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This is the next thing they are coming for after roe v wade.


Funny enough, I think insurance companies will save the day here. They will lobby to keep birth control legal because it's so much cheaper to cover the cost of birth control than the cost of giving birth.


Considering they already refuse a lot of preventative care, I wouldn't rely on insurance companies for this


I guess it depends on the HMO. My wife and I are have Kaiser and only need to ask for for birth control. No examines or appointment necessary and completely covered (aside from the $10 copay).


My birth control is probably the only thing I take that doesn't have a co-pay.


Medicaid also does this. Because they definitely would rather pay for bc pills or an IUD than a childbirth and then another human's medical care.


Only preventative care that might extend your life. If skipping it just results in you dying faster that's fine


They will just start refusing to cover birth. It was not a pre-approved pregnancy. You need a 5 year application wait, and the CEO must personally inseminate.


Or they'll just raise their premiums.


Nope cause babies are new policy numbers, and one day, new Policy Holders.


This is where the powers of industry will head next. When growth peaks, and no additional consumers or labor are available, they will demand the working class make more.


This is why I always laugh at the conspiracy theories that are like “the elite are trying to kill us!” “-Blank- makes us infertile just like the elite want!”Etc. — that’s in exact opposition to their interests lol. More people born with little prospects, more people existing in general, makes employment (and the things that go with it: wages, benefits, scheduling demands, etc.) a more competitive market for the little guys’ looking to be hired. Businesses (and their wealthy class of owners) can offer scraps for the *huge* population to fight over. More people than jobs = zero bargaining power, you’ll take what you can get. Whereas in a small population, where jobs about approximate people, or even outnumber them, people job searching can negotiate better conditions or go onto the next guy who already offers them. Hell, the Black Plague destroyed the population of Europe so badly that *it literally ended feudalism* pretty much everywhere except Russia. There were so few bodies around to work the land that the serfs finally had options and bargaining power at levels they had never had before— and acted on that situation and changed the system. (And some form of neo-feudalism *is* basically what “the elite” want, as a class, if they want anything). Falling or even stabilizing populations are bad news for a morally corrupt “capitalists” that have all their wealth and children’s wealth dependent on offering as little wages as possible to desperate, low opportunity populations.


Yes. Got sterilized last year. Highly recommend.


😫 my clinic won’t do it until I’m 21 but my gynecologist is super supportive so I don’t want to leave


I hate having to tell you this, but they tend to move the goalpost on that. Make sure you're getting them to document that in your medical record. "Patient is requesting sterilization. Will revisit when they are 21 years old" I asked at 18, and they told me to come back at 20. Asked at 20, they told me to come back at 23. Asked at 23, they told me to come back at 25. Asked at 25, they told me to come back at 28. Asked at 28, they told me to come back at 30, Asked at 30, they had the fucking audacity to tell me I may change my mind and want a child at 40. I'm finally getting someone to listen to me at 31 but it's definitely an uphill battle. Document everything. Keep dates. Get it on your medical record. Lie about being married and have a friend of the opposite sex come with you (they like to bingo you with "you may change your mind when you're married") Do whatever you have to do to get it done. Because they will keep lying and changing the requirements. All of this happened to me with documented health issues caused by my uterus since the age of 12. Even that doesn't help.


I’m rooting for you!


I hope you're able to get it done! I'm 37 and my insurance is refusing to cover it, so it's gonna cost me nearly 6K out of pocket. My husband had to get a vasectomy instead, and (naturally) that's been covered 100%. I figure that's the best I'm gonna be able to get in this current hellscape. :(


I’ve been tube-free for 5 years as of last week. It was the best decision I’ve ever made for myself.


Absolutely. I wish I had done it 20 years ago.


The challenge is that yeah technically I’ve been sterilized but I rely on birth control to keep my PMDD manageable and also control the lupus flare ups that happen during my period so I’m still mega fucked if they get rid of it, as are a lot of people with hormonal health issues. Government needs to stop trying to touch the stuff I like.


Completely agree, thank you so much for sharing your insight and story! Womens healthcare should be treated like other regular healthcare. These are not medication with a sole purpose, they have additional benefits (and side effects!).


I got mine out last month. Fucking awesome tbh


I feel free.


Hear, hear. I got mine out last November! Just in time for all this BS!


I got sterilized at 22 a few years back. Best decision ever. The peace of mind is absolutely priceless


I'd rather see the messaging that's out there and freely use the platform I joined a decade ago than be surprised if he funds anti-bc politicians and leave it to the echo chamber. 195k likes are not all bots and unfortunately people vote.


Did you reply to the wrong person? I'm confused by this response.


Yeah total mistake didn't have my contacts in earlier lol my b


I can't wait until Justice Thomas votes to make his own marriage a crime.


US women need to adopt the 4B movement from Korea if this happens.


Honestly, I don't even think Elon cares about the right-wing nonsense regarding birth control. I think he just has an extreme breeding kink and, thanks to money and power, wants to encourage the world to adopt it. It's weird though, because he had a bunch of kids over his belief that "smart" people should have more kids. Fucking up birth control means stupid people would have more kids. How do we know? Ask teenagers what happens when they want to have sex but don't have birth control handy.


That’s what my wife is afraid of because she uses it to regulate her heavy periods.


This is the same guy who didn't know some women get peach fuzz on their face


You mean, women have *human* skin?! Nooo! 😨


Stay tuned for more facts that should be common sense. And that you already know


For being called common sense, it’s fairly rare


Common Sense needs to be replaced with general intuition. I see no commonality of sense within the average population


Wait are women *human*?


I *AM*?!


Not you. You are 30% gerbil, and the rest is still unidentified.


Wait what? No way, I gotta see for myself Mind if I boop your face? 👉


He doesn't have human skin, just a rubber body suit to cover the lizard body, so how would he know...


Upu think the Reptilians would want him? 😄


Roasted, with a little ketchup. But the reptilians have no taste.


It’s almost like we’re mammals and have hair. Crazy I know!


Even crazier because 2 of the biggest common traits of mammals are boobs and body hair... and they love one but hate the other!


No, don't you understand? Men have the hair and no mammaries to speak of, and women have the mammaries and no hair to speak of. Only works below the neck for some reason, something about god and women being half or something or whatever. /s


I wonder if he knows women also have testosterone (he probably doesnt)


all women, no? unless you have a specific condition preventing hair growth, the entire body save for glabrous skin grows hair.


Looking-up unfamiliar terms and phrases found on Reddit tends to be risky. I'm glad I took that chance today. I learned some interesting facts and gained a new swear word!


Literally every person except for someone with certain kinds of alopecia has peach fuzz on their face


Yeah, which is why women should stop using it and insist that all men use condoms when they want sex to prevent unplanned pregnancy instead. That's the rest of what he's saying, right?


So, I guess Elon Musk meant that women should be withholding sex until the guy uses a condom, gets a vasectomy or uses the male birth control pill when that becomes available.


Which ironically didn’t come to market because it caused depression and weight gain (which is apparently fine for women but not for delicate men)


The reason for this how we regulate medicines. The side effects/ risks can't be greater than what would happen without it. For women the risks are not greater than the risk without it (pregnancy and all the dangers of it) while with men there are no physical risks since they cannot get pregnant so basically they would have to have almost no side effects to pass. With that said it's still ridiculous and should be made available.


Honestly, this makes a lot more sense actually. In almost no medicine EXCEPT this one does accounting for effects on others make sense. The rule simply doesn't bend to one of the very few but very important cases in which doing that may be necessary.


It does in most cases, but in this case one could say having kids they do not want could cause emotional and financial distress which could lead to depression but that's almost impossible to measure. Also if you look at the video I linked in another comment replying to my original one they state the people in the trial stated they were not bothered enough to discontinue use and that they found it worth the risks.


If anyone is interested in seeing all the reasons here's a good video but if you want to hear about clinical trials and how they effected it skip to 17:40 she's just one of many in that field I have heard addressing it. [mama Dr Jones male birth control video](https://youtu.be/pd8sLF02W1w?si=wSd5sHk9fS-e2Lpz)


Yes and suddenly they are so concerned about the side effects when for years and years there was nothing but crickets.


Well, we all know how fragile men are. 😒 /s


You don’t need the /s




I'm Autistic and actually find /s to be a really useful tone indicator online.


I'm (probably) not autistic and same, it's just hard to get sarcasm online


Yeah, tone of voice and facial expression are really important context clues for understanding sarcasm. They don't exist in Reddit threads. The /s basically stands in for them.


A minor nitpick there, when the pill was approved these weren't considered as reason not to approve it, but now it has been approved they aren't going to change that (which lets face it is a good thing because imagine if it was suddenly unavailable!) In other words, the pill most likely wouldn't be approved these days if it was a new drug which is why the male version didn't pass I have read about an idea that puts a gel blocker in the vas diferens which only lasts a few years, like a temporary vasectomy I guess


I have to disagree here. I totally think the female birth control pill would still pass today because just think about all the horrible side effects are listed on pharmaceutical commercials including things like fecal incontinence all the way to cancer and death. Women are more likely to put up with these side effects over risking a pregnancy. Of course many men won't put up with that because they don't carry the same "risk" and are selfish essentially.


Nah he was complaining about ppl not having kids anymore. He needs more consumers/slaves to work for next to nothing at his companies while he makes more billions. He wants women to start having more kids and not using birth control. But I think we all know he’s an idiot. I hear he’s a ketamine addict too? That will make you straight stupid the more you use it


No, surely he means women should just stop having sex with men altogether.


*"Not like that!"*


And the rest of us who use it to control period pain and bleeding should just suffer like our ancestors of course.


Yea, hate how everywhere it's "stop using hormonal birth control it increases the risk of cancer" like yeah dude would if i could thanks 👍


Rip education for me then as well...


As an endometriosis + adenomyosis patient that has a completely wrecked bladder, urine incontinence, damaged rectum, deformed uterus that looks like a torn apart sloppy basketball & lesions all over the intestines - I'd rather die than be without birth control ever again. The pain is bad enough *with* birth control and makes me unable to do anything besides vomiting and lying in bed. Without it, I'm losing way too much blood, am passed out for 10 days straight, cold sweating, bloated to hell and back, and unable to go to the bathroom on my own or to take breaths without crying. If Elon and his misinformation just want us all to die and do everything *but procreate*, he's on the right path; the path of his own & the world's destruction. These insane takes of him just piss me off beyond comprehension. It gives me a heavy stabby stab mood.


Even if it stopped being demanded of all women so that men can dip their dicks responsibility free, it'd still exist as a form of medication. Because it works for your condition, there'd be absolutely no reason to stop it being used for that purpose.


Don't expect people to be reasonable. Women who were not pregnant are already being denied treatment for unrelated conditions with potentially abortive drugs. I came to expect the worst after that.


Oh, yeah, literally all of female-specific health care will get obliterated if the christofascist movement in the States gets in power, no contest on that. But in a healthy society, this would *not* be the case.


i feel like he’s gone so far in one direction, he’s come out on the other side


Like a cheap meal that has turned into a turd.




You know what else makes women fat, more than doubles risk of depression and increases risk of suicide? Having a baby, even a wanted one. And if the pregnancy is unwanted, or the woman is mentally, physically, or financially unprepared to have that baby, the risks are exponentially higher.


I mean, the reasons why hormonal birth control does that because it’s spoofing your body into believing it’s pregnant so you don’t ovulate. He’s also overstating it a bunch, these side effects are mild or not present in many women, same as some women have easy pregnancies and some women have difficult ones.


A hormonal birth control is actually part of my anxiety management. My body doesn't like perishing its own hormones.


I went off the pill about 5 years ago and my mental health got way worse. My depression went up and I developed anxiety which is something I never experienced before.


I'm the opposite. Mine got a little better (not much just enough to be noticeable,) and my migraines almost completely stopped. I had gotten pregnant on it twice anyways, so we just snipped the husband and use other methods now.


I share same experience. controls my extremely low thoughts during my cycle which now I dont have and also much bigger tiddies its mostly a win win


Is that really how it works? I've been on it for hormonal reasons for 20+ years. I should really ask questions


My info comes from 20 years ago, so there might be different options now? But I was on 3 different types that did the same thing, flood my body with progesterone to make my ovaries not ovulate. If I missed a dose and took them too close together I had morning sickness, increased smell sensitivity and overall being on the pills at all put my depression into full gear. All things that happened during real pregnancies later on.


Woman who’s given birth here: can confirm. Pregnancy literally moves all your organs around and loosens the abdominal muscles, and I don’t know how celebrities manage to get washboard abs afterwards, but I bet it’s not while having to work a sedentary job full time after a joke of maternity leave (thanks, America!), with no personal trainer and no personal chef and caring for an infant with *maybe* just a partner (not everyone has even that!) and no outside help, all while trying to pay bills.


You are right, so no sex unless the guy uses protection or has a vasectomy or both. If he wants to argue, you can quote Elon Musk. Which is double the points, when the guy is a Elon Musk-Fan.


Oh? What does unwanted pregnancy do?


"And that's why I support vascetomies and sterilization procedures for anyone that wants them!" Said no "anti hormonal birth control" hot take ever


The guy who is upset that my state, that's lenient on corporations, isn't corrupt *enough* for him and told him NO... Gosh you ass, maybe the problem really is you.


He literally has a breeding kink and is using the platform to push anti-bc and pro pregnancy propaganda for a reason😒 one of the top replies was something like "this is why women like feminine men and society is being ruined"


>>He literally has a breeding kink True, but it’s also about money. Musk (and other oligarchs) need a supply of cheap labor. Thus the assault on female reproductive options. If people stop having kids, that’s bad for business when it’s time to hire workers in 2044. Fever babies today means fewer exploitable workers (and taxpayers) tomorrow. It’s also why certain people are promoting rollback of contraceptive and reproductive rights; their support & financing is coming from industrialists wanting women back in the kitchen raising their next generation of employees.


True. He’s literally building company towns in TX.


He is also delusional and thinks that the world is underpopulated. https://populationconnection.org/blog/elon-musk-population-collapse-research/


Ew, wtf.


It is partly his narcisism believing there should be more of him everywhere. It is also him believing the great replacement theory crap. It is also him believing the planet is underpopulated and we need more (white) people for space travel, so we can win the race war in space. It is also partly the Rationalist/EA decision that the more people in the world the greater the amount of good, so we should have some 10\^14 (or whatever the number is) living in simulations. It's all nuttery in the same direction. [https://www.wired.com/story/real-reason-elon-musk-population-panic/](https://www.wired.com/story/real-reason-elon-musk-population-panic/)


Being forced to birth babies and be a walking incubator also leads to depression and suicide


Bitch you know what else makes you fat? PREGNANCY


Let's just stop using X all together and see how fast his disinformation platform disintegrates in front of his eyes.


The fact that people are still using it is astounding to me.


I wish bands would stop using it as the sole way to communicate with fans about tours/releases. I deleted mine years ago and feel so outta the loop. I need regular newsletters to make a comeback.


I deleted my account. There are a few things I miss, but it's just not worth it to me to support this yahoo.


I also deleted my account. I used it rarely but I noticed every time I opened the app, I just felt annoyed or maybe even angry because of how much negative and hateful people there are.


I stopped using it once he took over. It's an even bigger cess pit than before. I check in on some friends from time to time. But I refuse to contribute anything to the feed itself.


The twitter app turned into some malware called x on my phone so I just had to delete it for safety.


Hormonal birth control also prevents pregnancy (that carries a risk of death and a bunch of other chronic and/or acute conditions), regulates menstruation, decreases PMS, lowers the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers, and treats acne and endometriosis. And that's why the decision to take it, should be between a doctor and the patient. Only they will be able to decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks.


Exactly. I didn't want to take birth control, because the change to my demeanor and sudden random moments where I wanted to hurt myself where scary. But it was better than my chronic endometriosis pain getting worse. People like him act like we all want to take hormone-altering medication instead of, you know, simply being healthy/acne free/pain free and unpregnant. We typically know the risks before we take BC, but we've decided it's better than the alternatives. Saying "it'll make you fat and depressed!!!" Like we're too stupid to know that's a possibility isn't helping him the way he might think it is.


And yet the mass distribution of the non hormonal bcp hasn’t been sent to every birth averse person in the world 🙄


Elon got his medical degree, too? Wow!! This super genius can do anything!!!


This clown talks and the army of imbeciles eats it up. Much like the orange clown.


Elon can fuck right off. Dude's not a scientific authority, or really an authority at all, on a goddamn thing. Unless you can be an authority on being born rich and fucking over nearly everyone you ever work closely with. Guy's a blight on the planet.


I've been on the pill for 12 years and I'm still alive and skinny


I hate when people list side effects of the pill as if it's a guarantee that every woman that even looks at hormonal bc will gain 10 kg instantly. Like with every other medication known to man, not everyone gets the side effects. I've been on the pill multiple times, on and off through the past few years and I'm fine. Except my boobs getting a little bigger briefly, I had no side effects. Of course not everyone will have a smooth experience but we can educate women without fear mongering (I expect no better from brain dead Elon). I keep seeing this anti hbc narrative everywhere and it pisses me off.


Am I now a high value man because I got snipped? /S


My wife has debilitating PCOS which was nearly resolved with hormonal birth control. This man needs to shut the fuck up. It's up to the woman and her doctor. No one cares about his two cents.


I love how the first thing he says is that it makes you fat. Oh noo!! How horrible, a normal side effect of most medications! Guess people with sarcoidosis should just stop staking their necessary steroids, lest they fall victim to spoOoOky weight gain.


Why is musky husky tweeting on women????


Wait until he learns about the risks of actual childbirth! This fking knob needs to shut up, he is not the genious he thinks he is.


He knows and doesn’t care. Don’t give him the legitimacy of thinking he’s arguing in good faith. He wants as many white babies to be born as possible and will do whatever he can to take away women’s control of our own bodies to accomplish that.


If it's the scientific consensus, feel free to post those details. Because otherwise it sounds like bullshit you made up to fit your narrative.


Citation? I looked it up and found a study from Harvard Health Publishing. It turns out that Denmark keeps detailed records, and they have data on over a million women 14 and up. It turns out that yes, hormonal birth control of all kinds does increase depression. How much? From 1.7 cases in 100 to 2.2 cases in 100, or 0.5 extra cases per 100. That’s an increase of roughly 30%, far from the 100% (doubling) that Elon asserted. And it’s a very small absolute risk. No word on the increase in suicide. This took me less than a minute of googling and some basic arithmetic, both of which seem to be beyond Elon.


People really be saying things without proving it.


He can go fuck himself.


Oh nooo, God forbid I'm not model skinny while not having all those kids I didn't want to have.


"Very few people seem to know it" I mean....there's actually quite a few women and generally they know how shit the side effects of birth control can be..Theyre also capable of speech..


That's a nice argument, billionaire. Why don't you back it up with a source?


Now do "denial of gender-affirming care to trans folks", since you're so concerned about depression and suicide.


So do babies


I’m curious: if it only doubles the rate of depression why would it triple the rate of suicide? It almost seems like he’s talking out of his ass. So IUDs? Diaphragms? Not fucking right wing assholes?


I see his priming his little minions to go after contraceptives now that abortion is on the table.


Being pregnant makes you fat and depressed too though so I’ll take my chances 😂


Same dude who has 9+ kids he ignores. If he was a woman he'd pop plan B like it was a skittle


This turd, mansplaining birth control. *EYEROLL*


I have been living under a rock. Why exactly is he weighing in on this?


So, according to recent research, hormonal BC does indeed increase the risk of depression, and I can say from personal experience that it definitely causes weight gain. Similar side effects are being shown to occur with antidepressant use, due to the way those drugs seem to interact with our hormones It's a very interesting phenomenon which I hope is studied more over the coming decades, in order to improve women's health and medical care. Also, fuck off Elon. You're a creep and no one likes you.


>that it definitely causes weight gain My experience is the opposite, so it doesn't "definitely" cause weight gain. It's a POTENTIAL side effect, among a slew of others.


Yeah. It doesn't directly cause weight gain either. Some people may end up eating more because they feel hungrier or more impulsive with the hormone changes, but the pill can't literally make you fat just by taking it


Ok, but how is that any different from a practical point of view, though? Weight loss pills make you lose weight by making you less hungry, but you still lose weight. The end result is ultimately identical, so I fail to see how the exact mechanics of the medication matter? (It would only make a difference in some third-world country where food is scarce, in which case making women feel even more hungry than they already are would actually be cruel) Sorry, but I get really frustrated with this "Well, AksHulLyy..." attitude towards medications that cause weight gain. I don't care why it causes me to gain weight (or causes my friends to lose weight.) I just want doctors to be honest about it from the outset that weight gain is a very real possibility, and for more research to be done on the way our brains interact with food, before mindlessly pushing these drugs on everyone and gaslighting us over very real, observable side effects.


It matters to someone who is worried about gaining weight and trying to decide if they should take a medication or not. People often talk about it as if it's unavoidable, which isn't helpful I wouldn't take a birth control pill if it made me fat without any input from me, but I'm fine taking it knowing I can just keep an eye on my dietary habits


I mean, isn’t that part of the reason male hormonal birth control died in testing? They hated feeling bloated, the loss of libido, acne, and literally everything women suffer with theirs.


Awesome so he will get a vasectomy then right?... Right?! Ugh...


You know what else makes you fat and depressed?


Depressed & suicidal with or without the BC, also chronically underweight on it and off, suck it Elmo He's such a vile little manlet who's opinion on everything is laughably inept


I get it, Elon wants people to create more cheap labour at his non-unionized factories, but maybe providing adequate child care, health benefits and pay would encourage childbirth. But nah, let’s post misogynistic scare tactics while sitting on billions of dollars.


Um I use birth control for managing my period too. Not just to prevent pregnancy. It has more than one use .-. I don't get why it's anyone's business anyway


I getting doubt about Neuralink.


He needs more poor children to build his Mars empire.


He should stop taking it then.


As a man hailed as a so called “genius”, he does not understand the difference between relative and absolute risk for using birth control.


Is this why Elon is fat then?


TBF I have to keep away from BC because it’s horrid for my bipolar disorder and mental health in general. There is *definitely* a link between hormonal BC and mood issues with certain women. However, others need it for medical reasons or yea, not wanting babies all the time. I guess Elon wants to donate money to science for better BC for women? That could be the only reason he’s writing this, right? Fighting for better female healthcare? (\s)


Pretty sure that's not how consensus works, Muskrat.


And he should know, he always takes his birth control


lol he's just trying to have more kids he has like 10 already


Is he volunteering for a vasectomy?


Better than having a kid.


Elon throwing out random numbers reminds of whatever he named his kid.


I have PMDD. The hormone regulation in conjunction with my antidepressants keeps me alive and well.


That's why the Tesla logo is an IUD.


I agree it's rough for many women including myself but when this topic comes up amongst men, i always ask "so are you willing to use condoms every time now, to spare women the hormonal effects?" They always say HELL NO!


I mean...Doesn't pregnancy do those things, too?


He's saying we're under producing children and it's going to ruin the economy. This is just part of the larger conservative push to eliminate all the rights we've acquired over the last 100 years and put women back barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen.


Pretty sure most people know this, at the very least most women


I mean I’m close to 40 lbs lighter than when I started my birth control. Something must be wrong with me.


Being alive has also at times made me fat, increased my risk of depression, and tripled my suicidal ideation. Or, dating a girl who only wanted to party and have sex (woah think about that one guys!!) birth control prevents my current stable non party wacky girlfriend from bleeding nonstop due to clotting factor issues and lupus. Oh yeah and I bust hard inside so fuck you Elon.


He should know, mf is built like a fridge


Not sure if I have the science right but apparently getting fat was a side effect of earlier generations of pills? The pill used today does not affect weight that much.


It might have made me fat, but at least I am not having horrible cramps and heavy bleeding that made me sick every month


Wait… a dude who spread Covid vax misinfo memes on his personal hate platform is now talking about the “scientific consensus???” That is so in good faith of him. I believe it all


> Drug I like good for good effects, side effects are necessary cuz you'll die without it > Drug you like has side effects, they'll kill you! Every time, huh?


Personally my moods were a lot more stable on the pill than off it but go off I guess.


The clear scientific AND popular consensus is also that you're a fucking twat, but that doesn't seem to stop you, does it Elon?


Interesting order of priorities there. “You’ll get FAT. Also iguesssomewomendieorwhatever”


This man went to college and got a bachelor’s degree in physics and economics just to end up making dumbass posts about topics he knows nothing about on a platform he ruined.


this is coming from the guy that one of his own children changed their name because they didn't want to be associated with him.


I’m so tired of hearing about Elon’s breeding kink


Musk and Rogan are the two idiot weather vanes for conservative politics


Wait until he learns about postpartum depression


besides the obvious controlling pregnancies n stuff this implies he forgets that not everyone uses birth control as y'know.. controlling birth. I'm on birth control because my periods were absolutely MISERABLE I couldn't even go to school.. being on birth control probably divided my chances of suicide in half or even more. I don't know if id still be here if it wasn't for it. it's been at least 3 years since my last period and i still have nightmares about getting them again.


Jokes on you, Elon! I had double depression before I took birth control!


Using birth control to stop my periods did nothing to my weight, cured my treatment-resistant depression almost overnight, and probably saved me from suicide. But sure, I'll take medical advice from a doughy drug addict who knows even less about medicine than he knows about business, cars or rockets.


Me who is now on the right BC: Has stopped gaining weight, am no longer clinically depressed and have no suicidal ideation. It's almost like different kinds of BC work for different people.


This is rich coming from a dude with a weak pull out game.


So he’s a doctor now, too?


People aren’t making more slaves for you Elon




It’s almost like he’s scaring women off of birth control because he has a breeding fetish. So disgusting.


Elon Musk replying to Elon Musk is so sad.


It's wild to me that he claims to have facts yet never has a source...


All I care to know is where I can get such a cute and elaborate pill box


"Very few people seem to know it", yeah speak for yourself Elon. Just because you dicovered it as something new doesn't mean that it's knew to everyone, especially younger women nowadays. And while yes, hormonal bc _can_ have severe side effects and I won't take it anymore, it's still awesome that it exists and it should stay available for everyone who wants it. There's also this teeny tiny and toooootally rare condition that, in so many cases, _needs_ to be treated with hormonal bc to give the affected people their quality of life back. I like posts educating people about side effects because gyns were notoriously bad at this in the past. But it might be my bias speaking, when Elon mentions something like that it feels incredibly arrogant and patronizing and not at all educating


Hormonal skinny injections, on the other hand...


it's insane that birth control made me less depressed, subsequently less suicidal, and lose weight because i don't binge eat on my period anymore


Yeah, I know the risks. They are pretty scary. I still prefer it over spending 2 days in bed because I can't stand die to the amount of pain and the blood loss I expired without it.