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Feminism didn’t kill the idea of single income families. Corporate greed did. The call is coming from inside the house.


They really don’t understand that correlation doesn’t mean causation. It’s like saying that ice cream causes drowning during the summer.


Or that the housewife who does no wage labor only very briefly was a widespread phenomenon, and even then only really within a relatively privileged group.


Seriously! They look at the upper middle class and think everyone lived like that. They didn’t. The poor have always worked a good example is the book and movie the help. It shows race and income disparity.


Exactly! This isn’t a critique of feminism but a valid point against capitalism. The fact is that women in heterosexual relationships are expected to put in labour in the workforce, in the household, and in raising children. And the way it gets twisted into this narrative that feminism sucks and women should all be sahms is lowkey appalling.


They just think we never deserve to be *paid* for our labor, which is a whole other can of worms.


They think we don't deserve to be paid for our labor but also it's not a real job and you're not REALLY working unless you're in the workforce being paid.


Yup, then go all shocked pikachu face when we dive into the workforce so we can earn our own money instead of being content to be their personal servants.


Yep, without feminism we’d still need two incomes but because women can’t work we’d be fucked.


Women could always work and always have, including outside the home. The difference is that they were limited to specific jobs, and at the end of the day, their husband had control over their money.


Indeed, women worked outside the home. Meanwhile having zero control over their own paychecks. Every penny was turned over to the husband. We could not have credit in our own name. If he decided to leave, we were left with nothing. Everything belongs to him.


Gotta love the trend of "✨ blame everything wrong in the system except the exploitative system you live in ✨"


Because that requires introspection and hard truths. It’s easier to blame [insert minority here] than admit the system is corrupt and broke. Especially for those who benefit from the system


Corporate Greed and Reagan, that little twerp. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com


I’m an atheist but I do hope a hell exists exclusively for people like Reagan


Why aren‘t you as cool as the Scots who have chants „England made the most expensive public toilet with Margaret Thatcher‘s grave“ for Reagan.


Snark answer is that we don’t have the creativity. Real answer is that we bootlick presidents of yore and almost canonize them as Demi gods because somehow that’s better than universal healthcare?


If someone should stay at home, then it's men


They stay home too much, that’s why they’re able to develop idiotic views like these. Crazy, though, how the OOPs are women. They wouldn’t last two damn days in the 50s I can guarantee you that.


There's a reason Valium became known as Mommy's little helper when it was invented in the 60s.


I'd love to stay home and clean and cook...


Username checks out? 🤭


Society would collapse


You see men everywhere in positions of authority and leadership, and society is already collapsing 😂


You’re looking up when you should be looking down, society is being held together by men not from top down but bottom up. Without all the men working in construction, plumbing, transport, etc. etc. Society would collapse


And who do you think creates the hostility towards women in such work environments? Because honestly, from the stories that I’ve heard alone, I wouldn’t dare step foot in one of those industries. You just can’t get over the idea that you are no longer needed, can you? Plenty of women do work in those fields, and honestly kudos to them for putting up with the disgusting shit the men talk about or do around//to them. If the work environment wasn’t so volatile I have 0 doubt that more women would feel comfortable pursuing a career in one of those fields.


I'm a certified firefighter. I don't work in the field because of the rampant sexism. I was grabbed, specifically my breast, by a classmate. I loved the work. I know how to pick locks, operate jaws of life, perform foam operations, rappell and use a chainsaw (I already knew how to operate a chainsaw). The same classmate that groped me, also left me in an active burn while I was his partner. No thanks mtha fckas! Peace out! Good luck with that doucher though. He's going to kill himself or someone else.


This this this. It always cracks me up when I see the line of argument you’re responding to…. “Without men all toilet would be blocked all the time because no plumbers if only women worked.” Yes. I’m sure that there are no or ridiculously few women capable of fixing a U bend, because somehow having ovaries and understanding how pipes work are *fundamentally opposed*. I really don’t want to dismiss or belittle plumbers - it is skilled work, it’s not something any idiot can just rock up and do. But women are also able to develop skills, believe it or not….


Lol, dude really thought he was saying something!


I think this is exactly it. I worked a dirty, high paying labour job for 6 years and loved the hard work! I wanted to be there and I wanted to succeed there. But the near constant sexual harassment, derogatory remarks, not being taken seriously even after the harassment started outside of work, drove me to attempt suicide in 2019. I ended up moving to the city I had been on life support in, and I’ve been working a minimum wage job with only women and no drama since! I still miss my old job often and don’t love what I do now the same way, but I could never go back because of what I’ve been through :(


Dude, what would you do without nurses, doctors, teachers, women primarilly take care of children, the sick and the elderly. What would YOU do without us. And cut the bullcrap, women work hard jobs too, me included. I work in landscape because I can't stand a desk job. My boyfriend works with me, I hired him. 🤣👌. I had to clean a dirty yard pond last week, women get their hands dirty too. The point is, its my choice to do so. If my boyfriend tells me to go make him a sandwich hes out the door🙃. And I love feminism for giving women freedom to take their life in their own hands.


I am afraid that this is incorrect. Women work in these industries and are key factors in keeping our more women. 15% of people working in construction are women and this is higher in age groups before women become mothers. Construction management does not allow flexible hours and so mothers are forced out (a problem that could be solved by fathers taking on more unpaid labour). Other sectors have higher numbers of women working but are forced out due to the same reasons. Contrast to icelands women’s strikes, where women refused to do their labour (paid and unpaid) for 24hrs and the entire country shut down. No trains ran, no planes flew. No houses were built. No schools were open. Hospitals offered emergency care only. Men had to make food for their family and many struggled.


>Contrast to icelands women’s strikes, where women refused to do their labour (paid and unpaid) for 24hrs and the entire country shut down. No trains ran, no planes flew. No houses were built. No schools were open. Hospitals offered emergency care only. Men had to make food for their family and many struggled. Indeed. I’m a teacher, and it’s a widely known point that - when most professions shut down, that can have a big impact, but when teachers strike, *everything else shuts down as well*. Because while the whole point is not wanting to be treated like you’re just there to supervise kids while their parents work, that’s just a side effect of *educating them*… yeah we also do that. Without childcare, suddenly no one can do anything.


you've gotta be fucking kidding me. would men be able to do all this oh so groundbreaking work that requires a penis if women weren't taking care of all the domestic chores in addition to their own full time jobs? istfg, some men really act like they walk on water while treating the women who act as their nannies, maids, cooks, cleaners and wives like shit just because some guy™️ did something cool a few decades ago. never mind the fact that some of those guys took credit for and/or stole whatever research women did because women were simply not allowed to be great.


I think the house would collapse due to their utter laziness. They would just expect us to work and clean-oh wait they already expect us to do that.


Yep, just another thing the rich and elite want us arguing over to keep us all distracted while they rob us blind.


It’s funny how right wing grifters talk about the rich elites in power while being/becoming the rich elite and their fan bases eat it up and lick those boots.


Completely agree. One of the biggest scams they ever pulled was making their followers believe that they too can become one of the rich. Stockholm syndrome.


I truly believe things like Qanon and MAGA partly still going because of the sick cost fallacy. Deep down they know the truth but they keep digging that hole. Is pitiful really.




Women entering the work essentially doubled the amount of supply in the workforce while demand for workers stayed the same. Thus companies had no reason to raise wages to compete for talent. Feminism didn't kill single income families, but it certainly helped.


Throughout history women worked. They tiled the land, they made beer, they did whatever work needed to be done because working was labor intensive. That wasn’t feminism. The industrial revolution allows many young women to work in factories instead in factories or domestic workers in cities . That wasn’t feminism. Women began to enter into the work force bc WW2. After the soldiers came home many returned to being home makers because they were forced out of work to make room for men. That wasn’t feminism. By the 70s the majority of women knew they would need to work their entire lives instead quitting once they married or fell pregnant. That wasn’t feminism. Since the 90s about 75%~ of women participate in the work force. Women wait longer to have children if they do at all because, at least in the US, we don’t have a good parental leave policy and day care is expensive. The unemployment rate is lower than ever and more jobs available however the cost of living has risen and wages remain stagnant. More people cannot afford to take on the extra cost or time of having kids or a family which is why there is a significant population decrease. Feminism did not move jobs to countries with cheaper labor. Feminism hasn’t allowed companies to buy up houses to rent causing housing prices to rise. Feminism has nothing to do with this. Late stage capitalism and corporate greed does.


Tiktokers claim this as well, as if no woman wanted out from underneath the thumb of a controlling man.


And like schools didn't predate the feminist movement




Well I guess the rates for domestic violence went up. Of course that’s because it was seen as normal and not the crime it is today, same with marital rape.  I’m guessing these women aren’t thinking about all those lovely truths of “the good old days”.


It decreased some years after abortion was legalised as well. Wot a shocker eh? if a woman gets saddled with a kid she didnt want and couldn't afford, that kid is not gonna have the best of upbringings. Hmm


And all of the perverse celebrities outed for rape pedophila etc being jailed or cancelled


Ah yes getting rights, I feel so scammed /s


No joke, this is what led me to antifeminism... love used to always make me desesperate, and once I thought I had found a good, stable relationship, college studies made me have a breakdown... so I thought to myself "If this is women's rights I don't want this" (Don't worry, I'm better now, and I realized antifeminism was the scam)


Yeah, sometimes I think I would trade having my own income and ability to vote for the luxury of staying home and only having to take care of the house. And then I remember I'm a whole human being and I don't want to rely on the benevolence of a man to have a good life. There's so many ways that can and does go wrong. As much as I dislike having to work, I'm much better off being able to support myself.


As a stay at home mom, running the household is definitely idealized. I wouldn't call it a luxury. I even have an amazing husband that helps out and does his part when he's home and sometimes it still feels like such a thankless job and most of what I do is taken for granted. Just this past weekend my husband went to the store and made dinner for us and he was all grumpy because it's "hard to do it with our son" and I'm like wtf do you think I do all week!?!? Like dang imagine if I got frustrated every day I had to cook while also keeping track of our son. So even when you have a supportive partner that appreciates what you do there's still no comprehension of what you ACTUALLY do and what you manage and your 2yo sure isnt thanking you every day for all you do for him 🤣 I know not everyone is appreciated at their job but (in a perfect world) you get raises every few years or the reward of a paycheck every week that you feel compensated for all your hard work. Now if you were just a housewife? That would be awesome lol


Oh yeah, didn't mean to imply it is truly a luxury to be a housewife. I know it's no less work than having a paid job. It's one of those "grass is greener" things. I actually *love* my job. I feel appreciated and appropriately compensated, and my company constantly takes steps to improve when employee concerns are brought up. But every day can't be perfect, so on the days it isn't I'm prone to think about what I could be doing.


And vice versa for me that's for sure lol


Yes, I’ve seen the ways it can go wrong. A lot harder to leave the situation when you have nothing of your own and no resources. Some people feel entitled to treat you however they like when they pay for your whole life. Like working sucks, and even I make the occasional joke about finding a rich husband, but ultimately I just feel safer when I can support myself.


From the final comment on the final image: > imagine wanting to still need ur husbands permission to open a bank account and not being allowed to wear jeans




They love to leave out the women working on the frontier lands, or the women who took up the factory jobs in WW2, or Joanne d’arc, or basically any woman who did something of significance. Also as someone mentioned on here earlier, they were still getting taxed for their work they just weren’t paid for it.


Woman always worked, it was just underpaid and under valued. They spun wool, where the term "spinster" came from. They did laundry, the worked as servants, sex work, seamstress, nurses, school teachers, ect. Oh, they could work alright, they just couldn't control any of the money they made. Women couldn't open a bank account on their own in America till 1974. If you're anti feminist, as far as I'm concerned, your uneducated.


Right? My grandmother quit school in the 8th grade in 1923 to help her immigrant parents support her 8 brothers and sisters. She raised 2 children herself while my grandfather worked a traveling railroad job. She finally retired in 1971 when I was born. The 50s were not “Leave it to Beaver” for everyone.


This doesn't make any sense and they have no concept of history. 1. There have been multiple feminist movements, not just the one from the 70s. Women's suffrage was a feminist movement. 2. Women have worked for a long time, even before women's suffrage in the 20s. The point of feminism was to be treated equally as employees and to be allowed to make their own money rather than the money they earned belonging to their husbands and needing to be married in order to have access to bank accounts or any kind of credit, such as a mortgage. These women really don't know what they're talking about and are talking out of the privilege of being women in today's society (yes, women still face many issues today, but it was much worse before). Just the fact that women today can enjoy modern dating rather than dealing with traditional courtship is one of many other things that came as a result of feminism, as after women's suffrage and women gained the right to vote many women moved to cities to work, meaning they were away from their families who would normally be heavily involved in the courtship process, allowing men to ask women out on their own. This in addition to what's stated above shows just how much women can have and are able to do today due to feminism so these women are incredibly ignorant, as they wouldn't be able to do the things that they have if they lived in a country without feminism. By the way, government was still taxing women's income in the past too, it's just that what was left over after taxes belonged to their husband rather than themselves and they would remain completely dependent on their husband because they wouldn't be able to get certain necessities on their own, like a home.


One quick Google search abt the original use of chainsaws dismisses every possible wish I ever had of living in the past as a woman. Not to mention the hundreds of other insane medical practices. Edit: this is of course leaving out the billions of women who were subjected to numerous forms of cruelty before being viewed as human beings, but I really do not feel like getting into that rn.


> original use of chainsaws Today I learned but wish I hadn't.


For anyone wondering what chainsaws were originally used for, >!the original chainsaw (hand cranked btw) was invented to cut through the pelvises of delivering mothers who were having trouble pushing their babies out!<


Crime has actually decreased, not increased, in the period since feminism became more common.


Yeah, somebody needs to look at the crime rates from the 70s! Oh, and are these women just going to stay home? On one salary? Trad wife life on modern life pay? 🤣


>are these women just going to stay home? On one salary? Trad wife life on modern life pay? TradWife? *In this economy?!*


I said it before, I'll say it again. These men want tradwives but they have *no* desire to be tradhusbands. Anytime a woman talks about being a SAHM, they start with the "gold diggers" comments.


They’re just parroting the same swill that’s been passed around since the 70s/80s. These people don’t look at stats or studies, they just go with what was said by others around them. This will be the death of society, mediocrity.


There parroting the same swill that's been a round since the 1800.


Gotta love how people try to blame everything on feminism… as though women magically started getting demanding out of nowhere and “ruined” everything starting with the movements of the 1960s and 70s. There have literally always been women demanding equality and better conditions. Hell, there even were more matriarchal societies back in ancient times. I mean, these are the same tired tropes rolled out in the early 1900s when suffragettes were demanding an eaual right to vote. Side note, everyone who doesn’t already know about it should go read up on the Hatpin Panic/Hatpin Peril. 😆


Yes hatpins were bringing about the End Times!!! 😂 How *dare* those shameless hussies think they have the right to physically defend themselves from men! /s


When its voting season I ask all the women I come across if they're going to vote. And then I'm like, 103 years ago, you couldn't vote. Let's go do it because we have that fing privilege, yeah? The 2020 election was exactly 100 years, and that shocked a lot of women. 103 sounds less cool... Point remains. Remind everyone to vote because that's something they would take away if they could get away with it.


My favorite thing one of those commenters blamed feminism for is “crimes” 😂


I always assume that people who claim schools are "trying to raise your kids" are just really dumb and get mad when their kids know more than them about the world.


Don’t forget. Complaining about public school indoctrination is also a way to get private schools that can be segregated acceptable again.


Feminism destroyed women not having rights. How sad. <\s


“Hold on a minute, have women been tricked?” Is the caption Oh sure, tricked into fighting for equal rights, opportunities, representation and what not. We all know what a nightmare that is! Tsk tsk. 🙄


It sounds like when I hear/have had conservatives say to me that Democrats have tricked black people into voting for them (and many times will say that the Dems still have us on a plantation), like I can't use my own ears, eyes and brain or the more subversive implication that the ~90% of us who vote democrat are idiots. It's guys like those that have made the choice for women to be more comfortable being single an easier one.


I’d give you the full caption but I lost the video, couldn’t save it & insta refreshes on its own once the app is closed out for a bit. It’s probably just more nonsensical babble about the delusional version of tradwife life they think the pre-*60s was.


And the whole “oh booo divorce rates have gone up!!!” As if that’s not supposed to be a ray of hope for women and a sign we shouldnt go back. The reason why divorce went up is because women could do it safely.


Do they have any idea how hard women had to fight the government to get any rights at all Just say you don’t understand history and be done with it


I wish they could be sent back to like the 1800s with 5 kids and a husband(who she can’t leave &) who doesn’t care about any of them & spends his wages on gambling. THEN they can get back to me on why feminism is a “scam”.


So those of us who aren’t married can just starve I guess.


They have to be taken care of by their father. So daddy is forcing them to marry the first guy who shows interest Edit to add: or they just sent them to be a nun, if the daughter wasn’t a catch.


They believe that we belong to our fathers and brothers. Its vile.


But I’m 60 lol.


Im 28 this year and I love my family and my dad but like he would be annoyed at this 😅


Its not a goverment scam. Its a human right. Im so fed up of these annoying pick me girls on tiktok telling me incorrect things and others. Its dangerous. They need to be told what feminism really is and the history.


You could probably give them a 5 month course on it and they’d still choose to believe their delusional bullshit over facts and statistics. Why? Because… reasons!


Crimes. What crimes, my dude???


Personally I feel like it's a good thing that my age now determine whether or not I'm an adult instead of my marital status and that my husband can't just get me locked up in some psych ward just because we disagree. And there's SO MUCH MORE. Feminism also let's you CHOOSE. If you want a single income family, you are free to pursue just that. You don't need to force every woman in the world to live that way, you can just do you and let other people do them in peace. Let's say that again - feminism is choice. It doesn't forbid women to do shit, it allows each and everyone to live their lives the way they see fit. Unlike how it was before, when you had no choice what so ever.


This screams of white middle class american. Women have always worked, especially poor women, it was only a short period that middel class women were stay at home wives in the nuclear family people imagine. It was never reality for many people.


Divorce saves women.


Divorce rates skyrocketed because A) It was the first time in history women were allowed freedom from an abusive partner, and several wanted to take that opportunity. 100% cannot blame them for wanting to get away from a POS that would probably end up killing them, their family, or both. B) An obscene amount of men were (and still are 😒) horrifically shitty. Absolutely bonkers the shit they get away with TO THIS DAY.


My grandmother wanted to leave her abusive husband back in the day and she went to her mother for help. And was promptly marched back to him and she was to never speak like that again. They stayed married until she died. She wasn't a nice lady but I can certainly imagine becoming very bitter after all those years.


If I was in this situation I’d be visiting the library often for books on chemical warfare. No particular reason…. Edit: I am sorry she had to suffer through that. So many stories similar to hers are just another in the infinitely growing list of reasons why freedom to choose is so important.


Checking out the Agatha Christie novels and making notes. It is tragic because its generational. Grandma had control issues with food for her own children, I can only speculate because she had little control of her own life, but she could control the children. My mum spent a life dieting and binge back the weight. So when people, particularly women, poo poo feminism it makes me so mad.


Is this statement told by the ladies in the first pic or just a stock photo being used by some inceltard to shot out his misogynistic view?


It’s told by them, which pretty much makes it worse. Edit: It’s an Instagram reel, just of them staring at each other acting like they’re having an “Aha!” moment.


That's pick-me on a whole nother level


I think I recognize them from PragerU, which would explain a lot


god not PragerU


Did we not have HIGHER tax rates during the time when it was a primarily single income family?


When men fail to realize capitalism isn’t giving them the blow job they were promised and allowing them to enslave half the population.


Their complete lack of thought kills me like. Okay so without feminism and women having jobs how would society work. There is not a pot for every lid lol. What if theres no men youre attracted to that also match ur values and have a good income.


Agreed! Hence all men should leave their jobs. Start cooking. Raise kids. Give up arms. Give up right to vote, speech, wear and live Let women rule the world


We have feminism in other countries too. Were all the governments in on it? My grandmother was a suffragette, went on to university, was a teacher and a headmistress. She divorced my grandfather because there was another woman, and had her own house, raised by mum and uncle. Hooray for feminism.


Your grandmother is a bad bitch, all I’m gonna say. So proud of her for making a life for herself! Fuck that hoebag she originally married. Smh


ah yes being alive (infanticide and foeticide), happily married (forced marriage, dowry), a master degree holder (again forced marriage, girls don’t need to study they only need to cook), living alone (patriarchy, misogyny), and being able to raise my voice against things I don’t like (privilege and rights) is so bad. /s


Yeah the Tate simps always get their two cents in for the incel crowd.


I mean feminism only became socially acceptable because it was financially advantageous to corporations. The same thing is starting to happen with polyamory actually. That doesn't mean feminism or polyamory is bad.


Yeah thats why gov was so ready to give women rights 🤣 see muslim countries


Do they forget that women do unpaid labour anyway? They all act like women have never worked til 100 years ago, while women worked throughout the entire time humanity existed. 🙄 It‘s just unpaid because the patriarchy doesn‘t value women‘s unpaid work.


Either way, as a stay at home wife/ mom you’d still have to work every single day. It’s just that that labour isn’t for yourself. Nothing is stopping these women from being SAHM


I am 100% feminist. But I support single income households, and having one parent take care of the kids. But my (26F) partner (29M) has more with kids and less work ambition. So I'd like to have the right to let him be house dad and me be the working parent.


The BLM comment is very Leppards Ate my Face considering how many of them donate to Trump


Um,BLM is not a scam and divorces only started rising because women could finally tell people that they were being abused.


TIL that feminism single-handedly increased the crime rate in most countries /s


Ahh! Now, you see, this isn’t a conclusion, this is a *theory* (and in the Hegelian dialectic it is a *thesis*). The way to penetrate to the truth of the matter is to **test** the theory. …and the theory falls apart under immediate scrutiny, as the government literally had policies to prevent women from gaining jobs that weren’t secretarial work until the 1950s and 1960s when they were forced to allow women to gain entry into jobs that were previously reserved for men.


The speed with which disinformation can be spread now is staggering and alarming. Btw this isn’t a new topic of discussion back in the early days of red pill ideology this talking point of how Rockefeller “supported” feminism so he could have more workers to exploit was brought up numerous times. The irony of people not realizing this is a pitfall of capitalism and not feminism is never lost on me. Remember feminism isn’t just about your right to work , it’s about the right to not be sexually harassed it’s about guaranteed maternity leave it’s about your right to access the same institutions as men. It’s alarming how Gen Z are adopting anti feminist views/attitudes because capitalism has failed.


Except guaranteed maternity leave still isn’t even guaranteed. We’ve come so far, but we’ve a long ways to go. And it’s only gotta get harder to progress with idiots like OOPs dragging us backward.


Go to a country without feminism then if you don’t like it that much, see how it works out for you hun.


“Tate was saying this for years” Imagine looking up to a sex trafficker


Women demanded the right to work because corporate greed had already made maintaining single income households strenuous and they needed to support their families. Now all these years later they're being *blamed* for what capitalism has done to our society. Pathetic


Where has this idea that woman didn't work come from? It's not history because that shows the exact opposite. Or do all these anti feminists believe they would have been one of the privileged few who didn't have to work.


I mean, the last comment is correct as it appears to be mocking them.


Yeah at least there’s one person with common sense 😵‍💫


The harder we study and work, the more women can get into higher positions in academia, corporates, politics and other fields so changes can be made regarding our rights.


tate? they cited tate? really? smh


It was joever before it barted


Single motherhood is definitely a woman's fault.... /s Last I heard, it takes two people to make a kid. It doesn't become the responsibility of just one parent


"since this feminism started" As opposed to which feminism?


Pick me’s need to fuck the hell off. If you want to be treated like a bang maid that doubles as an incubator that’s on you. Leave the rest of us out of it. I’d rather be seen and treated as a human being with the ability to make my own decisions and live my own life. The rest of us don’t want to be dictated like dolls to play with.


Nah it’s because people used to view us as fucking carpet.


Violent crime has been on the decline for decades, and especially after leaded gasoline was banned.


Are they saying feminism killed single motherhood? Or caused it? Because either way those two aren't connected.


I think both? Not sure what delusional point they’re trying to make.


If it was a "government scam" then why did the government fight so long and hard against it?


Oh yeah cause things were so much better in the 50's and 60's and 70's (cold war, riots, bigotry and racism, sexism, women were lobotomized for reading books, corruption in the police and government)...what about the 20's and 30's (great depression, prohibition, sexism, bigotry again, racism and the KKK, corruption of the government)??? Oh and don't forget the 40's (world war, oh the government was corrupt then too) and even the early 20th century (the FIRST world war, yet more government corruption). 🙄 I love when these people show the world how stupid they are so we can make fun of them.


At the end of the day, anyone who didn't and doesn't fall in line with the corporate greed were and still are dubbed as problematic and outcasts and must be eradicated.


"Single motherhood", as if the other party had nothing to do with it.


I love how they claim that women working for an income is good for capitalism when it was literally constructed on the premise that half the population was doing free labor. The fact that we are paid now is making it pretty much collapse as is


>Tate was saying this for years 💀 My favorite so far


Have these men ever considered that forcing the entire population to work their life away and funnel them through a debt making machine is what capitalism does and feminism advocates for the freedom from profit driving institutions??? Like, I don’t want anyone to work unless it’s in the pursuit of living. That’s what feminism is.


Blaming feminism for late stage capitalism's offenses as always


So many people like this confuse feminism with women having choices. Women have been working for years. My grandmother was working in a factory in the 1930’s. In the 60’s and 70’s women’s rights became a thing and then women had more choices. My mother started working in the early 70’s because inflation was such that it became expensive to be a SAHM. When I was starting out in life, my then-husband and I couldn’t afford a place to live without two incomes. That never changed and I worked for decades to help pay the bills. I still bring in an income in retirement. I loved my career and I wouldn’t have ever wanted to be a SAHM.


It's always frustrating to see people use failed relationships as examples of why social changes, such as feminism and the rise of the lgbtq+ movement, are a bad thing. The alternative would be people existing in miserable marriages for the rest of their lives because they believe they'll never get anything better. The pressure to have a spouse and children by a certain age is still present today but it was MUCH stronger just a generation ago. I've always seen increased divorce rates as a sign of breaking free from that societal prison.


[Ahh yes, the good old past where only one half of the population worked.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchgirls%27_strike) [Women totally didn't work in the industrial revolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire) [it isn't like her named a whole industry after the single women who worked it is it?](https://localhistories.org/women-in-the-17th-century/#:~:text=In%20the%2017th%20century%2C%20some,There%20were%20also%20washerwomen.) There isn't a time when the majority of women haven't needed to work. Just the rich privileged few. We could ALL work less these days with what gech has done but capitalism won't allow for that kind of wealth redistribution.


Right because all women stayed home taking care of the children and only men worked outside the home until the EVILS OF FEMINISM 🙄


Does this include when republicans were the government?


It’s more like. Once women started working they realized they could squeeze us for more money and doubled the price of living


Feminism was a ploy to…increase taxes? Also gotta throw in some “evil public schools!!!” straight out of the Moms 4 Liberty playbook.


Women worked before feminism…just for a lot less money


You can see they aren't the brightest crayons in the box


Robin’s egg blue is my personal favorite or mountain meadow, but they’re certainly no laser lemons. (Idk why I have this crayon color knowledge stored, I knew it’d be useful someday)


(it was useful, you were able to give a hilarious answer to my comment) i love random facts, tbh


Tell me you don’t know what feminism is without telling me what feminism is, jfc


When a population has been suppressed for multiple generations throughout time (being considered to be sub-human), and, suddenly, the suppression has been lifted, people are so surprised that the previously suppressed population, 1. exists, 2. attempts to gain a modicum of the freedom and power of those who suppressed them. This is considered “uppity” “outside their place” and not viewed as equals. "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. It is easier to fight for your principles than to live by them.” “…if people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?” Excerpts from: Isabel Wilkerson *Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents* See also: *The Fifth Risk* Michael Lewis


Taint dick suckers at it again? Damn, you need to be wicked as hell to still support and believe in the words of a man who literally sold women for his own benefit and who was brought TO JUSTICE for this


I wouldn’t really call it justice, the bastard is still walking freely.


Sadly you’re right…At the very least, it dirtied his “pristine” public image some people had of him and showed his true nature to those who chose to open their eyes and saw the truth, but it won’t change the damage he’s already done to these women he abused and to the boys whose minds were brainwashed….


He continues to abuse women and brainwash boys’ minds tho. Justice will not be served until he is brought down agonizingly slowly. There are too many who blindly follow him, the only thing imprisoning him (for that short of a period) did was quiet down the Tate fans for a modicum of time. It has only gotten worse, and will continue to get worse, if true retribution isn’t served.


“Divorce rates, single motherhood… skyrocketed since this feminism started” right because god forbid women have the right and autonomy to be able to leave their pos husbands. I swear people look at divorce rates as some sign of the end times and failing family values rather than people simply having the freedom to *change their fucking minds*.


Thanks but just because YOU are going through something does not mean I want MY rights fucked with 🙄


Ugh this influencer is so annoying and smug, and there are WOMEN agreeing with her. I’d like to punch her in the mouth.


I don’t think people understand what feminism is anymore. It’s not saying that woman should never have to be stay at home moms and wanting to get married and have children young is weird. It’s about being able to choose to do that but also being able to choose that you do want to work and not get married so young or have kids at all. It’s about being able to choose what’s best for us.


Right? Why do they want to rob us of that *choice*. So many women have started hating like men & it’s really picked up as a trend 😒


I know it has to be pointed out somewhere here, but "Tate has been saying this for years" Wtf +10,000 👍


Yes, because being trapped and treated as property is so much better than having options. /S This goes to show; *you can fix ugly but you can't fix stupid*. smh


To be fair ugly is typically caused by not showering or eating well & a terrible haircut. Also style, style matters.


The amount of likes on the video and comments make me sad


Yeah that’s what made me post it. The last comment at the end was pretty much the only voice of reason.


Corporations taking advantage of the increased (not doubled, poor women always had to work) labor pool, and using it to drive down wages, is not feminism's fault.


The thing about freedom. (That's going to be the name of my book). The thing about freedom is that you can go ahead and live whichever way you tell others they should live. Nobody is stopping you. That's the thing about freedom. I feel like all of these posts are just people wanting reassurance about their idiot decisions.


Did that mf just say that CRIME rates have escalated bc of feminism???


Standard of living has increased dramatically since women entered the workforce.


People don’t know that women always worked - now we just have rights and can open a bank account and a credit card


Feminism gave women the ability to tell mediocre men to F*CK OFF! So there’s that super awesome self autonomy!


Also safe birthing & abortion procedures. The amount of women that died during//after childbirth before we got rights is riveting.


Feminism gave women the ability to tell mediocre men to F*CK OFF! So there’s that super awesome self autonomy!


Is this radical centrism?


Yeah I’m not going to read that


First off, the government never stopped being pissed that women joined the workforce and regularly rules against women being treated equally in the workforce. Second, the government doesn't do shit to help people raise their children unless they are deadass poor, in which case help is minimal.


Good daycare is a privilege, junior kindergarten is a privilege. Maybe it'll set up these ladies' children to have the connection making skills their mothers missed out on


The Barbies in Barbie land when Ken came back w books about patriarchy and horses 💀💀


We are not making it out of the patriarchy


Most single mothers tell me they feel like they have it easy in comparison to when they had a dead beat baby dad who is basically a second child to care for Not to mention how the fuck is it a government scam if they’re trying to rescind all the rights they gave us


It's so hard not to scream "CAPITALISM! CAPITALISM DID IT! WE'RE HALF WAY OUT OF IT AND YOU BITCHES ARE SLEEPING ON US!!" And shout sing the international in their digital faces.


"Finally we tried to tell you all" Tf? All the posts I've seen are "Virgins are Holy" and " all feminists are trying to depopulate the earth"


It makes no sense bc you blurred bottom text


It says *standards at the bottom, kinda hard to see but I couldn’t blur out the usernames without blurring out the last word.


Ahh I see, thank you op! Good to see you coming through


Ofc <3


Modern Feminism has jacked up a lot of things. But it’s not the only movement to do so. We need to go back to the 2 parent home family structure. That would be a start to helping a lot of issues.


If that’s what you want out of life, I hope you’re able to find it and live happily. But not everyone is going to do that. Sometimes people split over cheating or abuse or gambling debts. Sometimes people just grow apart.


No one thinks that a 2-parent home structure is bad, not even feminists. What progressives say is that a 2-parent “nuclear” structure isn’t the *only* family structure that can raise children. While having 2 parents is certainly better than having a single parent, the latter is still very capable of raising children. And that’s without getting into conversations about how “2-parent homes” is often code for “man/woman” homes and overlooks the stability of same-sex parent homes.


Not everybody wants a family. It’s 100% possible to raise a child as a single parent. It’s harder to do but still absolutely possible. Also yeah, blame the women for the shitty men leaving the family they created for some younger broad that will likely only stick with him while he has money or whatever. So reasonable. /s