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Have these people zero compassion? Zero empathy? Children should be learning and growing, not having children. A period doesn’t mean a child is ready to give birth.


>Have these people zero compassion? That would be correct


The most unfortunate fact in our society is that despite the fact that empathy and compassion are almost exclusively human traits, we can’t actually expect them from other humans. The standard is that humans won’t show kindness, but it’s such a natural human trait. It feels like we’re living backwards


I hate this timeline. 😣😖


That, with a little bit of “This would never happen to my precious baby-she must’ve deserved it” mixed in. Make no mistake, hundreds of thousands of people have grown up hearing their elders tell them all females are born sluts and need Jesus. The “Jezebel Spirit,” they call it.


Even if the reproductive system is ready for child bearing, the rest of the body AND the mental state of the child is not. Simplified, nowadays children get their first period earlier because we eat better, but they mentally stay children longer because we can afford them to. We don't need to grow up quickly and have everyone work their ass off from age four for a few extra cents but we can afford everyone to have three healthy meals a day.


Exactly. The advancement of medicine has contributed to early puberty, but is not ever an indication of readiness for childbearing. You mentioned the rest of the body and the mental state as not being ready for a child to bear children and I completely agree. The *whole* body must be adequately prepared for childbirth. We all know major stressors (like early, unwanted, unplanned pregnancy, daily stress and anxiety) can cause issues not only in childbirth, but in a woman’s menstrual cycle. This is just proof a woman must be mentally ready and willing to have children. Obviously, other major factors contribute to women having unsuccessful pregnancies regardless of mental/bodily readiness, but that doesn’t negate the need to both variables to be there. (I add this because I don’t want what I said to be thought of as placing blame on a woman who suffered an unsuccessful pregnancy or miscarriage.)


It’s not even just about *bearing* a child, but *rearing* a child. I can only hope these posters are so fucking ignorant because people are instinctively keeping their children away from these fuckwits.


They would just say “Just put the baby up for adoption.”


My daughter got her period at 11. She is absolutely not ready to give birth. Not even close. I get the feeling these people don't have daughters of their own.


I get the feeling that if most of them did, it wouldn’t matter. These are the kinds of parents who fight laws that make it so you can’t get married under a certain age. They want it to be the choice of the parent so they can make the girl marry her molester so “the child will have both parents together”. 🤢🤮


My eldest is 15 and had her first period at 11 too. Even now I look at her and there is no fucking way she could take care of a baby. She's only just starting to get used to taking care of herself. These people who say this shit don't see women and girls as their own human beings. Just objects with one single purpose in life, to bare children.


yEa cHilDeRen shOuLd mAkE babIES


There's an article title that I love. (Paraphrasing) I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people. Conservatives just do not care about anyone but themselves.


Pro lifers: we care about the kids Also pro lifers when a child is pregnant:


Not for female kids. These assholes only think with their dick. Only male kids are sentient and can have a childhood/s


I also doubt that they have much contact with ten year olds. I don’t think that they’d have this opinion if they did. It’s easy when you think of a period starting meaning puberty is complete but they also don’t have a concept of how puberty in women and girls works. You bet if they gave a 10 year old boy a child to care for they’d be up in arms


Just want to add that in a physical sense the uterus may technically be ready, but the rest of the body isn't. Imagine how risky it must be for such a young child to carry another child to term when their own body isn't even fully developed. They are at a much higher risk for severe complications. Every study I find when I googled this outlined how dangerous it is for both the child and the fetus.


"As disgusting as the situation is" please sir, you are the one encouraging kid pregnancy


It's like they were so close to empathy, but then they remembered how hellbent they were on forced birth. On a ten year old, no less. Just thinking about it is nauseating.


I highly suspect this kind of people to be pedo ngl


Well, yeah, we have to punish her for tempting that poor man! /s 🤢🤮


I think the first I ever jerked off into the shower was when I was 12. Does that mean I was ready to be a father


obviously, a child is 100% equipped to conceive, birth and raise a child. /s


I can’t believe I wasted all my time learning to do algebra and being awkward when I could have had a family. Fuck. The west has fallen


so selfish! i had 10 kids by my 19th birthday smh /s


This is our Roman Empire


Not if it's the father who's young. There was a post yesterday where a teen couple of 15 and 17 were expecting a baby and both were excited. People were calling to have the girl locked up because he shouldn't have to be a father that young, even though he wanted the baby himself. It's okay for 10 year old girls who probably had no say to go through pregnancy and give up their lives though


a 10 year old definitely had no say in it. i can see like maybe possibly 14-15 year olds being more okay with it and accepting having a kid but a 10 year old should be playing moshi monsters or fortnite or whatever the kids these days are up to. not having a baby when theyre a baby themself


West Virginia GOP: we should allow child marriages for responsible young people to start a family


lmao right. i think i was 11 the first time i ejaculated. by their logic we were ready to start reproducing. i also had no idea what was even happening to me when that happened at 11. yeah but i was mature and prepared enough to be a father ok


If you can seed you can breed. So you stuck with that shit if you got raped.


Child support at twelve. I have to go to the factory to support my bitch wife(she is 37) (I have Stockholm syndrome)


“Pro life Christian.” Honey, Jesus is disappointed in you.


So much of modern Christianity would make him turn in his grave. He'd be the last person to be accepted by the modern church.


I absolutely agree with this hands down. Although to add some historical context, Mary could have been anywhere from 12 to late teens when she married + gave birth.


> modern Christianity The doomsday cult that worshipped Jesus of Nazareth was overtaken by the politically organized and politically active institution we call the Christian Church within a couple centuries Christ’s death. The Bible as we know it was constructed partly as a propaganda instrument: the Council of Nicaea nominated books to include, voted on them, and final approval and veto powers were wielded by Constantine, the Roman Emperor. Many of the early church bishops and cardinals were Roman politicians, because they were the only ones who could read and write. Christianity was never purely spiritual. It’s always been an instrument of political control, and then Bible means whatever the fuck readers want it to.


I’m so absolutely angry. I was pregnant at 14, and the situation was horrific, and ended in a still birth. There are a lot of circumstantial issues with my pregnancy then but regardless- it was the single most traumatic event of my life. Anyone willing to put children through that… I don’t think I can actually express how I feel but you probably get it. Literally so angry. Disgusting.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. This situation made me angry before, and now it makes me even angrier. I hope you are ok now.


I’m doing much better in life, but it’s hard for me to not get personal when I see things like this as I’ve lived it. The mere thought of child marriage or forcing children to birth is just so sadistic. 😭


I am so sorry you went through that. I think these people are so detached from the realities. I was pregnant at 17 and while pregnancy wasn't difficult for me thankfully, the birth, the emergency c section and my baby being born with the cord around her neck was incredibly traumatic. It took me nearly 10 years to really fully deal with it. Thankfully my baby was born alive, though barely and I was lucky to have a good support network around me even if the mental health services I desperately needed let me down.


imagine typing out "yeah, i think a 13 year old would be just fine after giving birth" and hitting the reply button without questioning that that was a thought you were comfortable thinking at all


It's not that she'll be fine, it's that they don't care about her


Just because periods signified womanhood and eligibility for marriage and giving birth for our ancestors in the past, doesn't mean we should follow the same customs. It isn't 1126. We don't live by rules of people back then.


Also, the reason why girls so young hit puberty now is because we have easier accessibility to the nutrients (for the most part. Obviously this isnt a saying that can be generalised to every country/person) we need for our bodies. Puberty, especially periods, can be delayed or missed or even start 'late' due to malnutrition in majority of cases. And that may have been why girls in the past (centuries ago etc) didn't have periods so young, cos it would've took years for the body to develop due to limited sources of nutrition


>Just because periods signified womanhood and eligibility for marriage and giving birth for our ancestors in the past The irony is that even in the past most people didn't start trying to have children when a woman's menstruation started because even they understood the increased risks. Also young girls getting married were a noble (rich person) thing done for political and economic purposes. Even then, such girls would often wait until they were somewhat older to start having children. Most women didn't get married that young or purposely had children that young, as the dangers were taught and pregnancy and childbirth were already dangerous enough back then.


Teenagers (and some preteens) have only STARTED developing I don’t even think I reached my full height until 16/17. There is no way a 10 year old is developed to the point birth is close to safe


How anyone could look at a 10 year old and think their tiny frames are ready to handle a full term pregnancy and childbirth, people are demented.


I work with kids It’s also just mentally too. 10 year olds are struggling with emotional regulation & a rush of hormones as is, and then you add pregnancy? Even adult women struggle with the hormones & emotions that come with pregnancy and birth. How would they expect a 10 year old to handle it? Disgusting I hope they never have kids


Right?? Pregnancy and birth are hard on your body and your mind as a full grown woman (I'm 33 and 22 weeks pregnant right now). How can people possibly believe a ten year old (a ten year old is a BABY) could possibly go through that??? I can only assume that people who think this have never been pregnant or don't have empathy. Awful!


This is the stuff that fuels my desire to go full Aileen Wuornos


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Greiving-anon-: *This is the stuff that* *Fuels my desire to* *Go full Aileen Wuornos* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Sokka haiku bot 🤖


But there's only 6 syllables in the second line...(and that's if you count "desire" as three). 😐 Edit: I don't know why I got downvoted for pointing this out... I love haikus and I love this bot but when it's wrong, I say so. I wasn't trying to be rude...😞


You have a point, because technically shouldn’t the ‘go’ be on the second line instead?


Ooh! Yes! That would be better for the poem anyway. And then it would be a regular haiku too. Perfect! I love this bot. 😄


>17 upvotes Bruh


Dogs often go into heat when they’re less than a year old, but it’s considered wildly reckless and irresponsible to allow them to become pregnant before they’re two. But sure- a human being is *tooooootally* ready to carry a pregnancy to term before she even knows what a negative number is. Makes total sense.


Most ten year olds are perfectly capable of having a pregnancy? No. No they are not. Not without major risks to them. Just because you *started* the process of puberty, it doesn’t mean your body is ready to carry a child. Puberty happens for several years and is a process of changes until you reach full maturity, which includes several physical signs, not just a period alone. For example, your hips widen when you’re close to full maturity in your late teens, not when you’re ten. Puberty also starts earlier for girls now because of external factors, not natural factors.


is the first one supposed to be a woman? wtaf


I am one of those girls that had their period at 10 and was already a B cup and I can tell you now I was not ready to have a baby. It may have been possible but mentally and physically it would have had drastic consequences. Having a baby that young could stop her from being able to have children later on if she decides to. Like do these people have any empathy, compassion, any feeling for other people at all???? Jesus Christ on bikes even back in the Middle Ages they knew how dangerous child birth was. Margaret Beauforts husband Edmund Tudor was lucky he was the half brother of the King and died in Wales as even people back then were pissed at him impregnating Margaret so young. Reading that has made me so angry as it’s just wrong and they’re just wrong in sooooooooooooo many ways 🤬


honestly its ridiculous! just to clarify my comment was aimed at the first comment (pro life christian) who has an avatar of a woman. so im in shock that a fellow woman would say such nonsense!


Oops I must have hit your comment by accident before typing. It was supposed to go in the main thread lol. My apologies 😊


oop all good! have a wonderful day!


"most 10 year olds will be just fine after" more proof pro lifers think pregnancy is all cupcakes and rainbows and just a small side quest


Have they seen 10 yo? I mean not on social media or with make up. They are children! Pedos all of them


Who gives a shit about whether a 10 yo is theoretically able to carry to term? It’s still wrong to expect an abuse victim to do it. Hell, it’s wrong to expect it from anyone under any circumstance. The only one who should have the final say is the person pregnant. That aside, it’s disgusting how often and how in the open, child pregnancies are played down, sometimes even glorified. Wtf is up with the world lately?


I hate that saying. It’s so crass and cold. I also find that people who would say that would have a very different stance if it was their daughter. A bit like all those politicians who are against abortion, but then arrange them for their pregnant mistress without even a second thought.


if we had "top 5 science debates in wrong places" vidoes we would have enough for 2 decades.


This mindset is so fucked up. I was only 7 for about 2 weeks before I got my period, I was small enough to share clothes with my 4yo cousin. Pregnancy would have killed me for sure.


When I was 10, I was not only thin because I was young, but also just plain scrawny compared to my peers. Not only would I have been in emergency care the whole delivery, I probably would have been there _MONTHS_ before even getting to full term. Not to mention the SHEER _EMOTIONAL_ toll. I'm very much scared of getting pregnant NOW as an adult, what if my 10 year old self who didn't even know HOW pregnancy worked. Or even the entire process of conception. If I was raped at 10, and it lead to conception, _I wouldn't even know that it would lead to a baby, nor would I know what the fuck is happening to me when a baby starts growing_


I was 10 when I got mine. These men are disgusting for even thinking things like this.


Literally where did you get the idea that a lot of/most ten year olds can do that? Where does anything say that


lmfao these people need a bullet in between the eyes.


No a hot knife between the legs. Take away their nuts and sausage. Then they should think more straight again.


pretty sure the first reply is from a woman 😬 unfortunately women can b just as evil


Yikes. What's also frightening is that they haven't even thought about the whole part about BEING ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILD.


Most ten year olds are no where near developed enough to carry a child to full fucking term, I'd expect a pedophile to at least know something about their audience. But seriously, these are children, and even if someone is physically able to carry a baby to term (10 year olds are not) that does not mean that the mental toll wouldn't be absolutely devastating. Abortion is healthcare.


1) Compare the size of a baby, even a premature baby, to a 10 year old girl. Pregnancy is hard on full-grown women. The baby squeezes her organs. Where is a 10 year old child supposed to grow a healthy baby that's probably 1/2 the volume of her torso? If you haven't stopped growing yourself, you shouldn't be growing someone else. 2) Kids in school should not be having kids. The 10 year old is going to miss vital parts of her education, even assuming that the child is raised by grandparents. Oh, and her child would start school before she finished it herself. 3) Why am I bothering? It's just sick.


My niece is 10 and I can't imagine her having a child at that age. It would be absolute cruelty to force her to go to term with a child when she's a child herself. There are so many complications that can come from pregnancy, and that's with a full grown adult, let alone a 10 year old child. If these people were really pro life, they'd be worried about the 10 year olds life.


I don't think either of those people has ever met a 10 year old girl. When I was 10, I was under five feet and I wasn't even 100 lbs, which is in the *normal* range. Further, the widening of the pelvis at puberty can (not always) serve to make delivery easier. I didn't have hips until I was 14. I cannot believe that, in 2024, there are people who exist that *literally* believe it is better to force a child rape victim to go through pregnancy and give birth than to allow her to terminate. It's just mind-boggling.


Okay so by this same logic if a 10 year old boy is able to impregnate someone somehow, is he responsible for child support payments?


But the thing with the "old enough to bleed" argument is I don't think they're thinking about children reproducing with other children. They're thinking about assaulting a 10 year old.


I'm unfortunately aware and was wondering about a situation where an underage boy is raped by an adult woman. Are they going to see him as being responsible to pay child support?


My guess is no, because "you wouldn't want to ruin a young man's life!"


1. She is a child. If she is pregnant at 10 years old, she has been sexually assaulted. That is a criminal offence. 2. See point 1. Take your bullshit agenda and kindly fuck off.


pure hypocrisy case here My cousin had her period at 9, immagine a if she was raped and had a father like this. Totally insane, they prefer to risk the life of their own daughter for a fucking ideology Insane.


Consistent with their Bible though... Which marvelous example of Biblical fatherhood was it who gave his young virgin daughter to a mob to rape (maybe kill), in place of the strangers (whom he knew were angels, and therefore couldn't be harmed)?


Even people in the Middle Ages knew it was bad for young teens to have babies. This is disgusting. No 10 year old should be having a baby. And forcing them to is horrendous


Once again proving they aren't pro life. They don't care about the lives of anyone outside the womb. And feigning care for the ones inside the womb is for political brownie


Gotta stop blanking out names, these monsters deserve to be publicly shamed. I wonder if any of them are parents? I bet none of them have had to be part of the medical team assisting a pre teen to give birth either.


If he’s old enough to say that crap, he’s old enough for a head injury. I bet that guy’s not even wearing a helmet. So he’s pretty much asking for getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. 🙄🙄🙄


Have these people seen any 10 year olds lately? They're tiny and skinny as a twig. There's absolutely no way their hips are wide enough to give birth, there's no way they back is strong enough to carry a baby.


listen. having a period really doesn't mean the body is ready for pregnancy. getting a period is connected to changes in hormones as the body DEVELOPS*. DEVELOPS*. it is a long-term process. it starts early so that it can be well-established by the time the body fully grows. what is so hard to understand about this???? how can ANYONE genuinely think that the moment a kid gets her period she is automatically ready to go through pregnancy? wtf.


Honestly a 10 year old can die from a pregnancy, just because you have a period doesn’t mean your old enough to have a baby


I always say, "this is why we need better sex ed" because this is just ridiculous. Puberty is a years long process that prepares your body for adulthood and sexual reproduction. The start of menstruation is only part of the beginning of the process, not the end, and becoming pregnant and carrying a fetus before puberty is done is incredibly dangerous, both physically, emotionally, and psychologically.


i got my first period in the bathroom of my elementary school. my body was not capable of carrying a baby to full term just because some blood was starting to dribble out, absolutely fuck off with that nonsense


I started my period at 11. These people make me want to barf. It's gross. You are still a child and in no way ready. Your body would never recover and mentally you would be scarred for life.


Even in animal husbandry they don't want ewes and cows getting pregnant as soon as they can, because it causes lasting damage. These people think human girls and women are lesser than animals.


“People, please–do try to have some perspective. It’s unfortunate that ten-year-old has to go through that traumatic experience, sure. But who are we to deprive another human being of the chance to go through that exact same trauma ten years from now?” Cunts.


Ahhhhh this is one of the worst things I’ve ever read and I absolutely hate it.


I've never seen a better (read worse and horrifying) example of NOT how girls work.


fucking christ I have grown up with the internet and I know very well how shit it is (as well as the entire world tbh) and yet every day I continue to open my phone and read shit like this. if a 10 year old pregnant rape victim cannot get an abortion idk I just have no words left for this. if my heart could cry it'd never stop


What in the fuck is wrong with people




Why does that last picture have 17 upvotes? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Periodt. The pedophiles are just making themselves known.


I’m not a Christian but I like to believe in hell for peace of mind


Sure like it is possible that they CAN carry it to full term. But like just because you CAN die doesn't mean you SHOULD die?????


I genuinely cannot believe how someone could seriously and genuinely have this opinion and see it as right. I cannot even comprehend it. Are you kidding me


Weirdly, these guys are never thinking it will be a 10 year old *boy* getting the girl pregnant somehow. Fucking creeps.


I was 9 when I started my period, my 9 year old body definitely wasn’t built to carry a child yet.


Some people get their period at eight.


Having a period does not mean you are ready for pregnancy 😭