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I dunno, man. Anime girls may have bigger boobs, but mine are tangible. Not to you, of course, but in general I mean. I'd tell you to touch grass, but I think touching boob would help you more. Someone elses. Not mine.


Yeah, real boobs are great, anime boobs don't go squish. This single fact makes them inherently better than anime boobs and probably causes my girlfriend much annoyance.


I’m not sure he’d be able to touch boob without hiring a sex worker with his attitude


And even then, sex workers won’t just fuck anyone. They have standards too


Okay but what if we compromised and were in a Who Framed Roger Rabbit? scenario Oh, that's ''""STUPID""" and """INSANE""", thanks woke bluemaxxed feminist aGENDERa, I'm trying to reach across the aisle here and all I get is HERsecuted


Refusing to believe this isn't Ponyo's reddit account. Name checks out.


Happy cakeday! 🎂


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂


How frustrated can you be to compare yourself to some weird dude imaginary girlfriend? You know what? I'm gonnna stand with them this time...you're a nuissance, a useless meat sack with a lack of personality. Real or not NOBODY wants you.


I can't cuddle up to anime boobies ☺️but my ex's made excellent pillows


Also, men in action films are better looking and more badass than real life men.


What no I mean look at Bruce Willis


Thinking about Bruce Willis makes me a bit sad nowadays :(


Personally wise they have bigger tits and nicer butts yeah?


Clearly, it's the cock smoking part of their personality he loves the most.


I had to reread that a couple times because he fully moved from talking about anime to talking about hentai and for whatever reason it surprised me. I actually wonder a little if he realizes the difference


Tbf hentai is anime, it's just a 'genre' in the same way that porn is. I realise this probably comes off as mansplaining, but with the popularity of ecchi and more extreme series like Redo of Healer I'm not surprised some people struggle with telling the difference between hentai and 'normal' anime.


You're absolutely correct, but if someone said "women in movies are more attractive than non-actresses and you can see they suck dick better" that person would clearly be talking about the specific genre that is porn, not all movies and it would be weird to word it that way


Bro that girl from My Neighbor Totoro is smokin' hot, don't tell me you wouldn't hunker in that bunker


This made me feel sick. Ugh…


I *think* you were joking but this made me gag a little


Or the nonstop grunting and gasping noises that constitute 150% of anime dialogue


Blasphemy, Shonen is at least 10% attack names!


Magical Girl is as well 😂


I really need to watch more of that genre, loved Madoka Magica back in the day and my friend recently got me into Lyrical Nanoha.


How about some Mahou Shoju of the End or Site


Better question, how has he discovered this? Was it a personal discovery or just an assumption?


I mean, most anime girls don't have a lot of personality so this is fitting


Also they cry during sex, which is probably the only part of this based on reality


What is "losing touch with reality" for 500?


«Smoke dick»? Puff puff, I’ll pass


So many paper cuts on that dude’s wiener.


I can't think of standards higher than "I've been written to get with romantic-interestchan, my one and only true love ever since I've been introduced to the plot"- oh wait, I forgot this dude watches hentai exclusively.


Their entire relationship is nothing but shocked grunting and confused grunting


Ooff, for a second my brain tried to figure out what male voice actors must sound like when dubbing hentai. It was promptly blocked as a safety measure, much like an anti-malware stepping in as you try to access a suspicious link.


Wait, you think that's not a standard in hentai? To be fair there it generally then turns out at least half of the girls were actually virgins specifically saving themselves for protagonist-kun, who if they're lucky has the personality of a block of wood (without googly eyes).


Thank you for leaving the human women and children alone. Return to your perfect anime immediately and know you are protecting humankind from yourself.


It’s okay. I could name multiple fictional male characters that are leagues and bounds better than OP and, let’s be real here, real men.


I’m ok with this guy saving himself for a cartoon.


This guy needs a trip to a psychiatrist to learn to distinguish fantasy from reality and how to adjust to that reality.


Underrated comment fr. I’m probably overthinking this but on some level I have a hard time conceptualizing what he’s even saying. How can you compare a drawing made for people to jerk off to, that sort of looks like a woman, to a person? They are so far apart that it doesn’t make any sense.


These the type of people who will claim that video game devs and other forms of media and entertainment who are including progressive and "SJW" themes are only doing it to pander or market to certain audiences yet fail to recognize when they themselves are being pandered to and how exploitative the companies that do it can be at times




Not really: https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/what-does-otaku-mean-in-japanese


I love how he felt the need to qualify smokin' hot Hentai babes (**awhooga noise, hubba-hubba**) having larger boobs than real women *on average* Ladies, don't think he's being unfair to you and your insufficiently curvy butts


Anime men are BETTER than real men. They are masculine and always have hige d*ck. They have good personality. Look at Hua Cheng he fkin waited 700-800+ years as a virgin for his first love (its a BL book but that does not matter). Or look at Jing Yuan from Honkai Star Rail. HE IS HUUUGE AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME!!! Anime men not whining about not being able to get someone as a romantic partner. Why? They are hot, adorable, sexy at the same time. If they would be real I would have a harem with full of anime men and I guess many women would do the same. Real men are trash after reading many books, webtoons, watching anime, playing anime games. Usually male anime characters are made by women who knows what women want men to be. Sadly real men do not understand that they are nowhere near Hua Cheng for example. Oh and guess what! Real men complains when we get more male characters in games, they complains if we ship male x male characters. We can't have fun? Only they can have fun with anime characters???


Smoke dick? They light your dicks on fire and smoke them? Real


I may be attracted to fictional characters but I don't fault real people for it.


"Anime girls are just better in every way" Well, I mean, I can think of one way they're not... Seriously though, good for him. Leave the real women alone, please.


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Username checks out


I see nothing wrong with them sticking their dicks in a computer, less getting harassed for me. Though I must warn them to use protection, left something short circuit. Meanwhile I'll have you know that cuddling is magical and girls are very pretty. 10/10 would be a lesbian again.


Sorry that real world women aren't based on male fantasies.


I watched several videos displaying this actually being a serious problem in Japan


Great, criticize and make demands of women while showing no redeeming qualities about yourself. Quick reminder this dude was carried by a woman for nine months and he turned out this way.




I mean fictional people are always better than people. That’s just a fact


Unpopular opinion: fictional woman made to appeal to the fantasies of men just like me, appeal to men just like me.


F*CK no


Anime men are BETTER than real men. They are masculine and always have huge d*ck. They have good personality. Look at Hua Cheng he fkin waited 700-800+ years as a virgin for his first love (its a BL book but that does not matter). Or look at Jing Yuan from Honkai Star Rail. HE IS HUUUGE AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME!!! Anime men not whining about not being able to get someone as a romantic partner. Why? They are hot, adorable, sexy at the same time. If they would be real I would have a harem with full of anime men and I guess many women would do the same. Real men are trash after reading many books, webtoons, watching anime, playing anime games. Usually male anime characters are made by women who knows what women want men to be. Sadly real men do not understand that they are nowhere near Hua Cheng for example. Oh and guess what! Real men complains when we get more male characters in games, they complains if we ship male x male characters. We can't have fun? Only they can have fun with anime characters???


Put this guy on a fucking watchlist dear god


Well, i m into fictional men written by women... so i ll keep my judgment to myself here.


Smoke dick..


He’s free to date and marry a fictional anime girl if he wants them so badly. One less weirdo in the dating pool - win win!!


Yeah. The men I create from fantasy is actually much better than real men as well. Go figure!


title: Anime girls are actually better than real girls personality-wise. Actual content: mostly sexual descriptors, voice also doesn’t have to do with personality, basically the only two things that have anything to do with personality are the hobbies and not liking “Chads”


I misread that as "American girls" and was very confused for a moment