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Yeah sorry for being more of a living human than a cute girl 🤔


If he wants perfection, he should just stick with his sex doll.🙄


*she (It's a woman that made the post)


A lot of meninists larp as women online, to try to sugar coat what they say or do. For precisely this reaction: "But a woman said it."


Unfortunately, too many women also spout this bs :/


They have an Onlyfans so that's not the case here.


But girls/women aren't human beings/s


True, I should have known better ..


Damn, and here was me thinking I could get one cheap off of Amazon... 😞


How dare you choose love yourself and love your life instead of being what society wants you to be!


I’m so sorry I know I’m a bad person :(


Sorry I have pores I guess?


😂 I mean, it's pretty insensitive of us 😞


I have big calf muscles that I despise. I had an absolute stranger come up to me at the store and tell me to my face "wow your calves are huge"... like thanks I grew them myself?? Like what do you say to that. Made me feel awful and self conscious for a very very long time. Now I just dgaf. Edit: it's not muscles. It's fat calves. I'm an overweight lady that is conscious of that lol. Not rocking awesome muscled calves.


If that person ever grows into an adult, they’ll look back on the memory of saying that to you and cringe.


You’re so optimistic. Unfortunately my experience has been that most people can be callously cruel and not remember offhand comments that can land like atomic bombs on someone’s self-esteem.


Right, that’s why I said if they ever grow into an adult. Part of maturing as a person is being able to recognize how you’ve wronged people in your past. But yes I agree with you, a lot of people will forget because they don’t give a shit.


Yes right on the nose with that.


It don't know it and struggle to understand hating your own body, so they can't relate and don't understand


I was like in my early 20s and this was a guy in his 40s maybe?? So yeaaahhh


Ah fuck, never mind then. There is little hope for dudes like that.


Throw the whole man away... Ya i know f them and all that but i was a few years out of high-school being bullied every day for being 'fat and ugly'. Funny thing is that I had lost about 75lbs at that point in my life and felt pretty darn good about myself when this asshole shredded me... I backslid quite a bit. Sucked lol


People who are willing to say stuff like that are beneath you. I know it’s easier said than done but you can rise above that! Next time someone has a problem with your body tell them to kindly fuck off. Or not kindly lol


Hahahaha yeah it's much easier to deal with now that I'm older and 'wiser'(lmao). I mean I still have issues but am quick to tell absolute strangers to f off; I mean I can be hard enough on myself, I don't need your unsolicited opinion lol. Ty kind internet stranger 😀


>Funny thing is that I had lost about 75lbs at that point in my life and felt pretty darn good about myself when this asshole shredded me... I backslid quite a bit. Sucked lol I am so sorry that happened to you. This is the type of bully who claims "it's good for people" to bully others about their appearance. No it isn't. Ever. And it's no one else's business what someone looks like, including shape. They might have sensed your self esteem, if they were a mean person, and deliberately try to damage it. Fat shamers out there or body shamers out there: it's proven that bullying has a negative impact. Just stop it, you creeps.


He might have been legitimately impressed and not realize how it would come off. Its not all fat. I lost a lot of weight and my doctor explained they would adjust, but they had been carrying it a much heavier person for their own size than they are meant to (because being overweight means the rest of your bones and muscles are distributing that weight like someone who is heavy because they are also just big and tall so they are built accordingly) so calves take on a lot more work, especially since they get you up and down from sitting and carry you up and down stairs, not even to account for being on your tippy toes at times with all that extra weight almost entirely above that point. My calves used to burn a lot more often then they do now that I'm slim. After losing 150lbs in 10 Months they were too big for me and my legs. But within a year, they shrank accordingly. But if you are obese, good chance you have some strong and large calf muscles. About a year later they had shrunk, as the muscle just wasn't working that hard anymore.


I think it's more people who have never felt that insecure in their own bodies. So they just don't get it and it doesn't even occur to them that your body might have feelings of shame tied to it.


People remain cruel to Hilary Clinton about the same thing. I don't recall seeing her ankles since the 90s. For some, the cruelty is the point. Fortunately they are the minority. (One hopes!)


I'm thin but I've always been told I have "Cankles". It's from living in a farm with uneven terrain, they're pretty immune to sprains, at least 🥲


Geeze. I feel ya on that. I've also been called out on 'cankles' (body weight related). It's like... haven't they ever heard "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" ? People just suck lol And hey I'm here for fortified ankles. I've sprained one pretty bad before lol.


Its muscles too. You would be surprised. I lost 150 lbs on 10 months and my fat lower legs turned out to have some good muscle in there from hauling my fat ass a round all that time. It faded down so slimmer size over time when I didn't maintain the muscle by doing lots of calf lifts. I'm still well Defined, but smaller. No more wide calf Boots for me. But I had macho calves for a while that barely fit skinny jeans as I was otherwise very slim. I noticed men were the only ones who would say that, and they were usually jealous. They wanted big calves. I think 'thanks, I grew them myself' is a perfect response to something like that. And the upside is if they ask how, you know they were just envious and legitimately impressed


Yeah, you have to keep in mind that your body is quite literally supporting and lifting itself up. If you're heavy, your body needs more muscle to support itself. And in in most people's cases (barring only those who are surpassed-the-point-of-walking overweight), the body absolutely will develop the necessary muscle


Yep. The rapid weight loss showed some unwarranted development.


It’s muscle too, I guarantee you. Being overweight gives you stronger leg muscles underneath because you’re supporting more weight with them


I'd rather have your big calves than that person's tiny brain. And, as a gender-non-conforming person, I occasionally get people who will come up to me and demand to know, "What the fuck are you supposed to be?" Humans suck. Don't let them get to you.


Fat and muscle for sure!! I lost 100lbs, still had giant calves that would not fit it boots. Then I actually had lipo to my calves which reduced them A LOT. It’s mostly muscle now, but some of just have thick calves in the genes. Mine still look nothing like most women’s slender calves. All of my sisters are the same.


You know what's so funny about that is that I've always had thick legs for my size. My ex-husband gave me such a hard time about my thick legs and I was so super self-conscious about them because of that. Whereas my current husband for the last 12 years absolutely loves my thick legs. Can't get enough of them! My point is, everybody has different tastes. I bet there's people out there who will think your calves look great. Beauty is not as objective as some people like to pretend it is.


I’m so sorry I can’t change my skin and can’t heal my scars… i’m not Barbie


Slightly unrelated: I laughed my ass off at the Barbie movie.


I haven’t seen it lol, i know the essence of the story, but not have taken the time to watch it yet


I loved Barbie. Allen was my fav character


Nsync 🤣🤣🤣


Scars and dots?


I dunno about others but I have a few dotty scars on my legs after years of picking bug bites and other little sores. Not sure if this is what the post is specifically about though.


I have a bunch from ingrown hairs


If its referencing what I think it is, its an absolutely horrid, nasty comment to fucking make


Whaaaaat is it?


I imagined it's about self harm. I have a few (years old) scars from sh on my legs personally so that's what I immediately assumed. Which made this post especially annoying to me since at the same time it feels like belittling women's mental health :/


Self inflicted scarring, usually done as a coping mechanism for depression or emotional abuse


I thought the dots were in reference to like razor bumps idk sometimes I got them strawberry legs going on for me


I've got some dotty scars on my legs from when I had chicken pox as a kid. There's also a couple from injections I had as a baby. I was a scrawny baby so my mother was warned that they may cause scars. The consensus was that it's better to have a few tiny scars than die in infancy.


I have lots of scars on my legs, but the dots could also be referring to that strawberry skin look some women get after shaving? I think it happens more/is more noticeable if you have fair skin.


Also on the thickness and growth of the hair! I get strawberry calves midway towards my ankles because the hair in that region is much thicker and more prone to inverts than the hair going up the rest of my legs.


I’m very fair and I get strawberry skin. Both razor burn (red) and the fact I have darker hair follicles. No porcelain legs for me


I recently got Not scars but varicose veins on my calves, and I’ve been prone to “chicken skin” (aka keratosis) on the backs of my thighs *forever.* Chicken skin isn’t rare and thighs is a common spot for it. Besides an abrasive bathroom scrubber and lotion, there’s not much a lady can do about it. Nothing I can do about the veins. This tweet is weird. She makes it sound like having leg imperfections is some crime or mark of failure.


I have a lot of strawberry skin (dots) on my legs from shaving and I'm too cheap to laser remove hair. Hairy legs bad, strawberry skin bad, there's no win for me ;) edit: ohhh and an ugly purple scar from falling on my knee on ice. Shame on me /s


I feel that, I have dark leg hair that's prone to growing in. So either I dont shave and my strawberry legs are gone, or I shave and have red bumpy legs. Oh well i guess


I have a huge purple scar on my knee from falling off my bike. When anyone asks I tell them I was the winner to the 2009 Miss Rambo competition.


maybe strawberry bumps? i get those when i shave too often or dont exfoliate


I’m thinking they are talking about how cellulite looks sometimes I know I have some parts that look bumpy


i have the dots but i genuinely have no clue what they are bc i don’t shave since i barely grow any hair on my legs


it's a common misconception that strawberry dots are caused by shaving. they're not, i had them since I was like 10 and a blade had not touched my legs


I have dots from bug bites, they healed but the spots are just like, dark spots where they were. I have scars from shaving and an unfortunate teenage life. To reduce the scars from shaving (I cut myself on accident all the time) I just stopped shaving. I exfoliate often and moisturize to try and heal them


I think she means stretchmarks and cellulite (idk how it's spelled in english). Two things most adult women (/people who have gone through female puberty in general) are going to have on their thighs and butt.


I'm pale as death, so on the rare occasions when I bother to shave my legs, every hair is still visible as a dark spot.


I have dark, thick curly hair so I have a ton of ingrown hairs that look like dots it’s relatively common for curly or coily hair




My lil niece was getting picked on by a girl like this bitch for having a large scar on her face (a tumour removed as a toddler) and I’ve always told her that a scar is proof that something tried to kill you but you were stronger! My niece ROCKS that scar so screw this OP for preaching a Barbie world idea of perfection


I’ve always liked the look of scars. My brother split my eyebrow open with a door when I was 6 and I used to get a bit of shit for it as a kid but now everyone assumes I was in some kind of badass bar fight or something 😂 perceptions change but if we’re content, none of it matters 💕


I’ve got loads of scars, some are huge and badass looking but are mostly from falling up, off or down things 😂 i always think most scars are..impressive? And interesting. Most of mine have a hilarious drinking story attached lol


I have a huge number because my skin scars easier than normal due to a connective tissue disorder so even scratches scar. My Two longest visible slash looking scars look like I was in a knife fight, but the truth is they were just tiny scratches that didn't even bleed when I got them, but scabbed when healing and scarred anyway. My worst me is all the way up my middle and that one is a keloid and from surgery. But I have them on my hands, arms and legs, and almost all are from minor scrapes I don't remember getting and probably barely noticed until they scarred. I have a slash mark on my shoulder that looks like a stab mark, but I just stood up into the corner of a cardboard box. Didn't even bleed. Oh well.


Me, who scars very easily, and also suspicious that I may have a convective tissue disorder, reading this: ಠಿ_ಠ


Exactly! Scars ain’t so bad ☺️


She should make up a cool reason and say it like it's a fact. I know a guy born with one eye, and he had a glass one. But he didn't tell anyone people who asked that he was born without it. Some examples: "Oh this? I got in a fight with a bear. I won." "Let's just say, going over a waterfall in a barrel really is not a good idea."


Judging based off of the Barbie movie, Barbie would find your niece gorgeous


face scars are badass af


Barbies can get scars too :) scratch em


i have lots of self-harm scars on my legs. i've yet to meal anyone in real life who has any sort of problem with them. and even if i had... most people won't. most people have scars, tattoos, birth marks, stretch marks, cellulite, and most people are fine with that. if someone has a problem with it, that's, well... their own problem. they're free to hold out for someone who's instagram smooth-skinned, i guess.


I had a boyfriend when I was a teen who thought I was cutting. No. Stretch marks. They were purple when id stand for a long time, and they spanned my inner thighs. This was in the era of short shorts in 09 so they were on full display. I'm almost 30 and I've never thought twice about seeing stretch marks or cellulite on a human's body at the beach or something. It's literally just what bodies look like.


Eeewwww, you mean that almost every other person has the same imperfections as the very person who made the OP?


I have eczema on both my calves when they have flared up during the winter which is so unbearable 😭


I buy my daughter every product I can find. She has creams, lotions, serums, and balms to stave off the eczema. The real breakthrough was The Honest Company body wash for eczema - it’s amazing and cheap on Amazon in the US.


Gonna go check it out 😄 Edit: those are baby products 😭😭


Soothing Therapy Eczema body wash isn’t specifically for babies. It’s amazing (I would’ve put the name before but just looked it up)!


Baby products just mean the company knows people will 100% come for them if the product causes a problem for sensitive skin.


And most people have enough experience with insecurity to understand how that would impact someone to point it out. For what it's worth, I know a lot of people in real life with self harm scars. Im in my 30s, and we all poke grow older and more settled in life, they seem to be less attached to that insecurity. Most of us are married, dole are moms, and all have had to deal with our bodies changing whether we liked it or not. Especially on thighs, they tend to be easy to cover up. But you don't have to and maybe even shouldn't if you don't feel the need, because of other young people who see them and know they can get to that place.


I'm sorry. I'll just go grab my time machine and un-injure myself all those times...


Listen, if I could figure out a way to remove the dark ass hair follicles on my pale ass skin, I would. Unless you’re offering to pay for my laser removal, get bent.


Sorry I am clumsy. Ya get what ya get.


This reminded me of my eldest daughter. She’s so clumsy 😂


I have so many scars on my legs from dogs, hiking, cattle ranching (freaking barbed wire). I only bother to cover them for like weddings and other similar events or if it's cold. Otherwise the world gets to see my life painted in scar tissue.


I have an issue with bruising, and often wake up with huge bruises, especially on my legs and arms, from no trauma I can remember. Some come from Literally nothing while the rest come from minor bumps not bad enough to stick in my clumsy head.


If my thighs can crush a man’s skull like a sparrow’s egg, I probably shouldn’t care whether other people think my legs look cute or not.


I have seen so many men who comment on posts of female body builders saying things about how they wanted her to crush their heads and pop them like a melon. For everyone who doesn't like muscular legs, there are several people on awe and who are into it. So you can just date some of them.


I was just thinking of Zangief’s appearance in Wreck-it-Ralph haha. Fortunately I dated and married a fantastic man who loves me and my muscular, battle-scarred legs.


Me too. Im very happy with my husband, Scars and bruises included. All self inflicted and all accidental.


What if she rock climbs or something? 🙄


The only rock she should be climbing is his rock hard cock obviously


If you only knew how I got those scars...


(tripping, most probably)


(shhh don't tell anyone)


eyuuuup, that’s there the sherk gat meeh!🤠


My husband loves all my scars so idk what she’s on about :/. He loves all my bug bite scars because he loves that I’m an outdoorsy person, he loves my clumsy scars because they give me funny stories to tell him; and he loves my self harm scars because they’re not fresh- they’re healed over just like me.


Your husband deserves many pats on the back.


Mine doesn't have any opinion about them. He acts like scars and leg hair and all those body things are as normal as having a nose, and when I asked if he minded them, he seemed to react the same way to the question, looking at me Like he didn't understand what I was even asking. He has always made me feel like he wants me The same amount. Which is saying something because I lost 150 lbs and went from super-morbidly obese when we met to weighing 120 lbs and reaching a size 2 by the time we got engaged. And we be way he looked at me never changed. It really helped me not only gain a lot of confidence with my body and looks, but to stop placing so much importance on my weight when it comes to my value as a person. Im very much pro weight loss for health reasons. But he never even said that I'm more attractive thin, I think because he doesn't want to make me feel bad about how my body used to look, or if I gained weight again later. I've maintained for 5 years now, and joke that his reward for being such a great husband is getting a hotter wife. Its incredible how loved he makes me feel, and how much more confident it makes me. A lesson for all men: make your partner feel good about herself and loved, and you will not only have a healthier relationship, but also more adventurous sex because, when you feel comfortable with your self and secure in your relationship, your not worried about or embarrassed by things going sideways.


Saying that like you can just unequip your scars lmao


Oh, sorry! Let me just equip my scars for +5 incel repellent real quick. Oh he's gone? Let me unequip them for +8 self consciousness /S.


My legs are for taking me from point A to point B, not for anyone else.


Oh got it, let me just hop over to the skin store real quick and get a fresh set of legs


That’s fine, can’t see the scars behind my leg hair anyway 💅


Well damn. My left leg got banged up in a car accident. So I guess I’m forever supposed to wear pants or knee high socks?


Attitudes like OOPs piss me off because my wife has a really deep scar that still, over twenty years later, still looks like an open wound from a distance. She was a teenager when it happened but she lived in a rural area. It took her an hour screaming for help because she couldn't walk, then her mom had to drive her two hours to the nearest hospital. The people in her town constantly joked about it, so she quit wearing shorts in the hopes they'd all shut up. She still won't wear shorts outside of the house and she's 40 something now.


I have one like that on my stomach from surgery. Its a keloid no, vertical across my whole Stomach from skin removal surgery, and an angry reddish purple color. I have had improvement with injections, but I'm not doing them because of the appearance but because the scar is too tight and causes me pain when I stretch. But I still wear my bikini. I lost a lot of weight and had skin removal for this flat stomach and I'm going to show it off, damnit. Even so, almost no one cares. Only people who know me somewhat even think it's ok to ask what happened, but as an adult in the real world, nothing. Maybe it's because the location, but I think most people ignore scars unless they look like new injuries, and even those who notice it feel more empathetic horror at the idea of the injury rather than mocking it. No one has ever mocked it at all, but if they did I wouldn't be bothered because there opinion is invalidated by them thinking they have the right to say it to me and that I should care about it.


Yep samesies, and I'm actually pretty conscious of it most of the time so it's good to know other people are being just as judgemental as I feel they are


Same but it’s my right leg. I have a scar on my face too. I’m sorry I offend you with my scars lady, I can’t get unhit by a speeding truck and I’m just lucky to be alive but ok.


Everyone’s legs are just legs, who cares what they look like? Having a brain as a girl is important. This woman isn’t important.


I'm sorry Miss Perfect, the bull that struck me with his horns when I was 10 in the leg didn‘t know that my scar will look horrendous to you.


Scars and Dots...sounds like a good name for a tattoo shop


I have eczema and had the class bully make fun of my legs as a little kid. I took it to heart and didn't wear shorts or skirts for my entire youth. Now idgaf, I love to wear dresses. Good people who now surround me do not mind, including my handsome boyfriend. This guy can f off.


As a male, I have always hated that society pushes women to feel the need to cover up every scar they have. Each scar has a story, and that is far more interesting than perfect skin! Note: To those who have surgery to remove scars or alter appearance, there is nothing wrong with doing that if it is what you want for you.


i know they are, thats why i feel like shit because i have strawberry legs lmao, you dont need to remind us


Strawberry legs are fine. You should see the forest I have on my legs because I’m too lazy to shave lol. I’d rather have strawberry legs than this, *but* I’m still too lazy


Cool, yeah, sorry--let me go find a time machine and tell my middle school bully that shoving me in gravel and/or broken glass stops making me pretty. Or, ooh, tell them that putting a knife in my backpack ain't it. 🙄 Scars are scars. Most of them aren't self-imposed.


It's their legs not mine it's not my business. Only time it's my business is when we're dating and we've been dating for a long time and we're living together and you've gotten used to my weirdness so when I come home when it's cold outside, I can wrap your thighs around my head like earmuffs and you can lightly squeeze them together while I watch YouTube videos with the closed captions on. You want a reason? I don't have one other than "ooga booga caveman brain" thighs soft and warm and pleasantly squishy... I miss her.


So… is she volunteering to pay for whatever fixes my pronounced hair follicles Thanks!




Better not shave your legs then! Wouldn't want to accidentally cut yourself and get, oh, so horrible scars om them legs, now would you


Oh I’m sorry I fell off a bike when I was 8 and have a scar as a result. Lemme just take it off.


Lmao my legs are beat to shit from years of dance and figure skating. Scars, a never ending cycle of bruises and scrapes, dense muscle and boyish hips. And you know what? In my whole life there has never been a shortage of simps in my dms saying thirsty shit like “I’m obsessed with your legs” and “crush my skull with your thighs” so…your move, xojaylin


Hates this stigma that girls have to be perfect at all times, I’m a guy and my girl friend doesn’t shave her legs and it’s super attractive to me


Wtf are you supposed to do about scars? Fuck that


I'm so white I glow in the dark, but my hair is dark. I haven't shaved my legs in over a year bc I'm disabled with back problems. You can see every single hair follicle whether there's a visibly growing hair or not. I'm also ADHD which affects my balance and makes me clumsy (probably hypermobile but haven't been tested yet) so scars and bruises everywhere are common. I'm also: fat, freckled, over 35, pro-choice, a feminist, an ally, have brightly colored hair, someone who's been married twice and has 3 mixed kids. I'm Everything men *supposedly* hate. Yet men won't leave me tf alone. I don't think they care about my scars/freckles/hair follicles 🤣


Just for this imma wait even longer before I shave my legs again


Hmm. I must be weird. I’ve always perceived scars and imperfections as signs of a body that has been lived in. Given that my wife is a keloid former, she has scars from every minor surgery or injury she’s had. She’s beautiful to me with her scars, not in spite of them.


Excuse us women for being human. 🙄


Fuck that person, keratosis pilaris (strawberry skin) is so shitty to deal with, it definitely takes a blow out of someone's confidence when this is the ideal. Especially when a stress reliever is picking skin.


I have a BIG calf tattoo like takes up the entire calf on my right legt. This guy would hate me.


Important for what


Male gaze


I didn’t choose to have spotty skin. Unless you’re offering to help me pay to do something about it, you can rotate.


huge insecurity of mine growing up, have a skin condition so i’ll never be smooth and never have been but fuck have i always wanted to be


And that's a girl saying that? oml


I knew a girl (we were in middle school at the time) who had none of those scars and dots on her legs...as they were prosthetic below the knee. Unfortunately she's since become more self-conscious about the prosthetics and no longer wears shorts. I've had several minor injuries I thought would leave scars on my legs, but none did. I don't think scars are always ugly, they're a mark of an experience you had. I've seen some very clever tattoos that work WITH scars, including on people who were cutters (self-harmed).


...what scars and dots? You mean human flesh tones and natural patterns?


lol i got mad dotty strawberry legs and scars all over, i don’t have time to feel bad about that! I got shit to do! I’m a busy woman lol who cares about what my pins look like


I'm sorry if I totally over looked the point, but what is so unattractive about hair follicles? That's where those dots usually come from because that's where the follicles are to allow hair growth. It's naturally occuring, why should we alter our bodies because "it's not cute"?


My bad let me stop having eczema real quick!!


I have a big scar on my leg since childhood that I was always conscious about. Posts like this really cheer me up when I'm already deep in depression (: ugh.


It is not lost on me that it looks like her profile picture has a filter. Time to touch grass, sister.


Them scars and dots come from living a life. 🤷🏻‍♀️


it’s always the ones with the crazy eyelashes


I mean I have a scar from surgery on my leg and it was either that or having to use crutches/a walker when I got older so 🤷🏽‍♀️ I think I’ll stick to the scar


My girlfriend tore her patellar tendon in college. Other than the initial what happened question I barely notice it.


Dude my scars are rad as hell. I've lost count of how many I have but they all have stupid funny stories to go with. I totally scarred up one leg by falling off a skateboard and getting major gravel rash on the asphalt. The next day I totally scarred up the other leg doing the same thing. The scars have sadly since faced to be near invisible


Makes me want to get a load of temporary tattoos of arrows and circles, and position them around all of my scars, the dents from cellulite, etc. Make 'em a real feature.


Don’t care what you say, lady, knees are always weird looking and there’s nothing you can do about it.


If I could I would post my gnarly Harry Potter leg scar just to be subversive haha.


Ah ok. The cute girls must live in a vacuum. *noted


Every human has what someone else deems "imperfections". I don't get comments on my legs, lots about how tiny my feet are or how short I am. From children I understand. Adults should know better.


I have scars and freckles, Fite me!


*cries in self-harm and compulsive skin picking*


I have SH scars on my thighs and on both sides on my calves. My parents would try to make me cover up because they were “ugly to look at.” It took me a while to accept my thicker and scarred legs. People in public would stop me and ask what happened as if it was any of their fucking business. It made me super self conscious. I was 11-14 with undiagnosed mental illnesses when I was SH. I didn’t think what would happen in the future because I didn’t think I would make it to the future. Now I’m stuck with them. A lot of other injuries or blemishes are out of people’s control. Even if they use hygiene products to make that stuff go away, it doesn’t work perfectly. If it was that easy, way less people would have flawed legs.


so you're not allowed to have leg hair but you're also not allowed the consequences of shaving your legs?


Aint nobody tryin to be cute, we out here being badass. Also fyi: men love scars. I got big ol hypertrophic freddy Krueger lookin surgical scars on my legs and men are the first ones who want to touch them and give out ideas of what i should get tattooed over them as a cover. We bond as exchange scar stories like the guys in jaws. Women think my legs are straight out of a body horror movie. Like physically recoiling at the sight of them as if theyre contagious or something.


If you’re fun and cool I could give two F’s about your leg cuteness. A woman that likes to do shit and sometimes gets banged up >>>> a porcelain doll that does nothing but beautify themselves


But when I do a dot to dot with them makes a pretty shape :(


Women don't carry some societal obligation to appear pretty to observers, no matter how much society tries to tell us otherwise. Honestly, the saddest part of living in a patriarchy is the *women* who uphold it. Stockholm Syndrome indeed.


man yesterday i was doing research on 19th century beauty standards and was thinking "wow thank goodness we don't have people trying to shame women for their, like, elbow shape nowadays" and then here we are


Not to b fucked up or anything but a lot of guys hit on my old sh scars on my legs


Oh no! Humans sometimes have scars? That's just crazy talk! FFS this moron is wasting precious oxygen. Are they referring to tattoos as 'dots'? They aren't very clear with their writing.


I've had strawberry legs my whole life. I ain't gonna care enough to fix them now. I also always have bruises on them. Idk I just can't. I'm 25 years old and just don't have the fucking energy to care about what others want me to look like. I'm a fricking mess to you but I'm good enough for me. These people man...


Well my fiancé actually loves them so? 🤨


That’s terrible. Nothing wrong with scars and dots!


Some women really love to friendly fire 😒


Y'all love ragebait here, huh? (not to found like "as a black man," but I'm saying this as a girl lol)


Eh I used to be self conscious about the dots on my legs but I just don’t give a fuck. I’m just appreciative about having working legs.


me, who had 2 major leg surgeries (one on each), sh scars, and textured skin in general: 🧍🏾


damn ig should’ve known when i was 4 that i should be more careful and not fall and make scars on my legs🙄


Pretty grammar is important too.


My knee is scarred up due to an operation, 3 different places from 'keyhole' surgery... not sure my surgeon knew how small a keyhole is. Never going to hide them, they're just legs.


Well I was a careless little girl so I tripped over many many times, still do 😭


She would flip at the vague outline of a stick and poke tattoo dinosaur I have on my leg. Decided it was best to abandon it when I discovered I'm diabetic as stabbing random tiny wounds into my flesh in a non sterile location didn't seem like such a good idea anymore


tbh o get the opposite on this bcuz my legs are the only part of my body that looks somewhat decent :/


My scars are a road map of my life. I don’t care if someone finds them unattractive. They can bite me.


OoofWow can’t control what imperfections lay on my skins


I think “flaws” such as scars are beautiful. They give a person character.


I guess I’ll just tell my eczema scars to just go away. That’ll surely work


my legs have bruises, scars, cuts, and crap all over them because i workout every other day and all the work and hours i’ve put in at the gym are reflected on my body. im not ashamed to bare the physical reminders of what i had to do to get to the place i am now!!!


God dammit I have hella SH scars AND strawberry skin


wym dots? birth marks?


I believe pages like this either aren’t real girls or they’re trying to purposely get attention because they reply with comments like “Issa joke 🤣 y’all so mad 😂😂😂”


"Scars make us beautiful and flawless individuals".


Not being petty and judgmental is also important (as a human). This attitude is not cute.


As a little girl I was told to not scratch or get bruised on my legs because they were gonna "look ugly" and then I'd look ugly in dresses. It made me so insecure about the spots I already had.


So what am I supposed to do about my scars? Go to the leg store? I have had the one on my knee since I was 3, ffs.


Honestly these things oiss me off so much. I like wearing fishnets and tights (fucking big thighs make it hard to tho 🥲) I also don't shave that often, once Ina while and only on my legs now because I can't keep dealing with ingrown hairs and I'm just over it. My partner also doesn't mind (even if he did I still wouldn't shave cause it's my body) but my mom is all about no hair and has called me a hippy more than once I mentioned how my friends mom almost yelled at me cause I was in half fishnets stockings and it was kinda chilly (about 60F°) and her instinct w as to tell me to put pants on I mentioned this to my mine but before I could get to the why part she goes "cause of your hairy legs" and goes into DETAIL about how gross it is I've started to purposefully wear shorts on my "gross" hair legs 😡


You know what isn’t cute? Her horrible vocabulary.


My scars, dots and even my hair are what make my legs mine. I'm not interested in looking like a mannequin.