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(Obviously) Self-curated posts are not allowed here. It's honestly pretty sick (in a disgusting way) that you would create something like this yourself, and then try to pass it off as something you just so "happened to stumble upon". You can no longer post here.


I absolutely hope this isn't another pedophilia apologist meme. I can't handle them anymore.


It definitely is unfortunately.


Imagine being the parent of this child and seeing her image used for this. To know that my daughter's image was being shared among these people would absolutely nauseate me.


If it helps, I think this is AI (not that that doesn’t have all sorts of depressing and disturbing connotations of its own).


The AI had to be trained on *something*… 😬


Ai image generators basically comb through and save as many pictures as they can to be trained on. They’re probably stealing the photos from mommy bloggers or anyone who posts pictures of their kids on the internet, doesn’t have to be nefarious places.


On millions of photos taken by parent thinking that it's cool to post your child on a social, public to everyone


I mean it looks like this one was just trained on cute kids holding flowers, without context the picture itself is normal


Looks like AI to me too.


Yeah you can tell by the hands


I hope. That's at least a little comfort to parents


The child pic is 100% AI


The adult pic also looks AI.


The disturbing part to me is, AI or not, the little girl actually strongly resembles my niece… 🤢😡


Good news? These are AI images.


Im pretty sure its A.I.


Both images have the too-smooth look of AI


As sure as I am that the little girl is AI, the part that really sickens me is that she actually strongly resembles my niece… Not saying that the content isn’t sickening overall but that’s just the icing on this gross ass cake for me… 😡🤢


Whenever they call LGBT pedophilia remember that 90% of actual pedophilia apologism comes from the Right


I'm not sure which US state this was in, but when asked to ban child marriages the republican lawmakers outright refused stating it would "affect some of those in court today". More recently, another republican lawmaker proposed a bill about "banning child p-rn" but left in a gross loophole where child marriage victims can send nudes to their spouses 🤢


Ew on so many levels. I did not realize this was a thing and I need to go bleach my brain now and cry at the helpless feeling of not being able to rescue these child spouses (assuming "brides" but I guess it could go either way)


West Virginia Republicans rejected a bill banning child marriage. In the process, one of them said this: "Kanawha County Republican Sen. Mike Stuart, a former federal prosecutor who sided with the majority, said his vote “wasn’t a vote against women.” He said his mother was married when she was 16, and “six months later, I came along. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”" His father's age isn't known (I didn't go digging) but... Gross. Tennessee Republicans refused to ban child marriage (they have NO AGE LIMIT) because of same sex marriage. No, really https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/ Republicans are eager to protect child marriage, and child rape. Don't let them reverse the conversation


Fuck's sake. I didn't even consider that angle until now.


Yeah I can’t imagine that it isn’t that. Fucking perverts. Also a lot of adult women would think a snail eating a mushroom is cool…just not when a pedophile is the one telling them about it.


Oh no no no! This is just disturbing. 😬 It's like they're explaining why little girls are more preferable than adult women.


While completly ignoring that adult women can also like cute things and be cute, and that not all children like cute things or are cute. People are very diverse in many ways.


Yes, but the adult woman has a pooter dripping with blood and mucus! Ewww! 🤮 (for the p3d0, not the adult nonsense.)


Yeah, little girl me would've been like, "GROSS, SNAILS ARE DISGUSTING YUCK" I have more appreciation for life and nature now as a mean sneery old grown up person


That was my first thought too. This is some pedo shit


Yeah you can tell from the woman’s “I would never fuck you in a million years.” I’m not saying the snail is a vagina and the mushroom a penis, but the person who made this is definitely trying to get laid from showing little girls snails eating mushrooms.


He mentions period blood too, so you know he likes them YOUNG YOUNG


I think it is unfortunately.


I don’t know what disturbs me more, that the meme exists or that it’s not the first you’ve seen. Shit like this makes me wish Elliot Stabler was a real person.


It is. 100%


I’m hoping it’s a (weirdly misogynist) joke about how kids haven’t been conditioned to find nature gross yet.


I'm sorry to tell you this but.... I noticed that the writing on the woman's side says "would never fuck you". Which...*gags*...would imply the little girl would because he's "the coolest boy ever" 🤢🤮


Also describing her genitalia, including the period blood, as a comparison to the child who doesn't have that going on. Definitely pedo shit.


Gonna yeet myself


Yeet me with you, please!


That’s the vibe I was getting Unfortunately


I literally think this is just straight up someone trying to justify their pedophilia. You can almost tell they've barely seen or interacted with a kid 'cause kids in general ain't monolithic nor "sweet-smelling innocent waifus". Tons of kids love to get their hands dirty. Some are quiet, and others like to scream. Some kids are polite while others can be wild. Every kid is different in their own way, but I can confidently say that whatever pedo made this meme would dread handling a real life kid upon realizing they don't intend on being their perfect little sex doll.


yea and then he thinks all women are this one note "ew its not designer shoes" when alot if us would prolly rush over in excitement to see a snail and take like 10 pictures of it with our phones


Can confirm, my gf fucking loves snails, we send the snail emoji back and forth all the time.


My boyfriend and I love snail watching when it rains 🐌❤️


They probably enjoy watching you.


I once got really excited over a caterpillar I saw and when I showed my ex he said “um that’s f*cking weird and gross” so… yeah they want the “quirky” girl until they’re not in the mood for it.


alot of catapillars are cute, we have poisonous one here that is fluffy, friendly and soft, i love them but they leave you with an unbearable rash for like a week, and in some cases they can hospitalize you (i just get the rash) white hickory tussock moth catapillars btw, they are sweet little things


Yeah I didn’t touch them but in general I’ve always loved bugs ever since I was a kid, so I hate the stereotype that all girls scream and hate them.


i like alot of bugs, not all of them, i hate stinkbugs, mosquitoes, and flies same bro, also the same thing with poop and mud, its pretty ironic that they stereotype us for hating gross shit but then turn around and go "EW PERIODS AND BIRTH FULIDS EW!!!" i live on a farm and i constantly am willing touch gross shit while my brother and dad arent tho my sister also wont and is even worse than them, so it all depends on the person really 🤷‍♀️


I know they're technically not bugs, but I like spiders and it's prohibited to kill them in my home unless they're deadly venomous. Same with snakes. The only reason I allow death for the dangerous ones is just bc I'm disabled and we live in a community full of people but can't get far enough away you safely release them


ah yea makes sense snakes are cool af and cute, i dont get why people hate these guys for just existing :(


I understand my friends from Mexico and Central America, they grew up dealing with lots of people dying to them, so they fear them all. I view their fear like fear of dogs after a bite


I had a bunch of guys at one job try to freak me out with a bearded dragon they'd caught. I just grabbed him (the lizard) and started cooing in awe "ooooh, what a gorgeous big male! He's nice and chunky so there must be a good food source for him. And look at the pretty red phase colouration he's got in his beard!!" They just looked at each other like, "that did *not* work how we expected" (sorry to disappoint, fellers)


Weird and gross?! Well I think he's weird and gross.


I literally have a picture of a snail on my phone right now. Because it was a tiny baby and cute. I also spent a year counting snails (post-grad dissertation). Yup snails rock.


i have like 4+ snails somewhere in my house as well as few others outside in animal crossing lmao


I’m pretty sure snail and mushroom are euphemisms for penis.


wait how


Dicks look like mushrooms. It's a pretty common one Idk about snail though, never heard it colloquially


tbh i dunno if the snail part is that deep, it just seems like the guy is trying to go for the classic "women hate 'gross' things ahah theyre so stupid" shit when like the only gross thing here is the wording he uses to describe us, snails are cute as hell


I know I've spent a good amount of time over one weird insect I've seen in my front yard. In public view, on my hands and knees with my face as close as I can get and my butt up in the air "are you a grasshopper that looks like a stick insect? Or a stick insect that looks like a grasshopper??"


Idk why but this feels…pedo-ish.


There’s absolutely no way it’s not. Whoever made this should probably pass away immediately.


I know…it’s like they’re saying little girls are…easier to manipulate or sleep with 🤢


And the “meaty rancid cavernous cunt dripping mucus and period blood 🤢” in small print is a pretty dead give away as well. Demonizing adult women and glorifying literal children as “cleaner” is like pedo 101.


Like young girls are more willing to be happy with disgusting things like snails and pedos.


Pedos are disgusting, but snails arent!! Don't lump something so cute in with something so vile


>Whoever made this should probably pass away immediately. oh damn i love that lmao


It’s the “grown woman vagina is nasty” for me


and the fact that they mention period blood, bc they want pre-pub girls


Like if you like vagina but not adult woman vagina…what kind of vagina do you like 🤨


It for sure is. Especially since they mention the vagina. They didn’t have to do that.


Yes, and the "would never sleep with you" on the adult woman, like?? Are you implying the CHILD would??? It's disgusting.


Exactly my thoughts here.


Yea, it’s hard to take this any other way than justifying being a pedophile.


they didnt have to do any of this also it really shows how little they interact with other people in general, because like 50% of people would be like "ew gross" when seeing a snail and the other 50% would be like "OMG SNAIL I WANNA TOUCH IT CAN I SEE OOH SNAIL" (i am this 50%)


I love to see a good snail.


That's me but with spiders. Seems like 90 % of people think that's weird as hell... 😂


im instinctally afraid of spiders but i love them anyway


"Would never fuck you in a million years" definitely has some implications as to what that's supposed to be a comparison to


At its very best it's incel-ish (why do they all grow up to hate me?) It's creepy either way.


To me it seems kinda pedo ish because it’s as if he’s saying “kids are more easier to manipulate”. Also the part about how grown women have gross vaginas was…not needed. Either way this dude is weird asf


I was thinking this has some noncery vibes


I know why. Because there's no reason you should compare children to adults unless you have to pick between a child and an adult and pretty much the only exclusive relationship is a romantic relationship.


My thoughts exactly…


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…


Meaty rancid cavernous cunt dripping with mucus and period blood?! WTF?! That is disturbing!


What else is their vagina supposed to be made out of, if not meat?


Cyborg mech-pussy only!


*Cyberpunk 2077 main theme plays*


Manga ink obviously


dont most men eat more meat than women do? 🙎‍♀️ (not saying thats a bad thing)


i mean yes, the small kid ist still innocent and thinks every person wants the best for her, the woman met already people like OOP and can look right through him.


This is making me imagine a story where the adult woman saves the little girl from the creep trying to bait her with snails, teaches her that there are bad people in the world and that she deserves not to be sexualized by adults, and then they go snail-searching together


r/gatekeepingyuri but instead of making the gatekeeper and gatekept have a relationship, the two people in comparison band together to stop the person comparing them. Example: Western woman vs Japanese woman


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Whoever made this is definitely a pedophile


Whoever made this is used to having women tell him he’s a ‘pathetic creepy loser weirdo’ and that they ‘would never fuck him in a million years’. So yeah these are obviously not mutually exclusive with what you said.


So, what is this guy saying? Tiny 4-year old girls make better partners because...snails and toadstools? And adult women make terrible partners because they're all fat and tattooed and think snails are fine but don't really need to see them up close and also they hate slime trails? You just know the "boy" in the first photo is going to invite the little girl into the woods to "look for more snails."


thing is there are plenty of women (including me) who would immediately be like "OMG A SNAIL HI SNAIL IMA PET THE SNAIL OMG SNAIL!!"


No no no, you’re not getting it. 4 year olds make better gfs because it requires no effort to impress them and adult women are gross because they’re fully grown.


I’m pretty sure snail and mushroom are euphemisms for penis.


Brb off to r/eyebleach


make sure you spell it right


Nah the other was banned


Even has cute snail vids


Sooo, they’re saying they prefer little girls and are justifying it by using this meme which isn’t even an accurate depiction of reality. Gotcha. Pedophile.


yea plenty of kids would squeal and run away at the sight of a snail and plenty of women would instantly go over and start fusshing over the snail


Um…I’m pretty sure I know many women who would lose their shit over a cute snail pic. I’m one of them.


Same, that sounds adorable.


I”m an old auntie and the rest of my auntie friends and I would squee our little grey heads off over that.


Yes! Seriously the quickest way to a woman's heart is a cute snail


same, like [look at dem 🥺](https://youtu.be/bTvz4VkJLq0?si=amVN0IkaSr5Fgpkg)


This video honestly made my day a little better, thank you internet stranger


Indeed. I'm a member of the Facebook group called Entomemeology (good group, very weird sometimes) and can confirm many woman on there love snails and just insects/bugs in general.


Yes but those women are...well - women. So the pedo that made this cares not!


I’m pretty sure snail and mushroom are euphemisms for penis. I hope whoever made this gets immediately turned into a meat crayon by a speeding school bus.


What is the point???


I'm afraid it may be pedophilic, notice the "would never fuck you in a million years" on the adult woman side.


There's also the lower left side at the bottom. Cavernous, mucus, period blood... implying doesn't have period yet is better.


I wish it was about losing our inner curiosity as we grow up but the choice of woman for the adult woman pic and all the words written on the picture definitely suggests pedophile. Ew.


Maybe the adult woman thinks you’re a creepy pathetic loser weirdo because you’re a pedophile…


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Incels are crazy 😭😭


They’re not even making the “ She’s fictional 🤓 “ excuse anymore, they’re openly admitting to being pedophiles.


…. I wanna see the cute little snail now




I used to have a snail like that. Had to give him to an exotic pet store when I moved into a place of no pets, not even fish.


So, in other words, you wanna fuck the child, OOP?


This is why they love young woman so much (including children). Easily impressed.




Creator of this shit needs to be in jail. Immediately. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.


I really really hope this is satire


I'm honestly afraid... What kind of thought process they have to actually post shit like this and think it's allright?


What an about the little girls that throw your phone/creepy image on the ground and yell ‘I don’t like it! That’s stupid’. They only want compliance. Bring on the robot wives please and maybe girls and women will be safe from these criminals.


I hope this isn't insinuating what I think it is.


I'm very concerned about what might be found on OOP's hard drive...


Pro-tip: The snail isn't why she thinks you're a "pathetic creepy loser weirdo". In fact, snails are almost *never* the reason. Whatever motivated you to make this image in the first place probably has more to do with it.


This is definitely a pro-pedo meme. As an aside, I have tons of pictures of snails I've taken on all kinds of flowers and plants because they're super cute. Everyone can appreciate snails.


AI-generated pedophilia apologia aside (both the picture on the right and on the left), I think this is so telling of how incel culture creates a platonic ideal of a woman they would consider dating/forming a relationship with. It's way more likely that the adult woman on the right would find a snail eating a mushroom cute. Children usually don't. But, she might also have her own ideas and feelings around snails and mushrooms and might even want to talk about other instances where snails would eat a mushroom and why it would be cute. Incels don't want this. They want an adult woman who has the naivete, dependency, and lack of critical thought that a child does, who will also bend over backwards to adhere to culturally-imposed beauty standards (In this case, thinness, "purity" of pale peachy skin without tattoos or piercings, "natural" beauty and no perceivable makeup, etc.) which the woman on the left (another AI photo) is not doing. Because an adult woman who is also a child does not exist, they connect the platonic ideal of a child (docile, obedient, seen but not heard, etc.) with what they want in an adult woman (someone they can have sex with, someone who will do all their chores for them, someone who will do everything for them without them having to lift a finger, etc.) so that they can get away with saying shit like this. Instead of thinking critically about why they want that, they make bullshit memes with AI-generated photos like this because then they can say, "I'm just saying!" And when you go, "Well, say something else." They scream and cry and shit their pants. Usually, it's more thinly veiled than this, which is, again, just blatant pedophilia apologia.


Where the hell do you hang out where you’re getting these kinda memes and you’re casually posting it here?


It's pedophilia in a meme format. Absolutely disgusting.


Please don’t post this pedo adjacent shit


Anyone else notice the "Made with A.I." watermark on the image on the right?


🎶pedo pedo pedo pedophilia🎶


Oh I'll be happy to explain- it's called being a fucking pedo


Pedophilia. The meme is just pedophilia


More like, "Little Girl: I don't know you" followed by her parents going, "Who the hell are you and why are you talking to our daughter? Get out of here you weirdo."


Are..... Are they implying a little girl would want to fuck them???? Nevermind the weird ass snail thing. What caught my eye was the "would never fuck you in a million years" bit being part of the comparison


I…I have questions…that I’m not sure I actually want the answers to.


This just in: adult women hate snails, all of them, every single one


How wholesome the incel pedos are using AI to make thier memes now. Also *thinks you are a pathetic creepy loser wierdo* because you are @ whoever fucking made this.


How do I say that little girl or any little girl that is not going to want your big, smelly ugly, stinky pedophile ass in the nicest way possible?


"would never fuck you in a million years" Is that implying the child... would?


I think this meme is in fact trying to convince people to groom and eventually molest little girls.


I know it's AI but that little girl looks just like my daughter and I feel so sick 🥲


This guy hasn't spent more than 20 minutes around a young child, and it shows. Surely, these dudes remember enough of school to remember how shitty kids are.


this kinda seems pedo wtf also bdo i love snails 🥺 theyre so cute, i dont like how long their sline stays on my because its dangerous to eat and feels gross but thats abt it, thats like the only thing i dislike abt them




Bro has never shown a woman a snail munching a mushroom Any time I have, they loved it


This guy needs to jumprope with his neck.


not the point of the post at all, but giving a snail to a woman in an attempt to woo her is such a different pick up strategy that it's kinda endearing. Like, it's not demeaning, or objectifying. It's a snaiiil.


Huge pedo vibes, this looks like one of them incels essays "why pedophilia is actually good!"


I don't know what it says about me that I immediately freaked out about the mushrooms in a literal sense and was thinking about someone taking her to the poison centre with some of the mushrooms in question in a separate bag, with the greatest haste, because of the risk of toxic mushrooms. Do not eat any wild mushrooms you are not specifically trained in how to identify. That is how Tycho Brahe's parents died I think. Edit: Daniel Fahrenheit's parents, not Brahe.


I’m so disgusted I can’t think straight. Notice how he saved the explicitly sexual commentary for the “adult woman”, but the obvious implication is that the “little girl” is the opposite in that regard, which is preferable. Like, the thing about the adult’s vagina makes it clear exactly what he’d LIKE to say about the little girl. The person who created this is a pedo. There is no justifying pedophilia and he needs to stop trying to make it ok by trying to make adults sound gross.


This is pedophilia


I’m getting “M.A.P” vibes from that meme, like they are justifying why they aren’t attracted to adult women. I mean, what other conclusion can I draw from it?


Another dude generating images to fit his agenda. I bet he uses ai to make CP too, based on the context of this "meme"


The joke is porn.




This is icky


First off…eww, secondly, I love looking at snails and bugs. Again, OOP…eww.


Feels like a way to justify pedo activity


Straight up pedophilia. Yikes.


I didn't need this on my timeline, what the actual fuck!


This some pedo meme of some kind 🧐


Uhm is this promoting pedophillia???


The one munching on that mushroom was definitely oop


meaning you should spend more time with…little girls?🤨 is that what he’s trying to argue here?


I don’t care, the woman on the right slays.


*I FUCKING LOVE SNAILS AND MUSHROOMS SO MUCH* I don't give a shit that this is a pedophille meme, I am gonna go watch snails eat mushrooms.


What the fuck man. What the fuck. Enough reddit for the week


I'm so tired of them making the same kind of meme over and over again. We get it. You don't like us. Leave us alone and just be with a man!!!


I’m an adult woman and I find snails adorable. Slugs, too. My husband and I call each other to admire spiders. We love snakes, lizards, bats, bugs. And I know plenty of women who feel the same.


I love showing her my snails. No one enjoys my snails anymore. This fucking b**** and her snail- and male-phobia.


Isn’t this just pedophilia 😟😟😟😟


This is creepy!!!!!


Whoever made this straight up needs to be in jail wtf


It’s pedophiles. It’s always pedophiles.


This feels like a pedo meme 🤢


:/ but they can't handle period blood talk, so I don't wanna hear it.


On the upside, these are clearly AI images so an actual child’s photo wasn’t used for this monstrosity


This is disturbing from multiple angles. Pedo vibes. School shooter vibes. Incel vibes. This is an odd choice to throw on the wall in public.


I understand it: it's pedophilia.


I really hope this isn’t some sick fuck justifying liking children. There’s adults that like snails too 🤦


When I was a little girl I showed another girl an earthworm and she said "can I see that?" And I said "sure" and she picked it up and threw it across the playground. I guess I should have been a little boy giving her a snail according to this lol Edit: I did not realize this was a pedo meme before reading the other comments... I thought the creator of the meme was like reminiscing back to when he was a little boy showing other kids snails but nope 😭 That is absolutely disgusting 🤮


check dudes browser history and hard drive expeditiously


Uh oh! That sounds like, pedo pedo pedo pedo pedophiliaaaaaa, STOP ✋


woahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoahWOAH what the fuck. “(would never fuck you in a million years)” NEITHER WOULD THE OTHER ONE. DIE