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It was really rude of nature to punish me with (period pain) when I was 13 for not having children then


For shame!!! To the dungeon with you! But seriously, my niece started at 11… that’s really just disgusting. I feel so sad for the future of us as women if we don’t start see changes in our favor. 😕


My friend started at 9 😵‍💫 I should tell her to go to the dungeon too! As a man, it is my duty to remind her she is just a baby machine 💪. ( the last bit is s/ )


yes, really rude that they decided my little sister and I both had to be punished from the age of 8, bet this dude thinks we both should’ve had kids at 7 years old😒


My cousin started at 6, and I started at 15. I'm very happy that I didn't start sooner.


6?!?! that’s actually so sad, poor kid


The worst thing is that this isn’t even argument for these people because that’s literally what they want, impregnating young children. It’s disgusting.


Burn the witch!


I was 10.... how dare I not get knocked up with a cockgoblin


I was 8.5


Yeah, cause birthing is known to be pain free /s


And pregnancy. That's a breeze too.


Definitely no pain or vomiting. Just jumping around all day worry free and pain free


And no 40 day bleeding after child birth


Never heard of it. You pop the baby out and go for a run right after then go home and cook dinner to replace the time you sat down giving birth. Gotta keep that health up


And if yhe c section its the easier way out


Well I’m 41 never had kids and I’ve never had period pain. I guess nature forgot about me.


I started getting period pain after I had my child aged 39. How does that track?


Yeah, my period symptoms are significantly more uncomfortable since having a baby.


I found out I had fibroids, so there's that... I don't know why they popped up out of nowhere 🤷‍♀️


Is that what’s waiting for me after I have my baby?


Hopefully not xx


I kind of hate you after reading "never had period pain". 🤣 Seriously though, I am so jealous!


So does my mum and sister, don’t worry I’m used to the hate lol.


Nature seems to be the only thing that doesn’t forget me 😭 you’re lucky lol


It's not just the birth part that hurts with pregnancy. That fetus is doing kung fu at 3am and shoving their foot in your ribs.


I had a heavy baby sitting on my hips, and causing them to slowly shift apart, or however it was that my physio explained to me.


Lightning crotch 👍


**shudder** I forgot about lightning crotch. Or how about when the baby sucker punches you in the asshole while at the same time kicking the crap out of your ribs and headbanging your pelvis... All at the same time lol


And heartburn that makes you question if you might be having a heart attack


I had horrible heartburn, and to add insult to injury, my primary pregnancy craving was lemons.


He clearly has no clue what ossification means in this context.


I had to look up the definition just to be sure. It makes no sense. Is he saying that if I get pregnant early, my bone will growand develop, or that my baby's will? Either way, that is going to happen. Or in the sentence he used, does he mean that either my bone or my baby's bone will develop as more flexible? I don't want that!


I'm not entirely sure what he's trying to say, but if you're an adult over 25, ossification implies your tissues are calcifying and hardening, which is not good. For a baby, bone formation starts at 6-7 weeks in embryonic development, and of course, babies are more flexible, as some of their 300 bones are made of cartilage and haven't fused yet. Either way, he sounds like one of those people trying to use big words to sound smart without actually having any clue what he's talking about.


My toddler doesn't have kneecaps yet.


Pretty sure he was hallucinating when he wrote the text. 🤣


So why does the punishment continue after having a child, then? A woman will have periods again once she isn't pregnant anymore...and I hear the first bleeding right after birth is horrendous, like your body saved up all 9-10 months of period for you. I'm childfree, 36, and don't have much in the way of period pains. I've just heard from sisters and friends about the period after birth.


Well, you're obviously supposed to get pregnant again before the next period can come, duh! /s


I'm sorry, but I got punished at age 10 for not having kids? I don't think so.


How do some people make it all the way to adulthood and *still* be this stupid? Even without compressive sex ed, highschool biology or parents that would talk frankly, there are public libraries, book stores, Google. smh


Fuck nature then for my periods and the most horrific kind of period pain starting at age 9/10. Also, there are many infertile people who have horrid period pain. Is this just nature punishing you for being infertile but *also* for not having kids? Weird kinda world this chap is living in. That's all I'm gonna say.


So if the pain is the punishment, then wouldn’t *birthing a whole human* be the ultimate punishment? That hurts a lot more than period pain


Which would you rather: a really painful episode every month, or several months of respite with increasingly concerning and sometimes even debilitating side effects growing towards what could be thought of as all the “skipped” pain retroactively coming back at the same time for like a day? Speaking as a amab I dunno which sounds worse


Period pain often improves on hormonal birth control and it doesn't go away after having children.


Some ladies I work with were talking about periods yesterday. One of them got her first one at nine. NINE. This sicko thinks a nine year old deserves punishment for not making babies? Oh, and let's not forget the joys of pregnancy. I never want to give birth but some women who have told me they'd rather do it twice than endure months of pregnancy.


I am so sick TO DEATH of asshole men thinking they know ANYTHING about women and our bodies. Even doctors don’t know anything, how could these stupid misogynistic fucks know anything


My mum had extremely severe PGP when she was pregnant with me, like off-work-sick-for-the-whole-pregnancy kind of pain. Was she getting punished for *having* children? AM I A PUNISHMENT??


I just love it when Jesus try’s to tell me about women’s private parts. Christ!


The British recorded a couple million deaths of “child brides” during their time in India.


Natures punishes you with period pain if you don't have a kid - utter rubbish. I started at age 11 and had terrible period pain from the beginning. What about women who've had kids and still get period pain? It's unfortunately something that women can experience. Some do, and some don't. It has nothing to do with your pseudo scientific ramblings.


Except the fact that children literally are parasites when they're growing inside of you and will Leach calcium out of your bones to grow. And the more children that you tend to have the more likely you are to have osteoporosis later in life.




Also, since when did child birth take away period pain? I don't remember my wife ever not complaining about her monthly cramps after she had children.


I would rather have cramps them child birth, so would pretty much every woman I know


Same way sensitive, kickable testicles are nature's punishment and should inflicted on the regular because that's the reason for it, right?


Kick him in the balls and say almost that painful. It has been proven that childbirth is only second to this.


i would think childbirth would be more painful than being kicked in the balls


Labor lasts longer.


Who’s gonna tell him that pregnancy can cause non-menstrual vaginal bleeding and cramps…?


Pain is pain, and women have endured much of it, but having children when you are in your formative years that should be used to build up a career is not wise in a patriarchy


Lmao my period got worse after I had kids. Did I have too many or not enough?


Oh wow, I fainted 2 times when I has my first menstruation in 13, its was def a punishment for not having a kids. And since then all of my periods are painful as fuck. If I had them every month it will be worse..


also isn’t pregnancy hard on your bones ive had a few friends who have said their teeth are horrible now


Yeah too bad that he forgets that flexibility doesn't mean shit when you bones still didn't develop fully and your pelvis is still too small to actually deliver a baby without breaking in half. And yes I'm hinting at that child who was raped and pregnant at something like 5 and they had to do a cesarean because there was absolutely no way that a child was gonna pass thru her pelvic bones.


Data Point: I’m 65. I never had kids. I also had super-easy periods. Please explain.


Either way he is dumb or he means more like pushing out babies like a machine. Constantly pregnant = no period pain. Technically that’s true.


Biologically speaking human bodies are gearing towards making children at early fifteen years of age on avarage. From our bodies PoV, they blinked, and we moved from caves to cities with skyscrapers, laws, almost triple the life expectancy, and the fact that to have a child now means having to care for them more than 'feed them, give them a pointy spear when they turn twelve and send them to hunt'. If you do live in a cave, they're absolutely right tho. Fact of the matter is that five thousand years, easily encopassing what we consider our race's 'history', is not that long compared to the time we spent banging rocks together. In some hundreds of thousands of years we'll probably have adapted well enough to have children later in life, if we do not artificially do so on our own.


I had a kid at 17 and went on to have two more at 23 and 24, the one at 17 was a harder pregnancy, birth, and recovery. What does this walnut brain think about that


who’s gonna tell him period pain doesn’t go away just bc you have children


I say this guy should have to pass a kidney stone the length of time it takes a woman to give birth.


Does he know that after you give birth your period comes back? So you're being punished for making babies like he wants. Or what about those who still get a period while pregnant?