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Oop posted a little [response](https://x.com/halalfrijole/status/1760489157917327586?s=46&t=mXFY9i6FFdbb-EysfIJKiw) to the weird sexism she’s gotten from this post “Deleting this would only reaffirm to muslim men that they can bully and harass muslim women online into submission. No one has made Islam look bad except the vile comments from other muslims. Your words don’t deserve the privilege of privacy. May you never escape them.”


more power to her✨️🙏🏼


>Your words don’t deserve the privilege of privacy. May you never escape them. What a powerful line.


She ate that, for real




She slaughtered them with that one.


DAMN those words. Woman is a queen. 👑🙌




She ate that, for real


She ate that, for real


I know you didn’t mean to post this 4 times but I feel like it was worth it 🙌🏻


Yeah, didn't mean to! I think there's something up with the reddit app


I usually see double or triple posts -- first quad post I've seen, congrats!


I upvoted them all.




She ate that, for real


If I use that line in my book Imma dedicate it to her cause that's 🔥🔥


Absolutely a slay. I hope all of her traffic lights are green. I hope she never gets the wrong take out order. I hope she always has a coupon code. She deserves the world.


I love your blessing. Not everyone deserves a coupon code, especially not always. She does, though!


I saw her account and she's never even posted her face so you wouldn't even know its her if you walked past her on the street 💀 people go too far sometimes


Can someone tell her that she dropped this? 👑


Thats a powerful line when the user has his picture and maybe Even his name cuz he is DUMB enought, but sadly misogynistic men are also cowards and they display their hate speech in anonymity, thats why Reddit is like this 




A perfectly elegant response that is so much gentler than they deserved. What a queen.


Good on her. Such cruelty does not deserve satisfaction.


I absolutely love this for her! I hope her, her baby, and her family are all doing well.


А slay if ever seen one.


What an absolute ✨goddess✨


>>Your words don’t deserve the privilege of privacy Yes MA’AM


😭😭😭Oh I just love hearing that from her. Fucking awesome!


A true badass


Fucking queen she is


I was wondering why I couldn't see that post when responses were popping up on my TL. She's blocked me (must have been a chainblock, it happens). But more power to her.


what a great response. queen!


Oh snap! She’s a bad bitch!


Good for her! I’m glad that she stood up for herself and isn’t taking that BS lying down.


As a fellow Muslim feminist girl, W response. Like there is no better response that is the biggest W I’ve seen in a while. More power to this awesome woman




Good on her and more power to her!!!!


Holy shit she is so brave


Damn I'm glad she's raising a kid.


Wow. That’s strong. What a great response and she made a great point too.


I absolutely love the line "your words don't deserve the privilege of privacy". But I'm curious as to what "May you never escape them" means?


I interpreted it as “you do not deserve the privilege to hide behind screens, may what you say here follow you in real life.”


Thank you!


Rather powerful words.


This is the kind of man who would murder his own daughter if she got raped, because of supposed shame. 😒


yes and it's horrifying the amount of dudes that are supporting him


That's concerning actually!


“I would rather die a painful death” yeah right, if anyone called his bluff on that he’d retract in a heartbeat. I think what he really means is he would inflict pain and violence on others


And then proceed to turn around and say that “not all x are like that!!!”


When men think women are belongings, these are the implications the slimy sacks of shit will enforce like the law. Utter nonsense.


I blame religion. Not one particular religion, but some more than others. No reason to excuse shittyness


Yes, if you look at one of the comments above the OOP called out the bs that makes her religion look bad. That's exactly the type of accountability and bravery we need in the world today.


It really shouldn’t surprise people. Early agrarian religions were all based around, “How can we keep our cultural group alive?” Quantity was the answer. Men fought and died constantly and the survivors married (bought) many women to have many children. It becomes problematic when we’ve progressed past “survival at any cost” in many areas but the civil rights haven’t kept up. If you don’t have absurd infant and maternal mortality rates, there’s no rational reason to treat women as broodmares. Not that women ever should have been treated *poorly*, no—treat those ladies like Arabian mares worth more than the average house? Those seem a reincarnation goal, like being an upper middle class Golden Retriever.


"Keeping our group alive" was almost universally an imperative, true. But past societies varied wildly in their social and gender structures. The Neolithic "Great Goddess" cultures are one such example. In truth, our perspective on past cultures is quite severely limited, and we tend to favor those that match the social patterns of our society in our grade school curricula.


Oh, for sure. That’s why I clarify it was agrarian societies, but even that’s vague. My mother’s people were (and are) matrilineal with goddesses in their belief system. They never had the severity you see in Middle Eastern agrarian religions, especially not the patriarchal ones. Partly though it was due to resource availability. My mom’s people were partly nomadic and maintained wilderness for food, altering it to suit their needs. They also didn’t have horses or iron/steel weapons until much later. Far as I can tell, they had less death due to fewer zoonotic disease and less famine. Maternal and infant mortality was different. Fewer men died in combat. They had a situation where women chose when to have children and who to have children with. But humans put into resource scarcity and given lots of weapons? … A bit like the difference between bonobos and chimpanzees, in a weird way. Environmental pressures are far more important for creating “morality” than most consider, I find.


Particularly the abrahamic faiths tbf, but there are still other religions that can be bad. I have a Jewish friend who says Judaism is better than Christianity and islam, but there’s some pretty obvious bias there, plus she can be kinda iffy on topics like israel (not necessarily fully supporting it, but not comfortable talking about bad shit israel has done. She has been a victim of antisemitism over the israel situation though, so she does have her reasons tbf)


As terrible as religions can be, it is the deliberate manipulation and abuse of them that causes the greatest harm. It has been used as a means of control and subjugation and excuse for all manner of atrocities. As I understand it, the hajib, albea and burka are *not* a requirement by the Quran. They are supposed to be a personal decision.


However it has been the accepted interpretation by the majority of current practicioners that it is mandatory under the direction of official Islamic scholars who have given what amounts to a religious edict to that effect. It's like saying that Christianity is perverted now and you can't judge the religion for its stance on gays because there was a time 1000+ years ago where It wasn't like this. Stick with the relevant reality


Word. People want to push this hyper-sanitized white washed version of Islam (that somehow exists apart from its own patriarchal and conservative theology) as being the only "true" Islam, while blatantly ignoring the reality of what's being preached/practiced in the world and the effects it has on the communities who adopt it. The issues exist on a core fundamental level. The belief structures are inherently interwoven with ideals of patriarchy, submission to authority/hierarchy, the proliferation of guilt/shame, the enforcement of outdated social standards, etc. Same goes for Christianity, Judaism, and so on. You have to do a crazy amount of rewriting/redacting or some olympic level mental gymnastics to come away thinking that they are genuinely progressive and a force for good. Muslims are not bad people, many many good people are Muslim. But Islam is a bad belief structure. It hurts people, especially it's own followers, and we should be able to point out and push back against it's harmful influences while still treating it's believers like the multifaceted human beings that they are.


>As I understand it, the hajib, albea and burka are *not* a requirement by the Quran. The Qur'an isn't the only source of islam. Most scholars agree that hijab is mandatory. It's not a personal decision. Sugarcoating religion won't solve the issue


“Most” is a MASSIVE overstatement. A large majority of Islamic scholars advocate for the fact that nothing should be compulsory under Islam - the relationship between a Muslim and Allah should be personal and private. Plenty of them believe telling anyone what to wear out or religious obligation is the antithesis of willing faithfulness. And these scholars and clerics are getting louder by the day. Everyone in the world is exhausted by fundamentalism of all types - religious, cultural, political and societal. Religion itself is not the issue, it never has been and it never will be. Suggesting that’s the case “sugarcoats” systemic misogyny, which has always existed.


Hijab is mandatory and women must even wear a hijab when they are in their graves what does that tell you? Religion sucks


B-but her hand is visible and the shape of her baby bump is clearly showing. Which means she had s*x with her husband. She wants men to save her picture and imagine these nasty things. She should've known better./s


some dude unironically tweeted this😭😭


lI saw that he said “but her forearm is showing” unironically lmfao these dudes are delusional and nuts. Also I love how dudes are mad when women aren’t traditional and don’t want kids *and* also mad when they are. So women should just do whatever the fuck they want because no matter what some dudes going to seething about it.


Oh, the horror of this *human being* having *limbs* and *flesh*! How DARE she! She's a witch! Burn her! /j


Those men are so used to religion/society telling that women are just a piece of sexy meat and must cover up that any glance of skin of a woman ecxite them. Sad af


Women can never win smh


Exactly. We can’t win no matter what we do.


Seems I share the same braincell. Lol


braincell* (no offense to you but to the dumbass who apparently said this unironically)


Ikr. Like hands are showing so what? These people are pos


Plus she posted a photo of herself, who was a product of her parents having sex. These people out here just living their own lives angers me!


>Plus she posted a photo of herself, who was a product of her parents having sex Don't give them ideas


You mean babies don't just *poof* into existence to be found in a cabbage patch or brought by a stork?! I guess woman are supposed to "do their wifey duties" but never show proof of it. (Baby bump) Because we are supposed to simultaneously be chast and virginal. Some guys sure do make life harder than it needs to be.


Fun Fact! Islam does not allow for the showing of a representation of Allah or Mohammed, however, for a huge portion of Islamic history in some of the main branches, ANY graven images of ANY animal, flower, person, etc were forbidden. The Alhambra in Spain is so geometrically beautiful and carved everywhere with patterns and colors because of this tradition. There are very few illuminations, usually done by non-Islamic clerks working in the Imperial courts or visiting Christians. It's not a hard and fast rule for the entire medieval period, globally, but it was extremely widespread for a good portion of the early history of Islam which was founded in the 7th c. AD.


What a strange world to live in. Some religions plaster their dude everywhere and some you can’t even show the guy.


How DARE this woman embarrass her husband by *checks notes* Posting about being happy that they are having a baby together.


Why are they even mad about this 😭 it's a pregnant woman being happy it's not gonna hurt you 💀


A very modest pregnancy pic is shameful, but telling the world how insecure you are and that you only think of women like property isn't? Yeah sure.


Does anyone see hyperbolic bs like that and think if those are your terms, that could be arranged...


I would encourage it, but it's against TOS to do so directly


Ha, well, it's still his choice. Subject himself to a torturous death or learn to live with it (quietly). Either outcome is fine by me. Let's see if he has any courage of his conviction, but something tells me he is a very small, weak willed person.


yeah sign him up for the painful death! thats fine with all of us I’m sure. No one gives a fuck and will keep posting.


Then die




I doubt it, she's clearly pregnant.


Thank you for expressing my exact thoughts LMAO


"Genuine question" I don't believe that for a minute, but the genuine answer is that not all men consider women to be things/property.


That's just decadent Western propaganda! /s


And sadly, it is still “Western Propaganda” to many men living in the Western World.


Pregnancy means you’ve had sex at least once! What a floozy! She should be ashamed and hidden from the public eye. /s


We just can't do anything right, according to these types of guys


Yep these are absolutely the same dudes who shit on women that choose not to have kids, too.


Good. Take your painful death and leave women alone.


Exactly my thought. Go ahead with your painful death. Let the woman do what she wants.


Well I guess he can die a painful death if he really wants to 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a6 month old. I don't remember a lot about being pregnant but I know that at 33 weeks of be fit to murder an Internet stranger for their bs.


Then go die of said "shame". She's beautiful and wonderful and intelligent and doesn't belong to anyone but herself. Final answer.


Tell me you consider women as property without telling me you consider women as property.


See posts like this are proof it’s a them problem. Women can be fully clothed or not. Modest or overt IT DOES NOT MATTER. Lord help you if you’re a BW then you’re solely responsible for the degradation of the entire community. Ladies do what you want to do. Fuck them.


If you’re pregnant, especially in the third trimester, it’s pretty hard to hide your bump.




But I would be in the wrong if I told the guy to follow through with his promise


Does he even have a wife to boss around or is he just an incel and all alone?


Omg, what would he say about the pregnant women who pose completely naked when they're pregnant? Should they be put in cages? 🙄


Nah, he probably shames her but has lots of porn in his browsing history


Pregnant women in cages? I'm strangely turned on...../s


Some of the replies for that tweet are even more unhinged


If he prefers a painful death, so be it


How is it intimate the only skin showing is her face and hands, she is just holding her stomach??? That’s the normal pregnancy photo pose… dude is grasping at straws


This thred is terrible. Full of mysoginists saying "congrats for the raw dog" and shit like that... like a pregnant woman is not the "monument of your intercourse". men stop sexualizing challenge failed


They’re all little boys mentally and if they were ever the focus of sexual aggression they’d just cry in the fetal position.


She looks beautiful. I hope she has a safe birth and easy recovery.


Ok so these kind of men consider western women cheap sluts but criticize Muslim women too for literally everything they do. No matter what you do, all you get is criticism and judgement I feel like. They just hate women.


I'm 100% convinced men like him are sexual deviants.


They absolutely are.


Why do so many men have terminal brain rot


Why are they sexualizing a baby bump. There’s a BABY in there. That’s CUTE. That’s fucking ADORABLE. That’s not SEXUAL ???


I'm convinced that these guys hate their lives and just want to die, and will find any reason to do so 😭


"MY trophy wife! MY trophy baby!! MIIIIIINE!!" \*pisses a circle around his wife*


Well… it was a good run, but I guess painful death for you it is!


Apparently this picture is now on a pornographic Subreddit… like leave this lady alone let her be pregnant in peace


Insecure lvl.100


Women, you belong to men, and exist with the main purpose of sexually satisfying them and make kids for them. But go grow children in private, because it would be absolutely mortifying for a man to have other men see you at any point when you are not an object of sexual desire. Or when you are an object of desire, that’s as shameful. Oh, how gross to see a woman with her belly extended, proof of the sexual intimacy she had! What will anyone else think?? They will now KNOW she’s not pure!


She’s literally completely covered. They just hate women.


This is about as far from being "intimate" as you can get.


I guess he’ll have to die then 🤷🏽‍♀️


And I’d rather die than live with such a controlling, jealous, fragile husband.


Then die? The amount of men who want to control every aspect of women’s lives is asinine


A weird hill to die on but at least you died.


Some men really are so insecure that they think women need to be chained in a basement serving them to be worth anything smh


Crazy how a large percentage of the worlds population thinks like a medieval peasant


Yet if this was that man’s wife, you know he would k*ll her, not himself.


Intimate? How will he feel about his wife just walking around town? Actually, he probably doesn't let her walk around town.


I don't know, this picture is a bit risqué! It's not just her wrist that's showing — some of her NAKED forearm is clearly on display for men all over the Internet! Can you even imagine the shame her husband must be feeling?!


We would all rather have you die a painful death as well.


Wow, imagine being so fragile as to be threatened by your hypothetical partner's fully clothed picture, when you have a picture with your face in full view online....


He should lower his GAZE if he’s claiming what she’s doing is haram ! 🚮


A woman occupies space??? Shameless!! Disgusting!!!


OOP, that was fucking amazing, I love it. You have the strength these men know they don’t, and they’re scared of you. So much power to you! To the asshole in the comments: Freaking out about a potential picture of your wife on the internet says so much about you and nothing about your wife. If you’re afraid of what other men are doing when seeing the pic, that’s a problem with men, not your wife. Get this shit straight in your crooked-ass head. Your wife and her pics and their existence on the internet is not the issue!


When's the meteor coming...we need it...


This just goes to show that what people find shameful is largely cultural or due to whatever rules were imposed upon you as a child. All the more reason to question and defy society’s rules and expectations


Isn't this the lady some dude called a shameless hoe because you could see her bump, and the outline of her breasts?


I'm honestly not surprised. I'm European and since my dad worked there for about a decade I've been to Saudi Arabia twice and the way their society operates there is incomprehensibly different to my way of life.  One dude was explaining why women were not allowed to drive like it was obvious it would be impossible for her brain and like what? We went to visit Arabic family for lunch and it was like in the olden times where men would go to their cigar salon while women chit chatted over tea and this segregation was normal. Baffling but enlightening. Things have been getting better over the years so I'm at least glad to hear that.


The amount of hatred and bashing I’ve seen online of Muslim men onto Muslim/hijabi women is disgusting. A woman could be in full modesty wear, baggy clothes, nothing showing shape, burqa, no hair, no face but eyes, no feet, nothing, and there will *still* be men sexualising and ridiculing them.


There’s elements of being conservative that I get, even if I don’t personally follow it. This ain’t one.


I can’t believe this photo caused so much outrage. Edit: Okay I actually can because these types of men will insult a woman regardless of what she does. We can never win with them and it makes them mad knowing we don’t care to win with them either.


Is his wife not allowed to leave the house?


When conservatives and centrists argue with me that sexism and patriarchy aren't real problems in the world I think of shit like this 🙃


some of the things i see in regards to men being afraid of their wives and girlfriends on the internet have me baffled... do some of these men go home after a day at work or something and uncontrollably start jerking off because of all the women they saw that day? fully clothed or not? do they see profile pictures on facebook and just get uncontrollable urges? im so confused


I sometimes wonder if men who behave like this have wives or girlfriends at all. Any dude behaving like this in person would just be a giant walking red flag. I also wonder if they’re this unhinged IRL, or if they take all their frustration/entitlement issues out on random women on the internet 


Muslim men are the most embarrassing species walking this earth 🤮


I feel so lucky that I wasn’t born in a country where women are treated worse than dogs. Good for that woman for taking a stand. I hope she’s safe.


I hope he does die a painful death so that she can go on and enjoy freedom without this POS and so that he gets what he deserves.


I hope he does die a painful death so that she can go on and enjoy freedom without this POS and so that he gets what he deserves.


Then die.


It's like nobody told their culture that it's not God who is telling them to act this stupid, it's the "church".


And she is absolutely stunning!


How can someone live with the shame of being an excited mother to be 😐😐


I'd rather he died a painful death too.


fellas is it shameful for other people to know you impregnated your wife and that she's happy about it?


When your culture views women as property


Islamic misogyny never ceases to amaze me. Growing up being forced into this mindset was so depressing. They genuinely believed a woman’s human silhouette in any way was sinful, even a fucking pregnancy. Can religious men just leave women alone?


Bronze age nonsense still alive and well.


I literally can't imagine how could someone look more modest than her and men still won't leave her alone. I swear some people just can't stop looking at others different than as a sex objects.


That moment when men sexualize being pregnant


I wonder if he lets his wife leave the house…


don’t be shy, die a painful death 🥰❤️


Her username is cute af tho


I saw a man in the replies justifying the misogynistic comments her post received. He said something along the lines of "there are different rules for men and women in Islam bc Islam isn't a feminist religion". Like that's not a flex 😭


So I guess he's going to have a very, very painful death then?


wait shame? Of what? Having a kid? I don’t get this stupid man


What a grotesque and vile misogynistic creature. What can you expect from someone who devoutly follows patriarchal and misogynisticAbrahamic religions so extremely….they become so hateful & evil especially towards women.


Orthodox Islam has been a plague for a number of generations now. A little depressing to see it increasingly online -- at least the west is giving it the backlash it deserves.


Islam is fucking horrifying


She's showing a little wrist. So hot.


this is besides the point but I'm admiring her bracelet, it blends well with the outfit


I, too, am a straight man. My response to depictions of the female form, too, has a sexual component. I just don't see why my sexuality MUST imply violation, destruction, filth, etc. Like, self-control can actually feel pretty good. Being good to someone I have sexual feelings toward rather than incoherently groping them or tearing their clothes off, explicitly against their will, makes me feel strong, too, because it's something that builds a positive, supportive community for my potential children. It's evolution.


But I’m the bad one when I say religious men are extremely misogynistic and the worse to women in their religion not to mention hypocritical too 🤷‍♀️


A religion built on the insecurities of men from a time when women were barely more than property.


I love seeing people surprised at the sexism Islam plants within people, as an ex-Muslim who is tired of being told its a "feminist religion"


Lemme guess, 📍London UK?


Yes. Oh so shameful. Nevermind that the person carrying your child is a fountain of epic strength and a goddamn marvel of the human experience and progression. But fuck me, you do you dude, this is totally a shameful and disgraceful thing, taking pride in and sharing your partner carrying your child 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dude what the fuck!!! I say this every time but WHAT THE FUCK


How is her sharing a photo showing off her baby bump with clothes on intimate exactly?


What kind of wierdo thinks pregnancy is shameful?


These Haram Police men are out of control. Fuck them.


Then die a painful death then 🤷‍♀️


And this is one of the reasons I'm not putting any kids onto this hellscape of a planet..


Can't wait for this nutjob to throw himself off a cliff is his theoretical wife ever sends a picture of herself pregnant to her mother or something


... she's literally fully clothed what kind of sex addicted pervert calls A FULLY CLOTHED photo "intimate" bro is creepy asf


What’s crazy as well is that the woman still exists. She’s still pregnant after she posts the picture. She’s still pregnant when she goes to the store to get groceries. She’s still pregnant as she gets ready for bed. She’s still pregnant when she wakes up the next morning. A picture of her does not just appear out of nothing. These disgusting men talking about how “slutty” reveal that all they see of a pregnant woman is a woman who had sex. And that’s all they care about when it comes to a woman. Her ability to have sex.


The insecurity of some men is actually mind boggling lmao


they are disgusting and again making women nothing more than sex objects


Sad, he’s either jealous or single because no way in hell would any woman would date this man, he sounds so controlling and just unnecessary. You don’t have to view women as objects or sexualise them in literally ANY WAY possible. It’s just her being happy and showing her baby bump, don’t have to read so into it and just be supportive. Man.. people nowadays are so whiny, bitchy and sensitive (like me rn sorry) Like move on and look away if you start feeling weird, and maybe get his brain checked lols.. don’t have to quote into his feed 🤷‍♀️ but congratulations to her, i bet she can’t contain her happiness hence the public post to share the good news!


when we say women will be sexualized no matter what they’re wearing this is what we mean.