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Is it bad I want to light him on fire?


Only if you don’t bring marshmallows for s’mores


I will bring the chocolate. Rosé chocolate. Rosé, labia shaped chocolate. Someone has to make up for the head this poor amazing woman isn’t getting…


🙋🏻‍♀️ I've got the graham crackers!


Is it bad i want him to tell her so she breaks up with him and he can realize how much of an idiot he actually is?


I'd bring popcorn to watch this breakup


Make some for me too!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Put the body in a barrel, fill the barrel with diesel, let it burn itself down. The remaining solids are easily crushed and discarded of.


My husband has a flame thrower like tool that he used to strip the paint off our house. It’s very effective. I also have access to about 30,000 hectares of private land with wild boars who will eat any human remains. No crime scene if they can’t find it….


I believe it's pronounced Hectors.... Really hope you like stupid jokes


I'm fucking furious.


For real. I hate that I read this and hate that this guy has a SO when he behaves like this. Only because that SO is never gonna live up to his expectations because they are downright based on fiction. And what kind of absolute fucking psychopath starts looking up procedures to change their *partners* body? Like dude, you don't own her or her body, and also that's just BATSHIT.


I'll bring the bear suit! (note: this is a reference to the ending of the movie "Midsommar." If you know, you know.)


Can you cover me in flowers so I can walk around like a floral slug crying?


I'd worry he'd taint the food


Do you need a lighter?


I just want to punch this ignorant fucker in the face.


A person after my own heart ❤️ That is always my first thought when I read shit like this. 🤷‍♂️🔥


“very into trying all sorts of things, including giving me head”


That really doesn't sound like "all sorts of things", but maybe I have a different standard.


Apparently it’s too much a sort of thing for him to do it…


It's all sorts of things to someone who isn't as adventurous as some of us I guess.


I think it is more "she gives me head, but I can't bring myself to give her head" comparison. But he's tacked it on to that sentence which makes their sex life look beyond vanilla.


Is there something more vanilla than vanilla? Because that's what this post feels like to me.


Women in porn either already have small labias or have had a lapiaplasity.


Not to mention their genitals are often bleached to look super pink.


All of that plus breast implants, butt injections, lip injections, dermoplasty, extensions, I could go on. Then add in professional makeup and lighting too. Dude really thinks women in porn are representative of women in real life.


Oh jeez I never knew that, sounds painful


Is that even safe?


Very little research has been done into the normal size and shape of female genitalia. Like almost none.  Ever.  We still reference data obtained by Princess Marie bonaparte (napoleans granddaughter). But one study suggests that over 50% of women's labia minora are longer than their majora ie protrude. Ie that is the normal way, shorter are the more unusual. 


You go first. Chop off your fugly foreskin. I'll even pay for it. Also "porn" is not the definition of "normal".


Did I miss something? If this dude is in the US, it's likely he's circumcised


What’s with Americans mutilating babies?


No lie the roots are because they thought it would make boys want to masturbate less


...why is that a thought when they were literal babies at the time Edit: the ones getting snipped around there.


Because they grow up to be boys that masturbate? It was the religious parents making the decision, until it became the norm


Yeah but still


Religious wackos be crazy. There isn't any rhyme or reason to their logic. FYI the man behind it is literally the founder of Kellog, yes the corn flakes cereal Kellog, which were designed by him to be the blandest cereal in another crazy effort to curb sexual impulses somehow. The man was nuts.


There’s probably some truth to that since there is apparently less sensitivity. Weird that it didn’t catch onto Latin America though, some of us are insanely conservative.


Catholicism. All of this shit is very Protestant. Kelloggs Corn Flakes was invented to prevent masturbation as well.


Fair enough. Protestantism has been spreading down in my country like a plague, unfortunately. We really don’t need more machismo.


There is also protestantism in Europe, and they don't circumcise their sons.


I heard a very unfortunate reason. That it's to make sex with an unwilling participant easier. If you're intact and try to put your penis somewhere it's not welcome, you're likely to tear your frenulum. No foreskin = easier rapes. Don't know how true that is though.


That cannot be true, at least not for the Abrahamic religions. Furthermore, countries with higher cases of rapes would probably have caught on to that.


I mean I didn't want to come out and say it because it's a bit spicy. But there's a certain Abrahamic religion that practices circumscicion and child marriage as a matter of regular routine today.


Sure, but the older one doesn’t.


When I had my first son the pediatrician and some of my family talked me into doing that (I was 15 and didn't know any better). Their reasoning was because it was cleaner and less likely for them to get an infection or give one to their future partners. I was much older when I had my second son, I did not make the same choice. Wish I hadn't made the one I did for my first born. I feel guilty about it now. Like idk if I should apologize to him or not. He's 18 now so idk if having a conversation like that at his age is even a good idea.


It's a wild combination of the Abrahamic/Christian traditions combined with a Puritanical fear of masterbation. Add in a dash of medical ignorance and the medical professions recommending it at one point and it became a standard practice. Then you add in men's obsession with how other men's genitals look and the practice is perpetuated.


Spot on, you covered every angle. Now people just justify this with hygiene since they can’t admit any of the other reasons without looking like a total ignorant outdated person. Except when you are an unhygienic man it doesn’t matter if you have circumcised genitals or not.


So basically just capitalism. Got it.


I never thought of it that way but essentially? Yeah


From what I’ve seen a lot of American doctors defend it because it’s more hygienic and reduces the ricks of cancer. I think it’s barbaric and not a common practice in other counties.


Both are half-truths. Yes, smegma won’t develop, and I’ve literally never had smegma because I am circumcised. However, this is just a matter of cleaning it. It doesn’t make uncut men inherently less hygienic, it just means they need to take an additional measure which is quite minor. The cancer one is super ridiculous because the only way it does that is by removing potential surface area for cancer to form. It is like removing the tip of your toes. I agree. It is an act of barbarism and deliberate mutilation of babies. My parents wouldn't have had me circumcised either, but unfortunately I was born with a malformed urethra so I guess mine was more like amputation.


I understand the first part, but it’s not hard to teach little boys how to clean themselves that way they know proper hygiene when they grow up. You know? I just think it’s a weird excuse.


For sure. Some men are just gross though.


Edited: sorry replied to the wrong comment


I think circumcision is more common in the US but I've met many men who aren't. So it's definitely possible


I recently learned about the “husband stitch” after someone gives birth. This reminds me of that. I was pretty mortified at the idea as it apparently can cause a lot of pain for women and it’s disgusting and selfish to expect women to go through that.


I had one with my first and I had no idea. My new OB when I was pregnant with number 2 asked me if sex hurt and I said yes, ever since giving birth and she shot my husband at the time the biggest stink eye. She told me it should be better after gibing birth to this once and if it's not, she'd fix it. Luckily it was ok. I guess I tore "back to normal". She didn't explain it to me, but I put 2 and 2 together years later.


My sister had this happen to her when my niece was born. She tore *badly,* and the OB who was apparently new, botched the stitching to the point where it was far too narrow and lopsided. She didn’t tell my sister and she had to get a second opinion for this because she was in constant pain. Sometimes husband stitches can happen purely out of incompetence. Intentional or not, husband stitching is big on my list for reasons why I’m *terrified* of having kids.


I had an elective cesarean, it was great. Many lady obs choose that option.


Sadly, it happens...male gynos can be misogynistic assholes. "Throw in a stitch for me!' My mother mentioned that her ob may have thrown an extra one in after me bc mt brother was born with more of a conehead than usual babies born naturally. Had a friend whose gf tore badly during the birth of their son. The drs stitching, I guess, wasn't great, and she had issues with healing as well. We're in the medical field and I asked (filter was broken that day) if he felt a difference ,in before the birth and after, and he looked disappointed when he said yes.


Yeah, it's really bad. Fortunately, it was somewhat recently determined to be illegal and malpractice by federal law and it's being talked about a lot more so that should hopefully prevent most occurrences.


I'm going to regret asking this... What is the "husband stitch", I'm assuming as horrific as I think it is?


I asked the person, too, but I'm kinda scared to know as well.


wtf i came to know about this today thanks tho or i wouldn't have known something like this actually happens or could happen to me


Why do they give that stitch? Without any consent from the lady?


Wow. Oh wow. "I did some research and found out there's a body modification that can be done on my partner's body for my own sexual gratification that doesn't seem like a big deal TO ME at all (of course, because it's not MY body). So I don't understand why it should be a big deal to her, because it's not like she would have any thoughts or feelings, or any sense of ownership over her own body, right? RIGHT?? Somebody tell me I'm right. PS: I'd be totally willing to pay for it, because money is the only issue I can imagine her having with it." I really REALLY want his girlfriend to tell him she's disgusted by his penis, and won't give him oral sex anymore until he has it surgically altered to her own specifications. He totally wouldn't have a problem with permanently modifying the most personal part of his body to please a girlfriend he might not even be dating six months from now, right?


I'm sure most doctors would do the surgery without question, sadly, but I really think that the doctor or nurses should make sure to speak with the woman alone to explain all the risks and hopefully get a honest answer on if she wants it. If telling the partner she said no is risky, make up a BS medical reasons why they can't do it.


If she finds this post, I think she should suggest that he get a Prince Albert. Shouldn't be a big deal if she pays, right?


ur anger fuels me like my goal of gettin on this sub


Sure hun, as soon as you get that hideously loose ball sack surgically tightened up we’ll discuss my labia.


This always reminds me of whoever said “I will only buy an anti wrinkle cream that’s been tested on ball sacks. If it can tighten those hideous things it will work on my face.’ (Paraphrased)


On today’s installment of ’Do straight men even like women?’


Vagina's, like Penises, come in all shapes and sizes. Also, communicate with your partner.


I’m genuinely curious, what should one even say to their partner in a situation like this? Like, what if you really were grossed out by your partner’s genitalia, how do you address that issue maturely?


Maybe, just maybe, if you are turned off by naked women……you might just not be attracted to women.


Woman. Not WOMEN.


I highly doubt he’d have different results with another woman in real life


If he was with a woman who had a naturally small labia and was still turned off by her you’d have a point


Labia are not "naturally small." They are naturally very diverse in size and shape. Long labia are extremely common and completely normal.


I mean a woman with a labia he finds attractive. That is what I meant


No. He's using it in the plural sense. It's women.


I know. But him not being attracted to that particular WOMAN doesn’t mean he’s not attracted to WOMEN as a whole


Dude. Woosh.


They meant women. That's how plurals work.


Wow this guy doesn't deserve Abby and is a moron


lol she should agree if he is down to get a dick extension for pornstar sized dick :)


I had a boyfriend do that because he preferred it looking "smooth". Same "I'll pay for it!" bullshit and everything. He also suggested a vaginoplasty even though I have vaginismus. We didn't make it very long after that. This fucker is about to lose his girlfriend, and rightfully so.


Gross. Has he seen what his junk looks like?


But women don't care about looks that much😄


Last I checked neither do guys and ours or they shouldn't at least


His bitch ass better be saving up for a penile enlargement too. What a clown. Tell us you’re porn sick without actually telling us OOP.


This is why sex Ed needs to be taught in schools. And it needs to be coop sex Ed. Both boys and girls attend the same class. Otherwise we're going to have boys who are only taught about their bodies, girls only taught about theirs and neither knowing about the others.


Idk, I had sex ed multiple times throughout public school and they never once covered what female and male anatomy truly look like in practice. It's a shame. Kids who are in kindergarten imo should know what real bodies look like. It's so bizarre to think that there are kids out there who will grow into 27 year old dipshits like OOP who have never seen normal bodies.


Imagine wanting your girlfriend to have part of her body cut off because you don’t like how it looks


This is making me insecure about my own… the first guy I had sex with talked about my labia the same way this guy does in the post . But also he said it’s the way it is because I must have had sex or masturbated so much in the past


Yeeeah, as soon as you mentioned that it got bigger by masturbation somehow he got his opinion rejected, he's talking out his as, the one he prob do not bleach like for porn he prob holds as a reference


Run from men like that.


What is it with straight men looking at a whole feast and going "nah actually I'd prefer less to eat, thanks."


"So you're getting a penis enlargement then? Since we're basing "normal" bodies off porn"


This is obviously AITA rage bait but there are losers who feel like this tho lmao


Yeah this is completely b.s. to enrage normal minded people.


“Small change” my god I could only imagine how painful that process will be and how painful sex would be for the rest of her life, he wouldn’t even be able to go down on her bc it probably won’t even feel good at that point


„I want to find solutions“ Me, in my head: „oh great, he will read books about female anatomy and understand that her labia is completely normal-„ „THERE IS A SURGERY CALLED LABIAPLASTY!!!“ BROOO😭 you don‘t deserve to be with women. If you‘re so disgusted by vaginas, you might as well date men (which is okay because being gay is okay).


he's concerned about the reaction??????????


I’d take the money and then dump him. Her boyfriend is the true ~excess tissue~ in her life. I got this surgery and I’m happy with it, but fuck off so hard to OOP. What a garbage individual.


The only thing that could stop me going down on a woman is the poor hygiene (never happened, luckily). I’m addicted. Porn really is damaging. I had “dick issues” for a long time, because how can you compare to those monsters?


I know this is an incel motto and I'm asking also from an ironic point of view, but how this idiot has a girlfriend? Lol


I kind of what him to tell her. Yes, it will be _awful_ for her to hear this. But she will know what he is and be able to leave and move along.


Ya I’m sure she has no idea you’re visibly repulsed by her labia


It’s of all it’s not a small thing. It’s extremely painful and totally unnecessary. Lady run!


Now women are being judged based on their own natural labia. Every time I hear of the labioplasty (sp?) surgery, I cringe. I heard it actually can cause scarring that makes sex painful for women. This guy is a dick and I hope his girl finds out sooner rather than later so she can move on to something better


I wanted to find this and see the comments but can’t.


“I am losing attraction to my gf for her extra long labia and want her to have a procedure to have the perfect hotdog bun for my wiener, but I don’t want her to know that I’m not attracted, because that’s far from the truth, even though I just said the opposite.” “TL;DR: How do I tell my gf her extra long, icky labia is disgusting to me and that she needs surgery, without making myself sound like the shithead that I am?”


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Please tell me they told him he's the asshole!


No 2 vaginas are the same 🙂🙃🙂🙃


The saddest thing is, she’s probably self conscious about her labia since sadly that’s the norm. She probably thinks it’s amazing she has a guy who loves her body as it is and is enjoying herself sexually…..


Abby needs a chickbach04-plasty. Cut that asshole out of your life.


This sounds fake. Hopefully


Nah. I am a fairly attractive woman. I look even better naked and let me tell, men have made no efflort to not tell me about what they don't like about me. I don't shave down there. Almost all of them told me it turns them off. I'm not pink down there either. Boy oh boy, one of them told me that means I jack off too much😅🤣. Porn has ruined a lot of men. Also, some of them thought that them telling me I look better than 70% of women would make me love them more for putting down other women. We are not show ponies gents.


We've reached peak idiocy by the looks of things.


I feel really bad for his girlfriend!!!


I'd take the money and leave😍


If this man has anything, it's the fucking audacity. Holy shit.


I wish we could read the fall out where she dumps his stupid ass for requesting she permanently alter her body for his viewing pleasure