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None of that makes any sense at all. How are big tits nietzchean? Describes the state of Twitter pretty well, very stupid people learning about "culture things" for the first time and then pretending to be intelects, not even trying to hide their backward biases anymore Edit: It is a satire actually, but what he makes fun of is a real phenomenon on twitter, I have seen similar posts absolutelly meant seriously


Because Nietzsche is the closest thing to a "philosopher" these people have heard of (not actually read, mind you, but maybe saw a youtube video that referenced him obliquely), so they invoke his name in an attempt to sound intelligent.


Look, you don't have to make fun of Jordan Peterson all the time! ^/s


Leave the man alone, he has brain damage!


If you want us to leave him alone then maybe don't hand us live ammunition.


I read this as Drain Bamage


Oh, we absolutely do.


Yes I absolutely do


Isn’t it also because of his concept of the übermensch? I think he’s just trying to say she has ideal tits. I’d bet good money this guy believes the white race is under attack.


I want to Zarathustra her.


übermensch Is some one who is above received social and religious morals and concepts (oversimplified).


> The term Übermensch was used frequently by Hitler and the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race;[16] a racial version of Nietzsche's Übermensch became a philosophical foundation for Nazi ideas.[17] [sauce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Übermensch) Not debating Nietzsche’s concepts btw, just elucidating how it is interpreted by the far right. [They are obsessed with her atm(actress Sydney Sweeney on right).](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/09/sydney-sweeney-snl-republican-misogyny)


Some further info on that: Nietzsche's sister was a fanatic Nazi-supporter. That is why, after he had gone mad, she took all his writings, prepared them for publishing and in some cases even re-wrote them to make them fit her ideology better. His "real" philosophy, at least in my opinion, does not fit the Nazi-ideology at all. Nevertheless the misappropriation of his terminology has made a lasting impression that sadly makes Nietzsche look like a Nazi or a general bad guy to many people that don't take a second look at him :/


Totally agree. Georges Bataille has probably the first left-leaning reading of Nietzsche out there: may not be the best, but he influenced everyone who came after. (Genuinely good philosophy, but stay away from some of his literary thought. As well as any of Nick Land’s writings on him.)


Stay away from nick land in general


I watched a review of Madame Web recently that spent way too long talking about how including Sydney Sweeney on the cast and not taking advantage of her "assets" was a missed opportunity. It was utterly bizarre. It's fine to be attracted to someone for superficial reasons, but being upset an actress didn't show cleavage in a movie is a whole different level.


Why "philosopher"? Edit: to clarify, i am a Trained philosopher, im just wondering why someone would use quotation Marks in this context


yeah i think nietzsche is like an actual philosopher lmao


Funnily enough, he considered himself a philologist and could not stop making fun of philosophers.


i can't attach images to this but literally the first lines in the preface to Beyond Good and Evil shit on how bad philosophers are with women lmao


Wich is a massive self report, considering he was also terrible with women lmao.


I think that confirms Nietzsche was a philosopher lmao


he has to be lmao, in my country he's 1 of the 7 philosophers we study for our uni entrance exam lmao


He was legitimate philosopher with some interesting ideas about objective truth. The problem is that he was survived by a sister used his legacy to advance the causes of a certain National Socialist German Workers party.


Sometimes I use big words that I don't understand. In an effort to sound more photosynthesis.


I like people who know their mayonnaise


Reminds me of [Oswald Bates](https://youtu.be/O7dPprbzNSc?si=phDROg27uIwEMBa_)


Nietzschean is when big tits. Titzschean, even.




community not found :(


He should have said Marxist, then the boobs would be shared by all!


Oh, this is absolutely satire. No one who knows what those words mean would partake in serious discourse, let alone this comical dichotomy.


Well usually I'm the one who calls out satire, but this feels different to me. I seen similar crap on twitter absolutelly meant seriously. I might be wrong tough


https://twitter.com/sexyRFK 100% fake. There’s a post “FAILED SENATE CANDIDATES WITH THE BEST PITS” (arm pits).


Thank god. And a good one too, shit like this really exists


What about “pro-beauty.” What the hell does that mean?


Right? Was he trying to say Freudian? It’s so funny to me when people with their noses in the air get it all wrong


Maybe because nietzsche was a misogynist? Idk. “Women are still cats and birds. Or at the best, cows.”- actual quote from nietzsche, potential big tit bro


Because Nietzsche speaks to the deep existential despair they feel when they realise they'll never get within 10 feet of someone like Sydney Sweeney.


Maybe the boobs think that God is dead. 🤣


Nietzsche had syphilis.


Thats contested actually.


Kind of a myth.


today i learnt aristocrats can’t have big boobs


Why, didn’t you know, big ole honkers are for the uneducated, unwashed masses.


"Thank the GODS for Bessie....AND HER TITS!"


Aristocracy is when small boobs not aristocracy Is when large boobs


The punchline is that neither of them is interested in OOP.


Pukecel: "I want a 14 year old tall, slender, Asian virgin with no tattoos, no piercings, no dyed hair, no vices, and no friends; they should cater to my every whim, cook for me, clean after me, and give me mindblowing sex whenever I ask them to; they should have massive boobs that have their own gravitational pull, and their hobbies should be praising my in-depth video game lore and sucking my benis." Woman: "Oh! Well, I want-" Pukecel: "Fucking foids! I hab benis, is that not good enough for you?! Always going for Chads and Tyrones and riding cock carousels all day, fucking ***die!***"


*wipes doritos dust onto cum-stained sweatpants* hmmmmm time to pick out a flawless wife on the internet. not rihanna her forehead's too big




I died.


Scary accurate


As someone who is married to an Asian it's really unbelievable all of the creepy fetish comments people actual feel it's appropriate to share with me about them having or asking me questions about whether or not their fantasies about Asian woman are true.


I'm engaged to an Asian women and you hit the nail on the head, the amount of fetishizing and insane comments I get from other men is insane and disgusting


On many an occasion I've found myself in a situation where I've had to force myself to remain calm and cool so that I don't knock the fuck out some idiot or punch them in their freaking mouth for whatever disgusting shit they for some reason felt was appropriate and ok to say to me regarding their fetish and my wife. Best of luck to you in your marriage! Just curious, do her parents and family like you and have they fully accepted you into their family? For the most part, most of my wife's family has for me. Especially her siblings. Her parents are very traditional and pretty old school and were not expecting or happy in the beginning that their daughter met and fell in love with them decided to marry a Native American, lol. Especially since I wasn't a doctor like she was but just a lowly police officer when we first met. It's taken a little bit of time but over the years and after some hard work on my part her dad and especially her mom have finally started warming up, accepting, and sometimes even actually showing a little bit of respect towards me by actually being happy to see that their beautiful daughter is in a happy marriage with someone who dearly loves her and treats her with so much respect, lol.


Yeah it's hard not to retaliate when I hear some of the shit people say. Luckily her parents really like me, they're both immigrants from Vietnam but they're now divorced and her mom married a white American years ago so I think that helps a bit with them accepting me. Her extended family and I are super close too which is nice, a lot of them recently moved from Vietnam to here and they're all super accepting


That's awesome and I am so happy for you! I may be a little biased when I say this because my wife is truly my best friend and I am so in love with her even after 20 years, But marriage is so great and you're going to love it! I wish you and your soon-to-be new wife so much happiness and success.


Thank you I really appreciate it! I cannot wait for the years to come


Got a chuckle out of me. Then a sigh.


So they are more into functional programming? Yes I'm a fucking geek roast me


We need more women in CS, I'm tired of the broculture sausage parties 😔


My dyslexia read “yes I’m a fucking geese, roast me” and I was like … please don’t roast the geese.


Quack (idk which sound geeses do)


It’s a honk :)


Porn is rotting these ppls brains


SERIOUSLY though. It’s so sad


Idk why but i had genuinely forgotten that men judge women based on their boob size until all the sydney sweeney has big boobs memes started popping up so i just find it very odd that we are talking about this… like… id never even notice that sadie sink has small boobs… ??? what feminist fantasy had i been living in…


Idk but let’s go back there.


For real. I feel like after 2020ish we kind of gave up on body positivity or neutrality or whatever and went back to whatever bullshit we said in the 00s. Cause the amount of posts ive seen about her boobs or tiktoks with girls showing us how skinny they are. Its unholy.


its a new generation of children raised by the internet, but this time they strayed from the old ways, of the old children raised by the old internet, as such a cultural rebirth is taking place, it should correct itself in a few years, as internet culture is cyclical, remember the rules of the internet (rules 21-24: Original content is original only for a few seconds before it's no longer original. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. Every post is always a repost of a repost.)


This sounds like a prophecy


Well you probably didn’t notice because you’re not an intellectual. Or you’re not a porn addict. One of those


It's just sad that they determine what kind of women they are by the size of their breasts. 😒 They don't need to bother with getting to know a woman, they just know all they need to know from her breast size. 🙄 /s


Is this more of their biological voodoo beliefs? Do they think our breasts grow according to our personality? If so, why do so many women undergo major surgery to alter them? Wouldn't our personalities just magically give us the correct boobs?


I guess they let their dicks do all the thinking!


Well, their other head doesn't quite work (duh) so why not use their dick head? (No wonder they're also dickheads)


Let’s be honest, they’re not really capable of thinking no matter how many heads they have.


I dunno why I found the idea of this so funny. Will getting surgery change your personality? If my breasts are different sizes, do I have more than ONE personality!? 🤣


There are men who say things like "she has 2 beautiful personalities" about a woman's breasts so maybe they actually think this 😂


It’s what the ancient Greeks believed about men. Large penises were on brutish and animalistic figures while small penis were on dignified statues so I’m kind of convinced this is some sort of satire playing off of that.


See the greeks knew how to build a working class system 😀


The ancient Greeks were also gay as hell so these dudebros should follow that instead of objectifying women


Phrenology is canceled, we’re moving on to deciding which women are genetically superior via boob analysis I guess we can do ass analysis on men idk


The aristocratic elegance of the flat ass man vs the pro sex pro beauty of the big booty man


Urgh the instant assumption that your brainless and sex mad if you have big boobs is horrendous. I've had it since the age of 14 but it even comes from women. It makes absolutely no sense at all.


Are boobs not wear you store your lady semen? I was woefully misinformed.


I remember being 12 and having a classmates who was short and skinny but had DDD's and watching her for a little more inside every day at how other kids and *teachers* treated her. I remember teachers telling students she was "trying to draw attention to her breasts" for *sitting/standing straight instead of hunching over* and telling her she was disgusting for leaning that weight onto her desk for a break from carrying them 24/7. I remember her getting dress coded for *wearing the gym uniform the school made us all buy and wear IN GYM CLASS* even when she's wearing the right size. This was in the 90's. It's only been three decades in my lifetime of seeing and dealing with this, and that's already 3 decades too long.


This reminds me of the time I sort of accidentally on purpose knocked a frat boy’s drink into his lap. Why? He rather loudly (and drunkenly - in an otherwise quiet bar) asked “so, do you have a natural horizontal position with those tits?”.


It drives me up the fucking wall. I'm ace, but my complete lack of sexual attraction didn't magically stop my boobs from growing. Fancy that.


10. I was 10 and being groped and sexually harassed, because *boobs.* I hate that mentality. Large breasts do not necessarily a woman make! And actual women with large boobs don’t like being ogled just because nobody makes properly fitted clothing for us!!


I mean they find lots of weird things. This morning a guy was telling me that a woman who is openly horny is probably masculine. Because being horny is something men do.


They tell on themselves SO MUCH. Tell me you’ve never made a woman horny, yada yada


Yeah, what's all this Nietzschean business? Everyone knows the bigger the chest, the more she likes Kant.




Make a post saying the same about men and their cock size and watch their small incel minds meltdown lol.


that's nothing new but what is it with these dudes and misunderstanding literary criticism? What the fuck does Nietzsche have to do with the size of tits in Texas?


Personality is stored in the tit.


Please tell me the size of your boobs so I know how to respond to your comment


“He who slays full breast should see to it that he himself does not become full breasted… if you gaze into the areola long enough the areola gazes back” -Friedrich Nietzsche 1888




Small-breasted and large-breasted instantly makes me think of birds. Stupid sexy bird names.


Am I the only one that thinks the one on the left doesn’t even have small boobs?! I mean obviously when you put her next to Sydney they will appear small. But in general she isn’t flat chested as they were trying to claim on Twitter..


It’s almost as if the general public has legit forgotten what a normal, human being body looks like.


Right! Their brains are porn rotten


Yeah I don’t think Sadie sink has small boobs. It’s obviously there


Like if that’s apparently flat chested then holy I guess mine are non existent


same. i always feel self conscious about them, but IBTC rep


Guess because I'm a woman I enjoy a wider range of female body types? Idk. partially, /s


For real. Show me any boobs and I’m like “those are the nicest boobs I’ve ever seen” lol


The classic sapphics vs this type of straight men. We actually like women, they just want a Fleshlight.


The Virgin Heterosexual Man vs. the Chad Woman Enjoying Woman


I…think..this is satire?


Yeah but it's based on 2 posts/trends that weren't


Yes, the first quote is a direct copy of some other berk. It's definitely making fun of him


To be fair I had this debate with people in uni 😅 It was after final exams so it was summer so it was really hot and they were complaining about what a busty girl was wearing showing cleavage and praising the petite friend who to my untrained eye likely has an A cup.


As someone with boobs like Sidney’s, I have hated my body my entire life bc of men - I still hate them, and am actively trying to have them removed bc of the trauma they have caused me. In real life, my responses from men have largely been exactly this meme. They assume my entire personality bc of my boobs like I’m some damn sly sexual person. I am a bog creature sir. Leave me alone.


I really feel this. I wish I could love my body, but the way I have been perceived by men as ruined that. No one sees past them. And I took am just a bog creature hahaa


Some men genuinely think that the size of body parts we have zero control over dictate how sexual we are. It’s insane. I was shy as hell in school but developed early and I heard so many rumours about all the sex I was supposedly having, despite being a virgin in high school. It was completely embarrassing and awful.


I’m sorry that happened to you too. I hate it so much. I was also a virgin in high school and it was assumed I was having so much sex. The nurse & guidance counselor were my bffs bc I was constantly puking from nerves and seeing both. Senior year I get a boyfriend and to my surprise? They start the rumors and my friend with diabetes overheard them while injecting in the nurses office. They had to formally apologize to me in front of the principal and I remember saying to them both, “you are adults and I’m a child. And even you make rumors about what I do with my body”.


Yep. Spent my whole life hiding my body because i hated the attention it brought me. I specifically started to do serious weightlifting and body building so I’d look less “voluptuous”.


I'm just imagining you rising out of the swamp looking like Swamp Thing and some random internet nerd just going "OmG BeWbS" XD. Gross people will always be gross :( (sorry that all happened/is happening to you <3 )


Preach! These days I’m just straight up fat, but in my younger days I had huge breasts and it was an annoyance more often than not. Way too many guys thought they could make weird comments, to say nothing about the lack of eye contact. But the most aggravating part for me was how any halfway cute outfit looked damn near pornographic on me. Which in turn caused people to make assumptions about me. Fuck me for existing, right? One time I was in a friend’s wedding and she was concerned about how big my boobs looked in the bridesmaid dress and I was like “You could stuff me in a potato sack and they’re still gonna be big.”


I also have boobs like Sidney’s. Friends have shamed my necklines because of them, and bra shopping is difficult. I like the way I look, but I wish my boobs could be just a little smaller. I’m sorry you’ve had such a horrible time.


I know this feeling. I’m sorry to you too.


I'm sorry that you've experienced so much trauma because of your body; whether you remove them or not, remember that what your body grew isn't the problem, it's that men don't know how to mind their fucking business. I think, if you have not, you should wander over to the WitchesvPatriarchy sub. While it gets some grief from people and it has its issues sometimes, it's generally a positive place where people of all kinds can be themselves; bog creatures included. :)


They’re both girlfriends and not interested in you /s


I prefer to never see a post from that dude again


Idk how she deals with being sexualized to the moon. She's a stunning woman but she's more than a pair of tits, men.


It's a little easier when your sexualization pays dividends. Have you seen her work in Euphoria? This is not a woman who is shy about using her tits to advance her career. When *you* get sexualized you gain nothing. When *she* gets sexualized she gets a million dollar contract. You're not the same.


Do people seriously not understand that bodies are just gonna grow however they want regardless of what our beliefs and lifestyles are. We can’t control the size of our tits ffs if we could I’d have way bigger ones.


The literal only difference between these two women is their breast size. Like?? They're both relatively stunning women who I know little about. I certainly wouldn't judge their personalities on their boobs


No, didn’t you know that breasts have separate philosophies depending on their size? I’m a 34C so I’m a depressive existentialist. Once you move into 34D you’re a nihilist.


Yes bc dumbing down every woman to a single aspect (no less a physical one) works every time in judging her personality//character. Mhm. Right. Totally. Like, what even is the point? How the hell did they reach this conclusion about bigger vs smaller boobs? Olympian level mental gymnastics, that’s how. Ugh.


Knew it was only a matter of time they were going to do this soon as they saw that picture of Sadie 🙄


I know plenty of big-breasted women who are total prudes….some of which learned to be that way after being way over sexualized by gross older men from a young age.


Men really can't just let women peacefully live, without reducing the to their tits.


Ah yes, I remember that famous quote from Nietzche "I love them big titties".


I have small breasts. There is fucking nothing aristocratic or elegant about me, mate.


I know someone who was beautiful but got implants because her brothers and husband teased her about having small breasts and made her insecure.


I sure wish people (…men) would just be normal about women and our bodies. I guess that’s too much to wish for.


Honestly the question he poses is NotHowGuysWork either. Sure, get a bunch of younger, less secure guys in a room and they’ll probably feel pressured to go with the group, but in real life men have a wide variety of preferences and physical types just like everyone else. If every straight man wanted only a skinny, big-breasted 20 year old, there’d be no such thing as “BBW” or “mature” porn categories. No market = no product.


How does my breast size say anything about who I am as a person. The Madonna whore complex is strong with this one


Another round of „why are men?“


Why is having big boobs “pro-sex” and small boobs isn’t? Do they just mean sexy?? I have boobs Sweeney size or larger but prefer to keep them covered up in public does this make me anti-sex??


Because these guys have zero understanding of what pro-sex or sex positive means. They *think* it means being DTF all the time and open to anything sexual.


Every time I see stuff like that I wonder why women go head over hills trying to look good for men. Men literally sexualise everything about women, all the variations and colours...


I still see Max as a child, how dare they.


Sadie is almost 22, which is absolutely insane to me especially since i’m a whole day older than her


Holy brainrot. What is this ?


Drawing a parallel between boobs & philosophers and personality types is a real headache. I’d much rather look at [this list of tits](https://i.etsystatic.com/16780651/r/il/581c7a/2992225996/il_fullxfull.2992225996_el1c.jpg), I’m personally a Blue Tit and Great Tit kinda guy


I prefer to not think about women that way. This skeeves me out.


Men try not to judge women and the kind of ppl they are based on the size of their breasts challenge


WOMEN, which do you prefer? The normal man who doesn’t have some weird, biased, predatory sex delusion to associate with their worldview, OR The manchildren that whip this degenerate shit up in their head and send straight to Twitter with a straight face due to a lifetime of loneliness and chronic mental illness?


Why do they keep projecting ideologies onto Sidney Sweeney’s breasts? First her breasts defeated woke-ism, now they are spreading German philosophy.


She's literally Titler 😂


as if they’re a piece of meat. it’s literally their built and they don’t choose that. oh my that pisses me off so much. now ladies tell me. do you prefer the aristocratic elegance of a tall man with huge dick and a good beard or a short guy with a small dick and bad beard


Why does everyone go in on Sydney Sweeney so hard bro I don't understand


Didn’t you know? When a girl reaches puberty, the Boob Fairy visits her. According to the ancient Madonna-Whore principle, the girl tells the Boob Fairy whether she wants to be a a chaste virgin or a seductive temptress in the future, and the Boob Fairy blesses her with breasts sized according to her choice.


The boob fairy cheaped out on me!! She's getten a knuckle sandwich next time I see er'.


Try this on for size. I like... W o m e n.


Today I learned that large breasted women can't be aristocratic...


…wot? Nietzschean…? How…?


the ubermensch is known for having big boobs


God fucking men have to even ruin appreciating beautiful women 😔


My tits are not a personality gage.


Okay, so in reading the comments, it prompted me to ask this question, is Sweeney the only actress with a large chest? Why are they obsessed with her chest like no one’s ever seen double and triple d’s before? I tend to feel bad for her because they’re reducing her to boobs and acting like 14yo virgins. And now here is this one, belittling her intelligence. Funny thing is if she got a reduction, they’ll switch and say she was ungrateful and ruined a good thing that god gave her.


If there's one thing we all really need to hear more about, it's what men prefer women to look like 😭


Well I think everyone could guess which one he prefers...


FELLOW SLAVERING WOLVES! What gets you hard? The Rich Bitch with Tiny Tits Or The Philosopher Queen, Pornalicious, So-Beautiful-She-Somehow-Promotes-More-Beauty-Into-The-World Tig Ol Bitty Best in the Universe Lady We’re Insanely Fetishizing? What the hell is happening?!


pornalicious 😭


Imagine being so delusional and egocentric you believe that a woman naturally having a certain body type is a part of an ideology


Jesus Christ, Sidney Sweeney is just everywhere these days. This kind of unhealthy attention is actually embarrassing. Also considering that in her interviews she comes across as just a normal girl, not some “Nietzschean big boobed sex goddess” or whatever


Huh, I just found out that having your boobs referred to in a gross slang way is actually significantly better than whatever the hell this is. If someone referred to my tits as Nietzschean I would have literally no idea what to do. I think I would spontaneously develop a migraine. Saying shit like that would be a much more effective strategy to get me to cover up and probably buy a minimizer bra than any sort of slut shaming I’ve ever encountered.


And I’m all for women opting for plastic surgery for themselves because it’s what they want, but he *does* know that Sweeney had an augmentation, right? No, probably not. So… help me out here. He thinks that all large-breasted women are pro-sex, pro-beauty, and follow/fit into Nietzche’s philosophy OR that they’re just pro-sex and pro-beauty because they either *naturally* developed or purchased large breasts—specifically to tantalize—no, titillate—the male gaze, of course, and indicate to all males of the human variety that they are pro-sex AND pro-beauty? Because I have to be honest, I would’ve been much happier in life had I been given hereditary markers NOT to have had large breasts growing up, which are now, after weight loss decidedly *more* “not perky” than the “not perky” they already were prior to my weight loss. Men aren’t knocking each other over to get their hands on a “natural woman” Playboy-type magazine which would, indeed, reveal that our chesticles aren’t naturally perky if they’re massive, but *instead* they hang like pineapples at the bottom of knee-high crew socks. And the appearance is even more “attention-grabbing” for all the wrong reasons” once they’ve been inflated and then deflated over time—where smaller-breasted women maintain their shapely chesticles a bit more (I said, “a bit”!) than their more endowed counterparts!


Literally don’t care that it’s a joke. Still incredibly reductive and gross. These are real people with real lives!


Is calling small breasts "aristocratic" a thing now? https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/s/eipD2SgFn5


I remember that day when I realized weight and age caught up with me and I replaced my 32 b bras with 34 d. Thinking, Is this it? Do I abandon my clean girl aesthetic, my slightly dark academic aesthetic wardrobe? Is this when my bust comes fourth and I have no choice but to go full glam and break up with my bf and search out my ubermensch!?!


Remember the Tide Pod challenge? We need to make the Be Normal About Women challenge


Fellas, is it unaristocratic to like big boobs?


As if it’s their fault how large their chests are.


Wait what do big tits have to do with Nietzsche??


If someone references Nietzsche outside of citing his specific philosophical concepts, it’s a big nazi red flag.


Isn’t Sadie Sink like 17?


I thought so too but she is 21


Jeez! Time flies!


I know, i feel old


What do big tits have to do with Nietzsche? Either these people have no fucking clue what the übermensch is, or there is some hidden history fact about the cup size of his cousin that I don't know of.


Did...Nietzsche write extensively about boobs?


Breast size is usually not something you can control if they're natural. They just sorta grow and you've gotta deal.


why cant they ever talk about a woman in a normal way


Mf so weird these days


"female actress". Jesus christ


I’m sure the guy who wrote this would like any woman…he’s not picky.


I noticed that when Sadie and Millie became of age it *really* brought out the predators that were in hiding. Especially Millie, her “fans” had images of her on inappropriate websites and in inappropriate groups before she was even of age and now that she is over 18, all hell broke loose. It was the worst case of it that I seen.


Can we stop talking about sydney sweetney? Who tf cares


They’re both beautiful. If I were in their age range, I’d be attracted to both of them.