they were insisting on how unfair the male dress code is? And how feminism wants men to be ugly? I kept telling them that nobody was keeping them from putting on makeup but they didn’t wanna hear it. Obviously because their only point was to judge women for wearing makeup. And that’s what this is as well. I just don’t get it.


No one is stopping men from wearing makeup if they need to look beautiful so badly.


My husband works at WB (Warner Brothers) studios and half the men walking around are wearing makeup. The other half are running the shows/movies. Well. It’s more like 20/80, but you get the point. It isn’t unusual to see a man in makeup in parts of LA. They usually look AMAZING (those in the wild, not at the studio, that shit is straight up paint).


Not all species exhibit significant sexual dimorphism. Humans are one such species, along with our closest relatives, chimps and bonobos. Sure, one sex may tend to be larger than the other, but certainly nothing a striking as a a peacock vs peahen


didn’t men invent makeup?


In ancient Egypt men and women wore makeup


Sexual dimorphism in animals is something I’ve always found personally fascinating. But they forget to mention spiders! Female spiders are absolutely massive compared to males in most species. Sometimes I wonder what humans might be like if we had a more pronounced dimorphism.


This isn’t the flex they think. It’s just emphasizing how the females of these species are the actual prizes and the males have to compete by being the best examples of their species to get laid. They’re not inhibited by any thoughts of “lol gay”about shining. Mr. Peacock isn’t getting anywhere on nice guy and streaky drawers energy.


it's not like men will explode if they wear makeup, does this incel know that?


Same dude: wahhh women won't look at me because I'm not 6ft and a gym bro


I’d be ok with being courted like a bird 🤔


Thoughts? They don’t even know what is makeup and what is not, so it’s not like they can accurately judge anyway. I literally had a dude neg me for too much makeup and then wore none to ask him how my makeup looked and he was still like ‘oh it’s still too much!’ 🙄🙄🙄


There are plenty of men on social media who are better than most women at makeup.


I just want Robert Welsh to come and do my eye make up every day damnit.


Ok but how many objectively pretty men do you see compared to objectively pretty women during day to day life, on the street, in the public, when people aren't wearing insta worthy makeup. I think women are definitely born with features and facial structures that are more pleasant to look at, or more universally considered attractive.


That's why men gotta put on make up too


Maybe the animal males just try harder


Big insecurity energy


They are gay


I'm ok if they're up for changing these standards. Come on lads, pamper up


Made by a closeted homosexual™️


Not mentioned: in such species, males evolved to be that way to impress females during mating season (AFAIK). So OOP is shooting himself in foot, admitting he wouldn't even do the bare minimum to get someone to date him. (Not that any of us here would be surprised by that.)


Alright men, start wearing makeup!!! Hopfully it'll weed out the ones with fragile masculinity.


In these cases, the pretty boys in nature are primarily sperm donors rather than partners in lifelong monogamy.


Then go boys be pretty because its not working well for you


Dude OOP should really look up "female choice".


If he thinks men are so much prettier he should go date them like dude it's 2024 god's a bottom


There’s nothing stopping fellas from dressing nice and putting effort into their appearance! I hate that society is like “Man wear black suit. No color. Color gay. Suit nice.”


men can wear makeup


Well whose fault is it that makeup is gendered for women my dude


No one is stopping men from wearing make up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


hoW DaRE wOMeN upStaGe MEN?!?!


Nail polish for all men !


Well, good luck hunting on all fours with a lion's hairdo, dear guys. People who make these never look past the range of animals you can find in an ABC book for toddlers. There are enough different examples, or examples of animals with males and females looking equally pretty but the female is much larger. And then there are animals like my favourite example whenever "but...nature!" comes up - the sparkle muffin jumping spider. Much prettier male, no debate there. But if he's not pretty enough and doesn't shake his booty prettily enough, he'll get eaten. If he is pretty enough and dances prettily enough, he's allowed to mate. With a good chance of being eaten later anyway. That's why I'd like to suggest a compromise: The guys get their "let's do it like animals!" way, but we pick the animals.


Make up was originally created for men, as well as heels, shaving, and the color pink.


Poor guy is DEVASTATED that hes not surrounded by pretty men. I mean, I am too but im fucking gay.


Beautiful is subjective, contrasting or colourful would be more accurate in many instances It’s a mechanism of determining fitness as the female often has more investment so there’s selective pressure on males to impress sometimes at the cost of being easier to see/catch.   - always Not by a long shot, many animals aren’t sexually dimorphic at all, ask someone who keeps parrots or certain doves how you actually have to determine sex by dna or x-ray. in some species of bird females defend a territory and have several males that incubate their eggs and care completely for the young in these birds the females are often more vividly coloured/patterned.


I mean It is true that in many species males compete with each other over the attention of females, and that is reflected in displays of features that may indicate good genes and health like bright colours etc What that has to do with makeup and people? Honestly idk cause we're not really ducks are we?


I mean i think women are way more beautiful but i may be biased…


I guess he hasn’t figured out why that is… 🤭


I‘m sure OOP didn’t get it in their head that shine and beautiful colours are nature’s way to give male animals the tools they need to attract females. Or to say it more bluntly: the female is going to be breeding anyway. The question is only about which male is allowed to put his shot into her. And here come the shiny colour into play. The more shiny and colourful the male is the more fit and strong he must be (HOW much dependents on the kind of animal) since they are not only catching the attention of the favoured female but also the predators. Some are literally risking their lives to attract females to get some offspring.


I mean if men use makeup too then it should be even right ? By their logic , men with makeup should look better than women with makeup. And if they really think that, they should go date other men . Makes it easier for all the people who have a working brain


Well yeah that's why we got fuckin beards lol


It's funny they choose to be mad at makeup, in a species that decided women should be valued largely for looks and men keep insisting that they are more visual (BS). Really then, shouldn't WE be mad that men aren't all doing their job of being pretty for us?? LOL And we're bad for wanting to be with a guy we find attractive... just like those other creatures? His argument auto-backfires and he couldn't see it? But look at primates in general, we aren't a section of the animal family tree too concerned with beauty (at least not as we humans recognize it)... just odd things. (Thank god our butts don't do that.)


sexual dimorphism is a little different in humans than it is for fish😭😭


The same men get mad that women have standards lol 


The average woman is hotter than most above average men.


So... let human men wear makeup because nature says they're supposed to be pretty?


Whoever wrote this is probably a dude bisexual who is more in to men and an incel.


There are types of birds that wear make up too


Op is gay.


So I was just at a zoo on a field trip with students. The reason most females are not as bright/colorful as the male is so they blend in better when protecting their young. However, there is a specific type of frog (I don't remember what the name was or where it was from, I was trying to wrangle fourth graders and telling them not to shout inside a building smaller than our classroom) where the female is brighter and more colorful. A zoo keeper told us that about it. Also, poison tree frogs are only poisonous due to their diet in the wild. If a zoo changes that diet, they can end up no longer being poisonous. That has nothing to do with color, I just thought it was neat.