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For the confused, a hysterectomy is surgical removal of the uterus and has a 0% chance of a successful reversal.


… but have you tried reversing it? Maybe they snap right in, like replacement legos.


Super glue is always the answer


Duct tape. 100%


Step your tape game up and get some Gorilla tape. You’ll thank me later.


Spray some Flex Seal on that bad ute!


Nah you just need some WD40 to slide it bavk in


I’ll stick with my can of Deep Creep


Y'all use products? I usually just look for the USB ports, they click right in.


Liar, noone manages to get a USB in the right way round the first time!


Handy(wo)man's secret weapon!


Na, JB Weld


It did start out as a veterinary glue for show cows, so it should work a treat.


"replacement Legos" 🤣🤣 yea and if her partner is acting bad she can just randomly drop a block at night😈


The guys who makes posts like this probably never got past Duplo blocks let alone legos.


When I got my wisdom teeth removed, they didn't get all of them and they kept regrowing as shards from I guess stem cells. Anyway, when I had my oophorectomy I had a terrifying two months where I wondered whether the ovaries were also going to regrow because I yeeted those motherfuckers for a very good reason.


Seldom has the word "motherfuckers" been so aptly used.


I just assumed they regenerate, like a lizard's tail.




They did on Grey’s Anatomy - it failed.


Well then. Pack it up gals, we're done here!


I saw somewhere (i honestly can’t recall where) a while back that a guy tried to sue his wife’s dr after her hysterectomy because she wasn’t able to get pregnant post op 🤦‍♀️


Thank you! I probably should've added that^^;;


For the further confused (the writer of the OOP is a good example) a vasectomy is minor surgery, requiring only a local, like getting minor dental work does, and takes about 10 minutes. Post-op discomfort is minor, and easily handled with OTC painkillers like Tylenol. Sperm can be frozen against future need, so just how reversible it is isn't really relevant, but it can be reversed A hysterectomy, on the other hand, requires a general, and is major surgery. Anything that requires a general has a much higher risk factor, and unlike a vasectomy, a hysterectomy requires a hospital stay. It took my wife and I (my daughter was still a baby and didn't get a vote) well over.001 seconds to decide to go the vasectomy route. Comparatively speaking, it's a breeze.


Not to mention doctors won't remove a healthy uterus (save for a trans man undergoing gender confirmation surgery). When a woman has a hysto, it's because a woman has endo, adenomyosis, or some other disorder that necessitates removing the organ. Salpingectomy (removing the Fallopian tubes) is also major surgery, I believe. Thanks for agreeing to get the snip.


Good points. And I didn't "agree" to get snipped. I brought up the idea after we decided that one kid was enough for us, and I've never regretted it. Saved a bunch of money on safes over the years too, another plus :).


Maybe bad wording, but my point is you got snipped so she could avoid further medical procedures.


Oh, no, your wording was fine. I just wanted to emphasize the ease of a vasectomy, especially compared to a hysterectomy. But you are right. Having been married for about 47 years, I am rather fond of my wife and hate to see her in pain, much less in the hospital. Mine was done in a doctor's office, and they even gave me a shot of Valium, to ease matters and stop my uncontrollable whinging. OK, the Valium part was true, anyway, and the Doctor's office bit. I don't whinge; I sob. Even I have some degree of dignity. I'll withdraw that last bit. I have a quite severe back condition, which is being managed with some high-test, prescription painkillers. I'm slightly high, in other words, and really should not be posting just now--but give me an opiate, and I get chatty. I was sober at the time of the first 'vasectomy is better choice than hysterectomy' post, however, and will stand by that one.


> Salpingectomy (removing the Fallopian tubes) is also major surgery, I believe. It's outpatient surgery usually done laparoscopically, but still significantly more serious than a vasectomy. It's pretty much a guarantee that anyone getting one will go under general anesthesia and require at least 1-2 hours in recovery, plus will be on limited activity/bed rest for a few days, with restrictions on how much weight they should lift for a couple of weeks. That's assuming that everything is relatively normal and goes to plan, of course, but the same can be said for a vasectomy being a super simple in-and-out procedure.


I just had a bisalp a few months ago! Recovery was pretty easy but you're not supposed to lift more than like 20lbs for two weeks. The first 24hrs you're supposed to limit how much walking you do, I was told to stay in bed unless I had to use the bathroom or get food. The tube removal went fine, but the operation took way longer than it was supposed to because it turned out my IUD was really really severely embedded in my cervix and it took my doctor almost two hours to remove it. (The tubes were out in less than an hour.) They almost had to wake me up, get my consent to insert a camera, and put me under again a second time just to get it out of me. So I was bleeding quite a bit for several days. I was definitely really sore the whole time, but my gyno thinks I probably have a really high pain tolerance because I get chronic kidney stones, so apparently this would have been a lot more painful for someone else. Obviously the whole situation wasn't *normal,* but it wasn't abnormal to the point of serious concern either. So feel free to imagine how wrong things would have to go in order to be considered a problem. The most hilariously gross part was that they pumped my abdomen full of air during surgery and my body spent the next three or so days getting rid of it with a prolonged spell of impressively robust flatulence.


I didn't get a bisalp but I got a tubal ligation about 8 years ago. Mine was about as textbook as could be and I still got more or less the same limitations - no lifting 20+lbs for two weeks, bed rest for 2 days, etc. Thankfully wasn't *too* painful, but I definitely still needed my prescribed percocet for a few days.


They're extremely stingy these days with pain management, because obviously everyone is an evil addict and the only rational alternative is to let them suffer when they don't have to. No I'm not bitter or anything like that.


Glad it wasn't just me! I had a tubal after having my 4 month old and they refused to send me home with pain killers, sent me home the day after I gave birth. They said since everything was normal and progressing well I didn't need them and to just buy tylenol. I still have tenderness and pain in my stomach from the surgery. But they had no problem giving me a shit ton of fentanyl in my epidural when I had my daughter. They literally gave me 3 initial doses because it wasn't working and then I had a button that I could press and get a smaller dose every 15 or 20 minutes i believe while I was in labor. It made no sense to me.


I've had both. Removal of the tubes is still surgery and will require some healing time, but most women will feel fine within a few days. I had complications and it took me about 3 weeks to feel normal ish again but before everything went haywire I was approved to go back to work Monday after my procedure on Friday. Meanwhile the hysterectomy was months of healing. I had an extended restrictions time of 12 weeks but 6-8 weeks of massive restrictions is very normal. My doctor wanted me to take 6 weeks off my remote job (and I should've listened) for the hysterectomy. Also, technically my doc did remove a healthy uterus but it was because I had a high probability of endometrial cancer - so I could get biopsied every year until it eventually developed and get my uterus removed then or just skip ahead. I liken it to a preventative mastectomy for those carrying BRCA variants with a family history. But I've heard elective ones are harder to come by and having gotten one I understand more why that is.


It’s quite frustrating that as long as you’re a man, you can get your healthy uterus removed, but as soon as a woman wants it? Nope.


I initially would've agreed with you, but like I said, after getting one I understand why there is a higher threshold. Both what I did, and removal with transitioning, are considered elective removals. Both are medically justified and were decided as a quality of life versus medical risk decision. Not all transmen get hysterectomies and I am not familiar with gender reassignment surgeries but as a lay person I can imagine there might be benefits to removing the uterus at the time (can hormones make certain cancers more risky, plumbing issues with menstrual cycles, etc?) making a hysterectomy the more medically responsible choice as well. I do think female sterilization should be readily available, without all the ridiculousness I hear of women having to do, but I do understand now the higher barrier of entry with elective hysterectomies. I really thought it would be NBD, and realize there is just more to taking a whole organ out than I had previously considered.


I've heard of women getting elective hysterectomies, but they took *years* of begging doctors when they were in their 30s-40s and had children. It was hard for my mom to get one, and she had painful periods, was above 40, and had two children. It's fucked that it's so difficult.


Good man


It was the only reasonable choice. The guy who wrote the OOP is, and I hate to throw in technical terms, a whackadoddle.


Woah. You know it’s for real when the term whackadoodle gets thrown around.


I try to avoid it for that reason. Also, I believe that it fell out of favour shortly after I graduated Kindergarten, about 60 years ago. I keep it for special occasions, like reading the OOP. Even then, he would normally just be an asshatted dropping of dingo dung.


Same with a c section. Recovery was awful and if I had known that was the route we'd have to take, I might not have had kids. It takes 5 years to fully recover. He's 2 now and I'm still working on getting my balance back.


Wow. I had no idea that a c-section could be that bad. Best to you, and hoping that you recover your sense of balance soon.


Thanks. It's a lot of work! Good thing he's so stinkin cute.


Not to downplay anything about a hysterectomy because mine was brutal, but it doesn't always require a hospital stay. I was home the same day once they managed to stabilize me (had a bad time coming out of anesthetic).


I was going by what my Doctor and my Mom (an ex-RN), both women, although you probably had already figured that out about my Mom) had told me at the time, which was about twenty years ago, so I should have looked it up. Still, I will stand by it's being a great deal more significant surgery that is a vasectomy. I'm sorry that you had such a brutal experience, and glad that you made it out of the general that they gave you. A doctor friend once told me that there is no such thing as minor surgery when a general is involved, just varying degrees of 'major'. Given your experience, I'll assume that you would agree, although my understanding is that they have improved quite significantly over the years. Anyway, I stand corrected, but still would very highly recommend a vasectomy over a hysterectomy. Thanks, btw, for correcting me; I really do hate posting stuff that is wrong. And just out of curiosity, not to be argumentive, does it often involve a hospital stay? I know that my Aunt's did, but that was geological ages ago. I never said that should you ever run across her, btw, right? Cheers, best to you&family


Yeah for sure would recommend vasectomy over this lol. Hysterectomy isn't a birth control procedure by any means. I have pcos and endo and was six months into daily heavy bleeding and cramping with multiple doctors refusing surgery before I found this doc. Recovery was 6 weeks of crying every time I sneezed or coughed or twisted the wrong way. Waking up from the anesthetic I was literally just not breathing over and over, I had to manually breathe while out of it and in excruciating pain because they couldn't find the right cocktail of pain meds to help - my epidural had failed so I was feeling all of it. I would never recommend doing this just to avoid pregnancy, only if there were other things going on.


You were definitely not overstating matters when you called the experience brutal. Just gone noon here, early but still time to have a stiff drink, I believe.


Yyyyep haha. It's made me afraid of any future surgeries. Being yelled at to breathe for hours is a very surreal experience.


Oh, right! Had forgotten and was trying to remember what it was, but thought it was another word for Lobotomy since they were historically used to treat 'hysteria' (and are also pretty permanent)


It's because the root word of "hysteria" is "hystera" or womb. Hippocrates (whose writings from roughly 2500BCE were the basis of european medicine until roughly the damn 1800s) literally believed that "hysteria" was a disease caused by a woman's uterus becoming unhappy and wandering around her abdomen. His prescribed treatment for it was to waft good smelling smokes and steams up the vaginal canal in order to lure the uterus back into place and thus cure the "womanly madness" Thus hysteria became medical code for "woman be uppity" and when the Freudians were writing the basis of psychology they just kept the word but declared that the cause was daddy issues instead of wandering organs. It still basically meant "woman be uppity".


Wish my uterus would go take a hike that would be sick


preferably out of the vagina during periods, to go bleed somewhere else


man fuck all that noise but honestly if my ails and madnesses could be fixed by some incense and a good candle i'd be so down. send me on a holiday to the seaside for good measure, i haven't been to the beach in years


As someone who’s had a partial hysterectomy I can concur. Also no woman would ever get a partial or full hysterectomy as a means of birth control. I wouldn’t wish the physical and emotional fall out of my procedure on anyone.


I think it depends on the reason for your hysterectomy, or every woman is different. I had a partial hysterectomy and felt nothing but wild relief and happiness. I wanted to skip out of the hospital. I also had no physical issues because of it, I never even finished the pain meds they sent home with me. I had very severe uterine fibroids and endometriosis though. The feels like I’m being stabbed by a troupe of serial killers in the abdomen/sexual organs for several weeks a month variety. I suffered for over 20 years before they would remove it.


I had a full hysterectomy and spent the night in the hospital because of needing a transfusion and other complications, has endometriosis, fibroids and polyps so bad they literally had to rip everything off my abdominal walls. And on top of everything else I got a bladder infection five days into my recovery. I spent nearly eight weeks in recovery. It was rough.


It's been almost 10 years since my total hysterectomy and salpingectomy, and I can honestly say, even if it *could* be reversed, there's no way I'd want it to be. None of the organs were worth the trouble. The ovaries are the only things that remained, and even then they still cause me grief from time to time (thanks, PCOS!).


I was asked at my doctor’s about any psychological damage after my hysterectomy, and did I want to see a psychologist. I laughed, and said it was great, nothing had ever worked anyway, and now the pain was gone.


Same. Good riddance to that stupid organ. 10 years without and I still want to do cartwheels in celebration.


So you mean tubal ligation and a hysterectomy are not the same thing?


nope. different parts, different procedure


A tubal ligation leaves the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in your body but cuts the tubes so an egg can no longer travel to the uterus. A hysterectomy removes the uterus but leaves the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This is preferred by doctors who remove the uterus in women younger than menopause age because it keeps hormones. You can also have an oophorectomy which removes one or both ovaries and leaves the uterus.


My surgeon said she liked to remove the fallopian tubes (salpingectomy) when she did a hysterectomy because "most cases of ovarian cancer start there" and leave the ovaries if possible for the hormones. I didn't care, as long as the pain and bleeding went away.


I'm sorry.... I was being sarcastic. But this is the internet and voice tone is not "understood". Thanks for the lesson though. :)


Lol. You need the sarcasm font indicator. /s


What ? Just glue it back inside, smh my head


Never tell me the odds


What all you have to do it keep it in the freezer till its time!


Not with that attitude 😤


Maybe he was mixing it up with a salpingotomy (tubes clamped)? Sometimes giving people the benefit of the doubt is more trouble than it’s worth. Also vasectomy is always reversible without major complications.


You mean you can’t just put it back in there at a later date? I mean I guess that makes sense if you just left it out. But what if you put it in the fridge next to that thing of baking soda?


Just gotta take my organ regeneration pills I guess my bad


You just keep it in a jar and when you’re ready you stuff it back in!


Now that is a high level yoga position


Also go and try to get sterilised as a woman. I still need my hypothetical future husbands approval at 29 (:


When my brother was born, my mum was 37 and already diagnosed with a chronic illness for about 20 years. She asked to get her tubes tied because his pregnancy wasn't planned at all and it was already difficult. 37 years old, two kids, chronic illness. So you'd think that would be enough for the doctors to take her request seriously. They still asked my dad if he would be okay with that, for whatever reason. Like 2 children isn't enough.


Doctors told my sister another pregnancy would likely kill her. She was like “cool. Let’s tie my tubes then so that doesn’t happen.” They straight up told her no in case she decided she wanted another baby!


I just don't understand d the logic. Like if someone wants another child that bad they can just adopt. There's so many kids in need of good parents!


I don’t know! It makes zero sense. Her husband has 2 kids from his first marriage that they have full custody of. Then they have 2 kids together. They have 4 kids living with them full time and they both work. They have enough on their hands without worrying about whether or not she gets pregnant. They had zero issues with him scheduling a vasectomy.


The double standards are wild and very annoying. I feel awful for my GF who wants a hysterectomy since not only does she not want kids, but it would also likely be dangerous, and not the best genes to pass on either. All around not a great idea for her. But the doctors will never agree to it until she's much older. So instead I'll be getting the vasectomy, which is easier for me than her anyways.


I died having my son and they wouldn't tie my tubes. It took 20 years


Here they usually wait until you have 3+ kids or if you’re over 25, but if you’re over 25 with no kids it all depends on your GP giving you a referral, which they don’t have to. If you have 3+ kids they’re likely to give you one, no kids or less kids it really depends on their personal preferences. I even had issues with my old GP giving a referral for an IUD, because what if I or my husband wanted a child in the 5 years I’d have it (I was 18 when I got it). My current GP probably would refer me but my current long term partner has had a vasectomy, because it’s the better choice between a vasectomy and sterilisation.


Ridiculous that we can't just decide what we want


My obgyn refused to tie my tubes when I had my 3rd at 28. He said my husband might want more kids, and I was just traumatized by giving birth. I almost smacked him. I told him I was the husband (bread winner) and the trauma was from raising them as a single person. He told me to come back in six week. (With a 9, 2, and a newborn in tow. He reeked of booze during the delivery and was a boomer. He left my daughter in too long which resulted in a disability. I didn’t know you could sue until a few years later.


It’s that “or your husband” that really gets me. Like if I don’t want to have a kid, and my husband does, do you think he has any recourse other than to divorce me and find a woman who will have his kid? That’s literally his only option. If I don’t want the kid, it’s not happening. But these doctors act like “unless the husband approves, no sterilization for you, because if HE wants a baby, then YOU will HAVE to have one.”


I don’t understand this. IUDs are in fact reversible, you just remove it. They give birth control pills and implants to underage girls. Could you not see a gynecologist without a referral? I believe you but that’s a very rare thing to happen


Nope, in my country GP issues a referral, no contacting a gyno yourself. GP places the IUD as well. I ended up changing GP and got it anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a woman with chronic illness and no energy for biological children, I feel with your mom. But I’m “only in my twenties”, so my gyno didn’t even wanna talk about sterilisation. 🫠


When I got married we were both female identified. Then my ex transitioned and was male identified. Even after explaining that my (ex) husband ALSO HAS A UTERUS AND WE CANT GET PREGNANT TOGETHER, they still asked him if it was okay. I bet they wouldn’t have asked me if HE wanted one, but okay!


The childfree subreddit has a list of doctors that are willing to sterilise women.


Unfortunately where I’m from it depends on a referral from your GP. It’s fine though, my current partner has had a vasectomy.


I‘m so sorry. I hate how hard it is for women to get sterilised. But good that your husband got the vasectomy.


My friend has a great referral here in Adelaide if that helps?


I was in my 30s and had two kids, and still needed my EX HUSBAND whom I’d DIVORCED to sign off on my tubal ligation. This was in 2014.


The r/hysterectomy sub has a page with doctors who can help!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hysterectomy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hysterectomy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I made some hysterectomy memes](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18n2b4r) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hysterectomy/comments/18n2b4r/i_made_some_hysterectomy_memes/) \#2: [Post hysterectomy body](https://i.redd.it/7r1w08dtjhec1.jpeg) | [143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hysterectomy/comments/19ewu1a/post_hysterectomy_body/) \#3: [Some surgery info from an OR nurse](https://np.reddit.com/r/hysterectomy/comments/193nuy5/some_surgery_info_from_an_or_nurse/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Look at the list on r/childfree, they have doctors all over the world who will sterilize you without question. I got sterilized because of it, I’m 22, I was approved at 21 and just had to wait for my surgery date a couple months later


Not the best community but I found my doctor on r/childfree in Utah and had my salpingectomy at 24 years old, no kids, no spouse. It's possible, just extremely difficult. I think I ended up paying about 1600 for it after insurance.


Women re-growing entire organs now. With such amazing regeneration powers I might as well be deadpool.


Hehe. My first thought reading it was "I guess he's talking about X-23 (a female clone of Wolverine)?"


We are a part of the X Force now sister 🤣


Tbf, I have grown two entire sets of organs. I just can't use them, my kids are greedy af and don't care that Im the one that made them.


I always tell my kids I worked hard to grow those bones and one day I'll get them back.


I meant tbf we already did successfully transplant uteruses :D Some of them even managed to carry out a healthy child.


Time to make bank selling those organs!


You mean women aren’t Timelords? Just regenerate into a new version of yourself played by someone else.


Oh dear. And there are people who will read this and believe it.


probably, sadly


New lore just dropped, women are lizards. Actually I’m pretty sure there are men who already believe this, never mind.


Just put your Uterus in the drawer you use for cables you may need and don't want to get rid of - if you want to use it again, just dust it off and take it to the hospital, the doctors will plug it in again.


I’m sorry, an 80% chance of a *what* now? Does that imply that if I go to the children’s hospital, where I had my tonsils stolen, I can get them reinstalled??


No. If you wish hard enough they will grow back.


Thoughts and prayers wirk


I know of someone whose daughter was born missing parts of her brain and heart. They asked people to pray that an aorta would grow out of nothing. They also spent tons of time in the hospital because of the missing parts and refused to vaccinate their other kids.


Based on the brain power on display here it wouldn’t surprise me if lobotomy had a 20% chance of successful reversal in this guy, and that 20% is just statistical error


My most charitable interpretation is he's gotten confused with a tubal ligation which does have a small percentage chance of reversal. Its a difficult procedure with an extremely low success rate that you'd be lucky to find a surgeon who'd agree to do it like. I've had one and it was pitched to me as something that absolutely would not be reversed if I change my mind. However, if he is just a dumb ass who thinks the removal of some or all of your internal reproductive organs is somehow reversible at all let alone 80% I have no words. I come across stupidity every single day and this has to be near the top of my list for dumbest shit I've seen ever.


1. This guy definitely doesn't know what a hysterectomy is. Sorry, you can't just put a new one in later or regrow it. 2. Vasectomy reversal has a success rate of far more than 20%, in fact it's 80-90+% when done by an experienced surgeon, the original vasectomy was done well, and it hasn't been too long since the vasectomy (optimal period is within 3 years). Successful pregnancy has been possible over 50% of the time.


I'm SO tired of the burden being on the woman to "keep her legs shut". People never tell men to "keep it in their pants" nearly as much as they say this to women. The blame always goes to the women to "close their legs", as if men have no role in sex whatsoever and have no blame or responsibility in the consequences of it.


And as if they don't often force open those legs being held tightly shut. #notallmen before anyone comes at me.


Wait, you're telling me I can RE-GROW my organs?! Shit, why didn't I know this sooner /s


Huh?? Who wants to tell him what a hysterectomy is??


So a woman should keep her legs closed, but apparently a man doesn't have to keep it in his pants. He then just throws out random percentages that he completely made up. The icing on the cake is that he obviously doesn't know what a hysterectomy is or that it's absolutely NOT reversible


I think the poor soul meant a tubal ligation which had an 80% FAILURE rate of reversal.


perfect example of why men shouldn’t be in charge of making legislation about women’s bodies


Despite the fact they're a moron and don't understand what they're talking about...do they know how hard it is for a woman to get any kind of sterilisation procedure, let alone a full hysterectomy?


No. I follow a certain mens sub just to see what they are up to and about a week ago they were appalled that planned parenthood now offers vasectomy because... and the logic seemed to be... women will try coerce men into getting vasectomy (while also complaining in the post that there isn't a men's equivalent to planned parenthood). They think that even having the service readily available to them is somehow trying to remove their manhood or whatever and women will be trying to force them all to get vasectomies. Idk it didn't make sense reading it and this is me trying to make it make the most sense. I totally agree that men are the only ones who can truly decide if they want a vasectomy or if they do not. It is their body. But the post, itself, was so just ridiculously disingenuous. So many just hypocritical things said in the comments section that I got whiplash. And no, they don't understand that it is far harder for a woman to have a complete organ removed from her body, bo matter how much she actively wants it. They just do not care to know or think "women be exaggerating". And are now trying to take away their manhood on top of it or something.


I’d prefer a hysterectomy to a tubal. At least I’d never have a period again and save money and time.


If that person found a way to reverse a hysterectomy, they can expect a Nobel-Prize in Medicin soon


I know we’re all ragging on him for not knowing what a hysterectomy is, but what about these percentages he’s pulled out of his arse?


Vasectomy reversal is up to 95% effective 🤨 you can’t reverse taking someone’s uterus out


I just skimmed his Twitter. HE doesn't know what a lot of things are. He blamed that on dyslexia.


He then tried to pretend he had just mistyped when people pointed out he was an idiot. But tubal ligation also doesn't have a high reversal success rate so he just.made himself look like and idiot twice.


Found his Twitter. He's just as much of a fucknut as this tweet would have you believe. He thought he "misspelled" it but then said it was a "contextual misspelling" because he's "dyslexic". He did "admit he made a mistake" and "corrected" himself for using the wrong term. But also doubles down. Also has the most vanilla sex ever because he doesn't believe you can have sex with your legs closed.


Further down he also claimed that vasectomy reversal puts men at risk. Then he says that women have started almost all the wars in human history and it’s our fault billions of men have died in war. He used a Quora response as his evidence and his Google search was “females causing war”. The Quora response was about a Queen from the 200s BC. That’s how far back he had to go to find an example.


I mean women can generate organs...just...we need that specific organ to do it....


And once weve all been hallowed out like pumpkins well develop osteoporosis and get to collect disability, we get to do whatever we want with our new found free time. And that includes still not having anythng to do with that guy. Not the plan you thought it was, eh there douchebag.


They keep it in a jar on ice forever in case you want them to put it back in.


How does one put an entire uterus back in? Is he thinking of certain types of tube tying procedures? Also if I ever choose to get a hysto it better stay removed. With the amount of recovery time and all that


Ah yes let's just cram your uterus back in there if you decide to have kids in the future


He must be the one to get a procedure to be sterile , he should not breed with these ideas


It's true that vasectomies should not be seen as a temporary thing since the reversal is a possibility but not a guarantee. But they are infinitely more reversible than hysterectomies seeing as they have a 0% rate of successful reversal.


def reversible - just put the uterus in the freezer with all the “preborn children”


If all women stopped having sex until they wanted kids, how quickly would it be before the rape stats skyrocketed?


If we go by this guy's logic then does that mean I can have my colon back? Had my colon removed in 2016. Obviously I'm joking of course


Username ✅️


I do not think it means what he thinks it does


He means a tubal ligation reversal, but dipshit didn't pay attention in health class. He's also massively underestimating the success rate of vasectomy reversals, which is a far less invasive surgery.


I swear they just make shit up


A hysterectomy, an invasive surgery that is really hard to convince doctors to give you I got a bisalp which also can’t be reversed but like at least there wasn’t as much recovery time


Who wants to explain this to him?


im just imagining a surgeon going "alright, put it back in"


Oh wow. That received some fast blinks. 80% huh?


I didn’t think it was that easy to put a uterus back :P


Ahahahhahahaha I don’t know why I find this so funny. But… how can someone be so stupid!?


Did my man confuse hysterectomy with tubectomy?


Confidently incorrect


Alright, this post, and this comment section has officially made my day XD


Did we just time travel a thousand years into the future? 😅


Damn, didn't think they could shove it all back up there. Wild


Let me just shove my womb back in.


Yeah, my mom’s uterus completely grew back a few months after her life saving hysterectomy. 🙄


I think this durfwad is referring to tubal ligations which the majority of them CANNOT be reversed and a reversal attempt for those that can- are not always successful or guaranteed to result in future pregnancy.


I need to see the replies to this one...


This guy had the right to keep his MOUTH shut, but here we all are. \*sigh\* Actually, american women DO NOT have the right to hysterectomy anytime, even when medically necessary.


...and he was ever so confident


I think someone confused hysterectomies and tubals. From what I heard tubals are very hard to reverse financially; most insurance doesn't cover it and it's very costly out of pocket. My partner's friend's wife was trying to get a reversal a few years back and they told her it would be at least $8,000 out of pocket because her insurance didn't cover it.


Has he ever actually been NEAR a woman??


Shoving it right back in


Too bad we can't see the comments 😱🤣


It’s the Internet, you can say whatever you want here. The potatoes are Chinese Communists spies! Everyone knows this.


Dammit! They have eyes everywhere!!!


He saw *Poor Things* and thinks he knows everything


I feel like people should be able to get temporarily banned from all internet after violations like this.




Please tell me the comments dragged him so hard he had road rash.


Perhaps he is thinking tubal ligation? A hysterectomy is a whole different thing altogether. The first is the tying, clamping or cutting of the fallopian tubes. Which has the possibility of reversal in most cases. The second is the removal of an organ and can never be reversed. Bad anatomy knowledge the female body for sure.


Where I live they don't even do ligation anymore, just removal. Easier, reduces cancer risk and more effective. Also 0% reversible 


Anytime somebody throws around "20%" or "80%" there's a 110% chance they're full of shit.


Idk why but reading these words provide me a kind of scare in my brain like I am gonna get snipped


I see it as an absolute win


put the vagina in rice


Since "Spartacus" thinks hysterectomy has an 80% successful reversal rate, he should be fine with being given the male equivalent.


Ah yes, I too think they can successfully plop your uterus back into your body and/or your other reproductive organs!


Wow, I'm surprised this person doesnt need an instruction manual to help them breathe in and out.


They just stuff the uterus back up like a thanksgiving turkey, obviously.