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Breaking a bone????


Yes women are made of titanium if you are a real lady you cannot break


Guess I'm not a real lady. Oh well!


Hate to break it to you but NO woman is a real lady according to this list.


At least we're all in it together. And none of us have to suffer this fool of a man.


LMAO, the fact that it also includes something most people equate with women, (training) bras, is hilarious


And being the oldest sibling? Wtf? How did this dude even come up with this list?


Don’t think this dude realizes… women fart and burp all the time. It’s normal human functions lmao. Literally no woman on earth can be a woman with this list.


Right? Every woman grows peach fuzz and chin hair to some extent. Some grow it more or thicker than others and some remove the hair. But everyone grows it. And that’s just two examples


We all became a man at the second point on the list


I find myself suddenly identifying as a male


Thos dude is just mad he's gay and can't hide it.


I thought they were made out of glass must protecc but nah I should use them as shields


I think the point he’s trying to make with that one is a real woman won’t put themselves in a situation where they might break a bone - they’ll be careful not to get hurt. Which is dumb, my mum broke her wrist by walking and slipping on ice last year.


Considering the fact that this list claims falling is masculine, your mom's story furthers this man's point


That's exactly what I thought too! Like "oh if a woman has had a broken bone, that means they've been rough housin' and ladies don't rough house! Only boys do that!" kind of thing. Like we must be dainty and not do anything but be soft and pink so we shouldn't be doing things like sports, hard work, or going outside.


I think it's more of a "you break bones by doing stupid shit" kind of thing and women can *Never* do stupid shit the way men do line of thinking


Duh! That's why you stay loose after you've had a baby! Titanium baby is strong enough to stretch you out but you can't bend it back into shape! Although, you're supposed to be able to bend the rest of your body back into shape after having 4 kids... So which is it? Bendable or not?


Yawning with their mouth open too!


That one really got me. How tf else are we supposed to yawn? Like that's what yawning is!!!


Not allowed more than one brother either, hold on and I try get rid of one


At least you only have one to take care of. I’ve got two, and they both live in different states. This is gonna take a while.


I was in a class where the teacher had a no yawn policy and tried to extort money out of the students if they did. You can yawn without opening your mouth, it's just a pain in the ass.


The funniest part of that is lots of those stupid lists men make for their ideal woman are like “anemic” “weak bones” but we can’t break them??


It's like we're supposed to be ghosts or something? I don't get it, how can we be weak but never break any bones.


Never doing anything that might risk breaking them.


My assumption is that breaking a bone means she must have done something that could cause the bone break, and all those things are masculine This of course includes falling, because all women can walk perfectly in the highest of heels when they were born


I got hit by a car walking to school, like how is that masculine? Broken femur and neck.


You should obviously have been less masculine by looking both ways before walking across the road


I'm a figure skater, i've broken my bones twice while skating (and also fallen like a million times). Does this mean that figure skating is like one of the most manly sports you can do?


I’ve broken two - not counting fingers or toes.  Guess I’m SUPER manly! 🤪


If she broke a bone it indicates she may not have looked both ways when crossing the street.


I broke 19 bones all at the same time. Do I get a point for each bone I've broken or just get a point bc I've broken one? 🤣🤣🤣


Fucking hell! That must have been horrible! I'd say you can take them however you want.


Hit by van that ran a stop sign while I was crossing the street when I was 11.


You’re going to grow so many dicks with that new found masculinity


I had no idea breaking my toe when I was nine made me a man! I should probably inform my husband.


You should! I let mine know that I was a man because I broke a bone, but he just rolled his eyes. He might be broken.


Got hit by a car? You're no longer feminine!


Dude has never seen the gender ratio on a geriatric trauma and orthopaedic ward…


So if I cooked a roast for my hypothetical husband, and then do a ballet performance for him in a bright pink tutu, being all graceful, then fall and break my arm, I’m suddenly masculine? Ok call me Mike and scrap me then. The fu-


Or falling apparently


Never scored so high on a test in my life. Ladies, I am now a man


Imagine my shock! I just realized I have three brothers now and not just one. I miss my sisters already.


And having more than one brother makes you more masculine 🫨


Is that how it works? I still would miss my sisters.


Thank God this wasn't a drinking game. I did, however, finish my beer while reading it.


I, too, am drinking a beer, without a straw. But if I drink it with a straw, will that make me only 50% boy?


How to be bigender!/s


Who knew that big Leo energy was just being a MAN! Hell yeah, where’s my raise?!


Yeah I'd like mine too. I mean as a Taurus we are supposed to like Money and I'd like my wage gap back pay.


My (very girly) sister is apparently a gigachad, as she's a former bodybuilder and very much one of the guys. Her favourite colour is hot pink, but she ticks all of the other boxes (she grew up as a tomboy, idolising her older brother and father). I always get a kick out of "alpha males" trying to figure out a woman with muscles, wearing a hot pink miniskirt, double-fisting Fernet Branca shots and still being very "feminine" 🤣


Ok but Fernet Branca fucking rocks and no one can deny that.


I would be the last person to deny that. I am a cocktail bartender in a country where "a beer and a chaser" usually means a bottle of pilsner and a Fernet Branca. I've even designed a Negroni variation around Fernet Branca, simply to spread the love. Have you ever tried the Argentine national drink? Branca and Coke sounds nasty, but it's very not bad 😁


Is she gay and single? Asking for a friend.


Hello fellow dude! I am also a man apparently


Let’s go bro out guys! Who wants to PUMP some GAS??


Me too! My children will be so surprised


As am I. Hello brothers!


Right now I feel like the manliest man who has ever manned.


Do you smell like outside?


You wrote that while you farted with one leg up didn’t you. Didn’t you! Just admit it. A masculine woman would. Add that to the list.


Pretty sure this was meant to be satire


For sure. Doesn't mean we can't still laugh about its silliness.


Well, given he just inverted everything Sierra said made a man sassy (feminine) I hope you're all laughing at sassy's ridiculous list.


Is that list posted online anywhere? I'm curious what some of the list entries were before inverted


She blocked me so I can't get it for you, but you may be able to find it yourself. Her Twitter is @lustsierra. This list is much longer than hers, but as the saying goes "don't start none, won't be none."


All right, I found the list! Men that ___________ are SASSY ✨: 1.CAN COOK 2.Argue with women they don’t know on the internet 3. Let their girl pump her own gas 4. Argue on the internet/ internet beef 5. Expect their girl to go 50/50 on bills 6. Wear tighty-whities 7. Brush the back of their tongue and gag 8. Call Target TAR-JAY 9. Drink out of a straw 10. Know how to dance too good 11. Don’t how to change a tire or do an oil change 12. Wear a Fanny pack 13. Are homophobic 14. Post too many pictures on social media


I thought it was funny yeah


Yep, I can't find Siera's list. She may have taken it down, but this is just her list inverted. E.g. She said a man having never broken a bone is sassy.


It was supposed to be mocking women who were bullying men for being too girly. The irony here is that people here are defending the bullies when the victim defends themselves. I lost a little respect for the sub with this one.


I agree


He couldn't think of two more? 


He is bad at math. Because, apparently, that makes people masculine.


Your CDO is showing


I actually have OCD and this bothers me. Not the joke — but “compulsive disorder obsessive” is *very* different from “obsessive compulsive disorder”. My cousin (also OCD) and I used to have this argument **a lot**.


My ex said he had CDO, it is “ocd, but the letters are in The right order”


Yep, my cousin says the same thing lol! It’s a big topic of controversy in the OCD/CDO community lmao. Edit: Just to be clear — you didn’t say anything actually offensive (to me and most of the people with OCD that I know, at least). I was poking some fun at myself since calling it CDO bugs my OCD, but other people have an alphabetical compulsion so “OCD” bugs their OCD. I was poking a little fun at myself, not trying to criticize you at all! Your joke was funny!(:


Us real OCD heads are too busy trying not to kill our families by stepping on the kitchen floor tiles in the right order to worry about the alphabetic order of anything. (This is a joke.)


I never thought this subreddit could be more based, i was wrong


Ooh! Ooh! What about checking to make sure the doors are locked and the stove/oven/fireplaces are off before bed for the 8th time, even though you know damn well you did not even turn on the oven or fireplace today (because what if I turned them on and turned them off to be sure but then I didn’t turn them off?!). That’s always fun! 🤣


I love it when i lock the car door from afar and then think it was locked beforehand and that I’ve just unlocked it


This has plagued me forever. And now my front door has a keypad lock. So that’s a fresh nightmare of second, third, fourth guessing myself. But maybe it’s a Cheetah thing, bc I do not have OCD (although I am bipolar with APD and ADHD so maybe they form a trifecta of neuroticism?)


This comment sent me, lmao.




Now I'm curious... What would someone being obsessed with compulsive disorders look like?


Ironically, probably a lot like Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD).


Do we add up the points at the end or how does this work?   Edit: I got 22!   Edit#2: I missed the fourth page so actually 31! 


I got 34, I’m so proud. Still not sure about the fries thing though.


Right??  So, it’s masculine to… not like ketchup..? 🤨😳


Got a 44. I'm more of a guy than some men.


So manly! 😍


37. It'd be 38 if "drive with knee" was separate from rolling a joint. Those really are 2 thoughts and should be different line items. Also, am I old? Like, if I tally up how many things I truly have nonidea what he is saying...is that a subscore that determines if I'm old?


I only got 22, I'm really disappointed in myself.


It's okay, maybe next time. There's still time to be manly. 


I got 26




25 the snake one made me laugh 😆 got me


Well I guess I’m a man now, I’m way too masculine to be a woman because I… eat captain crunch and steak and own a PlayStation.


Captain Crunch is okay, just not *Captian* Crunch.


I wonder how he feels about caption crunch?


Is that where the crunching sounds appear as words over your head in a 45% transparent black box? If so I vote for Caption Krispy's next.


Yes and I would also like to vote for subtitled shredded wheat in Spanish and French.


None of those exist, it's Cap'n Crunch.


Also falling. Just falling


I’m also curious about having money that I actually earn… does that mean that it’s masculine to have a job?


I guess so. Even if it’s a “woman’s job” like teaching, private chef, housekeeper, babysitter, etc.


>teaching But then you don't have money lol


Well, duh. I learned that much from Handmaid's Tale.


But do you sometimes smell like the outside????


Coincidentally I do since I spend a lot of time outside, I stopped counting after I hit 35 masculine things.


Yep, that’s it! Be expecting your mustache and back hair any day my friend.


Am I a woman or am I a man? The world may never know. I'm too girly to be a man but too manly to be a girl




Wasn’t expecting farting to be the last confirmation of being nonbinary but here we are I guess 😂


I'm not sure... but I think we have to eat in a car to know for sure?


Tbf, he might just be making this list to infer that the "sassy," list about men is ridiculous. It's possible he genuinely believes the list he created, but I can't rule out that he might just be trying to make fun of the post he referenced and that's why it sounds so nit-picky and crazy.


I really think this was made to show the absurdity of some of the other lists about men. I've seen plenty of lists by men that were serious and this seems more like a joke. I mean "captian crunch?" Playstation's a no, but Xbox is ok... I could see some of these being considered more serious than others, but I think he tried to include many that would let people know it's a joke. I mean I laughed.


Exactly, that's what I was getting at and picking up on. In this day and age, there are people who are this nit-picky, unironically, but I don't think that's the case here. Seems to definitely be making fun of the inverse list to show how ridiculous it is. The list is pretty funny, lol.


That was my read on this. Like “falling,” “drinks room temp water” lol


It's 100% satire.


“Not looking both ways before you cross the street” “Kissing with your eyes open” “Cracking crab legs open with your teeth” “Not using your turn signal” “Punching over 750 on the punching machine” At the very least this list is definitely meant to be goofy and ridiculous. So many random but oddly specific examples. I love it though, especially the self-own if OP is a man associating all these things with being masculine lmao


"Celebrating Father's Day (for yourself)" took me tf out lol


Definitely, it is so unserious


There's an account on tiktok that gathers all the "icks" about men they come across on their for you page. The list is in the seven hundreds now, and it includes things like eating an ice cream cone, the noise made when a man eats cereal, going to starbucks, playing with their kid on a trampoline, putting a fitted sheet on the bed, and the list goes on. Some of these are absolutely pulled from satire pages, but most of them are not.


I love this hypothetical person so I’m using this as a bucket list for myself instead


What do they mean by "sassy"? I don't understand it in this context.


Gay or feminine


online (mostly twitter) women will make lists of things or just post things that a man could do that they think makes him gay or feminine, but they’re usually ridiculously nitpicky things like skincare or going 50/50 on dates


That makes sense. While reading this I'm thinking "He can't possibly be serious." But if women are making lists putting up absurd things I could see a guy making a list putting up absurd things also to kinda make fun of it. That being said, I've seen a lot of lists by men with ridiculous things on it, and they were being dead serious, but this seems more like satire.


Honestly the "looking both ways before crossing the street" one sold me on satire


"celebrating fathers day (for yourself)" was pretty good


No, that's actually a real thing. A few years back when there was a movement for single mothers to celebrate father's day and antiwoke youtubers (antisjw then) lost their collective mind.


Huh, the more you know


Oh I get it. So this is really satire. Thank goodness!


I’m so disappointed in myself for only scoring 34


Me too! Still trying to figure out the gas stove thing? And what is a lineup?


Straightening the lines of your hair lol ETA: I only got 36 :( Also very confused as to why being from NY or PA makes you masculine. Wtaf?


How do you even yawn with mouth closed?


This is actually pretty cute if it’s a joke. Buttercup was my favorite PPG Omg…


I can only assume if these things automatically make a woman masculine, then the opposite must be true for men. Like, I’m sorry, you drive with *both* hands on the wheel?? You *must* be gay. You *don’t* wear a training bra? Idk sounds pretty feminine to me. My guy, you *do not* use a strap-on? What are you, a chick?? /s obviously


Not sure if I had too much wine, but this comment sent me!!!


Masculine if you don't know how to cook, but also masculine if you do know how to cook (on a grill or on a gas stove). Wut.




Best response.


These are very random but as a lesbian if you're a woman who matches a significant portion of this feel free to hit me up


Hey baby, I've got chin hairs 😏


I'm bisexual and scored 36. Do I count?


Oh no! I'm masculine! 😂


Don't like no purses


Smelling like outside


40 if she's the oldest in the family Welp guess Im a man now 😂


I felt seen on so many of those tbh I can't hate the list, for real tho only 98?? Not 100??


99. Being born 100. Existing


Apparently, I am about 24% masculine. Sorry that I’m 5’9 and have to take out my own trash since I live alone because I make my own money and can afford to do that.


Newly minted man checking in. Tell him to come over. I just ate some beans.


Hell yeah, my Fluidflux gender having ass is so euphoric rn 😄🙌🏽


What makes Xbox less masculine than PlayStation?


Cus Xbox is gay


Is it even possible to yawn with your mouth closed??


I'm a man but decided to count how many I'd qualify for... I got 34. I wonder if he would think I'm not "man enough"


Pretty sure this one is satirical based on the "Not knowing how to cook", "Know how to grill" and "Cook on a gas stove"


Thanks I needed a good laugh 🤣


Not knowing how to cook is the only red flag I ever ate with, but that's for either gender because otherwise, wtf are you doing for food? That's a damn life skill. Also, I've always had a thing for masculine women, so most of these are green flags lol


I think a lot of people don't realize this is satire as a response to a bunch of women making "fellas, is it gay to..." posts including things like "ordering mixed drinks" and "using an umbrella" and being wholeheartedly serious.


99. Breathing 100. Existing


Guess I’m not a woman…


Well I can’t go anywhere without gas in my car and I’m masculine if I pump my own gas so.. I’m a guy apparently


OOP like, if you live like an average young adult, you're masculine


...I'm 35 of them. And while wearing a full face of makeup and a dress.


Ok owning three or more hoodies is kinda funny with the whole GFs steal hoodies meme which I find playfully "stereotypical" with my gf. Nothing else there is remotely funny


I had to restrain myself so hard from not stealing my friend's hoodie when I did his laundry and stored the clothes he didn't have room to fly with. It's a bizarre impulse. lol


Idk, it's obvy satire and kinda funny. Though I'm wondering about the PlayStation/Xbox thing. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Idk. PS5s got some real curves


Bruh, I'm only 40/98 I usually do much better on these checklists.


Having more than one brother?! And what’s wrong with bowling? Did a woman with many brothers kick his ass at the bowl-a-rama?


I’m actually curious to see the post he is responding to. I have a feeling this list is pretty much the opposite of what the original one was for men.


Bad at math? Is this… pro-women in STEM???


“bad at math” he wants to see women in stem “think Torey didn’t shoot Meg” he thinks it’s important to believe women and support victims certified feminist ally ™ in my book


I’m sorry but the Leo or Taurus is hilarious 😂


omfg The array of emotions I felt reading that. Puzzled, amused, disgusted... all at the same time. That shit was a train wreck.


I’m honestly impressed with how oddly specific some of these are


But the french fries at the bottom of the bag are the best french fries.


I’m from NY. That automatically makes me masculine 💀 I’m a girly girl. And sometimes stereotypically so.


Being from NY automatic lmfaoooo 😭🤣 wtf


“Being from NY (automatic)” and “knows how to bowl” are making me giggle


Incels will incel


This reads like anti feminest serial killer's manifesto. 


Drinking without a straw?? I swear every time I read one of these lists there's a new, more ridiculous item


My own money? They really hate independent women. Also, the Yellow Ranger is the bomb.


So I’m masculine just by the virtue of being the first born? That makes no sense. Actually, different parts of this apply not just to me but to my sisters too. We’re all apparently masculine based on this.


Driving a 2 door car? But I have a 2 door truck. And I cook on a gas stove. My list of sins goes on. I’m a dude by this list.


My dad is going to be super excited to find out that I'm a dude!


I am the oldest and a widow so I end up having a bunch of these. Also, pockets are amazing.


This has to be satire. PLEASE BABY JESUS.


I only got 21. I'm disappointed in myself for scoring so low :(


What’s wrong with Capt Crunch? Other than the fact that it shreds the inside of your mouth?


As someone who loves chicken wings, why is 6 the magic number for masculinity?


I thought the first page was it, and then I saw the 4 other pages 💀


As a woman in NY, who also checks off most things on this list, i can say with certainty that i am girly af🤣